Crysis news/info thread

Sorry Valve, real time radiosity, volumetrics, and dynamic everything would like to have a word with you.

Different companies work differently. TF2 may not be much compared to maybe Crysis in terms of technical aspects, but the graphics are still very much appreciated.

I know having no shadow or reflection or dialog was so great at making you REALLY feel like you were Gordon Freeman, but not anymore.

Firstly, you already said was, so no need for 'but not anymore'. Anyway, I take it that you never felt like you were Gordon Freeman in the course of the games and certainly don't do so now, but since you never did you obviously don't speak true for others.

That's right, there will be DX9 and DX10 exclusive multiplayer servers because of how much of a difference in gameplay just the graphics alone cause. The foliage bends around your character differently, You might catch a hint of light fog casting off of a character hiding behind a wall, or it might be that you just blend in somewhere a good deal better in other spots because of the atmospheric perspective.

Helps immersion, yes. Helps gameplay, no.

Just because source caters to the low end machines still running DX7 doesn't mean that other engines have to.

Slight correction; Source doesn't support DX7 anymore, and this is as those still currently using DX7 cards have become a smaller minority. It is true that there is no obligation for catering to the lower-end market, and it's just a choice of wanting to cater to your audience or push the boundaries. For Crysis, it looks to me as if it's not quite raising the bar for anything besides graphics and unfortunately for me, only provide immersion in the game in this case. And I think the Episodes (with 'old' technology) still immerse players in the plot.

You're just bitter because you can't run it. Boo hoo, cry me a river.

Way to go. That's one stupid assumption and one failed attempt at reasoning. Maybe I should start arguing and mention that you don't like Valve because Gabe Newell dissed the PS3, and you happen to like it.

If you're not interested in upgrading your system when games begin to come out that require higher end resources, then you sacrifice the ability to play those games.

Yes. And that's not a good thing for gaming.

And really, can't you just turn every setting to low? It still looks better than source.

As again, based on assumptions. As for looking better than Source? As already mentioned before Crysis looks ass on low. And looking better than Source is irrelevant if it is just eye candy and leads to no improvement besides immersion. Which, as I mentioned before, Source is capable of displaying.

I think they're being stubborn.


If source was really as robust as some people say it is, then I think they should prove it.

Benchmarks anybody? As said already Valve works differently, they aim to bring their game to many. Their game is less of a technological marvel as compared to Crysis and more of an experience on its own. It doesn't have to rely on graphics to sell itself, and besides doing so would alienate gamers with lower-end computers and they don't want that.

Like you said there is no obligation for an engine to be scaled for DX7, but there is also no obligation for it to scale to DX10.
I know this is completely off topic, but if they "aim to bring their game to many" I still don't see why Steam doesn't have a more functional offline mode for those with dialup or limited / no stable connection at all - or support for OSX.

If they got those two things out of the way, and I know they are obstacles that Valve sees as secondary to other company goals, they would be unstoppable as far as the PC FPS market was concerned.
How would a Geforce 8800 GT 512mb, Q6600, and 3 gigs of ram run Crysis?
Could I play at High constantly without (or hardly) a snidge of lag running @ 1680x1050 or 1440x900 with AAx2?
How would a Geforce 8800 GT 512mb, Q6600, and 3 gigs of ram run Crysis?
Could I play at High constantly without (or hardly) a snidge of lag running @ 1680x1050 or 1440x900 with AAx2?

Sadly, unlikely. I would think it would run at about 20 frames per second with some dips below that. Some benchmarks for you:

I also have a Quad-Core q6600, 4 gbs of ram and I was looking into getting a Geforce 8800GTX next month but now after the poor benchmarks, I may just wait for the next set of cards. I really do hope that by the time Crysis launches, that the game will run better on the lower end quad-core system through better game optimization and better video drivers. Maybe even with some Vista 64-bit and/or DX10 patches.
Sadly, unlikely. I would think it would run at about 20 frames per second with some dips below that. Some benchmarks for you:

I also have a Quad-Core q6600, 4 gbs of ram and I was looking into getting a Geforce 8800GTX next month but now after the poor benchmarks, I may just wait for the next set of cards. I really do hope that by the time Crysis launches, that the game will run better on the lower end quad-core system through better game optimization and better video drivers. Maybe even with some Vista 64-bit and/or DX10 patches.

Wait for 9800GTX or ATI-RV670... 2-3 times the power of 8800GTX. ;)
I also have a Quad-Core q6600, 4 gbs of ram and I was looking into getting a Geforce 8800GTX next month but now after the poor benchmarks, I may just wait for the next set of cards. I really do hope that by the time Crysis launches, that the game will run better on the lower end quad-core system through better game optimization and better video drivers. Maybe even with some Vista 64-bit and/or DX10 patches.

The current demo doesn't support multicore, so it is likely that they will still play well (was said before that Crysis is CPU-intensive).
I know this is completely off topic, but if they "aim to bring their game to many" I still don't see why Steam doesn't have a more functional offline mode for those with dialup or limited / no stable connection at all

I whole heartedly agree in fact so much that it hurts. Broadband development in this country (US) sucks tumor covered balls. I have read certain articles on line stating that development has almost ceased since the major providers have hit the markets they wanted. Besides that, the fact that I have to pay for shitty outdated dial up is absurd. I feel like I am sending checks back to 1992 when 56k was last relevant.

The lack of broadband has seriously hindered my gaming. I would cream my jeans for a high speed ISDN connection, which is not available to me either plus it is really sad that I consider ISDN high speed.
1.) You were complaining about the accessibility of the graphical settings. That's pretty much the only assumption I could make from your response to my post.

In spite of the multitudes of people saying that they're going to (or having to) upgrade to play Crysis? Or the fact that that the listed system requirements are much higher than those of Source?

2.) I think they're being stubborn. They spent an enormous amount of money on source and in doing so, they put all of their eggs in one basket. Source still looks nice here and there but it's aging pretty badly in my opinion. For example, the new Hunter's materials look spectacular. Then you notice the horribly low-resolution grass texture on the ground plane beneath it. Then you realize it's not reacting to light at all. And that coffee cup seems to have about 10 polygons. And the bird is a 2d sprite. And the matte painting doesn't match the screen resolution and on and on and on. If source was really as robust as some people say it is, then I think they should prove it.

Stubborn. Ok...
Why would they be stubborn about it? "Hey Gabe, I think we should add full realtime dynamic lighting." "NO, damnit! I'm trying to hold out for as long as possible!"
Doesn't make sense really.
Valve have even stated in interviews that they base their technology level on the results of the Steam Hardware Surveys. That's why they don't have a special dx10 rendering path, and why they've dropped the dx7 path - because they can monitor the hardware trends and aim squarely at the broadest spectrum of users. It obviously works for them - which do you reckon sold more - HL2 or Far Cry?
Crysis is BS.... its just a tech demo like Farcry was. Bet they have some sort of agreement with nVidia forcing people to buy ?500 cards to play this game at 30fps. Its a joke.... dont believe the hype
Stubborn. Ok...
Why would they be stubborn about it? "Hey Gabe, I think we should add full realtime dynamic lighting." "NO, damnit! I'm trying to hold out for as long as possible!"
Doesn't make sense really.
Valve have even stated in interviews that they base their technology level on the results of the Steam Hardware Surveys. That's why they don't have a special dx10 rendering path, and why they've dropped the dx7 path - because they can monitor the hardware trends and aim squarely at the broadest spectrum of users. It obviously works for them - which do you reckon sold more - HL2 or Far Cry?

Ofcourse aiming for the lowest common denominator works, but once in a while a company comes along that shoots a little higher than that, and that's when people bring on the hate. Personally I greet technical innovations in gaming with enthusiasm even though my current hardware fails to do technically advanced games justice.

Still, the games that offer the same kind of freedom that crysis offers look worse on high settings compared to crysis on low, and the games that do look better on high than crysis looks on low offer far less freedom.
Crysis is BS.... its just a tech demo like Farcry was. Bet they have some sort of agreement with nVidia forcing people to buy ?500 cards to play this game at 30fps. Its a joke.... dont believe the hype
I can run it at 50fps+ on an x800. It's your problem if you want to run at 1600x1200 with AA on.
I ran it fine on an X800XT, settings were low, some graphically anomalies, but overall it looked very good all things considered and didn't suffer from any slowdown even when I was using the 50 cal to chop trees.
damn that cliffhanger at the end really REALLY makes me wanna buy the game. Great demo to promote the game
I have an odd problem, which started with the Beta. I installed the Demo, but the friggen thing doesnt appear on my desktop, start menu....anywhere.

I did a search for it and it didnt find anything. Double U t f
really? i have an x800xt but never even considered trying, what settings you at? i thought you needed sm3.0.
I use 1024x768 for all my games. I had everything on Low and it ran faltlessly, then I put things like textures and shaders etc up to Medium and I didn't really lose many FPS so I could probably go higher still. The editor has dynamic shadows enabled and that seemed to run fine too. Seems the most scalable engine I've seen in a long time - Bioshock dev's take note.

Your xt's also faster than my x800xl.
Oh and I fought those alien things you see at the demos' end (in the editor)
One of them is really easy to take down,they just go up to the sky and shoot sharp pieces of ice at you(wtf?),
but when they're more than one they're obviously harder but they also use a secondary attack which launches some energy ball at you and kills you instantly unless you run away fast.
Still, the games that offer the same kind of freedom that crysis offers look worse on high settings compared to crysis on low, and the games that do look better on high than crysis looks on low offer far less freedom.

I find it funny that people on this forum praise Crysis/FarCry for its freedom when it all it does is give you the same amount of freedom seen in games like Halo.
I'll be buying it but oh lawd does it make me want to upgrade. Everything looks grainy as hell with no AA on Medium with a widescreen monitor that natively runs at 1050x1068 forced to a puny 1024x768.

I guess if I wanted it to look nice with AA at 1050x1068 I'd have to drop at least 2 grand on a new rig at this point, and I simply don't want to spend that much on top of college expenses. So grainy textures ftw I guess, the game is still a gd blast to play.

I find it funny that people on this forum praise Crysis/FarCry for its freedom when it all it does is give you the same amount of freedom seen in games like Halo.

See, it's statements like this that lead me to believe people haven't even given the game a chance. The sense of reedom is leaps and bounds beyond that seen in Halo. You can pickup virtually any phyiscal object In Crysis, for starters, including enemies. Not to mention you can basically move to your objectice from a vantage point of your chosing - using tactics that only such an open environment makes possible.

Take for instance a machine gun nest nestled in a far away cranny around a hillside, I can either

A. Go around by boat to an acessible paninsula and secure a vantage point
B. Enable super strength, grab my shotgun, go in guns blazing
C. Turn on stealth, silence my weapon, crawl in and aim for the head exclusively
D. Go super-strength and hurl a boulder down the mountain into said MG nest

While I can see the arguements saying it's not that big a change from Far Cry, I have abosolutely no qualms with that. Far Cry gave me hours and hours of amusement, and I'm sure this will be no different. Also the game runs suprisingly well for my increasingly aging rig.It's not a revolutionary FPS in terms of storytelling or narrative, or even creative gameplay mechanics, but that doesn't stop it from being gorgeous and DAMN FUN to play, I think there's very much enough room in this market for story driven games like Half-Life 2: Episodes / TF2 and Tech/Mindless shooting driven games from the likes of Id and Crytek - so these arguements seem so incredibly circular and idiotic in the first place.
Oh and I fought those alien things you see at the demos' end (in the editor)
One of them is really easy to take down,they just go up to the sky and shoot sharp pieces of ice at you(wtf?),
but when they're more than one they're obviously harder but they also use a secondary attack which launches some energy ball at you and kills you instantly unless you run away fast.
You can spawn their weapon too you know. It's named the "MOAR". :LOL: Also there is an attachment called the "MOAR attachment". It essentially freezes stuff and looks cool when used on enemies.
On page three they give a rapidshit link to cvars already changed:

unpack and copy past this in :
C:\Program Files\Games\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis SP Demo\Config\

just remember to backup your original cvar folder

Thanks Mr. Fox. I did mod settings, and I didn't see any significant graphic or frame improvements. Maybe, I didn't get it right.
Also I read in many places that; low frames on higher-end system is due to the fact that; Nvidia screwing over with decent drivers for Crysis, and that ATI folks are actually enjoyed more frames than Nvidia. Also SLI is disabled in the demo so, don't go wondering "Why is your SLI rig disappointing?".

Hopefully, this will sorted out in the official release.

In the mean time; enjoy this over the top fully loaded Far-Cry in suit.

Good Luck.
I find it funny that people on this forum praise Crysis/FarCry for its freedom when it all it does is give you the same amount of freedom seen in games like Halo.

Yeah, but Halo is 100% run and gun.
In spite of the multitudes of people saying that they're going to (or having to) upgrade to play Crysis? Or the fact that that the listed system requirements are much higher than those of Source?

Stubborn. Ok...
Why would they be stubborn about it? "Hey Gabe, I think we should add full realtime dynamic lighting." "NO, damnit! I'm trying to hold out for as long as possible!"
Doesn't make sense really.
Valve have even stated in interviews that they base their technology level on the results of the Steam Hardware Surveys. That's why they don't have a special dx10 rendering path, and why they've dropped the dx7 path - because they can monitor the hardware trends and aim squarely at the broadest spectrum of users. It obviously works for them - which do you reckon sold more - HL2 or Far Cry?

YES SIR! You took those words right out of my mouth.
People should wonder why we do those hardware months surveys. Valve develops based on the majority of our specs. Thus; comes up with an engine exclusively designed for their audience/fans. Nothing over the top and yes maybe source does mismatch stuff (like one of said) but, you can damn well run it in any given system out there. Doesn't look bad either.
I find it funny that people on this forum praise Crysis/FarCry for its freedom when it all it does is give you the same amount of freedom seen in games like Halo.


ARE YOU SERIOUSLY......Im leaving it at that, no energy of will to open this guys eyes.

So who's pre-ordering ?

Already had it pre-ordered. I knew i was getting this before the demo.

YES SIR! You took those words right out of my mouth.
People should wonder why we do those hardware months surveys. Valve develops based on the majority of our specs. Thus; comes up with an engine exclusively designed for their audience/fans. Nothing over the top and yes maybe source does mismatch stuff (like one of said) but, you can damn well run it in any given system out there. Doesn't look bad either.

Not to mention Valves games DONT look bad, yes they arent as technical, but they look amazing. Most of that due to the amazing art direction. Iv said this before, come after Episode 3 or even for episode 3 will will see Valve enter the Technology push again.
I find it funny that people on this forum praise Crysis/FarCry for its freedom when it all it does is give you the same amount of freedom seen in games like Halo.

I haven't played halo so I can't really comment, but if that is true then that might be one of the reasons halo is so highly thought of.
Very different beasts. I liked the way you could approach situations differently in some of Far Cry's levels. Some of the early ones were excellent - sneaking about, getting into good sniping spots, going in guns blazing etc. If Crysis develops on this it could be very good. Halo has little of this pre-planning - the difference here being it's the actual killing and staying alive that's involved. In Far Cry (and I asume Crysis) the important decisions are made before the combat starts - once the guns are firing it's quite basic. Just aim for the head.
I find it funny that people on this forum praise Crysis/FarCry for its freedom when it all it does is give you the same amount of freedom seen in games like Halo.

The Halo series has almost no freedom compared to this. I think that you:

A: dislike both titles.
B: haven't played one or the other.

While I can see the arguements saying it's not that big a change from Far Cry, I have abosolutely no qualms with that. Far Cry gave me hours and hours of amusement, and I'm sure this will be no different. Also the game runs suprisingly well for my increasingly aging rig.It's not a revolutionary FPS in terms of storytelling or narrative, or even creative gameplay mechanics, but that doesn't stop it from being gorgeous and DAMN FUN to play, I think there's very much enough room in this market for story driven games like Half-Life 2: Episodes / TF2 and Tech/Mindless shooting driven games from the likes of Id and Crytek - so these arguements seem so incredibly circular and idiotic in the first place.

Iv`e just realized that you can through people through biuldings with suit strength on, I just threw a guy through a steel roof. :)
I never though Halo was similar to Far Cry,Halo had much less freedom and the only 'freedom' Far Cry had was mostly in the first levels.
(I played only the first Halo).

I wonder if they make those aliens in Crysis hard\fun to fight..
You can go strength, jump onto a building, look down and punch the roof, collapsing inward and killing people below. Or you could run around the side and literally smack the wall down causing that side of the building to collapse.

I did it to the guy in the toilet, was quite funny.
Lol I shot the guy in the toiler with the door open and then the wall behind him came down..was fun.
can someone post more pics and some gameplay videos?

and how is it? is so good that you can unconscious of so many orgasms you feel while playing the game or what?

When I ramped a Hummer over therock next to the garage :D
Hey, without me having to read all of these pages, what are your system specs if you don't mind me asking--that looks lovely on your rig! :thumbs:

I have an AMD X2 64 4200
1GB Ram
Geforce 8600 GTS Overclocked

Game runs nicely all the way through, only slowing at the end with the boat and alien.

I`m seriously impressed how well the demo runs on my machine :)

That last shot was taken with me using the altered .cfg file for the directX 10 effects on XP, and it was still running at an easily playable framrate, but for the difference in quality (hardly any at all) I decided to switch back to the normal High settings.
I have an AMD X2 64 4200
1GB Ram
Geforce 8600 GTS Overclocked

Game runs nicely all the way through, only slowing at the end with the boat and alien.

I`m seriously impressed how well the demo runs on my machine :)

That last shot was taken with me using the altered .cfg file for the directX 10 effects on XP, and it was still running at an easily playable framrate, but for the difference in quality (hardly any at all) I decided to switch back to the normal High settings.

how well does the 4200 perfom in other games for you?
Im planning to get that next month witha 8800GT :D
I have an AMD X2 64 4200
1GB Ram
Geforce 8600 GTS Overclocked

Game runs nicely all the way through, only slowing at the end with the boat and alien.

I`m seriously impressed how well the demo runs on my machine :)

That last shot was taken with me using the altered .cfg file for the directX 10 effects on XP, and it was still running at an easily playable framrate, but for the difference in quality (hardly any at all) I decided to switch back to the normal High settings.
Wow. That is serisouly impressive stuff there. I really have to invest in some sort of DX10 GPU. Good to know that this relatively cheap solution holds up pretty well. What I am really hoping is that with the new GPUs coming out pretty soon, even the GTX will be relatively cheap by the holidays or shortly thereafter. Thanks!!