Crazy Scientologists!

How about a virgin giving birth to the son of an immortal, any better?

Well, a mulditude of people created this idea, while scientology was some sci-fi writers imagination that some wierdos took really serieosuly. Bieng a scientologist is like believing the force is real or that hogwarts is a real school.
How about a virgin giving birth to the son of an immortal, any better?
*Shrug*. I never said Christianity was logical either. Do you think I'm a Christian? the way you wrote that makes it seem you do.
Not atall, I'm just saying that if Christianity was created at the same time as scientology we would be ripping into that just as much aswell :P.
Not at all, I'm just saying that if Christianity was created at the same time as scientology we would be ripping into that just as much aswell :P.
Indeed, but Christianity was created in a time when people thought a magic man struck them down with bolts of liquid PAIN. Scientology is, well, a few decades old, and created in a (seemingly) more sane world.
Not atall, I'm just saying that if Christianity was created at the same time as scientology we would be ripping into that just as much aswell :P.
Of course we would, because we'd realise how mental it all is.

And I finished watching the Panorama show. The guy that kept following him look just like Tom Cruise, and had the same annoying mannerisms and confidence.
Not atall, I'm just saying that if Christianity was created at the same time as scientology we would be ripping into that just as much aswell :P.
But come on. Scientology was written by an actual science-fiction writer, whereas Christianity is really too old to prove that Jesus 'didn't' exist. Scientology is easy to debunk because anyone with a face can see it's a crock of shit, and while I completely agree that Christianity is really lame, there is less to debunk, which is why more people believe it. Probably.
But yes, had Christianity been created now, then more people would be like "yeah w/e", because it was probably some guy doing magic tricks.
Scientology's have labor camps for those weak on faith.

It's ****ing wack, but I have no more respect for any other religion.
I have even less respect for Scientology than any other religion precisely because of shit like this.
But come on. Scientology was written by an actual science-fiction writer, whereas Christianity is really too old to prove that Jesus 'didn't' exist. Scientology is easy to debunk because anyone with a face can see it's a crock of shit, and while I completely agree that Christianity is really lame, there is less to debunk, which is why more people believe it. Probably.
But yes, had Christianity been created now, then more people would be like "yeah w/e", because it was probably some guy doing magic tricks.

Acctually Jesus did exist, was recorded, but the thing is whether hes believed to be the messiah or is believed as a lie.
Just watched panorama over youtube. Nothing new, but it does rienforce it - scientologists brainwash potentail followers, are extremly fanatical, they stalk and inspire fear in anyone who publically questions them, the tear families apart, deny the holocaust and think physcyatrie is bullshit.

In short, their crazy.
I'm a scientologist, and I find your negative remarks upsetting.
Well, sorry if I offened you but *:laugh:* Xenu. Plus, if you acctually watch the program, it reveals that it was created by a paraniod manaic and many of its followers follow suit.
Appreciated if you didn't use the word "twists". We have what is viewed as the correct translation of the bible because it has undergone mistranslations through the centuries. The Bible is very important to us, however, the keystone of our religion is the Book of Mormon.

Although the word cult fits your definition, it also has others. In my opinion, the reason why the LDS Church is viewed as a "cult" is due to our standards that we hold and may be viewed as extreme or overzealous. Because a great majority believe, "who in the right mind would give up drinking, smoking, sex before marriage, pornography, etc. Gotta be brainwashing or something or other."

Of course not everyone in our religion holds up to that standard. Everyone makes mistakes, especially me.

And no, I wasn't brainwashed :rolling:
Your beliefs are just as irrational as the Scientology's. I challenge you to try and substantiate them in the politics forum.
Appreciated if you didn't use the word "twists". We have what is viewed as the correct translation of the bible because it has undergone mistranslations through the centuries. The Bible is very important to us, however, the keystone of our religion is the Book of Mormon.

Although the word cult fits your definition, it also has others. In my opinion, the reason why the LDS Church is viewed as a "cult" is due to our standards that we hold and may be viewed as extreme or overzealous. Because a great majority believe, "who in the right mind would give up drinking, smoking, sex before marriage, pornography, etc. Gotta be brainwashing or something or other."

Of course not everyone in our religion holds up to that standard. Everyone makes mistakes, especially me.

And no, I wasn't brainwashed :rolling:

oh you're definately brainwashed ..not the "electrodes to the head/eyes wired open" kind but you are brainwashed in the sense that everything about you is tempered by your religion, from your ideological pov to your choice of words.

oh and lol at "the right interpretation of the bible" ..isnt that what every christian group says? ..and it doesnt make sense because the entire bible is an interpretation; from one version to the next handed down first by word of mouth,and then written and rewritten for centuries till some dude in iowa discovered the real bible in the form of magical golden plate in 1830 in new york state no less ..I mean come on you cant expect rational people to accept that as the true word of god

there's no way anyone could ever say their version of the bible is the "authentic" word of god

on topic, ya scientologists suck and they've done this in the past ..they even been implicated in spying on the US government
I love how you're supposed to pay in order to start practicing the religion. Riiiightttt.
Solaris & Stern or anyone else who thinks I am ignorant for my beliefs, and actively seek out anyone with a faith to call them mindless.

I will always have a testimony of God and of my church, that will never change. I am not harming you in anyway for having the beliefs that I have. I believe in having compassion towards everyone, being productive, gaining an education and teaching others, as does my religion.

I don't care if you think I am a moron for believing what I do. I think you are a moron for putting so much of your focus in condemning people's beliefs. You say it's for everyone's benefit. If that's your reasoning, there's a lot more you can be doing to benefit everyone around you. If you're trying to help me, then why do you call me and everyone else who believes in God an idiot? Do you find joy in trying to offend someone for the beliefs that he or she may hold? .

What makes my beliefs so offensive to you? How am I effecting you? When you wake up, does my faith somehow dampen your day? Am I somehow holding you back from accomplishing something?

If you truly believe my faith is something so insignificant, then why do you take every opportunity to try and offend me in my beliefs?

Please explain because I don't understand. If my beliefs are to benefit the society of man and promote happiness, then why do you try and humiliate me?

Because someone with a religion supports brainwashing, blowing themselves up, committing mass suicide, I should be labeled under the same "dangerous" and "harmful" standing?

Seems to me the worse things in this world are done out of hate. Maybe you should take a look at yourself.
I'm with Uriel. I may not share his beliefs, but I defend his right to have them and detest your lack of respect for them. GET OFF HIS BACK YOU MONSTERS.

And no, i'm not a scientologist either. I believe in myself.
Solaris & Stern or anyone else who thinks I am ignorant for my beliefs, and actively seek out anyone with a faith to call them mindless.

I will always have a testimony of God and of my church, that will never change. I am not harming you in anyway for having the beliefs that I have. I believe in having compassion towards everyone, being productive, gaining an education and teaching others, as does my religion.

I don't care if you think I am a moron for believing what I do. I think you are a moron for putting so much of your focus in condemning people's beliefs. You say it's for everyone's benefit. If that's your reasoning, there's a lot more you can be doing to benefit everyone around you. If you're trying to help me, then why do you call me and everyone else who believes in God an idiot? Do you find joy in trying to offend someone for the beliefs that he or she may hold? .

What makes my beliefs so offensive to you? How am I effecting you? When you wake up, does my faith somehow dampen your day? Am I somehow holding you back from accomplishing something?

If you truly believe my faith is something so insignificant, then why do you take every opportunity to try and offend me in my beliefs?

Please explain because I don't understand. If my beliefs are to benefit the society of man and promote happiness, then why do you try and humiliate me?

Because someone with a religion supports brainwashing, blowing themselves up, committing mass suicide, I should be labeled under the same "dangerous" and "harmful" standing?

Seems to me the worse things in this world are done out of hate. Maybe you should take a look at yourself.

Solaris & Stern or anyone else who thinks I am ignorant for my beliefs, and actively seek out anyone with a faith to call them mindless.

I cant speak for the rest of those you would accuse but I dont actively seek out anyone based on faith ...I couldnt care less what you or anyone else believes in. I'm not saying that out of malice or hatred of religion or whatever ..I say it because it's true: I dont care what beliefs people subscribe to, however once the religion itself starts to push it's moral identity into society in general attempting to shape and mold it to their narrow pov then it's only natural for criticism to arise, especially from those that see them for what they really are ..charlatans more interested in pushing their ideology no matter how irrational over universal truth and sanity ...but I digress and you probably dont understand it (not calling you a moron, just saying that's it's difficult for anyone to understand who's not an outsider looking in)

Your reaction to my post gives me the impression that you didnt understand what I was saying: in no way was I being insulting of your faith ..I may have been blunt but my statements were factual nonetheless ..and that's what you should be focusing on here: the content of my post NOT the tone

I will always have a testimony of God and of my church, that will never change.

that's your perogative, I dont care what you do ..I say that honestly and without malice

I am not harming you in anyway for having the beliefs that I have.

no, not you specifically and your religion is somewhat isolationist but still religion itself is an impedence to progress the sooner it's left behind the better

I believe in having compassion towards everyone, being productive, gaining an education and teaching others, as does my religion.

for sure mormons and other christian groups do charitable work but if we are to look at their totality the picture isnt quite so rosy ..from denying specific groups basic human rights to opposing the advancement of science to abhorrent negligent behaviour that leads to the needless deaths of innocents religion has it's dark ugly side ..often overshadowing their good works

I don't care if you think I am a moron for believing what I do.

again this proves you didnt understand my post ..what I said about your religion tempering your personality is true: you are who you are because of your faith ..there is nothing wrong with that statement, you just chose to see it as insulting ..I can assure you it's not

I think you are a moron for putting so much of your focus in condemning people's beliefs.

you're entitled to your opinion no matter how inaccurate it may be ..again I dont care what individuals believe in ..if I focus on anything it's the actual religion itself, not it's followers ..unless they do something stupid which point the gloves come off

You say it's for everyone's benefit.

not sure where you're getting at but if you're implying that getting rid of religion would be to everyone's benefit then I'd have to say I agree with you ...hey, you said it not me

If that's your reasoning, there's a lot more you can be doing to benefit everyone around you. If you're trying to help me, then why do you call me and everyone else who believes in God an idiot?

again I'm not trying to help you or anyone else "see the light" ..I might as well tell the river to flow upstream or move a mountain (I like big biblical sounding analogies :) )

Do you find joy in trying to offend someone for the beliefs that he or she may hold? .

yet "god hates fags" isnt offensive? intelligent design fairy tales replacing long standing scientific principles in everything from education to government isnt offensive? museums pushing idiotic theories of dinosaurs coexisting with man isnt offensive?

What makes my beliefs so offensive to you?

again I dont care what you believe in ..I may have issues with your religion but none whatsoever with you personally ...believe it or not I actually think you're quaint in a nice sort of way least most of the time ..and you do make me laugh ..mostly for your wide-eyed innocence. But yes there are many things about religion that I find offensive ..tell me how does your religion feel about homosexuality? abortion? a secular government? women's rights? your religion pushes ideology that is offensive in many ways to me personally ..I'm not say you are offensive, just some of beliefs you hold are ..not you personally

How am I effecting you? When you wake up, does my faith somehow dampen your day? Am I somehow holding you back from accomplishing something?

again I dont care what you do

If you truly believe my faith is something so insignificant, then why do you take every opportunity to try and offend me in my beliefs?

when how and where? if I've purposefully offended you I apologise, but I dont think I have least not you personally ..christianity well that's a different story but hey I make no apologies because for the most part they deserve the criticism I level at them

Please explain because I don't understand. If my beliefs are to benefit the society of man and promote happiness, then why do you try and humiliate me?

first of all I'm not trying to humilate you and second of all I dont agree that your religion's sole purpose is to promote happiness also promotes ideology that if you truely look at it is hateful, abhorrent and detrimental to society in general

Because someone with a religion supports brainwashing, blowing themselves up, committing mass suicide, I should be labeled under the same "dangerous" and "harmful" standing?

who's labeling you as dangerous? oh and brainwashing is brainwashing regardless if the goal is pushing ideology or convincing someone to strap on a dynmite undershirt

Seems to me the worse things in this world are done out of hate. Maybe you should take a look at yourself.

yes because my hate is directly tied to how bad things are in the world ..funny because if I were to look at society's ills I bet they're almost always associated in some way to religion and religious ideology ..from 9/11 to faith creepying into education to faith based healthcare systems etc etc etc

if we are to meet on equal footing it is to be without artifice, without false intentions or false ideology ..therefore if we are to discuss religion or religious principles you cannot ignore the ugly side of religion because that is the entire basis of my arguemtn ..once you understand that you'll realize that I truely dont care what individuals do's the totality of their actions and their religion that is at issue ..again I dont expect you to understand any of this because you're not an insider looking in so are oblivious to the negative aspects of religion in general
I will always have a testimony of God and of my church, that will never change. I am not harming you in anyway for having the beliefs that I have. I believe in having compassion towards everyone, being productive, gaining an education and teaching others, as does my religion.
I also believe in education. You do not, becuase you do not value seeking the truth, because you are unwilling to subject your own beliefs to rational thought.
Damnit I missed this despite scientology being the most hilarious and mad things we face in this whacked-out modern world of ours which is saying something.

Uriel said:
I am not harming you in anyway for having the beliefs that I have.
Counterpoint: yes you are, by legitimising a crazyhouse!

Uriel said:
Maybe you should take a look at yourself.
Blimey. If you can count on the religious for one thing, it is platitudes.
Stern can you stop writing big posts like that, 'cuz I don't read them. Short sentences. This is the internet, afterall.

^ What he said.

I do agree with the first paragraph though, it being all I read :)
but sentences were shorter after the first paragraph ..oh you guys are just lazy
I tolerate those with religious beliefs that seem to actually make some sort of sense, but Scientology is just pure laughs.

I'm a humanist myself.
What's going on? I kind of stopped paying attention after the first URL.
All in favour of sending Stigmata into an exploding volcano in a boeing 747 (spacecraft)?
Hey, I just got back from work, I -


Oh. So this is the way it's gonna be, huh? *draws shotgun*
*Draws dragon*

I win.

No, really, let's examine your effort. Look at that perspective. It's pitiful. Have you even seen a shotgun? Were you even using a pencil, or was it your pencil dick?