Counter-Strike: Source Market - Weapon Pricing

I had this idea a while ago, great to see it being implemented :D
Final nail in the head for competitive gaming. How are you supposed to have a fair cyber-athletics match when for one match the best gun is six grand, and the next time it is four. Its a ****ing stupid move by valve, the majority of gamers want a tighter more skill based game as you can see from the figures of people who play 1.6 against thoose who play source.
Valve should give the server admins the option to turn off dynamic pricing and leave the prices like they are now. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea but it would be nice for those who don't.
Final nail in the head for competitive gaming. How are you supposed to have a fair cyber-athletics match when for one match the best gun is six grand, and the next time it is four. Its a ****ing stupid move by valve, the majority of gamers want a tighter more skill based game as you can see from the figures of people who play 1.6 against thoose who play source.

Has it been stated that it can't be turned off for matches?
Sounds like another great idea!

Finally, making the game truly dynamic!
I think this is a really nice idea...much better than just changing the base-prices like I think most people thought it would be done, since then a lot of people would undoubtly disagree with how Valve choose to price weapons...this way the players kind of price the weapons thru the use of them and it will hopefully be quite fair.

I'm excited to see how this turns out....hopefully it will work like Valve has planned.

pros: adds a new dynamic to the game, hopefully some of the less used weapons will see more use. adds a fairly gentle auto-balance to the weapons, rather than changing stats of the weapons which people would surely bitch about, the price will change, if the AWP is over-used the price will go up and it will simply be harder to aquirer(but won't mess up anyones game, if they do get it).

cons: adds new dynamic to game, having prices change around every week might have people overspend and not afford what they originally wanted to buy. oddities, hopefully valve has implemented a minimum and maximum price range or we could end up seing some weird stuff going on.(actually I'm wondering if the prices will be able to go BELOW the current prices)
could possibly make it even harder for new people to get into the game.(good players will still be able to easily afford new prices, while new players have an even harder time getting good guns)
This is really cool. Makes me wish I had played CSS, or even had it fully downloaded but methinks the amout of 1.6 players is going to go up.
Cool idea, it's fresh and innovative so therefor it must be given a chance.

CS purists can GTFO back to 1.6, shoo! CSS can't be expected to stand still.

But as said, might be a problem for matches. If it can be turned off, then it's all good.
cons: adds new dynamic to game, having prices change around every week might have people overspend and not afford what they originally wanted to buy. oddities, hopefully valve has implemented a minimum and maximum price range or we could end up seing some weird stuff going on.(actually I'm wondering if the prices will be able to go BELOW the current prices)
could possibly make it even harder for new people to get into the game.(good players will still be able to easily afford new prices, while new players have an even harder time getting good guns)
Yeah basically my fear is that the people who are disadvantaged will be all the more casual players. Some people can shoot someone in the eye from 200m away regardless of what gun and they will always have $16000 and it wont hurt them in the slightest. I do hope theres some form of artificial cap so that over time there is enough good guns still retained at the lower end of the scale affordable for 2nd round ect.

It's early days but so I guess well see what effect the adjustments makes in comming weeks.

Id also be all for an admin option to disable it and would actually be suprised if they hadnt provided such an option.
I'm intrigued by the idea, but if the consequenses of this is more expensice ak/colt and less expensive awp I say the system is flawed.

I would have prefered static price-changes that made the less popular weapons more attractive in eco-rounds and instead bumped the price of the best (ak/colt/awp) weapons somewhat.

If this system for example makes the awp+armor+deagle combo the same price as before, but makes the armor+deagle combo USD 400 more expensive I would call that extremely detrimental to both public and competitive play. Remains to be seen, though.

This is stupid. It kills competitive gaming because no one will buy the cheaper guns. An M4 at 6,000 dollars is still orders of magnitude better than a FAMAS at 2,000. It's a simple fact. The less used guns are less used because they are bad, not because they are expensive. Only newbies and people who want to **** around will use the other guns. The rest of us will still use the M4, AK47 and AWP, because they are the most effective. This change will just slow the game down, skew the game towards the Ts even more (CTs already have a tough time outfitting themselves fully compared to Ts) and just muck everything up more than it needs to be.

The reason the M4 and AK47 are used the most are because they are the best guns in the game. Price has little to do with it. This entire update reeks of unnecessary change and idiocy. The pricing scheme assumes all guns are equal, but they aren't. A TMP is garbage, no matter what it's price is. The AK47 and M4 will always remain the most bought rifles, regardless of reasonable pricing. SMGs are garbage, and always will be. They are too inaccurate to use long distance and deal too little damage up close (takes 3 hits to the head w/ helmet at least, or 6-8 in the chest). They are only good vs unarmored foes, but so are the rifles. SMGs offer no advantage whatsoever over rifles.

Frankly, CSS did not need this update at all. The guns were balanced. The pricing scheme worked. Now, you can't even buy a deagle on a save round, because it's high price precludes it's use. The whole point of a save round is saving your money for the next round. A deagle at 900 bucks is just too expensive to do that. And the pistol prices won't mean a thing, simply because those pistols are garbage. CTs already start with the best or second best (depending on your viewpoint) pistol in the game. No one buys the glock because it's bad, not because it's too expensive. Making it free won't make the glock more used.

I've supported source since it went public beta in 2004. I like it a lot and I've played in leagues since they supported it. However, a change like this is just unnecessary and extremely flawed. It is extremely detrimental to the competitive arena. Public servers are already newbie-friendly; 25% of pub servers have the AWP disabled or restricted, and 20% of all server have 16k start money. For the vast majority of pubbers, this change will have little to no effect. It's the competitive players who hurt from this change. The lesser guns will remain less used, regardless of price. I can't see myself using a FAMAS at 1,800 while the M4 is at 4,500. The M4 is just that good. Nor can I see myself using the galil at 1,800 while the AK is at 3,000. Again, the AK is better in every way, even at that price differential. Most competitive people would agree. The whole economy of save rounds goes out of whack as well. It will be much harder than it already is to win a save round. Deagles are too expensive to buy on a save round at 900 bucks. Stuck with USPs or glocks vs automatic weapons? No thanks. It also gives a HUGE momentum bonus to those winning rounds. The effective guns, like AWP, M4, and AK47 will cost more money, meaning less money to go around for nades, flashes, smokes, and armor. Buying the less effective guns is akin to gambling. They are simply not consistent enough to use in a match. I can say with near certainity that losing the first 4 rounds in a match (pistol, two saves, gun round) will be a death knell for the half. The losing team will be way too money-****ed to do anything for another round at least, maybe even two if prices go high enough. Competitive CS:S will turn into a joke. Instead of having 8 or 9 gun rounds (both sides have full equipment), we'll see maybe 3 or 4 gun rounds with many more save rounds.

Unless there is a cvar restricting this new pricing model, I really don't see the competitive Source scene surviving. It's already struggling hard today. CEVO-A only has about 100 teams active and CAL-O has 300 active teams by the second week. Trust me, that's not a very large amount. Additionally, Source has far fewer LANs than 1.6. Competitive Source needs help not deterance. Changes like these will only fuel the exodus away from source. I, myself, definitely won't compete with an update like this affecting my team.

lol, wrong
Almost any gun kills in a few decent shots. If you can't aim, tough luck.
I think it's kinda stupid. This means the M4, AK, Deagle, MP5 will soar in price. I'm sure this includes flash and HE nades. I just don't like a "economy" thing in an FPS. Sure put an economy in WoW or Guild Wars...but CS? C'mon now.
I also want to see how it turns out. Should be fun stuffs.

Oh, and for those wondering the pros of SMG's? Greater spraying accuracy.

To the X-treme!

Seriously, this probobly has never been done before, and I fully endorse it. Kickin!

It depends how it's done, really.

If you have the option to disable it, then no harm done, Those who like can use it, those don't don't have to.

If the weapon prices are changed each week relative to their original base price, it won't make a huge difference because nothing is ever going to go up or down by more than a few hundred.

If, however, they are changed relative to their prices last week, it may get a bit ridiculous, because as others have said good guns will end up ridiculously expensive and you'll have to eco to get an mp5 :|

I'm probably just going to play on servers with it disabled, I really hope that doesn't mean I have to go back to 1.6 :|
lol, wrong
Almost any gun kills in a few decent shots. If you can't aim, tough luck.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you're wrong as well :) . Any gun you pick in CSS is not equivalently as accurate/powerful as another. Even M4A1 much of the time is not 1 round-to-the-head kill, often dealing 85-95 dmg. You can aim all you want with a 5-7 but it's not gonna do much good since it'll take 8 rounds (or maybe 3 carefully aimed close range shots to the head) to bring the guy down, if you're lucky.

I can't agree more with others asking for a cvar to disable this. But that being said, I actually think this might be better than the crazy new radar system they put in (which I admit I enjoy at times but it is WAY too helpful compared to the original :) ).
I think this sounds like a very interesting idea. Although I could appreciate why the CS/CSS die hard could get concerned about it. They like things as they are & don't really appreciate change. It was the same when the new radar appeared. It didn't go down to well for many. I didn't like it myself at first but I love it now. It's very useful in game & I think effects play tactics in a positive way. Hopefully the new weapon pricing system will do the same.
Final nail in the head for competitive gaming. How are you supposed to have a fair cyber-athletics match when for one match the best gun is six grand, and the next time it is four. Its a ****ing stupid move by valve, the majority of gamers want a tighter more skill based game as you can see from the figures of people who play 1.6 against thoose who play source.

I think this will increase player skills by discouraging weapon "whoring". (eg maps full of awpers). I think financially encouraging players to use (what will initially be) the less popular weapons will force people to rely on their actual tactical skill at fps, and not how well their cerebellum remembers the twitches required for awp aiming, or the control of m249 recoil.

let the purists play 1.6, as far as I know, the majority of gamers want a fun game.
zomg! The radar change is going to kill CSS, zomg the AWP changes to 1.6 is going to kill the game, zomg taking out bunny hoping is going to kill the game etc,etc,etc.

See a pattern? And who the **** cares about what the "pro" community wants? If they had their way we would still be playing CS beta 1, because they can't adapt to change for shit and will piss and moan about it to the high heavens every time an ickle change is made to the game.

I'm still waiting for my free wallhack from the radar change ... because, ya know that was totally meant to "noob" up the game and all the "pro" players would leave for the crappy 1.6.
Has it been stated that it can't be turned off for matches?

No instead the kids will sit on forums whining about this shit till it happens. They must also jump to conclusions about updates, negativity of this community really suprises me.
For those wondering about whether it uses the base prices or previous prices to update every Monday, I'm pretty sure it will use the previous. I mean that's just common sense. You say "ZOMG THE PRICES WILL GO SKY HIGH!!" Uhh, no, think it through there pal. If it gets high enough the amount of people buying it will drop severely. And guess what that means. Price will go back down.
It's called inflation.

I'm still totally for this update. I also don't understand the people complaining yet they say they can still afford the gun anyway because they are so good at the game. Then why the **** do you care?
I wonder if the prices will go above 16k? How about grenades? They are a weapon after all.

I can see m4a1's and ak's going up in price for a few weeks before people think "Shit! I'm tired of spending 10k on an m4 only to die 30 seconds later" ;)

I don't play CS:S much anymore, so I don't care that much. Seems like a fun idea though :)
Horay for econ 101!

It's also pretty funny that on the list there are 3 weapons where the prices have gone up. The rest of the guns in the game have gotten cheaper.
Well, look at it like this, if everyone buys NOTHING but flashbangs, and the price goes up by %100, that's only $400 a flash bang, so it would take several weeks of everyone buying NOTHING but flashbangs for it to go up that much.
It's already started.

I went on a Public server and said "Dynamic Pricing FTW!" and some 1.6 player moaned at me and called me a "pub nub" and said that " don't have a clue".

I feel sorry for the mass of sad, sad people who play this game just to moan.
I personally think this is a great idea and I'm interested to see how it plays out.
I barely play CS but everytime I allways try to use the less famous guns,I know how to fire the ump,well I am not a expert but better using the ump that the other people

and this stuff seens interesting cuz it will make the people to buy the other weapons,cuz is boring and repetitive when everyone use the same gun and the same tatics and that stuff

one funny thing is that when I play cs in cybercafes lan,and I kill many people whit a less famous weapon,in the next round everyone uses the same weapon
$4,098,615,950 on the Deagle alone!? I kind of like this, it gives me an idea on who buys what but I thinlk this might mean the rise of more FY maps from people who complain about everything.
I love how they are gonna do bargains.

Hm.. I'm now thinking of a sell system :) You can just sell your guns for half the price, and they stash up in a 'second hand' market. Then both teams can buy them for lower prices (limited stock ofcourse, first buyer wins).
zomg! The radar change is going to kill CSS, zomg the AWP changes to 1.6 is going to kill the game, zomg taking out bunny hoping is going to kill the game etc,etc,etc.

See a pattern? And who the **** cares about what the "pro" community wants? If they had their way we would still be playing CS beta 1, because they can't adapt to change for shit and will piss and moan about it to the high heavens every time an ickle change is made to the game.

I'm still waiting for my free wallhack from the radar change ... because, ya know that was totally meant to "noob" up the game and all the "pro" players would leave for the crappy 1.6.

Quoted for ridiculous amount of truth, seriously congrats, everybody and their grandmother seems to be a "pro" :cheers:

Also, I think this stock market on guns idea is friggin' awesome, will mix up the game a bit, and yes without killing the game....
lol, wrong
Almost any gun kills in a few decent shots. If you can't aim, tough luck.

Are you shitting me? I've been play CS since beta 5, when the colt had a scope on it. I've been to CPL (4th and 6th places with shockwave and u5), I've played CAL-Premier in 1.6 with e-police. I routinely go 4-1 or 5-1 on pubs with just the deagle. If we ever play 1on1, you'll be lucky if you can go 1:2 against me. I'm not bragging, but that's the truth.

The galil and FAMAS can not hold a candle to the M4 and AK. The FAMAS is a thousand bucks cheaper. It'd be a mainstay of the CT game if it could frag. CTs already have a difficult time fully outfitting themselves. Why spend the extra 900 or 1000 bucks to buy a colt? It's because it's better and less random than the FAMAS. Likewise for the galil. It's just bad compared to the AK47. And those are the best bad guns in the game. SMGs are even worse than those guns, not able to compete at all.

This update will make momentum that much more powerful. Instead of having 8 or 9 gun rounds (in a 15 round match), we might only see 3 or 4 gun rounds. It places even more weight on Ts pistol round because the glock is terrible, while the USP is awesome. All in all, this update shits on competitive game play.
Do you feel lucky punk? Then press autobuy! :laugh:

Well, I guess the scout will be cheaper now.
I always thought it was overpriced. :sniper:
I hope the price of flashbangs goes through the roof! ****ing annoying bastads that they are. Yeah, yeah. I know they're part of the game, he said running aroound deaf & blind for half the match!
I cant see this negatively effecting anyone but the people who have set money-based strats. If it becomes a real issue, im sure valve will make it a server option or somthing along those lines.