CS:S Spraylogo Tutorial

Someone could see my spray and we didn't have the "download" folder. :| I think it's a server thing.
i ran the tga2vtf.bat i popped up 4 a second and did nothing no extra files =( any1 help? thanks
after the upload on the 20th that was supposed to fix the spray problems...none of my sprays work, has this happend to anyone else? i tried deleting the downloads folder in cstrike and making a new one but neither of them did anything....
I CAN SEE ALL MY SPRAYS! BUT do they work online? does ANYONE know if sprays work online?
lol I love VALVe.
They give me the right details, and the changelog the wrong details :D
I doesn't work for me :( I did everything just as he says, but when I save as a tga file, it doesn't give me the "Targa Options" window, and the saved file has a weight of 0 byte. Can anyone help?
ZORD said:
after the upload on the 20th that was supposed to fix the spray problems...none of my sprays work, has this happend to anyone else? i tried deleting the downloads folder in cstrike and making a new one but neither of them did anything....
You have to resize em. the maximum size of sprays allowed is 128x128 now.
thanks...it did work when i put it at 128x128 but now it looks horrible in the game, it is all blurry. anything i can do about that?
It dont work for me i get this message

image dimensions must be the power of 2!
error initializing texture hl2/materialsrc/sprays/jen.tga
ahh figured out what i done wrong, i forgot to untick the constrain proportions box.
ZORD said:
thanks...it did work when i put it at 128x128 but now it looks horrible in the game, it is all blurry. anything i can do about that?
go back to photoshop with the original psd and resample it to a new dimensions instead of taking the final and making it smaller. when you take a large high resolution picture and make it smaller you make all the pixels look bigger and thus it looks like a horrible blocky piece of crap.

i have 2 text layers and one paint layer.

(i have tryed ctrl e)
I just got this mail from Cliffe.

Hi Abe,

This was a typo -- it's actually a 130k limit. Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Fredrik Näslund
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2004 9:36 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: CS:S Spraylogo limits

Hi Gabe.

It's nice you added some limits, but I think they were too strict (if it really is 128x128).

Some say it's actually 128 or 130kb, even though it says 128x128 in the changelog.
That means 256x256 (85.5kb) is possible, but what is it really?

Please enlighten us.

hi abe i cant get the converter to work it dosnt do anything w/ my tga(24bit) please help thank u (i posted on prev page)
sHm0zY said:

i have 2 text layers and one paint layer.

(i have tryed ctrl e)

click on layers at the top and then click on flatten image. i assume you have a warezed version cuz i doubt someone would buy $600 imaging software who didnt know how to use it already.
dirtydunky said:
hi abe i cant get the converter to work it dosnt do anything w/ my tga(24bit) please help thank u (i posted on prev page)
Step 3: Converting your spraylogo to a .vtf/.vmt file for CS:S.
Download vtex from here and extract it anywhere you want.

Put your .tga file in vtex\hl2\materialsrc\sprays

Run tga2vtf to convert your logo.

Move the .vtf and .vmt files from vtex\hl2\materials\sprays to

your-css-folder\cstrike\materials\VGUI\logos and run CS:S to see your spray-logo in the list!

learn how to read people. learn how to read.
well just to let ya know that vtex file that you have on the website....when i unrar it , the file has multiple curruptions.......and have tried to redownload it on 2 cpus multiple times and same thing......

so not sure if its vtex program or what but i have an image 128 128 128 with no transparency and saved non compressed at 24 bits in .TGA

and then do this:

Put your .tga file in vtex\hl2\materialsrc\sprays

Run tga2vtf to convert your logo.

Move the .vtf and .vmt files from vtex\hl2\materials\sprays to

but there aren't any .vtf and .vmt files .....nothing in materials sprays folder..........whats wrong? vtex or am I not getting what you mean?
:afro: MY BAD MY BAD.......I was trying to use the exe not the bat file....you might want to clearify it for us noobs lol.......TY FOR SHARING ITS SIMPLE NOW!!! THANKS! ZAINDAY :afro:
Okay....I thought it was simple lol.....well I got the files and put them in the materials\etc..........just on site....but when I go to options to select spray I dont see any (extra non stock) sprays......

I even went into config.cfg and renamed the command line for the spray and saved it and went directly into game and I can hear it spray but NOTHING TO SEE....and you said anything over 130KB is to high wont been seen.....mines 22 KB (just tester) so thats not the problem.....any suggestions....I can send you my spray if I have and email and you can try it ? ( OR DID STEAM DO SOMETHING FUNNY SINCE THE UPDATES OF BETA?)

Ive tryed to make a custom spray for a while and it is not working i know its somthing ovious that i am missing but I just dont see it.

I made a 128 128 res 64 image saved it as a traga umcompressed 24 bit thats mabe 70kb and put it in the materialsec ran the tga2vtf and took those files into the UI folder in my Cs:S ran the game and no spray im not seeing what i did wrong it is a simple image.

can someone inlighten me on what im doing worong and any help would be greatly apriciated.

Thank you for your time and effort.
Hmmm, try puttin it in your d/l folder. Did you select your spray to use in the options menu? If it brings up a black picture dont worry about that, mine does to but it's still visible.
zainday said:
Okay....I thought it was simple lol.....well I got the files and put them in the materials\etc..........just on site....but when I go to options to select spray I dont see any (extra non stock) sprays......
Rename your "counter-strike source beta" folder to something else. Start a game of CS:S. Then, go back and see if it created a new "counter-strike source beta" folder.

If it didn't make a new folder, the spray problem is not your fault. Delete your ClientRegistry.blob file while Steam is closed and try again.

If it did make a new folder, you're doing something wrong. Read the spray tutorial again.
what does that have to do with the price of tea in china....I know how to reinstall steam and all games......if i delete the file dude....steam sends a new one....what the hell does that have to do with sprays?

isnt that like saying " cant get emails......" "make sure your speakers are working????""""
Do you like making fun of things you don't understand?

Of course Steam will create a new ClientRegistry.blob file. If it didn't make a new one I wouldn't recommend deleting it, because it is an important file. That file stores a lot of local Steam-related settings and information... including, for some people, a setting that makes CS:S completely ignore everything in the "counter-strike source beta" folder. Those people could make the sprays correctly, compile them correctly, put them in the right folders, create a downloads folder within "cstrike", and do everything else right... but it still wouldn't work, because CS:S isn't even looking for the sprays.

Trust me, if you know you're doing everything else right and it still doesn't work... try that. It worked for me and several other people that had the same problem. I had them working for a while and then about 15 minutes later they just disappeared from the list of sprays (without changing a single setting or moving/altering a single file).
okay supra......I went to dl folder and they are .dat files.....but if you open up your H:\Steam\SteamApps\#####@####.net\counter-strike source beta\cstrike\materials\VGUI\logos\UI

the .dat files cross reference to the files in here........so mabe source uses the .vmt and .vtf to compile (in game) the .dat file? .......noob at this .....much different then cs and cz.....if anyone knows how to convert the .vmt and .vtf file to a .dat file maybe that will work?

cause I went ahead and put both the .vmt and .vtf in the dl folder still nothing in options no black screen even....... and tried .vmt in the H:\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\counter-strike source beta\cstrike\materials\temp folder
and .vtf in the H:\Steam\SteamApps\****\counter-strike source beta\cstrike\materials\VGUI\logos\UI
(like it appears accourding to other (extension) file ie .vmt (from steam) is all in one folder alone....and the .vtf (from steam) are all in another folder.....I mixed and matched combinations.....shouldnt be complicated just get a clear spray.....( IE LIKE BEFORE THE BUG FIX!)

Both .vmt and .vtf files should be in "counter-strike source beta\cstrike\materials\VGUI\logos", and not anywhere else.

okay one thing that messed me up with compiling, was that one would assume (a noob would lol) that you would run and .exe (and there are 2 files that look close in VTEX) and you want to run the tga2vtf.BAT

THE .BAT FILE NOT .EXE (just trying to help others,confused me)

okay once you have the .vmt and .vtf files .......whats confusing people I think ( DID ME!) is if you look at the:
H:\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\counter-strike source beta\cstrike\materials\VGUI\logos\UI folder

(this is were steam has all its default sprays....DO NOT PUT THEM HERE!
back up one folder to:

H:\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\counter-strike source beta\cstrike\materials\VGUI\logos

and place your .vmt and .vft files here....then in game they will appear (by name only.....spray box is black) and then apply ok and GO SPRAY!

hope a noob helped another noob.....have fun........ :afro:
Ummm, there is only one tga2vtf. There is no tga2vtf.exe... only a vtex.exe (the program used by the batch file) and a vtf2tga.exe (takes a spray and extracts the TGA image from it).
I Know I Said There Are 2 Files "that Look Similar" I Agreed Site Is Correct Dude...just Trying To Help Out!!!!!!

And I Saved Double Layer (without Transparency Etc) At 128 128 @ 128 Pixels @ 32 Bit And It Works Fine! Also Now The Sprays Are Showin Up As Pictures In The Options....im Out.......thanks For The Help Hope Others May Learn From This!!!!
Shouldn't you have been a little bit curious when you got to this step...

Move the .vtf and .vmt files from vtex\hl2\materials\sprays to

your-css-folder\cstrike\materials\VGUI\logos and run CS:S to see your spray-logo in the list!
... and there were no VTF or VMT files?
Bah, i'm a total newb at doing this for CSS, i can't even get the vtext program working to convert my tga files :(

Getting following error when i run the batch file:
Can't setup path, set VPROJECT to your game directory (e.g. D:/DEV/TF2) in your environment
Hit a key to continue
Is it something i need Photoshop to do or something?
to transparant

I am trying to get transparency right but get this!
this is how I get it with .wad
I learn it all 3 months ago so I would like to do it in hl2:D

I use photo shop 7.0 as far as i can tell!
with the plug-in.
I am getting 7.1 ,but I wounder if thats the error I make/have.
I feel I need a solid background on the logo mybe.
so any pointers are welcome!

cu roach
i have a question, i have photoshop 5.0, could i buy just a CS upgrade and have it or is my version too old to upgrade?
hey, ive made my spray just as you said, but when i tested it ingame, there was a solid grey background, even though i had used an alpha channel. i opened the .tga file, to find that the alpha channel was gone. im guessing its something to do with my version of PS.
did you start with a transparent background in photoshop? when you click new and you are picking the size of the picture it asks you what color you want the background to be, white, black and transparent. and if you fill in the background with a solid color obviously its not gonna be transparent anymore. not saying that you did that, im just putting it out there.