Creationism: God's gift to the ignorant

iyfyoufhl said:
again, God told men what to write, obviosly man wasn't there during the creation, and please read the posts that i posted, i explained why it says that, so people could understand and relate better

it's like a childrens book, writen simple so we could understand it better (but not take every sinle phrase litterally)
But if we're not meant to take these phrases literally, that immediately causes confusion, as when you don't take a statement literally, there's a plethora of possible meanings to it.

If God were to make it truly, fully simple, so that anyone could understand it, he'd use terms like "days" and mean "days", not just arbitrarily use a human term and apply it to some non-human amount of time.
That's like saying I've got a bottle of water and then you have this 10 million gallon storage tank?
you know, bigger brain doesn't nessesery mean more intelligent, Lenin's brain was 1/2 of the normal brain, and look what he did with it
iyfyoufhl said:
you know, bigger brain doesn't nessesery mean more intelligent, Lenin's brain was 1/2 of the normal brain, and look what he did with it

Yes but what I mean is like bigger brain than a chimpansee and more complex. Anyway I know I can't change your oppinion so I'm off to bed.
stigmata said:
But if we're not meant to take these phrases literally, that immediately causes confusion, as when you don't take a statement literally, there's a plethora of possible meanings to it.

If God were to make it truly, fully simple, so that anyone could understand it, he'd use terms like "days" and mean "days", not just arbitrarily use a human term and apply it to some non-human amount of time.
i find Bible pretty stright foward, i don't hang-on to selected passages but seek the moral of the stories
MaxiKana said:
Yes but what I mean is like bigger brain than a chimpansee and more complex. Anyway I know I can't change your oppinion so I'm off to bed.
just tell me the point u are trying to get across.
iyfyoufhl said:
again, God told men what to write, obviosly man wasn't there during the creation, and please read the posts that i posted, i explained why it says that, so people could understand and relate better

it's like a childrens book, writen simple so we could understand it better (but not take every sinle phrase litterally)

yes but in a childrens book you dont purposefully mislead the reader by redefining words

again if god did indeed tell man what to write why would he say "six days" ..why not "a very long time"? cant fall back on that "god has his reasons" because that answers nothing cant pick and choose which part of the bible you will reinterpret. The christian faith is very adament that the bible clearly says homosexuality is a sin's not open to interpretation, why should this be? because it conviently answers the question?'s revisionist, any way you slice it
CptStern said:
yes but in a childrens book you dont purposefully mislead the reader by redefining words

again if god did indeed tell man what to write why would he say "six days" ..why not "a very long time"? cant fall back on that "god has his reasons" because that answers nothing cant pick and choose which part of the bible you will reinterpret. The christian faith is very adament that the bible clearly says homosexuality is a sin's not open to interpretation, why should this be? because it's conviently answers the question?'s revisionist
6 days to set an example of a week, and find the source for homosexuality being a sin (i'm not saying you are wrong),
MjM said:
Evolution - Fact
Natural Selection - Theory
I was this close to attacking your usage of the word "theory", until I realised that you, to my knowledge, actually used it properly.

I think the proper usage of that word should automatically promote you into the ranks of the scientific elite on this forum. It's only fair :)
iyfyoufhl said:
6 days to set an example of a week,
that makes no sense ...if man had speech before the written word how is it possible they didnt know how long a week was?

iyfyoufhl said:
and find the source for homosexuality being a sin (i'm not saying you are wrong),

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Leviticus 18:22

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them. Leviticus 20:13

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders - Corinthians 6:9
MaxiKana said:
Actually the AIDS virus proves evolution. The virus is different in every person. It mutates on every infection. BAM evolution IN YOUR FACE!
We have a winner!

Stern's point is also totally true.

God is perfect, therefore he could have (literally) effortlessly communicated the bible to whoever wrote it in such a way as to contain no error.
He could have commissioned versions in all possible past and future languages. He could have done so on every continent or every city of the world.
Yet he didn't.

People toss about the terms 'perfect' and 'omnipotent' in describing dieties that, if they are real, are clearly not so.

Jesus comes down and tosses out fish left and right, but did he end world hunger? Nope.
He went around trying to convince people that god exists, and sure, he seemingly was successful. Except he's the son of god, 'perfection' incarnate, and yet he could only save a relative handful of people from going to hell. He didn't save me, nor did god. And I'm only one person out of millions of Atheists. Out of billions who are of the 'wrong' religion.

The bible that god put on this earth to convert me to christianity has singularily failed at that objective. Now my soul is going to power satan's badass hotrod in which he will pull mad wheelies or whatever he does with souls.

God's love for his 'children' is absolute. I know enough christians have told me "god loves you anyways" as basically the world's single wussiest insult.

And yet there's nothing god can do to stop me, the person he apparently deeply protective of, from going to hell. Despite having infinite power.
Like I said, people toss about the word perfect' in describing god all the time. But look at the implications of pefection.
God hates gays? Then he could build an atomic laser the size of a small moon (A "death star", if you will) that, when it blasts gays will not only automatically de-gay them but also send them back in time and pre-emptively marry them to virgin female brides and subsequently bless the happy couple with the requisite 2.5 children.
So why doesn't he?

Unless it is god's perfect plan is to fail, god as society currently understands him cannot exist.

There can only be an imperfect god. Or no god. Or a god that is still as of yet unknown. But the current depiction of the christian god (and most other gods) is impossible even by god standards.
I have trouble imagining why anyone would believe a fable story, fill in the gaps with some "goddidit" explanations, and back this up with the allegorical story of a book written over 2000 years ago.

Why would anyone choose this over a well documented theory that is derived purely from an overabundance of evidence found in nature and modern day observations?

creationism makes no sense at all
I seen some Christians making fun of the Morman religion once...but you know what is funny?
Mormans religion has just as much proof as the Christian Religion. They have faith and it's what they believe. South Park did a draw dropping episode on it once!

Anyway I am atheists. I was brought up as a Christian, raised in a Christian house with Christian cousin when to CCD and learned about God.

In the end... Science was more.... "proof".
Science is searching for the dosn't settle until it has found everything it possibly can. Can you imagine what it would be like if we found a heat resistant material that could stand Nuclear Fusion? We would have an unlimited amount of energy.

Once a Christian asked me, "It's better to have an answer than not to have one at all right?"
This directly delt with God. The fact is that if that answer cannot be proven or has no facts at all to back any of it up then... no I would rather not have an answer.

I can say I do not know how the universe started. I can also say that I have an idea though it could be wrong and it's called the Big Bang theory. It has some facts to back it up though nothing yet to make it 100%.

Anyway I gotta go to bed. I don't belive in god and I am willing to say I don't know. But if god were real... I would spit on him for all the suffering this world has to deal with. I would have rather not been "created" than to know that there are millions of starving people in nigeria. That he made a group of people suffer for thousands of years because of 1 crime. 40 years wasn't enough....they couldn't have a country of there own without having everyone around them hate them and try to take them over within hours before there indepedence. Before they he had them slaughted.
If anything, God has gotten bored of us whining to him and now wants to play!!!!

If you say the devil caused those things well then.... Could the devil be more powerfull than god? Why dosn't god do something about it? Does god hate certain people? I thought god was forgiving? I guess hes an evil maniac with multiple personalities!! I think I will take god to see a counsler.
Minerel said:
I seen some Christians making fun of the Morman religion once...but you know what is funny?
Mormans religion has just as much proof as the Christian Religion. They have faith and it's what they believe. South Park did a draw dropping episode on it once!

Anyway I am atheists. I was brought up as a Christian, raised in a Christian house with Christian cousin when to CCD and learned about God.

In the end... Science was more.... "proof".
Science is searching for the dosn't settle until it has found everything it possibly can. Can you imagine what it would be like if we found a heat resistant material that could stand Nuclear Fusion? We would have an unlimited amount of energy.

Once a Christian asked me, "It's better to have an answer than not to have one at all right?"
This directly delt with God. The fact is that if that answer cannot be proven or has no facts at all to back any of it up then... no I would rather not have an answer.

I can say I do not know how the universe started. I can also say that I have an idea though it could be wrong and it's called the Big Bang theory. It has some facts to back it up though nothing yet to make it 100%.

Anyway I gotta go to bed. I don't belive in god and I am willing to say I don't know. But if god were real... I would spit on him for all the suffering this world has to deal with. I would have rather not been "created" than to know that there are millions of starving people in nigeria. That he made a group of people suffer for thousands of years because of 1 crime. 40 years wasn't enough....they couldn't have a country of there own without having everyone around them hate them and try to take them over within hours before there indepedence. Before they he had them slaughted.
If anything, God has gotten bored of us whining to him and now wants to play!!!!

If you say the devil caused those things well then.... Could the devil be more powerfull than god? Why dosn't god do something about it? Does god hate certain people? I thought god was forgiving? I guess hes an evil maniac with multiple personalities!! I think I will take god to see a counsler.

Just one question. Do you think there cannot be science in a world created by god or something?
CptStern said:
that makes no sense ...if man had speech before the written word how is it possible they didnt know how long a week was?

i'm sorry but i totally don't understand what's the problem, or your point

CptStern said:
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Leviticus 18:22

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them. Leviticus 20:13

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders - Corinthians 6:9
very interesting, i'll look into that and reply soon
Keep reading:

Onegoodmove. Its one of my bibles. :D

How would we be better off without religion?

We'd all be freed to concentrate on the only life we are ever going to have. We'd be free to exult in the privilege -- the remarkable good fortune -- that each one of us enjoys through having been being born. An astronomically overwhelming majority of the people who could be born never will be. You are one of the tiny minority whose number came up. Be thankful that you have a life, and forsake your vain and presumptuous desire for a second one. The world would be a better place if we all had this positive attitude to life. It would also be a better place if morality was all about doing good to others and refraining from hurting them, rather than religion's morbid obsession with private sin and the evils of sexual enjoyment.

The following Op-Ed is from Free Inquiry magazine, Volume 25, Number 3.

When I speak about biblical religions, I mean the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. It is fashionable in the West to speak about the "Judeo-Christian" tradition, as if Christian civilization has not been killing and persecuting Jews for two thousand years. The term Judeo-Christian gives the impression that Christianity and Judaism are somewhat allied and compatible. In contrast, Islam is regarded as the enemy-the incomprehensible and irrational other. But this is not the case; the difference between the "Judeo-Christian" civilization and the Muslim one is not as significant as we are inclined to believe. It is my contention that there are at least three aspects of biblical religion that present obstacles to freedom: (1) the depravity of human nature; (2) the singular conception of virtue; and (3) the collective conception of guilt.

First, biblical religions are suspicious of freedom, because they assume that human beings are severely flawed and, therefore, unlikely to use their freedom well. They assume that freedom can only lead to licentiousness, decadence, and disorder. When Joseph de Maistre, the reactionary critic of the French Revolution, said that "man is too wicked to be free," he was speaking candidly on behalf of the whole biblical tradition. A liberal society, a society that regards freedom as its supreme value, is therefore antithetical to the biblical understanding of humanity as radically flawed.

There is no doubt some truth in this biblical understanding of the human condition. In a society that places freedom above virtue in its hierarchy of ends, there will always be some individuals who will abuse their freedom. But if a society is to be free, it must have some tolerance for private vice-vice that does not involve harming others. Religious fundamentalists -- Jewish, Christian, and Islamic -- have zero tolerance for private vice. They prefer a society in which virtue, not freedom, is the supreme value.

Virtue is no doubt a wonderful thing. But it cannot be the supreme goal of social and political organization. The reason is that there is more than one conception of virtue and more than one way to live a righteous life. Politics is about how different people with different conceptions of virtue and different beliefs about ultimate truth can live together peacefully. But biblical religions are singular and autocratic when it comes to virtue, and this is the second reason that they present an obstacle to freedom.


In my view, the hard-won freedom of the West is precarious-it has biblical enemies inside and outside. If the majority of Americans begin to agree with their Islamic enemies that freedom is nothing more than a decadent surrender to pleasure, they will launch a jihad against freedom in the name of biblical religion. In the end, America will become more like her enemies-a society where a particular conception of virtue has primacy over liberty. This will not necessarily happen quickly in an apocalyptic manner; but quietly, gradually, and subtly, liberty will be eroded.

They are somewhat long articles, each. Good reads though, i think.

Who is the local authority on evolutionary science? :E

Pericolos0 said:
I have trouble imagining why anyone would believe a fable story, fill in the gaps with some "goddidit" explanations, and back this up with the allegorical story of a book written over 2000 years ago.

Why would anyone choose this over a well documented theory that is derived purely from an overabundance of evidence found in nature and modern day observations?

creationism makes no sense at all

...because it's a crutch, a mental/emotional crutch. It's one of the crutches of the 12 step program. Having serious problems with self esteem? Here, lean on this. Nice, huh? You'll never want to walk/think again, you won't have to! Religion, particularly Christianity, defines one as imperfect. Flawed. Darn ol' Adam and Eve screwed it all up for you, but it's okay. It's not your fault. Listen only to us, do what we say, pay no attention to the people behind the curtain, and you'll be forgiven for not being perfect. In fact, we'll throw in eternal bliss in the afterlife if you do what we say. Members only, too! Anyone not in this club will go somewhere else, somewhere awful, so you should definitely join.

Now, how many people do you know are incapable of handling true personal responsibility? How many people do you know have a problem with self-esteem? Religion has quite a sales pitch for people with these issues. Now imagine when it's spoon fed to children. It's like giving a toddler crutches and never taking them away - just as that child will have great difficulty running, jumping, and climbing rocks, so will the child raised on religion have a hard time truly questioning things and doing sincere introspection.

One of the reasons the Bible is so feverishly defended is because it's their central, concrete reference point for their entire existence. Everything they are and everything they do is defined and justified by the Bible. To point out it's flaws is to attack who they are, almost literally. If you've ever read it, it's rather vague and open to interpretation: they can't be backed into corners about inconsistencies (if you manage to find one who can carry on a rational, logical argument about one). Watch them zero in with their scope when you ask about where we came from; watch them squirm when you ask them about fossil records.

Sometimes it's a faith-based crutch that people need to lead better lives. Sometimes it's an excuse for genocide, other times for peace. I've even seen it used to make more money. What will you do with the bible today? (Think Nike advertisement.)

I hope this answered the question, but consider the moral dilemma you might find yourself in - is it okay to trip a crippled person if they are giving you static because you can walk and they can't? Is it okay to debunk somebody's religion if they are giving you static because you are questioning things and they can't? What would Jesus do? :upstare:
Adabiviak said:
What would Jesus do? :upstare:
Which Jesus? Jesus Chavez, the boxer? He'd probably kick your ass if you gave him any static.
Just one question. Do you think there cannot be science in a world created by god or something?
I have one quote that I have said several times throughout these forums,
"Science may lead us right to proving there is a god for all I know. Well then I guess thats what I believe".

Then to answer you question, yes though it matters how you look at it and how far it extends to. In science an electron goes around an atom because well the nucleus is so massive for one and it's attracted to it.
Now a very religious person could say, "No it goes around the atom because god said so".

There lies the problem. How far does science go until a "God" comes into play. We may somehow eventually find out that when we get down to the littlest things..a "God" created them. Yet also find out that how we came to be and everything we know today and in the past deals nothing with a "God" in any way.

I hope you understand what I am trying to say.
There is a so called god particle, that they are going to start searching for in 2007 at CERN. Supposedly this particle, i think its called the Higgs Boson, but nick named the god particle gives other particles there mass and other attributes. Its all very interesting. My dad recently bought a secondhand book, 'The Universe in a Nutshell'. Really interesting reading all the theories and what they mean in a physical sense. Holograms are soo cool.
Minerel said:
I have one quote that I have said several times throughout these forums,
"Science may lead us right to proving there is a god for all I know. Well then I guess thats what I believe".

Then to answer you question, yes though it matters how you look at it and how far it extends to. In science an electron goes around an atom because well the nucleus is so massive for one and it's attracted to it.
Now a very religious person could say, "No it goes around the atom because god said so".

There lies the problem. How far does science go until a "God" comes into play. We may somehow eventually find out that when we get down to the littlest things..a "God" created them. Yet also find out that how we came to be and everything we know today and in the past deals nothing with a "God" in any way.

I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

Not really. no. Someone who would answer your question with "No it goes around the atom because god said so" would be rather ignorant, if they would simply rule out any sciences and simply apply 'god' to everything. They would technically be right, in a world created by god, but their answer would be pointless irregardless because in a world created by a god, all these sciences and stuff could easily and feasible be possible without any form of intervention by god at all. It'd be like man creating a self contained ecosystem that would thrive eternally without any further intervention from man.

Though, I don't ever see how science can figure out where humans came to be, without just applying a theory to it.
Minerel said:
I have one quote that I have said several times throughout these forums,
"Science may lead us right to proving there is a god for all I know. Well then I guess thats what I believe".

Then to answer you question, yes though it matters how you look at it and how far it extends to. In science an electron goes around an atom because well the nucleus is so massive for one and it's attracted to it.
Now a very religious person could say, "No it goes around the atom because god said so".

There lies the problem. How far does science go until a "God" comes into play. We may somehow eventually find out that when we get down to the littlest things..a "God" created them. Yet also find out that how we came to be and everything we know today and in the past deals nothing with a "God" in any way.

I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

When science demonstrates something explicitly (like electons going around a nucleus), what was once god is now science. People once truly believed that the solar system was centered around the earth. What was once god is now science. When they figure out quantum particle physics with some serious resolution, what was once god will again be science. When will it end? When people stop asking questions. This emphasizes my point about god and religion being a crutch (and the vulnerability therein). The crutch of religion is founded on faith, not fact, and that will fail. Do you think we would have figured out astrophysics if Copernicus didn't knock the crutch out of the church? If you recall, it fell pretty hard. Do you think we would have gotten satellites into space if we didn't delve into general relativity? Religion is currently trying not to fall over with it's Creationism crutch under attack from evolution as Darwin, Dawkins, Gould, and the like continue hacking. The Copernican revolution didn't happen overnight and the Darwinian one won't either, but just as you won't find any self-respecting Christian yet convinced that the earth is the center of the solar system, you won't find any self-respecting Christian convinced that god placed us here in a matter of time.

What I want to know is, what's next? What crutch will the church fall on now? The fight against Darwinism is a fierce one because it attacks the core of their creation myth. If the earth isn't the center of the solar system, Christianity is still okay (the church's image is a little tarnished though). If we're a part of the fossil record, Christianity will have a harder time surviving that because it's a central part of the dogma.
Adabiviak said:
When science demonstrates something explicitly (like electons going around a nucleus), what was once god is now science. People once truly believed that the solar system was centered around the earth. What was once god is now science. When they figure out quantum particle physics with some serious resolution, what was once god will again be science. When will it end? When people stop asking questions. This emphasizes my point about god and religion being a crutch (and the vulnerability therein). The crutch of religion is founded on faith, not fact, and that will fail. Do you think we would have figured out astrophysics if Copernicus didn't knock the crutch out of the church? If you recall, it fell pretty hard. Do you think we would have gotten satellites into space if we didn't delve into general relativity? Religion is currently trying not to fall over with it's Creationism crutch under attack from evolution as Darwin, Dawkins, Gould, and the like continue hacking. The Copernican revolution didn't happen overnight and the Darwinian one won't either, but just as you won't find any self-respecting Christian yet convinced that the earth is the center of the solar system, you won't find any self-respecting Christian convinced that god placed us here in a matter of time.

What I want to know is, what's next? What crutch will the church fall on now? The fight against Darwinism is a fierce one because it attacks the core of their creation myth. If the earth isn't the center of the solar system, Christianity is still okay (the church's image is a little tarnished though). If we're a part of the fossil record, Christianity will have a harder time surviving that because it's a central part of the dogma.

People calling all those things god... are ignorant. They were created by god, yes... but created by him in a way that the world was so very complicated that man might never be able to fully comprehend every single possibility. Just like the circulatory system. As to quote family guy, "Do you have any idea how complicated it is"? Sure... its scientific in its function, but since when does things that god make have to be simplistic? There are people out there that make things needlessly complicated all the time. What makes you think a god wouldn't do the same, if not only to give himself and perhaps even mankind greater pleasure for what is there. I'm sure if god wanted, we could have all been made of a solid material like playdoh and still function just as we do now, if that happened to be how he wanted to design us.

I just don't see how complexity negates god.
Though, I don't ever see how science can figure out where humans came to be, without just applying a theory to it.

The same way that the people on CSI figure out who the murderer is most every week: instead of making it up, they look at the evidence and reason out what it shows.

If you seriously study human anatomy, the fossil record, genomes, and all of that, I very much doubt that even you could come to any conclusion other than that humans evolved from apes. As long as you avoid looking at the physical evidence, then you can probably maintain your denial of reality.

I just don't see how complexity negates god.

I didn't make this claim, and I don't agree with it exactly as stated, but I think the point is that an all-powerful god would have no NEED for artifice and mechanism to make things "go." He could just make them work.

Keep in mind that nothing about evolution or any other science negates god. All it does is provide an explanation for what fits the available evidence we have to examine.
Apos said:
The same way that the people on CSI figure out who the murderer is most every week: instead of making it up, they look at the evidence and reason out what it shows.

If you seriously study human anatomy, the fossil record, genomes, and all of that, I very much doubt that even you could come to any conclusion other than that humans evolved from apes. As long as you avoid looking at the physical evidence, then you can probably maintain your denial of reality.
where did the apes comefrom? or the first cell?
Apos said:
I didn't make this claim, and I don't agree with it exactly as stated, but I think the point is that an all-powerful god would have no NEED for artifice and mechanism to make things "go." He could just make them work.

Keep in mind that nothing about evolution or any other science negates god. All it does is provide an explanation for what fits the available evidence we have to examine.
he did make them work
iyfyoufhl said:
where did the apes comefrom? or the first cell?
Apes evolved from pro simian type creatures
One mistake a lot of people make with evolution is that they think we evolved from chimps or something, and forget that chimps have evolved in the same time we have.

There wouldn't have been a first cell, cells would have formed in protein clumps of rections, i mean a chemical reaction in a jar changes from one state to another depending on whats in there.
When stuff comes together it can form a complex rection, life.
And it had plenty of time to perfect itself.
where did the apes comefrom? or the first cell?

Apes are primates, which in turn are most closely related to rodents. In a larger sense, they are all mammals, which are in turn related to reptiles. Reptiles are part of a larger group known as the tetrapods which colonized the land from a class of lobed-fin fish known as the rhipidistians. And so on. While tracking the exact line of particular species (remember that there are MILLIONS of different speices of even just insects alone alive in any SINGLE period) is murky, we now know the general ancestral relationships of most surviving modern creatures. We know it through the way in which fossil evidence, molecular genetic evidence, geographical distribution and population genetics all converge on the same sets of relationships and distances.

There was unlikely any first "cell" just increasingly cell like things. The very first forms of life probably did not have the sort of protective membrane that modern cells do (and this is why we call them "cells")

Evolution cannot answer the question of where and how life arose, because the process itself only explains what happens when there is self-replication with heredity and variation. The field of science that examines the origins of life on earth is known as abiogenesis.

he did make them work

Yes, but via physical artifice. If one was all-powerful, such things would be an unecessary crutch, not a design necessity.
Apos said:
Evolution cannot answer the question of where and how life arose, because the process itself only explains what happens when there is self-replication with heredity and variation. The field of science that examines the origins of life on earth is known as abiogenesis.
that's where God comes into play, in yo face Cpt.
iyfyoufhl said:
that's where God comes into play, in yo face Cpt.

You can believe God comes into play virtually anywhere. Meanwhile, scientists will continue to study the actual evidence and report back what they figure out.
Apos said:
You can believe God comes into play virtually anywhere. Meanwhile, scientists will continue to study the actual evidence and report back what they figure out.
and i do, again there is nothing wrong with science nor God, nor their relationship, if you think that God is present everywhere, then science acually studies God
Sure, you can believe whatever you want regarding God, because there is no evidence to confirm or disconfirm anything you care to believe. Unless, of course, you happen to believe that God created the Earth 6000 years ago and mankind isn't ancestrally related to apes.
Why hasnt godsteam updated the bible in years. Its really outta date and causes soo much confusion.
It's weird, to me anyway, how many people have misconceptions of evolution. Short recoil hit the nail on the head. Evolved from apes? I often wonder where that line of rot came from. Evolution, as was explained above, does not pretend to explain where we came from - it's a description of shifts in genetic frequency. To look for an explanation of where we came from, read an organic chemistry book. Caution, however - somebody who has never delved into a basic chemistry class that opens an advanced chemistry/molecular biology book will be quite lost. Don't be that guy.
Evolved from apes? I often wonder where that line of rot came from.

Well, we did evolve from apes. We didn't evolve from chimps (which is what's often cited), since chimps didn't exist when our line split off from other ancestral apes. We are most closely related to bonobos and chimps because we share our most recent common ancestors with them.

Evolution, as was explained above, does not pretend to explain where we came from - it's a description of shifts in genetic frequency.

It's an explanation of the diversity and distribution of species, basically explaining how early life became what we see today.