CS:S Spraylogo Tutorial

I just looked at the ***** site and their allready making, er, 'wrong' sigs, hurrah :(

EDIT: The word is censored, you know which hacking clan I mean :/
Katana said:
i have like

layer with the text/guy, well, the actual image you wanna spray on the wall
1-colored layer (128 128 128, grey)
His process is more complicated than it needs to be.

Here's the process I use in Photoshop 7.0:

1. Create a background layer with a solid color.
2. Create an empty layer.
3. Draw your spray on the new layer... or paste your picture in the new layer and erase the parts that should be invisible.

[you are here]

4. Just delete the background layer by right clicking on it and selecting "Delete Layer."

NOTE: At this point the semi-transparent areas will look f***ed up (look at the example)... but, trust me, they will be fine in the game.

5. Save as a 32-bit uncompressed TGA.

I've attatched an image showing how the spray might look at three stages:


  • Example.gif
    41.8 KB · Views: 496
Pi Mu Rho said:
You'd have to have each frame of the animation as a seperate TGA
can u explain it more clearly? im trying to make one. orinal it was a gif. so i took it apart and saved each frame(4 inall) as a tga file. what do i do next?
The tut no longer works, the dir are diffrent :/
i dont understand how to change the the .tga to a .vmt, i downloaded vtex and i dont know how what to do with it...can anyone help?
Just put the TGA file in the "hl2\materialsrc\sprays" folder under vtex and run the batch file (tga2vtf.bat). When it's done the VMT & VTF files will be in "hl2\materials\sprays"
but vtex comes as a .rar file and i cannot run it and im not sure what to do with it, i tried using winzip to extract it but i dont think i did it right or it just didnt work. also there is no folder called materialsrc in my hl2 folder...
nice post

great post

does anyone have a link to a tutorial on making reflective textures?
ZORD said:
but vtex comes as a .rar file and i cannot run it and im not sure what to do with it, i tried using winzip to extract it but i dont think i did it right or it just didnt work. also there is no folder called materialsrc in my hl2 folder...

use WinRar http://www.rarlabs.com

the materialsrc folder is contained within.
when i click the tga2vtf.bat nothing happends to the tga file i have in the spray folder...
How come I can choose my custom spray in a list, and hit apply and all, but when I go to spray it, I get the Kilroy spray that comes out.
ok, forget about that, now my problem is the gray areas are NOT tranparent, wtf!!!!!
I can't select my spray in the menu (it doesn't show up). It's 512 x 256.. help please.
Put it in the following folder

X:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\counter-strike source beta\cstrike\materials\VGUI\logos

both files that are created with the program.
Dalamari said:
Put it in the following folder

X:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\counter-strike source beta\cstrike\materials\VGUI\logos

both files that are created with the program.
If you put the VMT and VTF files in the right place and it still doesn't work:

1) Exit Steam
2) Delete ClientRegistry.blob
3) Start Steam
Dalamari said:
Works for me
Was that necessary? We know they work for you. You just told us about 5 posts ago in this thread. That information was for people that can't get the sprays to show up in the list even if they do everything right and put them in the correct folder.

i cant convert the tga to vmt and the other file type, whenever i click the prog nothing happens and i have my tga in the logos file, i even made directories inside places just so it would think of making a converted file.. help x.x
Go to the folder you extracted vtex to and, from there, put the tga in hl2\materialsrc\sprays

Run tga2vtf.bat

Take the resulting vmt & vtf files from hl2\materials\sprays and place them in your logos folder.
it still doesnt work..

the vtex file doesnt come with those directories, i made them inside that folder and anywhere possible withing the cstrikesource folder and pasted my freaking image in just about every folder with no luck -_-;

-edit- perhaps this would be better conducted over AIM? my SN is the same here "Kremath"
Can someone get this working for me? Ive tried but it just doesnt show up ingame
Hm, I cant save my spray in photoshop in *.TGA with Alpha chanells.
I made a pic where u can see that options for alpha channel is inaccessible.


  • cAt css.JPG
    cAt css.JPG
    45.3 KB · Views: 388
when you click save then you get the options. did you even read the tutorial have ever ever used photoshop before?
Can't figure out how to compile the images into into one file, any ideas?

I tried like the old wally way.

0{logo, 1{logo, 2{logo
but it just generates different sprays each time.
hERd said:
Hm, I cant save my spray in photoshop in *.TGA with Alpha chanells.
I made a pic where u can see that options for alpha channel is inaccessible.

You did not create a alpha channel - thats why you can't save with transparency.

[In german:
Du hast den Alpha-Kanal nicht erstellt - wenn der fehlt, kann Photoshop natürlich auch kein Alpha speichern -> keine Transparenz]
I made a spray 512x512 it shows up where you can select the sprays in the options menu. However when I go to spray it in game I only hear the sound and the image does not show up. Any ideas whats wrong?

JUST go into your css dir -> [email protected]\counter-strike source beta\cstrike

and create a dir called "downloads"

but still...noone can see ur spray when he did not do the same!
I mailed a VALVe person the following question about this spray thing:
1) Why doesn't VALVe use the PNG Format instead TGA? (Free, more widely used, small and supports Alpha)
2) Will 1MB be the official limit for sprays? Woulnt this be a bit big? Most people have like 20 KB upload.
3) What will be the official size restriction on the sprays? I know people play with offline sprays right now,
but I don't think the final sprays will be as big as those.

The reply was this:
We use an in house format (VTF), we have converters import TGA images into this format. The limit for sprays will be reduced to 128kb.
Ow and I also were thinking the following; perhaps admins can precache a small .txt file to the /download directory using a .res file. This way the "Download" dir will be created and everyone on your server can see sprays.
OUCH 128KB? For a TGA that's not very much is it? >:C I'll miss all the cool pron sprays ppl did ;((