CSS Preload Countdown



are we suppose to be able to play today anyways? if not what's up with the big rush to preload?
Are we going to have to restart Steam or will it magically show up on our Games lists?
Amazing things will happen here soon... you just wait.

Oh sorry wrong game :D
Ghost Freeman said:
If it dosen't start preloading i'm going to be pissed
Amazing what we put ourselves through. :rolleyes:
*yawn* nothin new.. classic Valve.

cya guys.. same time, next week, right Valve?? :dozey: :rolleyes:
Technically they can release the game in another 5 hours and 54minutes and not be late :p
Ghost Freeman said:
If it dosen't start preloading i'm going to be pissed

Do you mean like angry pissed or drunk pissed?
Let's review the facts, shall we?

- It has been announced that preloading will begin today.

- Steampowered's newssection now confirms this.

- Cliffe has hinted that it should proceede like the Cafe preload did.

- Someone said earlier tonight that the Cafes got it 25min past.

If you insist on holding your breath, don't expect me to exercise CPR when you fall over.. :angel:
Wow, the users on this particular section of hl2.net forums jumped from 66 (20 mins ago) to 211