Crysis has been conquered

I think I might just pass on this game. The demo ran like shit with my X2 4800+, 2gig ram, and 8800GT 512, even on the medium settings it was horrendous.

Holy****wtf, kidding right?
"Do what you want cause a pirate is free..."
You get the gist.
Seriously,this game is definitely worth purchasing if you consider yourself a gamer.
I honestly enjoyed the game very much.Has it been overhyped?
Well,yes.In a sense it has.
But every new high profile game gets a bit overhyped nowadays.
Did they take full advantage of it's new engine and the overall effect it has on the gameplay?No.
That's what really left me a bit disappointed.
Calling this an updated Far Cry though is unfair if not insulting to the developers.
Yes,it has the jungle setting but that's pretty much all it shares with Far Cry.
I was a bit disappointed with the demo but don't be fooled by it guys.
The only thing i can compare the demo to, is to a shitty trailer of a great movie.
Just consider the demo as an intro to the game.
The complexity of the storyline and the overall quality of the game are lightyears ahead of Far Cry.
I have a 640 mb 8800 gts and the demo ran poor on my system too but they seem to have optimized the game and now it's actually playable without any major hiccups.
Even on high settings.Sure,it'll drop a bit during heavy fire fights but it's still playable.Anyway,the storyline may not be very original but it's the characters that truly make it shine.
The pacing and the take on the story telling is on par with Half Life.
No shitty cgi cutscenes but entirely in game from the first person view and that's how i like it.
The AI is ok.Well,depending on the situation.Not the smartest but tough.
They will duck,prone,hide, flank you and call for reinforcement.
They do tend to stop paying attention and get stuck behind wall covers sometimes.
I have yet see developer break new ground when it comes to ai,so it's forgivable.
No game is without bugs,right?
The game's settings are pretty atmospheric and definitely hit the right spot.
I don't want to spoil it for you guys but the aliens are pretty mysterious and continue to be that way for the remainder of the game.You will see a lot of them and fight various types of them but there's a lot more to them then we are let to believe.
So yes,count on a sequel.
They lied to us gamers(The devs), which I consider pretty lame, two examples that come directly to mind.

No quad-core support.
No dynamic story(In older interviews they said that depending on how you fought with the koreans, you might or might not get their help to fight aliens later in the game).

I killed maybe 20 koreans or so throughout the entire game, the koreans never fought alongside me.
I think I might just pass on this game. The demo ran like shit with my X2 4800+, 2gig ram, and 8800GT 512, even on the medium settings it was horrendous.

Something must be up with your PC then. You have a better video card than I do, and I ran it just fine on 1600x1200 with settings on high.
About the aliens, you only actually encounter 1 alien species, the rest that you fight outside the spaceship are infact produced 'robots' by the aliens.
lol, new uber-gay but effective tactic to eliminate large forces of soldiers without using guns.

1. Cloak with fists
2. Grab an enemy soldier
3. Run off with him to cover
4. Switch to armor and punch him in the face
5. After a bit of your suit energy comes back, repeat from step 1.

I killed a group of 8 soldiers on Delta with this a bit ago.
I went through the whole game not grabbing sh17. Occasional get behind him, use strength punch.
About the aliens, you only actually encounter 1 alien species, the rest that you fight outside the spaceship are infact produced 'robots' by the aliens.

Umm,I've finished the game long ago.
Thanks for the "insightful" info though.
lol, new uber-gay but effective tactic to eliminate large forces of soldiers without using guns.

1. Cloak with fists
2. Grab an enemy soldier
3. Run off with him to cover
4. Switch to armor and punch him in the face
5. After a bit of your suit energy comes back, repeat from step 1.

I killed a group of 8 soldiers on Delta with this a bit ago.

Not really's called Ghosting.
I think I might just pass on this game. The demo ran like shit with my X2 4800+, 2gig ram, and 8800GT 512, even on the medium settings it was horrendous. I plan on ordering the Witcher instead. I was going to order Kane and Lynch but the PC release seemed to have been pushed back to Friday for no apparent reason, c*ck suckers.

you are doing something very wrong have a 3500 and 8800Gt and I run at 30-40
I just finished Crysis & I have to say it's F***ing awesome!

My only complaints are . . .
[1] I took my time intentionally, but it still seemed a little short. It's not like really short, but I would have expected it to be longer.
[2] The enemies take too many rounds (unless you get headshots)
[3] Spoiler . . .
The North Koreans have nanosuits? Not to mention that even on normal mode their nano-suits take about 10x the beating mine does. Maybe if it was something like Russian paramilitary or something, but we're talking about North Korea. Maybe they were stolen from the research facility or something.

There is so much about this game that is so awesome though; trying to avoid spoilers
  • Lots of diversity in gameplay
  • It doesn't transform into farcry (ex: annoying crygens) when you reach the aliens.
  • Lots of "wow moments." Like when you're in the tank & the earth-quakes start, you look up and . . . that was jsut freaking awesome!
  • I loved the story elements. It's hard to say more without spoiling anything, but it's pretty cool.
I could list a lot more and I know it's a bit disorganized, but I have to say Crysis is a f***ing awesome experience! As far as the multiplayer, haven't played it post-beta, but the I thoroughly enjoyed the beta, although the aiming and running feels a little flawed somehow (like it's delayed or something).

Hopefully in the sequel your nano-suit gets even more options & some customization.
Holy Junk, this game is awesome. Near perfection, I'm so excited for mods & new maps.
I think NewEgg ****ed up my preorder because it says Status: Closed. Game's been out. Should already have the damn thing...
As always got my game a day early, and I enjoyed it.

I knew that Crytek actually changed the nature of the game to be split into a trilogy, but I was hoping you completed the destruction of the ship. If that had happened, the next game could of dealt with an external threat. Like Helena said, the craft itself was transmitting a sort of distress signal

And that tank mission, wooh! I thought it surpassed the tank rushes in the CoD games and the such.
Whatever it's called, it's lame to be able to exploit the AI so easily and not have to even use weapons.

I see your point there, isn't that the whole point behind a game that gives the player these abilities, the freedom to choose how to use them?.

So yeh, it's going to be lame if you decide to do that all the time, which isn't actually as easy as described :p because others spot you when you pick things up, including Koreans. But it's certainly not an exploit, they've obviously let you do it because it's good for a laugh.
phantomdesign, in the Crysis universe, North Korea has somehow managed to become a superpower, this has been stated in several interviews etc before the games release, HOW exactly a country riddled with famine and lack of morale becomes a superpower is beyond me.
Well I suppose in the future things may have changed it is 2020 in the game you know.

Any who got the game yesterday and just completed it, very good but the last levels was bugged to hell, kept on falling through the map and had to keep reloading it , but anyway very impressed and it did push my pc to the brink at one point.

just a thought
To the people that keep saying that it takes too many shots to drop the NK soldiers...

are we playing the same game?

on Delta it only ever took short bursts of maybe 3 to 5 bullets to drop any given soldier, except for the nanosuited ones. Were you using the silencer? cause i know that definitely screws over your damage output unless you are getting headshots.

I found the AI to be smart most of the time, though i think the cloak really allows for a lot of AI exploitation that makes them seem stupid.

I think the ground vehicles and boat should definitely have more gunner protection and more damage for the 50 cals, its hard to defend yourself at anything but extremely long range with those things.

the alien ai didn't seem stupid so much as ineffective. The code is there, they behave interestingly to what you do. However their attacks for the most part are fairly weak. Sure they harass a lot, but they are nowhere near as lethal as the soldiers with guns were.

the ending i felt was a little blah and came much too soon. I don't think the pacing was properly set for that last fight.

Aside from that though, i loved it, especially the tank level.
i can only play this game a little at a time. The FPS is bullshit, crytek lied out of their teeth....i even bought upgrades based on what they said would run the game on high...

Screw you crytek
I was away this weekend with my campus' anime club (I'm VP) and stopped by a gamestop and bought myself a copy Sunday (left on Friday). I did this because I thought NewEgg had blundered my pre-order, as I hadn't seen any info on it despite it already having been out. SO, I have myself a second copy of Crysis coming my way this week. Hoping to sell it to someone, or maybe send it back to NewEgg for a refund.

I'm playing through the game now, I'm at the point where you're attacking a base with Psycho for the first time. Going back now, actually -- I hadn't checked the forums all weekend and wanted to catch up.
phantomdesign, in the Crysis universe, North Korea has somehow managed to become a superpower, this has been stated in several interviews etc before the games release, HOW exactly a country riddled with famine and lack of morale becomes a superpower is beyond me.
It isn't very believeable, that's true.

Originally, Crytek wanted to have China's army as the enemy, but they had to change it due to political reasons. I can't remember at the moment where I read this, probably one of the many interviews.

China would have made sense, since they really are a super power, or at least quickly getting there.
i can only play this game a little at a time. The FPS is bullshit, crytek lied out of their teeth....i even bought upgrades based on what they said would run the game on high...

Screw you crytek

This game is very playable even at 30fps average. I have a similar setup to yours and that's what I run at on high. How does that make them liars? The only major thing they didn't deliver on was using all the cores on a quad core fully, but it still does make use of them, even if just slightly.

In one interview with Cevat, it was asked what you would need to run the game maxed at 1900x1200 with playable frame rates. His answer was:

Cevat: said:
Everything maxed and at that resolution, you will need a seriously high rig of the latest generation available now. Bear in mind we don?t expose, but have built in scalability for the upcoming 1-2 years. That will be available as hardware catches up. So when I say maxed, its maxed for now.

So we're talking 2x 8800 GTX, QX6800, and 4gb RAM. This setup still cannot play at 60 fps min with all settings maxed.
I'm about 4 hours into it, it's pretty fun for the most part. The damn heli's are hard as hell. I freakin ran out of every ammo except pistol, and my boat got blown. I had to just use speed to out run most of its fire until I got to the goal, and it just left before I got there...The heli's they're freakin annoying. You can lose soldiers, but you can't lose them, they leave on their own for no freakin reason (or unless you kill it with 10,000 ammo, its possible).
Always make sure you have a rocket launcher to deal with Heli's. If you find one don't use it on anything else unless a heli shows up. You get 3 shots then you automatically dispose of it so you can't get extra ammo, you have to find another rocket launcher. Heli's go down easily with about 2 or 3 direct hits from a rocket.
In the Crysis universe, North Korea has somehow managed to become a superpower, this has been stated in several interviews etc before the games release, HOW exactly a country riddled with famine and lack of morale becomes a superpower is beyond me.
North Korean's current military ambitions is why the country is so messed up! All the money goes to building up an army, weapons & possibly nuclear devices. Erm, didn't a similar sort of thing happen in Facist Germany? :rolleyes:
dogboy73, you can't compare Germany during the 30s to North Korean in current day, North Korea is almost completely isolated, Germany wasn't, Germany still made money from trading and exporting to other nations etc..
I ****ing hate Korean nano-suited ******s. I'm having a bitch of a time on the part where Vulture 2-6 is supposed to extract me.

I found Crysis to be a bit of a let-down. The game was over-hyped and I guess I went into it with unrealistic expectations. Ah well. I had a lot of fun up until the zero-gravity part, which was totally shit and kinda ruined the experience for me. Why, Crytek, did you have to make the alien level zero-gravity? Zero-gravity is like being in water, and water levels ****ing suck. The areas after that were so-so (the part where you escape down the mountain in the vehicle with the other guy was awesome though) and the boss battle was pretty lame.

Oh well, looking forward to the custom mods/maps anyway. :D
I ****ing hate Korean nano-suited ******s. I'm having a bitch of a time on the part where Vulture 2-6 is supposed to extract me.


Heh, I best dealt with'm (mind you, this is after I have no ammo from fighting the heli), Just camo, hide, strength punch them all.
Heh, I best dealt with'm (mind you, this is after I have no ammo from fighting the heli), Just camo, hide, strength punch them all.

I'm stuck on that part now actually. I couldn't find anyone else to kill :|
They use camoflauge too

...yes. But they're after me, and I havn't even acidentally run into them.

I loaded up a previous save, one I made before killing off the last group of guys (1 nanosuiter and about 6 infantry)...but no luck.
I love it, but how are people having so much trouble with this game?
I'm on a Radeon 1900GT, Core 2 Duo, and I easily had a steady 30 FPS throughout the game with everything on medium. I think the problem is people put up the settings from optimal or don't turn down certain things, and if it's lagging, they bitch and bitch. 1st Gen DX10 cards aren't THAT powerful.
Oh, and I didn't encounter much bugs either
Alot of people dont want to play the game on medium. As good as this game looks, its utter shit on medium...I bought this game for what they advertised...unreal graphics..little did i know it wouldnt run great on anything less than a super computer
Alot of people dont want to play the game on medium. As good as this game looks, its utter shit on medium...I bought this game for what they advertised...unreal graphics..little did i know it wouldnt run great on anything less than a super computer

Yes, but based on the specs you have in your sig, you should be able to run it on high at playable frame rates. It looks great on high.
It does look good on high, i suppose i just need a higher framerate than others not to notice performance loss...and lowering it to medium just feels wrong

does playing in dx9 increase fps significantly?