Creatures cut from from HL2

As far as I know, it's a 'Sand-barnacle'. Supposedly a barnacle that lives in the sand. This is one of the creatures I've not seen very much of - the Combine Guards appeared in Raising the Bar, but I've only ever heard the name 'Sand-Barnacle' (and seen a blurred picture) when somebody else was talking about the leaked content.

-Angry Lawyer
Eejit said:
And the Discordians.

And the Biozeminades.

But let's keep on topic: Yeah, I'll try and get a picture of the Combine Guard Gun in action, minus the non-existant model. As far as I can read in the code, the shot could be similar to a Strider's blast.

-Angry Lawyer
Bah, Humbug. They completely cut the bullsquids. :(

I heard a great theory (Or explanation, i dunno) where the bullsquids where simply following their true nature: To eat things or to mate with things.
