cs, only multi.

I think there definitely IS a Hl2mp, because in the leak there was an mp that was not css.

And no i havent played it, I just saw some scrnshots off a site that cant be named.
Although it may look like they are keeping secrets about whether Half-Life 2 has its own multiplayer component or not, it won't look that way from Valve's point of view. They haven't come out and said "Yes, there is a Half-Life 2 multiplayer" because they don't think they need to say that. They'll probably just assume that people know. We haven't seen Gordon jump in any of the binks, and Valve have not come out and said "Yes, you can jump". But no one is suggesting that you can't jump in the game. And if you ask Valve what special things Gordon can do, they probably won't say "Gordon can jump".

And I definately think the word "games" means something. Especially when you think that Cliffe would assume that people aren't wondering about whether or not there is a HL2 multiplayer.

Also, there may be a quote saying that CS:S isn't Half-Life 2's multiplayer Component, because I remember the same argument being made after E3 2004.
maybe they mean its the only multiplayer game included with it, not including hl2 multiplayer if they dont have hl2 multiplayer its the stupidest idea ever, i know there gonna make hl2 multiplayer.
I dont really care if they dont pt in any hl2 mp.
im going to take so long to finish the game, by the time i´ve finished all you guys will be back here saying hl3 has been delayed yet again and how you hate valve
I don't really care that much if true HL multiplayer is included as long as we get a simultaneous release of the SDK.
McFly said:
of course HL2 with have its own multiplayer portion. cant people just think for themselves about how stupid they are to think that CS:S is the only multiplayer. Its not even HL2 related.

We need to make two lists of quotes and their authors - the "HL2 will have a MP and anyone who says otherwise is a vapid moron" list, and the "CS:S is the only MP, it's right there in print why don't you learn to read you dimwit" list.

Then when the truth comes out, all the "I told you so, you ignorant buffoons" comments can be directed more accurately.
Lazlow said:
We need to make two lists of quotes and their authors - the "HL2 will have a MP and anyone who says otherwise is a vapid moron" list, and the "CS:S is the only MP, it's right there in print why don't you learn to read you dimwit" list.

Then when the truth comes out, all the "I told you so, you ignorant buffoons" comments can be directed more accurately.

LOL how true, how true.
Think about this for a second. What is a multiplayer mod for Half-Life? It's a modified version of Half-Life multiplayer. Now, if HL2 does not have any multiplayer that means there will be no custom multiplayer mods. What do you think the chances of Valve letting that happen? Oh, and CS:S would not qualify as a base for a mod since it's an already heavily modified version of HL2.
BloodyMario said:
Think about this for a second. What is a multiplayer mod for Half-Life? It's a modified version of Half-Life multiplayer. Now, if HL2 does not have any multiplayer that means there will be no custom multiplayer mods. What do you think the chances of Valve letting that happen? Oh, and CS:S would not qualify as a base for a mod since it's an already heavily modified version of HL2.

Well obviously the MP netcode exists since they have CS:S. This doesn't mean there's automatically any other MP that uses it. So either way MP mods will not have a problem with it as it would most likely just be released in the SDK.
I think he's trying to say that not all mods are total conversions, like CS or DOD. So, by not including some kind of HL2 multiplayer they aren't going to be able to have any of the smaller mods like "Rocket Crowbar" that were mostly HL multiplayer with some over-the-top weapons or other relatively small gameplay modifications. It's going to be a lot of work to make a full, decent mod for Source because of the higher polycounts, larger textures/skins, shaders, more detailed maps, etc... so we will be without any interesting mods for quite a while if there is no base HL2 MP to make them from. I don't see why they wouldn't at least thrown in deathmatch with HL2 characters at the last minute (if there is, in fact, no HL2 multiplayer).
Neutrino said:
Well obviously the MP netcode exists since they have CS:S. This doesn't mean there's automatically any other MP that uses it. So either way MP mods will not have a problem with it as it would most likely just be released in the SDK.

So, basically you are saying they have everthing they need to include multiplayer, but they won't. Not even vanilla deathmatch similiar to HL MP? I'm just trying to understand the logic of people saying there will be no MP.
OCybrManO said:
I think he's trying to say that not all mods are total conversions, like CS or DOD. So, by not including some kind of HL2 multiplayer they aren't going to be able to have any of the smaller mods like "Rocket Crowbar" that were mostly HL multiplayer with some over-the-top weapons or other relatively small gameplay modifications. It's going to be a lot of work to make a full, decent mod for Source because of the higher polycounts, larger textures/skins, shaders, more detailed maps, etc... so we will be without any interesting mods for quite a while if there is no base HL2 MP to make them from.

True. But as far as I'm concerned the only interesting mods for HL1 were all total conversion. The small mods were mildly entertaining for a few minutes, but that was about it for me. It was things like DOD, CS, NS, and TS that were fun.
BloodyMario said:
So, basically you are saying they have everthing they need to include multiplayer, but they won't. Not even vanilla deathmatch similiar to HL MP? I'm just trying to understand the logic of people saying there will be no MP.

I'm just going off of what Valve has said. If they say there's no other multiplayer (as I think they have) I believe them.
I think that cs: s is the ONLY multiplayer component coming with Hl2.
If you think that way ,then you won't be dissapointed when it only comes with cs: s. And..if it comes with a hl2 themed multiplayer ,then you'll be happy as hell.:p
Neutrino said:
I'm just going off of what Valve has said. If they say there's no other multiplayer (as I think they have) I believe them.

Well, we don't know how official whatever they said is. I think we can safely assume that they will at least include the MP part with the SDK. Then it will be simply a matter of compiling the code and treating it as a HL2 mod. Voila, instant HL2 multiplayer.
I'm not sure how this is hard to understand..

Gabe, in 2003, said he played HL2 mp everyday, and said it was great fun. CS:S started development in early 2004. Now, if CS:S was the hl2 mp, how could Gabe have been playing it in 2003 if Valve hadn't even started development on it until early 2004? Someone please explain to me how he managed to play, and enjoy, a game that didn't even exist?
Wrong Kage, there were already some CS:S files in the pre-E3 2003 leak.
there is going to be a HL2 Multiplayer portion
1. Gabe stating he played it every day over a year ago.
2. Valve has not even confirmed CS:S was the only multiplayer.
3. Earlier this year, Valve was still deciding whether to include CS:S free with HL2 or not.
4. There was supposed to be a SP only and MP+SP editions of the game. It was scraped because their earlier publisher went out of business.
5. Use common sense people, Why the **** would they make a game without a multiplayer portion?
iamaelephant said:
Wrong Kage, there were already some CS:S files in the pre-E3 2003 leak.
SOME******* is the word there. the game was incomplete then, no way he could play a game everyday with incomplete coding and levels.
not to mention that valve stated that VAC 2 would be included for Half-life 2 AND it's mods. Why would they say that? Becuase Hl2 has it's own mp. Why would you have VAC for a single-player only game?
thats it, im starting a Clan right now for people who know that HL2 will have its own Multiplayer.
*crickets chirping*


i know there will be a hl2 mp, maybe its better that the community makes one.
in the "u know what" you could already play halflife online...well "play" is the wrong word...you could just run around and the other person was a lagging questionmark ^^

just for your pacification...
Neutrino said:
Jess Cliffe:

He says nothing about a MP mod. I don't really understand why no one takes this statement seriously. I mean how much clearer can they make it?

Here, I'll paraphrase it a few different ways to make it more clear:

Seems pretty self explanatory to me. :p

When HL2 releases, you'll see that I was right ;)

He's talking about MP material that's to be released WITH hl2, like dod:source, cs:source, hl:source, etc.
He says NOTHING about the MP of hl2 itself.
I agree that he is talking about the other games for multi. like dod:source etc.

Didn't Gabe say he plays HL2's multiplayer all the time, when asked about MP way back when?
And when did CSS actually start being worked on?
gabe stated that the official multiplayer for hl2 was CS:source. This was at the 1st cs:s demo. I dont why some people seem to be certain this is not the case and it will have its own hl2 mp. well the best u can hope for is HL1:Death match on the siurce engine.

Oh it would be great to use the grav gun on enemies but i dont think multiplayer can support physics like the single player can...well just look at dusts barrels.
Biggest evidence for no HL2DM me: why would you not tell people about a feature of your game that would help it sell more copies?

There's absolutely no reason for them to keep the fact that they have HL2 themed DM secret. They don't have one, and they don't want to admit it until they absolutely have to (because it will dim some ppls enthusiasm for the game)
Asus said:
I agree that he is talking about the other games for multi. like dod:source etc.

Didn't Gabe say he plays HL2's multiplayer all the time, when asked about MP way back when?
And when did CSS actually start being worked on?

Work on Cs:s started in Jan 2004, according to cliffe. Gabe isn't a saint, either.

Although iamelephant is right, there was some "stuff" on cs:s in the stolen built.
Would it not make sense to let us beta test HL2's multiplayer instead of CS:S if there was one?

And about the physics in MP, I think they can do only as much as in CS:S because of client/server synchronization and network lag etc. I read it somwhere etc.

CS:S just might be it, which is not a bad thing since its tight.
ukfluke said:
gabe stated that the official multiplayer for hl2 was CS:source. This was at the 1st cs:s demo. I dont why some people seem to be certain this is not the case and it will have its own hl2 mp. well the best u can hope for is HL1:Death match on the siurce engine.

Oh it would be great to use the grav gun on enemies but i dont think multiplayer can support physics like the single player can...well just look at dusts barrels.
where did u pull that statement about Gabe out of?
You know what, it would be not be very savvy to not say that HL2 has a multiplayer component. Because if HL2 did have mp, and they officially said it, then it would hype the game more.

And if it does not, then they would want to dodge the bullet because it could hurt sales like they are doing now. I think thats why they don't want to say anything officially.

Heck they might try to throw in something last minute.

Anyway I am looking forward to the SP experience of HL2, thats what I enjoyed most in HL1.
Would it not make sense to let us beta test HL2's multiplayer instead of CS:S if there was one?

Not if it was secret, so that is no argument ^^

There's absolutely no reason for them to keep the fact that they have HL2 themed DM secret.

Thats because there isn't one. I can say that for certain. The only way they would keep it secret is if they have done something totally new and fantastic for the multiplayer of HL2.

So it's not a question of "will HL2's multiplayer be CS:S or HL2DM?"

It's a question of "will HL2's multiplayer be CS:S or some fantastic secret they will divulge just before release?"
Does anyone know if the leaked version had a multiplayer component?And whether people were able to play it? Sorry if its a taboo question.
Head_Crab_04 said:
Does anyone know if the leaked version had a multiplayer component?And whether people were able to play it? Sorry if its a taboo question.

it had the ability for people to join the game, but there weren't models to look at on the other person, the other person was some part of a model that wasn't complete. this could have just been for deveoper purposes, because there were no sign of MP specific maps, you could simply 'connect' to a game.
Crusader said:
Thats because there isn't one. I can say that for certain. The only way they would keep it secret is if they have done something totally new and fantastic for the multiplayer of HL2.
That's extremely wishful thinking. Even so, why keep THAT secret? Just for the fun of saying, "Surprise!"? No one would have time to copy their innovation if they announced it.

It is typical game company behavior NOT to comment on things that aren't in their games that would lessen the hype for it. That is a much more plausible explanation than the "Superdee dooper swell surprise" theory.