cs, only multi.

Asus said:
Didn't Gabe say he plays HL2's multiplayer all the time, when asked about MP way back when?
Gabe also said that HL2 would be released on September 30, 2003.
actually, that brings up a new point. It was originally going to be released on Sept. 30th, 2003. Meaning the multiplayer was done, and Gabe said he played it everyday back then. Since the delay, they began production on CS:S, not before the delay. Anyone catching on here?
How is that wishful thinking? I'm just providing options, not saying what I think will happen ^^

They wouldn't make standard HL2DM secret is all I am saying..
Crusader said:
How is that wishful thinking? I'm just providing options, not saying what I think will happen ^^

They wouldn't make standard HL2DM secret is all I am saying..

Unless the HL2 mp completely overshadows CS:S.
punjabpolice said:
Or someone can just mod it in :) That seems to be the answer to everything these days and its really a piss off.

Actually, most games would say it's either impossible, or it's in the game. VALVe say's it's possible, but not in the game seeing as how they have so much else.
I don't really care if theres no other multiplayer that comes with HL2 because I doubt that I'd play the HL2 multi if its like HL's.

The thing that will piss me off is if I have to start buying TF2, DoD, and any other major mods.
CS-Nation: Is CS: Source the only multiplayer game shipping with Half-Life 2?

cliffe: Half-Life 2 will come with CS: Source. Right now, we do not plan to include any other multiplayer games with Half-Life 2.

Question was not straight forward... but still clear in my mind what he/she wanted to find out....

I don't think Cliffe misunderstood the question...(unless he thinks people put hidden twists in their questions in the interview)

I don't really care about HL2DM...
I'm sure once HL2 is released... flood of interesting mods will be out in matter of weeks..
McFly said:
actually, that brings up a new point. It was originally going to be released on Sept. 30th, 2003. Meaning the multiplayer was done, and Gabe said he played it everyday back then. Since the delay, they began production on CS:S, not before the delay. Anyone catching on here?

That makes no sense considering that the whole thing was no where near complete at that time. Thus the reason it has been delayed for an entire year. I don't think you can draw any conclusions based on that.
I don't know what the fuss is all about? I think CS:S is a fine multiplayer component for HL2, on top of that we get it free. HL was never known for its muliplayer aspect until the mods came out.
McFly said:
actually, that brings up a new point. It was originally going to be released on Sept. 30th, 2003. Meaning the multiplayer was done, and Gabe said he played it everyday back then. Since the delay, they began production on CS:S, not before the delay. Anyone catching on here?
That was my point. ;)
Just wanted to get some thoughts going here.

20thCenturyBoyz said:
CS-Nation: Is CS: Source the only multiplayer game shipping with Half-Life 2?

cliffe: Half-Life 2 will come with CS: Source. Right now, we do not plan to include any other multiplayer games with Half-Life 2.
It really depends how you read it. You could read it as there will be no other multiplayer at all other than CSS.
Or you could read it as there will be no other additional mulitplayer other than CSS, excluding the HL MP that was not added later but rather built in.

I wouldn't be too disappointed if it didn't have it's own MP. I can see it both ways but I'm leaning toward them holding HL MP being a secret still. I don't know.

I like to think with hope but not stake any commitments on it. :)
For me this absolutly sucks if css is the only MP for HL2. Granted Ill enjoy the SP experience but I was really really looking foward to playing some kind of unique MP with HL2 when it ships not just cs which I dont understand why valve would only have css cause alot of people really dont like it. ;( ;( ;(
For me this absolutly sucks if css is the only MP for HL2. Granted Ill enjoy the SP experience but I was really really looking foward to playing some kind of unique MP with HL2 when it ships not just cs which I dont understand why valve would only have css cause alot of people really dont like it. ;( ;( ;(

Why only have CS:S? Because it's the most popular FPS on the planet. Makes good business sense to me.
Rafa 5.0 said:
well I like CS, but I might be the only one in here ;(

I like cs dont get me wrong I was just reallu hoping for something new and original.
McFly said:
actually, that brings up a new point. It was originally going to be released on Sept. 30th, 2003. Meaning the multiplayer was done, and Gabe said he played it everyday back then. Since the delay, they began production on CS:S, not before the delay. Anyone catching on here?
I'll rephrase: Gabe lied before, he can lie again. This is extremely cynical, yes, but sometimes being cynical is necessary.
I like Cs too, but that's what i have cs for. I want hl2 mp. :D

I want to use the manipulater to throw barrels at some guy across the country. I want to drive a buggy over my friends at lan. A little selfish, i know, but hl2 should have it's own multi.

I'm sure that if Valve dosn't put it in, someone will mod it. There lies the irony. Half-life shipped with it's own multiplayer, then cs was a mod for it. Now hl 2 comes with a cs and needs someone to mod it's own multiplayer. :hmph:
Gabe probably was playing mp back when he said he plays it everyday. But they easily could have scrapped it and decided to use CS:S as the MP. It is by far much more popular than HL:DM. Although I would LOVE to see a HLMP with drivable vehicles and stuff. I seriously doubt it's going to happen. :(
We have only seen CS:S obviously, so I'm assuming valve just wanted to take that on as their MP instead of waiting until release to update it w/ source. It would be a terrible business mistake not to announce a MP.
C'mon Gabe, jump in and answer the question (and maybe explain why and if you're answer has changed...)

I'm still desperately clinging to the hope that all references to CS:S being the only included game simply means that HL2 will ship with its own internal MP component as well as the stand alone. Presumably, other "games" like the rumoured Source incarnations of DoD and TFC will be released at a later date through Steam...
letsz' say they dont include mp into HL2. It'll take all of about two seconds for the mod community to implement it and within a few weeks the maps will be rolling in. Plus, the best maps for HL1 MP weren't those made by Valve. Because it would be that simple to create a MP HL2, it leads me to believe that Valve could do it reasonably quickly and create simple maps from the singleplayer maps. But then again, maybe they won't. Either way we'll get a HL2 MP. So we shouldn't bother bitching our case one way or the other...
Valve has been pretty straight forward with us. I think that since Cliffe said CS:S is the only MP included with HL2, then it's probably true. I don't think they are hiding anything from us, I mean they have pretty much said almost everything about the different MP modes. DOD:S, TFC:S, TF2 has been mentioned a few times, and other mods down the road to be released on STEAM. I highly doubt from seeing the BOXART and valve not stating anything about until recently Cliffe did, that there really might not be a HL2 MP, well maybe until later on down the road. However, people played the leaked HL2 MP so whats the deal with that? I also don't understand the TF2 files in there too...?? We will have to wait and see what happens. I bet anything they announce HL2 GOLD sometime this week.
ever notice most of the people who say CS:S will be the only multiplayer are CS fanboys, saying that they think HL2 Multiplayer doesnt exist and if it did would suck. They simply believe there will be no HL2 based multi because they are obsessed with CS and have allowed it to overule common sense.
ZoomaCLW said:
I'll rephrase: Gabe lied before, he can lie again. This is extremely cynical, yes, but sometimes being cynical is necessary.
when you say he can lie again, wtf are you talking about? That made no sense.
McFly said:
ever notice most of the people who say CS:S will be the only multiplayer are CS fanboys, saying that they think HL2 Multiplayer doesnt exist and if it did would suck. They simply believe there will be no HL2 based multi because they are obsessed with CS and have allowed it to overule common sense.

Oh please. :rolleyes:
McFly said:
ever notice most of the people who say CS:S will be the only multiplayer are CS fanboys, saying that they think HL2 Multiplayer doesnt exist and if it did would suck. They simply believe there will be no HL2 based multi because they are obsessed with CS and have allowed it to overule common sense.

Ummm, No. Most people who say Cs is the only multi are just being resonable. It really seems like Cs.S is the only multi.

no one said reg. Hl2 multi would suck. Someone said Mods are more populer than things made by valve but that dosn't mean it sucks.

I would you need to listen to common sense and say at this point, cs is the only Multi. I hope we are wrong, but I think someone would of said something by now.
Pliskin said:
Ummm, No. Most people who say Cs is the only multi are just being resonable. It really seems like Cs.S is the only multi.

no one said reg. Hl2 multi would suck. Someone said Mods are more populer than things made by valve but that dosn't mean it sucks.

I would you need to listen to common sense and say at this point, cs is the only Multi. I hope we are wrong, but I think someone would of said something by now.
ok, lots of gramatical mistakes, but ill try to make it out.

SOmetimes it seems like im one of the few ones listening to common sense. Actually, many people said HL2 multi would suck. Even if Valve knows the community will make 100's of mods, they stilll include multi. if you listen to common sense, you would think that even though they have not released any details on it, Valve thinks we are smart enough to know there is a multiplayer, because every game today has it.
McFly said:
ok, lots of gramatical mistakes, but ill try to make it out.

SOmetimes it seems like im one of the few ones listening to common sense. Actually, many people said HL2 multi would suck. Even if Valve knows the community will make 100's of mods, they stilll include multi. if you listen to common sense, you would think that even though they have not released any details on it, Valve thinks we are smart enough to know there is a multiplayer, because every game today has it.

Yes, exactly! It's only logical to assume there will be a MP for HL2 because it's the norm for first person shooters. It's really dumbfounding to assume the contrary that there is NO MP because they won't reveal its' details.
CB | Para said:
Yes, exactly! It's only logical to assume there will be a MP for HL2 because it's the norm for first person shooters. It's really dumbfounding to assume the contrary that there is NO MP because they won't reveal its' details.

That's the thing, the multi. IS CS:S, you just see that. I hope I'm wrong, but like I said, we should assume CS:S is the multi. and wait.

(sorry about the mistakes, i'm used to rushing through my typing :hmph: )

And stop calling anyone who dosn't beilieve what your saying a fanboy! Like many others, I like cs but I would rather have HL2 DM anyday.
Pliskin said:
That's the thing, the multi. IS CS:S, you just see that. I hope I'm wrong, but like I said, we should assume CS:S is the multi. and wait.

(sorry about the mistakes, i'm used to rushing through my typing :hmph: )

And stop calling anyone who dosn't beilieve what your saying a fanboy! Like many others, I like cs but I would rather have HL2 DM anyday.
the multi isnt CS:S. its a completely different game. therefore, it is not HL2. Therefore, HL2 will have CTF and DM modes and will roxX0r off your b0xX0rs, or whities, or whatever you wear.
McFly said:
the multi isnt CS:S. its a completely different game. therefore, it is not HL2. Therefore, HL2 will have CTF and DM modes and will roxX0r off your b0xX0rs, or whities, or whatever you wear.

You don't know that for a FACT. All you(we) can do is HOPE they include it's OWN MP. BTW I'm being realistic about the MP, trust me id rather have a HL2 DM than CS:S. TF2 would make up for the CS:S :)
all i want you to do is think logically. dont think about the lack of evidence or hints valve has given us.

Have you ever seen a fps without multiplayer?
Would Valve do that?
McFly said:
when you say he can lie again, wtf are you talking about? That made no sense.
He lied about the date HL2 was coming out. And yes, it was a lie, not a mistake. (But I don't want to turn this into a Bill O'Reily vs. Michael Moore interview! :p )

So he can lie about playing the multiplayer everyday.

And I hate Counterstrike, by the way. I'm just being reasonable.

No, of course Valve wouldn't ship it without multiplayer! They aren't! They are shipping it with CS:Source, which is a very popular multiplayer game, and many people will buy HL2 for it!

It makes perfect business sense!

Try to argue your way out of this one, McFly! :)

(No hard feelings.)
;) That wasn't a very serious post, I was being sarcastic
Chill out.
ZoomaCLW said:
He lied about the date HL2 was coming out. And yes, it was a lie, not a mistake. (But I don't want to turn this into a Bill O'Reily vs. Michael Moore interview! :p )

So he can lie about playing the multiplayer everyday.

And I hate Counterstrike, by the way. I'm just being reasonable.
except he didnt