cs/de_xcom (my latest map in 2 flavors)

I love this map! its designed with plenty of choke points, alternate routes and extras. I think the "broken" elevator is extremely well thought out, the only thing i would ask would be could you make the elevator doors when it falls fly off?
Thx for the comments, its always nice to hear people are happy with something that you work this hard on (4 months to be exact).

If you read the credits (in easter egg rooms and in the map) you will see who contributed what to the map as far as textures/sounds/models etc. Small sumo ported that helicopter from hl1 to source for me, betcha would have never thought that was a hl1 model eh? Ya, Id say he did a phenominal job. You can reach me and or him on punkassfraggers.com in our forums. Happy fraggin.
I played with ya on IPAF Bourgeoisie.. I meant to ask.. Are you going to start on another project :P

I love your maps. I have about 5 in production, but i never seem to hit the spot in terms of my own satisfaction.. whether it be fps or balance. im sure you know how it is :P
I don't like the gameplay myself (Chockepoint areas are all areas I don't want to be fighting in) and it's R E A L L Y messy until you get the floorplans down in your head.

It's one of the nicest looking maps I've seen though, so kudos for that.
oh man this map rocks so much... it is visually astounding...
very nice i had this same idea to do a cs/de map but u can take it it will prob. take along time to do it though
Phisionary said:
punkassfraggers download won't work for me. doh.

you might not be clicking the right one, I just checked and it works fine. try fileplanet if you can stand the wait :dozey: