Crazy Scientologists!

It was my pencil dick. Gimme a break though, I'm not used to drawing with a transmuting, shape-shifting mechanical penis yet :(
*draws elizabeth hurley whit a minigun*

I win
This is exactly what is happening in the upper echelons of Scientology.

I cant speak for the rest of those you would accuse but I dont actively seek out anyone based on faith ...I couldnt care less what you or anyone else believes in. I'm not saying that out of malice or hatred of religion or whatever ..I say it because it's true: I dont care what beliefs people subscribe to, however once the religion itself starts to push it's moral identity into society in general attempting to shape and mold it to their narrow pov then it's only natural for criticism to arise, especially from those that see them for what they really are ..charlatans more interested in pushing their ideology no matter how irrational over universal truth and sanity ...but I digress and you probably dont understand it (not calling you a moron, just saying that's it's difficult for anyone to understand who's not an outsider looking in)

So what ideologies are being forced on you for you to cause such an outcry? Keep in mind, all religions are not the same.

Your reaction to my post gives me the impression that you didnt understand what I was saying: in no way was I being insulting of your faith ..I may have been blunt but my statements were factual nonetheless ..and that's what you should be focusing on here: the content of my post NOT the tone

My reaction was based upon your whole perspective of religion and not your individual post. If it was the post, I would have quoted it.

that's your perogative, I dont care what you do ..I say that honestly and without malice

Sure doesn't appear that way, everytime I am placed in the same boat with every other religion.

no, not you specifically and your religion is somewhat isolationist but still religion itself is an impedence to progress the sooner it's left behind the better

I really do not see my religion being an "impedence" to the progression of humanity. My religion pushes education and growth. The apostles of my Church are educated, intelligent individuals.

That's a very brief mini bio of the leaders in my church. Harvard, heart surgeons, etc. The prophet of our church often asks the youth of our church to further our education and how important it is.

However, I agree. There are many religions that I view as a stumbling block for humanity. Religion can be used for very evil purposes, which it has been and will continue to be. Power can corrupt.

for sure mormons and other christian groups do charitable work but if we are to look at their totality the picture isnt quite so rosy ..from denying specific groups basic human rights to opposing the advancement of science to abhorrent negligent behaviour that leads to the needless deaths of innocents religion has it's dark ugly side ..often overshadowing their good work

You can't place my religion in that boat until you give me a specific example of it within my Church.

again this proves you didnt understand my post ..what I said about your religion tempering your personality is true: you are who you are because of your faith ..there is nothing wrong with that statement, you just chose to see it as insulting ..I can assure you it's not

Not a reaction to your single post. Solaris was included too in his perspective towards religion.

you're entitled to your opinion no matter how inaccurate it may be ..again I dont care what individuals believe in ..if I focus on anything it's the actual religion itself, not it's followers ..unless they do something stupid which point the gloves come off

Which I understand, however I wish to always make the point that not everyone is the same and not every religion is the same. I am not a Bible Belt, fag hating, cookie cutter Christian group. My views that are taught in my church are very different from the views that are regularly assumed with Christianity. Which is why the LDS church is often placed outside the "Christian" category often.

not sure where you're getting at but if you're implying that getting rid of religion would be to everyone's benefit then I'd have to say I agree with you ...hey, you said it not me

I think forcefully abolishing religion is a terrible and tyrannical idea. I am not accusing you of wanting to forcefully remove religion, but I know individuals on this forum who would support the idea. I think banning beliefs (no matter what they are) is one of the ultimate violations of freedom. I believe that is a right given to everyone.

However, I will agree with you that I do think there would be more progress made if everyone believed in the same ideas. My religion in my opinion, atheism on yours. But I can't ever imagine ever doing it forcefully.

again I'm not trying to help you or anyone else "see the light" ..I might as well tell the river to flow upstream or move a mountain (I like big biblical sounding analogies :) )

Then what are you trying to accomplish?

yet "god hates fags" isnt offensive? intelligent design fairy tales replacing long standing scientific principles in everything from education to government isnt offensive? museums pushing idiotic theories of dinosaurs coexisting with man isnt offensive?

The beliefs of one religion, do not stand in another.

again I dont care what you believe in ..I may have issues with your religion but none whatsoever with you personally ...believe it or not I actually think you're quaint in a nice sort of way least most of the time ..and you do make me laugh ..mostly for your wide-eyed innocence. But yes there are many things about religion that I find offensive ..tell me how does your religion feel about homosexuality? abortion? a secular government? women's rights? your religion pushes ideology that is offensive in many ways to me personally ..I'm not say you are offensive, just some of beliefs you hold are ..not you personally

My believe homosexuality is wrong as does my religion, however we do not believe in curb stomping a homosexual or degrading them. We believe that God is our father. I know that you have a child or even children. Assuming you have more than one, would you hate one of your children because he/she may hold different beliefs and preform actions that you don't agree with? I don't think you ever would. So why would God be any different? God does not hate his children, he hates the things we may do but he does not hate us.

Abortion is another action we view as wrong and I share that belief. I believe if you're going to make the decision to have sex, you better be ready and be able to support a child. That's why my church believes in abstinence and prevents a lot of problems if you follow that guideline. However, I must include that the LDS church does have exceptions in abortion involving rape, incest, etc. From a logical stand point personally, I think it's a potential life you could be ending.

Involving secular government, I honestly don't know much about the perspective of the church. But one of our core beliefs is the freedom to choose. Because people don't believe in the same thing, there needs to be a compromise and fair ground that will allow people to practice their beliefs without effecting another to a great extent. That's why I feel states with different laws is such a good idea. Live with those who share your beliefs.

Concerning women's rights, Utah was the 2nd state I believe that granted women the right to vote. I'm a little short on time but if you do your research, the LDS church has always supported women as equals.

when how and where? if I've purposefully offended you I apologise, but I dont think I have least not you personally ..christianity well that's a different story but hey I make no apologies because for the most part they deserve the criticism I level at them

Only thing I really take offense to is that my religion is placed in the same boat. I understand your perspective on most Christianity, just be courteous of those who may share somewhat similar beliefs.

first of all I'm not trying to humilate you and second of all I dont agree that your religion's sole purpose is to promote happiness also promotes ideology that if you truely look at it is hateful, abhorrent and detrimental to society in general

I think theres a lot more to happiness than you think we believe. Happiness is truth, knowledge, progression, care, etc. It's understanding and not just doing what you're asked.

who's labeling you as dangerous? oh and brainwashing is brainwashing regardless if the goal is pushing ideology or convincing someone to strap on a dynmite undershirt.

I think brainwashing is more along of forcing your beliefs on someone deceitfully. Pushing your ideologies as brainwashing could be applied on this forum by a lot of members if that's how you define it.

yes because my hate is directly tied to how bad things are in the world ..funny because if I were to look at society's ills I bet they're almost always associated in some way to religion and religious ideology ..from 9/11 to faith creepying into education to faith based healthcare systems etc etc etc

I agree. I believe the most evil things in this world are when good things are twisted. As I stated before

if we are to meet on equal footing it is to be without artifice, without false intentions or false ideology ..therefore if we are to discuss religion or religious principles you cannot ignore the ugly side of religion because that is the entire basis of my arguemtn ..once you understand that you'll realize that I truely dont care what individuals do's the totality of their actions and their religion that is at issue ..again I dont expect you to understand any of this because you're not an insider looking in so are oblivious to the negative aspects of religion in general

I completely agree, there are many negative aspects to religions, but it must be placed on that religion instead of all religions. You have to take a look at specific beliefs. You can't assume.
omg Uriel

wall of text crits you for 900000000000000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a dream last night that Tom Cruise was trying to stab me with some scissors cause I wouldn't convert to Scientology. I shit you not.