corprol shepard

Are you a fellow Shepherd fan?

I'm hoping for a cameo at the very least. I'd love it if he had another expansion pack...

There are a lot of people who, for some weird reason, prefer to pretend that OP4 and BS never happened. Therefore an expansion pack would be better than a cameo for the simple reason that the Shepherd-haters wouldn't have to play it, IMHO.
I think it would be safe to say he will show up at some point. Perhaps not in HL2, but surely OP4 and BS are popular enough to warrant more expansions.

Would be cool to see him in HL2 at some point..or maybe just a reference pointing us to an expansion down the road.
However, how would Sheperd turn up, becuase he was in the American Army, so unless somehow the USA have survived and send the army in as back-up/help he probably won't turn up. However I suppose the G-Man may have his own plans for Sheperd. Hopefully he will turn up, cos he is pretty spectacular when it comes to clearing out aliens...
Barney was and still will be a supporting role, not a major character. Plus, Barney spends time in missions WITH Gordon, rather than paralell to him (as OP4, BS, etc. do)

Chris_D EDIT: Removed unconfirmed stolen build spoiler.
Well, Shepherd was left "somewhere where he could do no harm and no harm could come to him". The G-Man decided to preserve him for some reason. Perhaps he was interested in using him as another agent, like Gordon (Possibly as a backup in case Gordon started being disobedient), or maybe just because he liked him.

I reckon a good starting point for a Shepherd expansion would be either him being involved in some kind of military mission for the G-Man (Maybe as the leader of some of the G-Man's personal soldiers, if he has anything like that) that goes wrong, or maybe he could be in given an unexpected opportunity to escape from Xen, or wherever he's being kept...

And I reckon Barney will get an expansion. Maybe set in between Black Mesa and HL2.

[EDIT]: Punisher, I hope that's not a freaking Stolen Build spoiler...
PunisherUSA said:
Barney was and still will be a supporting role, not a major character. Plus, Barney spends time in missions WITH Gordon, rather than paralell to him (as OP4, BS, etc. do)
Shut up! No! *covers ears* shut up shut up shut up! Wuhaaaa!
Maybe he will dress up lika a combine, and pretend to be a combine, for some reason that i do not know.
omg, chris_d, how would you know? I can honestly and truthfully say that I have not played the leaked build. But thats hilarious that my guess is seen as or has the possibility of being seen as unconfirmed rumors from the stolen build. If that is honestly and truly the reason why you edited, I understand, but it's just so funny that I could be right with a pure guess!!

My 'spoiler' was a joke and a guess, but now a few chosen know the truth! [without playing the leak] :LOL:
You seemed to be stating it as pure fact, not as speculation or in a joking manner. Therefore it was seen as possibly coming from the stolen build, and removed. Even I can see that...
hmmm, how to word this....

If I knew it for a fact, I would have stated it in the form of '[proper noun] [action]s' rather than '[proper noun] WILL(in caps none theless) [action]!!'

But like I said, I haven't played the leak, and I understand chris_d's edit.

Btw, does that mean that said subject is not allowed in the rumors and speculation forum because it is unconfirmed?
What about all the threads where people say "Gman is Hordon!! LOLZZ!!"
Both of these statements are equally unconfirmed, as the game is not out yet, or did I have to put a LOLZ!! in my 'spoiler' to notify it was a joke, not a statement of a fact?

Once again, my goal is not to piss off mods/admins or spoil the minds of the hl plaayers with leaked information.

well there wont be a second expansionpack for barney . he has a speaking role ,and he will see gordon too often. and he wont get an expansion pack between BMRF and HL2 cos we see only the same incident from other points of view.
a cameo would be nice, or just a reference to him would be cool. it would be like: "corprol shepard!?!?? im him also!!!!!!!"
shepard is cool but i still think that gearbox didnt make their job very well . . .
eber said:
well there wont be a second expansionpack for barney . he has a speaking role ,and he will see gordon too often. and he wont get an expansion pack between BMRF and HL2 cos we see only the same incident from other points of view.
But according to a rumour Calhoun starts the game dressed as a combine, it would be cool to see how he works undercover in the combine. He didn't have to meet Gordon even once if they end it before gordon arrives.
(this is not the illegal build/alpha/beta/tech demo, it's something I heard on this forum)
I agree with AJ Rimmer. Who says BS 2 has to occur during Gordon's three days of HL2? i think if they did do BS 2, it should show what he did and how he survived after BMRF. How he got out of the U.S. and ended up in Europe with Gordon, and how he got hold of the supposed undercover combine job...
AJ Rimmer said:
God I hope Barney Calhoun get a new expansion.
Yeah I bet he will; I'm guessing it'll be a prequel to the events of HL2, and the same goes for Alyx.
I think corprol shepard will be cleaning up Gordon's mess I mean after the end of HL2 or He is the Combine before Gordon shows up and had to handle something and died trying to fight off the Combine. :borg:
VALVe should come out with a game that helps you learn about what happened over the span that Gordan was in a coma...
Well, all these theoretical expansions... annoy me in a slight way. The Alyx's viewpoint rumour-cum-confirmed-reality expansion seems... odd. She and Calhoun are speaking characters, and I've never felt quite right playing speaking characters in the HL universe. Mind you, we played an oddly mute Calhoun in Blue Shift, so maybe they'll lose the collective use of their tongues again.
Edcrab said:
Well, all these theoretical expansions... annoy me in a slight way. The Alyx's viewpoint rumour-cum-confirmed-reality expansion seems... odd. She and Calhoun are speaking characters, and I've never felt quite right playing speaking characters in the HL universe. Mind you, we played an oddly mute Calhoun in Blue Shift, so maybe they'll lose the collective use of their tongues again.
Yea... i remember reading an Interview with Gabe. He said that the character you play in the game dont speak... or something along those lines ...
sroom2 said:
Yea... i remember reading an Interview with Gabe. He said that the character you play in the game dont speak... or something along those lines ...
Wonder if we'll ever see Gordon playing as another character and him speaking. I would cry.
Everybody seems so sure that Barney will have his own expansion, but I find it unlikely. We haven't recieved so much as a hint for that idea, but I personally wouldn't feel right playing as him. Don't ask why, because I'd go on a page-long rant about it.
Absinthe said:
Everybody seems so sure that Barney will have his own expansion, but I find it unlikely. We haven't recieved so much as a hint for that idea, but I personally wouldn't feel right playing as him. Don't ask why, because I'd go on a page-long rant about it.
But you've played as him befo... oh sorry, I shouldn't ask.
AJ Rimmer said:
But you've played as him befo... oh sorry, I shouldn't ask.


No, I'm gonna hold back. It's one of those things where I know so clearly what I mean, but I don't know how the hell to put it down in text. I'd have to go on an endless rant about character development, loopholes, Valve philosophy, consistency, the HL timeline, baby seals, etc... And with my current headache, I think I'd die.

On a sidenote, I like this smiley. :imu: But I have no idea what it is.
I think its a rabbit mixed with an emu... :imu: :imu:
I prefer Shepard than Gordon, I would love to see him in HL2, that would be great, but I dont think that Valve will use Shepard, I don't know why they diden't use Shepard instead of Barney, Barney is kind of gey. Plus we haven't seen any actor doing the voice of Shepard. I guess that Shepard must be Copy write.
I reckon Shepherd would just have the voice of one of those Marines. Barney, after all, has kept the generic security guard voice...
The only things i remember Barney saying are "Remember when we thought Black Mesa was as bad as it could get?" and "Cover me Gordan!" But thats only in the vids... o yea... an off topic question... remember when Gordan met that guy in that E32k4 vid? The one that told him to tread lightly? What the heck were those things that were attacking Gordan? Were they zombies?
I dunno. Some of them were apparently a sort of fast zombie, which, you can see in the screenshots, have a different sort of headcrab. But apparently there's another lot of creatures in the graveyard too, according to the previews I've read. Dunno what they are, I haven't seen the vid in question yet...
Looks basically like they're what happens when a headcrab takes over a semi-decomposed body. It's in a cemetary after all.
And for God's sake, sroom2 - it's Gordon
el Chi said:
Looks basically like they're what happens when a headcrab takes over a semi-decomposed body. It's in a cemetary after all.
And for God's sake, sroom2 - it's Gordon
My bad.. my bad G o r d o n, G o r d o n, G o r d o n, :dork:
We will see Shepard I bet, maybe as an easter egg when were in the train station one of the rooms they will drag a Marine's body out of.