CS:S Spraylogo Tutorial

can any1 help me wid counterstrike source sprays plz could they give me their aim addy or msn addy??
I downloaded Vtex and that directory that you say to put it in is not there. Only thing in the hl2 folder you say is Bin and thats empty i dont see vtex\hl2\materialsrc\sprays

Its just simply not there
Spray not working!


I created the spray on Photoshop 7, used vtex no prob and then finally installed the 2 files in the correct directory.

I start CS:S and I choose my spray. The pic comes up in the spray box and looks great. I clcik "Apply" but if I leave the Options console and return, it is back the the spray that I had set earlier (the Kilroy one). When I play a game, the Kilroy also shows up too.

How come the pic looks fine in the box where you choose your sprays, but it doesn't stay selected??

sPaNkThEmOnKeY said:

I created the spray on Photoshop 7, used vtex no prob and then finally installed the 2 files in the correct directory.

I start CS:S and I choose my spray. The pic comes up in the spray box and looks great. I clcik "Apply" but if I leave the Options console and return, it is back the the spray that I had set earlier (the Kilroy one). When I play a game, the Kilroy also shows up too.

How come the pic looks fine in the box where you choose your sprays, but it doesn't stay selected??
make sure your config.cfg is not read only. you could also manually place your spray filename in your config to replace whatever one is there. oh, and make sure you save it. :p
Don't understand what I'm doing wrong

I've tried several times... I even follow the tutorial exacty. Take a picture in photoshop, resize it (I've tried 128*128 and 256*256). Then I convert it. Put the VMT and the other file into the folder where the CSS spray logos are. But every time I go into the game the logo is never there. I don't get it. I even tried deleting one of the original logos, and renaming my custom one as the original deleted... and when I picked it, it was just pink checkered, but when I sprayed it, it was that damn original AGAIN.

How the heck do you do this??
this program is like a woman, it has its mood swings

it wont work 90% of the time for me, either that or my paint shop pro 8.10 is doing something weird where its holding the TGA files hostage

just keep trying to do it
If my spray is 128x256 , since that is not SQUARE, will it still work,?

Maybe that is why I am not seeing it.
should work, all sprays are put into a square anyways, but it'll look ugly

why not just use 256x256?
no matter what I do the sprays do not show up.

I even to a logo.zip package from here, and it was supposed to be ready. deleted my clientregistry.blob and still no show in the options.

Any ideas, these are logos that work for others.
Ok i can make normal sprays and get them to work ingame, just cant get them to be transparent, now i am using photoshop 5 so i cant follow the guide exactly, but if anyone could help me.. even do it for me let me know, i only need the tga file created, i can do the rest.

what program can u use to make an "uncompressed .tga file with 24-bits/pixel"

and how the |=\/(|< do u do step 3?
You no longer need to go through step 3. You can now just import the TGA straight into CSS from the menu where you pick your spray.
I downloaded a .png off the net, that already has that 'checkerboard' effect in the background. I converted to 32 bit uncompressed .tga, and then converted into a spray, and it works in the server. However, the background is white. How can I make it transparent, from the already 'transparent' .png?
Nice tut man :cheers:

However a 256*256 24bit RGB targa is always 192k for me :(

you can get it smaller if you use index however then you get the yucky backgrounds which i dont like :frown:

Is there any way to have a 256*256 smaller then 192k but still with trans?
Ok I have my .tga file made... and i realize now I dont need to change it into a VMT to work... but CS:S refuses to let me import it. I have made 256X256 and 128X128 files and it keeps telling me that I have the wrong height by width dimensions. The filesizes are not too big either. Plz help!
Hey! When I run the vga2vtf thing it says 'demensions must be power of 2!'.....

What does it mean and how can I fix it?!
Nid Banikeri said:
Hey! When I run the vga2vtf thing it says 'demensions must be power of 2!'.....

What does it mean and how can I fix it?!

Power by 2:



So the picture needs to be the power of 2, so 2^n.
You can make one of 128x128 or 128x64, but not 100x100 or 134x123

( I'm noobish at this image thingy heh )

How do you change an image you already have to be 128 x 128, 256 X 256 etc. etc.?
well you're best to use photoshop but it's a simple thing to do so any half-decent image program should do it. Try grabbing a trial copy of paint shop pro (http://www.jasc.com/) or something if you don't have access to photoshop.

Basically you want to crop your image so that there's no unnecessary stuff on the outside, scale your image so that the largest dimenstion (if its not perfectly square) is equal to say 256 with the dimensions locked so that the other axis will resize in proportion. Then increase the canvas size to 256x256.
OK i did a spray no problems, shows up in the spray selector thingy, stayed within file and image size limits, but i cant actually see the spray on the wall :s my friend has the same problem, anybody any idea why it does this?
This doesn't work for me, I have the TGA file ready but when I try and convert it it says it failed to initialize !?

Whats that about?
They should just be in the 'logos' folder... nothing after that.

I saw a few sprays out there, some seems to be of a better quality then others.
Meaning when i get closer they still look sharp and crisp compared to others (like mine) that looks a bit blurry, you can read some text in it.

Any ideas what can i do to fix this?

I assume CSS takes the image and enlarges it, so the bigger the better, i made a 256x256 and thinking a higher amount of bits would keep a good sharpness to it, saved it as 32bit TAG before conversion.

Am i doing something wrong or is there something better i can do to get my image sharper on closer inspection?
Aww it says that there isnt enefough bandwidth!!! I can't see it!
Does anybody know how to use aniamated gif's as sprays? I have seen people using animated sprays and wanted to know if there is a tutorial somewhere.