CS:S complaints

Illegal Amigo

Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
There are several things in CS:S that bother me:

The player has no shadow and the hostages are soooo much taller than you. Also, you can't jump on barrels and the physics get weird when you can't move. (Things bounce you back making walking awkward). I've also found that the hosties are still retarded, and sometimes stop following out of nowhere.

Edit: Also, while I'm at it, some parts of maps are way to bright, like the wine cellar in Italy.

Edit 2: Also, when walking in water in Aztec, there's no wake left by your footsteps in the water. Also, there are patches of ground in the water. If you jump off the bridge at the wrong spot you'll be injured.
There's also no assault_upc! (These maps will become available upon release of HL2's map editor, hopefully).
about the hossies being taller, they're not. If you look at the screenies with the CT and hossie together you can see they are the same size. But the CT's and T's walk and stand in this sort of half crouching combat stance, the hossies are standing upright
No, actually look at the hostage's feet.
At least for me, they seem to be hovering above the ground...
and wtf?! You can only have one skin?! This isn't beta but full.. and still one skin... (per side)
Incitatus said:
about the hossies being taller, they're not. If you look at the screenies with the CT and hossie together you can see they are the same size. But the CT's and T's walk and stand in this sort of half crouching combat stance, the hossies are standing upright

Good God why are you calling them "hossies?" Is that some sort of lame CS shorthand? No offense, but when people say things like "nades" or "boomstick" I cringe. This seems similar.
DarkStar said:
Good God why are you calling them "hossies?" Is that some lame CS shorthand?

brilliant deduction :sleep:
theres gonna be an update tonight or tommorow to add the rst of the maps, models and bots in the game.
who gives a crap about those problems lol. i wish theyd make NEW MAPS! so we dont have to play the same layout thats been played for 5 years.
were did u hear of an update? do u have a link? Bit early for it
John Romero said:
no link just inside information.

Well, i hope it's true cuz it still feels like beta... Seems incomplete...
An update so soon? Sounds like BS to me. But if its real and they do add a bot ill be happy.
i dont like the fact that u have to shoot a hostage 3 times in the head to kill him!
sure inside info eh?

anyway... im very happy with the ragdoll but im very unhappy with the lack of new maps...
there needs to be new gameplay... all they have done is port it basicly over to HL2 engine... altho im glad they did, im still not stoaked for cs-s.

why isnt there a mode where you have to hold certain positions, like in ut2k4 in onslaught.

i know this is a counter terrorism game but it seems more like team deathmatch still...

im sick of the same shit, over and over and over again..

its so boring...

with the largest online community ever, u think that they would listen to us, and change this crap up a bit?

even a dumb map like jeepathon would be dope...
i like a lot of things about cs... but i keep on gettin bored of it...

my new comp and grfx card makes everything sweet, but even tho.... i still keep gettin bored... there needs to be new skins and different weapons...

like a double barrel sawed off shotgun for T's... or maybe a
oh...and to add to all that. It's still CS. which mean it's flawed from the get go. HA!
Eightball said:
why isnt there a mode where you have to hold certain positions, like in ut2k4 in onslaught.

i know this is a counter terrorism game but it seems more like team deathmatch still...

im sick of the same shit, over and over and over again..

its so boring...

with the largest online community ever, u think that they would listen to us, and change this crap up a bit?


Id say they DID listen to the community and the vast majority said "Dont fvck up the gameplay by adding sh!tty game modes like they did in ut2004 with onslaught"

i think it would change cs too much to give it different gameplay modes. There will be plenty og mods for HL2 soon enuf, i suggest you play them if you sick of cs:s.
Eightball said:
sure inside info eh?

anyway... im very happy with the ragdoll but im very unhappy with the lack of new maps...
there needs to be new gameplay... all they have done is port it basicly over to HL2 engine... altho im glad they did, im still not stoaked for cs-s.

why isnt there a mode where you have to hold certain positions, like in ut2k4 in onslaught.

i know this is a counter terrorism game but it seems more like team deathmatch still...

im sick of the same shit, over and over and over again..

its so boring...

Ok, you've answered your problem in the statement- all they have done is port it basicly over to HL2 engine..

You see that IS what CS:S was designed to be- a port of CS1.6 onto the hl2 engine (hence CS:source...). Anyone expecting more isn't really right in the head.

Maybe if you'd done a bit of research on the game before you payed for it- you'd realise what you were buying, and maybe you wouldn't have to post your nonsense here..
I'm loving CS:Source so far, but I AM disappointed that the other player models aren't there. I want my SAS model.

Aside from that, no real complaints I guess. I'd like more maps but those will surely come in time.
Soundwave said:
I'm loving CS:Source so far, but I AM disappointed that the other player models aren't there. I want my SAS model.

Aside from that, no real complaints I guess. I'd like more maps but those will surely come in time.

What he said.. :upstare:
After all this is still Counter Strike. This is not Counter Strike 2, so whats the problem. They wanted to offer the same gameplay with a new engine and thats what they gave.
yeah im heaps dissapointed the other player models havnt been added. Just really hoping they are added in an update soon.
As long as we're complaining about CS:S here, I'll throw in my two cents. Posted this elsewhere so I'll just paste it here:

Well, I finally played it and I'm even less impressed with it now. As far as I'm concerned besides a few random models thrown in, a few nifty textures effects, and some shaders the brush work might as well be done on the HL1 engine. I'm not really criticizing source here as I think it is capable of a lot more. But I think they rushed out CS:S and it needs a lot more polish. I'm not going to complain too much as it is just a cheap add on to the real game. However, considering that it is HL2's official muliplayer they should have spent a lot more time on it.

Here's the difference 4 years makes in a game:

(Disclaimer: Yes I realize I purposefully took screenshots of bad areas and this doesn't represent the entire game. The reason I did this is to demonstrate that it was rushed and needs a lot more polish in many areas.)

Could stand to use the smooth tool a bit more:



CS1 brush geometry:

CS1 brush geometry:

Could of atleast used a different stump than the one in the original:

CS1 brush geometry:

Slightly better than CS1 brush geometry, but not by much:

Nice rock:

Looks worse than the original:

For some reason this is a physics object and thus players can not walk over it:

Why is their a car muffler in the middle of a chateu that appears to be inaccessable by cars?:

Here's some more issues I have with it:

- Why is practically every surface as shiny as a mirror? Last time I checked old wood, weathered stone, dirt, and grass aren't exactly highly reflective surfaces.

- The fact that they used cubemaps for the reflections often leads to really strange effects. For example, I walked into a room with a tile floor. In a dark hallway I somehow see a bright reflection of these arches that are not even visible from this hallway whatsoever. Does not look good.

- The shadows of physics objects just clash with everything else in the map. I hate seeing a barrel that is sitting right next to a dark wall casting a strong black shadow directly away from the wall. Again, does not look good.

- The physics just suck. Valve, please take note of the fact that barrels do not hit back. Atleast not when you're sober.

- Let's see what else....10 foot high hostages, a 60 year old hostage sounding like a 15 year old kid, random and often inappropriate models strewn all through the maps, and....well I guess I'll stop there for now.

(Note: Not saying it is horrible. I'm just saying it was rushed out the door without nearly enough time spent on it.)

And there we have it folks, the official muliplayer to Half-Life 2. Woo and yay. :hmph:

*please commence flaming* :)
My only complaint apart from the models (not too big of a deal) and maps is that barrels and file cabinets push you back. That's messed me up in combat a few times.
HAHA Neutrino you are right on. Everything is too shiny. I laughed out loud at the old hostage joke. CS:S is pathetic.
smsKONG said:
Maybe if you'd done a bit of research on the game before you payed for it- you'd realise what you were buying, and maybe you wouldn't have to post your nonsense here..

this is my research ****ass....
ive looked at the screens and read the comments...
ive played the beta and will not buy HL2 untill it hits stores
Neutrino said:
Bunch of stuff

Most of that is minor stuff, but I definately agree that it could be better.

I've already said I'm very impressed with it, and I am, but now that I sit and realize that "Wow, they passed up a Resistance vs. Combine MP mode for this, and didn't even put 100% effort into it", it pisses me off a little. I'll still be enjoying myself when playing, but the whole MP aspect really could have been something. IMO, that is the most disappointing game-related thing this year, if not for the past couple. Such potential.

PS - I'm aware of mods, that is not the same.
Ah, I was waiting for someone to post a whining/bitching/complaining/crying thread. It's sad when you guys actually are complaining about something you received early. Something that was to tide you over until the full release was made available. Something that is STILL in BETA, but for some reason you think because the public beta ended that that's the end of bug squashing/testing. You should've done your research before you wasted 50-90 bucks just to play some more maps. Me, I'll be chillen with the screenshots, waiting for my hardcopy, and getting my moneys worth. Haste makes waste. :thumbs:
Still in beta? But it's called CS:S 1.0 Final? Since when is it okay to charge people for a beta? I think your logic is slightly flawed. What makes you think your boxed copy will be any different?
guinny said:
You should've done your research before you wasted 50-90 bucks just to play some more maps. Me, I'll be chillen with the screenshots, waiting for my hardcopy, and getting my moneys worth. Haste makes waste. :thumbs:

I didn't waste my money. It's a great game to hold me over until the real reason for buying the package is released. I'm just saying, Valve could have done some really amazing things with a HL2-universe MP mode.
I agree with Neut. They could have done a much better job. I am fairly new to the CS 'world' and dont know many maps. Even still, I am disappointed they didnt add, at least, assault and train. Maybe a new gun or two. Moltov cocktails, just something. I would rather have a CoD type MP based in HL2's world with HL2 guns and models.
I've never been a huge fan of Counter-Strike to be quite honest, I just wanted the game to see what the Source was capable of.

-I know for a fact that the physics in HL2 are stunning. Everything in HL2 reacts exactly as it should. CS:S has really wonky physics. I have no idea why that is, but it sure is a letdown.

-The overused reflection shader....what the hell is up with that? Why in the name of god does everything look like it was sprayed down 15 seconds before play?

-The really terrible performance drop. What's going on here? In the beta tests I was getting above 100FPS at points. Now I'm lucky to break 30. I have a 3Ghz CPU, 9700 Pro, 1024MB of RAM and the latest drivers. The performance does not change, no matter what I do to my settings.

-Lack of maps/player models. I was expecting CS:S to be released in its entirety. In reality we've got about 8 maps.

The so-called final product feels even more like a beta than the beta. I have a feeling that Valve rushed this one out the door just to get make Steam a more lucrative offer and force Vivendi to release HL2 (which is done).
seinfeldrules said:
I agree with Neut. They could have done a much better job. I am fairly new to the CS 'world' and dont know many maps. Even still, I am disappointed they didnt add, at least, assault and train. Maybe a new gun or two. Moltov cocktails, just something. I would rather have a CoD type MP based in HL2's world with HL2 guns and models.

Agree with me? I think I just saw a pig fly past my window. :LOL:

Heh, j/k.

But ya, I'm not trying to bash the game really. It's still fun and all, but I think it was hurried out the door too fast and could have been done better.

Oh and Guinny, when was the last time people were expected to pay money for a beta?
lol if u played Ragnarok Online when it first hit the states u had to play and it was still in the beta stage.....so thats when i quit that game
The whole bouncing backwards thing when walking into objects is pretty annoying...
Eightball said:
this is my research ****ass....
ive looked at the screens and read the comments...
ive played the beta and will not buy HL2 untill it hits stores

Well I must say it's a great loss for myself and all others out there playing CS:S... Why I don't know how we'll cope without you and your enormous reasoning capabilities, I was really looking forward to some ingame musings from such an enlightened fellow such as yourself. :dork: