Crysis beta is out!

I will ship these games free of charge for a beta key!!!
4.HALO 1- Shit
Even I know the worth of a beta key against some really oddball titles :borg:
The only thing i'll take right now is a beta key!:angry::angry:

Hey your ruining my transaction here.


You get free games, which are also Cursed!
Can someone PM me there activation key i was at work when they released them please!!!! I want to play his game so bad.

If you dont use it please let me have it ! I'm begging you .

I've been waiting foe this game since it was first discovered and it feels like im the last person to get to play this game, I cant wait till the 25th for the single player demo i need to play now!!!! Can someone find it in there heart to let there key go?? :(

Wow man your not the only one that has been fallowing this game and really wants a key just take it down a notch! Hell If your into this game that much Im sure you'll be doing yourself a favor by waiting to play a more polished demo rather than a beta! Better yet waiting until retail but something tells me that would be impossible for you to do.
Can someone PM me there activation key i was at work when they released them please!!!! I want to play his game so bad

Your one of the lucky ones. If the times the last two batches have been given out is any indication, then I'm pratically not getting the beta (I'm at work in the next several evenings, which is basically the morning on the East Coast).

They should really ensure that they are able to send out beta keys at different time zone periods, so every part of the world can nab one.
Uriel's review of the Beta Multiplayer Demo


e6300 Duo Core 2 @ 1.8 ghz
Geforce 7950 gx x2 (quad SLi)
2 gigs of rambo

It was laggy,
It didn't look anything like the movies we've seen
It uses punkbuster (bleah)

.....and it was one of the best multiplayer experiences I've ever had.

I can tell you from my opinion, upgrading your computer to run this smoothly will be a very wise investment. It was a Beta so that obviously doesn't represent the final game performance and I am running it on a 7 series but it was still great. There's still a lot of graphical errors with the beta, but it's still sooooooooooo fun.

Here's my list

Ran like poop
Hardly anything was smooth
The nuke effect has errors

The nano suit does provide unique and original gameplay. Despite what you wankers believe that Crysis provides nothing original, go sit on your thumb and twist. This feature is what made the game so cotton-picking fun. Had a group of guys chasing me, turned my speed on to get some distance, swapped to my strength and jumped over a fence. Then I cloaked, they ran past, Whamo! Ambushed em. I've jumped over trucks coming for me, out ran tanks, and pulled junk off that you usually only see in the Matrix. Oh gosh it was fun.

Another thing that makes this game so KEWL and makes me wanna upgrade so bad, is the vehicle physics in multiplayer. It's just like what you see in the movies. From what I've seen, it better portrays real life vehicles physics better than most racing games do with vehicles. Drove a truck towards an enemy spawn, jumped out where it slammed into two other stationary trucks. Kaboom, it was glorious. Even running into stuff makes you go "wowza". Airboats catching..... well air is something so cool too, you just need to witness it.

It's not deathmatch either. There is strategy and tactics involved. Vehicles seemed to be pretty well balanced (unlike BF2) infact, I would almost compare this to a smaller scale, billion times better version of BF2.

There's a rank system, buy menu, capture points, vehicles spawn points, etc etc.

:D :D :D

I think I found the game I will be playing for a while. Not to mention the map editor we've all seen will continue to provide many different scenarios.

I just want a better computer so that I can experience the full Crysis experience.

Im gonna go look for some beta drivers :thumbs:
Are you running Vista. You did remember to download the latest Nvidia Beta drivers did you?
Are you running Vista. You did remember to download the latest Nvidia Beta drivers did you?

No, XP.

Guess I did have the newest drivers. Didn't know the Nvidia Bioshock drivers were also for Crysis (Crysis has been a heck of a lot more stable than Bioshock for me).

Heh, this game is just awesome

Thanks too the lucky member!

I will not mention the member name that purchased these games, that was his wish . As for me im off to play.

I'll be back with a very short Review!!!!
Ulgh, no wonder my performance was lower than i expected. It does not support SLi. I get better picture and performance with a single card rather than both running :S
Woohoo got my key today DL now even tho Im pretty dam sure Im not gonna be able to run this dam game anyways! :( O well upgrade time is nearly here just waiting on the 9 series!
i signed up for the first one....then just rebuilt a new pc, and i guess i need a new beta key
If anyone decides to not play, can you send your key over this way? XD
Normally I'd be upset over the exclusiveness of the beta but i know there is no way in hell I can run it on my current computer. Glad it's hype has been warranted thus far though, i'll hopefully have a new PC built sometime this fall to play it.
If I have a hard time running it then yah ill give you mine.

Cool, thanks. I guess my next question would be where to get the files if I don't have a FP account. If that's even possible.
The worst has happened! I finished downloading the client and when i go to extract files it says "CRC failed in object" Whatever that means. so im downloading agian another 1 hour wait. I guess i deserve it sisnce i've been greedy these past few days. I might not even get it to work, if not i'll wait for the demo on the 25th.
this morning i "missed" the bus to school...for...obvious reasons :P dont tell anyone tho
So yeah i played the beta and ahhh to many bugs on my end so im going to wait for the single player demo. It was nice.
But how did it run?

x800 xt pe
2 gigs ram

It actually ran ok 20-35 fps at 1600x1200 medium settings which I was surprised about. However is looked awful almost as if all textures were in low res or something. Cant really say much more without breaking the nda but hopefully the demo will look much better.
How far does the NDA thingy go? Cuz i made a vid with my webcam showing how it performs on my system and i want to share it with ppl. Cant i just torrent it or something? And people can request it by PM?

I think the game is great! The gameplay is better than i thought it would be, if you liked BF2 then this will be something for you, atleast power-struggel mode. Sometimes i just stop for a moment and just think about what just happend, so much random amazing things happens out of nowhere.
Wow, last batch and it's still open to all.

So people have been getting around 30 fps outside, and that's LOW settings. I can't believe the beta is that badly optimized. I hope this doesn't happen with the demo.
AMD XP 3200+ 2.2 GHZ
7600 GT 256 MB

indoors 20-30 FPS
outdoors 10-20

1024X768 no AA
All setting on Medium (shaders set on "high")
So people have been getting around 30 fps outside, and that's LOW settings. I can't believe the beta is that badly optimized. I hope this doesn't happen with the demo.

Uh, I'm pretty sure the beta has an FPS limiter on it.
*sigh* Yeah... my dad is downloading it. He won't let me play it because he's a dinkus like that (remember that word?). Plus, it won't work on my computer... Unless a GeForce 8600GT could handle it, but the chances of that are pretty small...