Cute girl :D

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Dec 29, 2004
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Damn, there is a girl at my school that looks exactly like Luna in Final Fantasy.
But shes even more hot, I first saw her sitting somewhere with her friends and i looked at her for a short moment, she looked back. Damn shes cute, i thought. Second time i saw her she was outside the school. And i looked at her again, but i dont know if she noticed me. the third and last time was on the school lunch. I think i really like her, but ive never heard her speak or anything. But my friends tell me i must speak with her, if i really like her. But who is brave enought to walk to a girl you dont know, and when shes there with her friends. Not me for sure, i hope ill see her tomorrow, and i really hope ill see her walk past me alone some time.
Any tips of what i could do to get her attention, get her interested in me ?.
Just catch her when she's not with her friends, and in regards to getting her attention just wear a cowboy hat or a t-shirt that says I have a 9 inch **** that'll not only get her attention but everyone else in the schools attention ahahaha im a genius
Haha, yeah i really hope ill see her alot. She was haning with another girl that i see every brake, but this is the first time ive seen her with that other girl. So if im lucky she will hang out with that girl everytime and ill get to see her often. Im really a newbie when it comes to girls. But i hope the force is with me this time =D
Get a friend to go up to her and say "My friend fancies you".

EDIT: please don't take this advice.
wtf... kris ur nutz.

anyway, just be outright nerdy like use the terms noobs, lol, rofl... thatll totally get her attention. (worked 4 me :D) also try tshirts from
Chances are, you dont want to mention that she looks like a girl from a video game... unless you confirm otherwise first.
Garfield_ said:
Any tips of what i could do to get her attention, get her interested in me ?.
Yell "HEY LUNA CHECK IT" . Unzip, flop it out and swing it around. Then follow kristafons advice of asking 4 teh skehks.
Of course i would tell her, aye you look like the cute girl in a video game. That sounds so damn perverse
Mr-Fusion said:
Yell "HEY LUNA CHECK IT" . Unzip, flop it out and swing it around. Then follow kristafons advice of asking 4 teh skehks.

pics plz.

Fat Tony! said:
Lets be honest, serious discussion doesn't occur in this forum. Try for a more appropiate responce :p

Please stop joking around, im really trying to get some advice of how to get her as my girlfriend. ;(
And what if she replies "Hey you look like that pornstar in 'young hardcore violets XXX #4' ....

what if
She really does, except she doenst have green/blue eyes. Her face is alittle bit thinner too. But she is exactly like her, my friend said that too.
I really have to talk to her, any tips of how i could do it without being strange, and how can i do it when i get shakin when talking to cute girls.
I dont have any friends that knows her or her friends.
If you know her from school?
does go to the same class as you?
or do u only see her in the breaks?
Just say "Hi" and you would like to see a Movie with her
Its not that hard belive me
Other than just seeing her around, are there any situations at all where your paths might cross?

Don't try to get to know her, just to make her your girlfriend. Obviously, that is what you want, but try to just make contact. If you go in, trying to make her your girl, she'd instantly recognise that. Believe me, the majority of girls are far better at noticing things like that, so no matter how subtle you think you are, you will be obvious.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Other than just seeing her around, are there any situations at all where your paths might cross?

Don't try to get to know her, just to make her your girlfriend. Obviously, that is what you want, but try to just make contact. If you go in, trying to make her your girl, she'd instantly recognise that. Believe me, the majority of girls are far better at noticing things like that, so no matter how subtle you think you are, you will be obvious.

I dont care if shes my girlfriend or not, i just wanna get to know her, id be totally fine to just be her friend. because i have no female friends. No we dont go to same class or something like that, only on brakes. She were outside school with her friends smoking, but she didnt smoke :D
What if i only see her with her friends, for example "smoking" brakes and lunches ? What can i do then ?
What kind of world do we live in where it's considered strange to talk to a girl? Just say "HI YOU LOOK LIKE LUNA WANNA PLAY FINAL FANTASY WITH ME AND I DON'T MEAN THE GAME BOOOYAAA!"

Jesus man, grab you nutsack and just walk up to her and stare at her so she sees you out of her peripheral vision then she looks at you in disgust and say "what the hell do you want weirdo" then just walk off.....

Look no matter how hard i try i can't take this thread seriously. In reality i'm absolutely terrified of going up to women so i can't give any advice. I'm plagued with personal problems it's like George Costanza mulitplied by 10. Whenever i'm near women i just get this aura eminating from them that reeks of "Ughh i'm not even gonna bother with this guy WHERE'S HIS $$$ HOW WILL THIS WEAK INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT MY OFFSPRING!?". Women have this amazing sense, where's theres weakness be it physical, societal or mental, they'll detect it straight away and avoid it. It must be instinct. We must keep the gene pool strong!
dude just if you see her near you and she looks say hi, i know its not the easiest thing to do but take farrow's advice :) GL
Farrowlesparrow said:
Other than just seeing her around, are there any situations at all where your paths might cross?

Don't try to get to know her, just to make her your girlfriend. Obviously, that is what you want, but try to just make contact. If you go in, trying to make her your girl, she'd instantly recognise that. Believe me, the majority of girls are far better at noticing things like that, so no matter how subtle you think you are, you will be obvious.

That is what makes it hard. Kinda like fishing, only without the physical hook, line and rod.

Patience, bait and a boat.

Chicks dig you if you have a boat.
Well, one, you don't like her, you just think she's hot if you've never even talked to her. Major difference, there.

But just go up to her, say something about how she caught your eye and get a conversation going.
Yeah i had this opportunity to say hi, i walked through the main entrence in school and she was right nexto the door, but she had her back against me ( dunno how to say ) So it would have been wierd to knock on her back and say, hello :D But next time i see her standing towards med and if she looks at me ill say Hi, smile and continue walking where i was going.
Garfield_ said:
Any tips of what i could do to get her attention, get her interested in me ?.

Throw an empty glass bottle at her. Not a full one, thats wasiting a good drink.
If you're semi or above semi good looking or if she fancys you even a little then knocking on her back and saying hello would definately be good imo, unless she thinks you're a tard.
thats a good idea if she thinks im good looking, but how do i know what she thinks about me :)
Some things you have to figure out:
What's her name?
Is she in any of your classes?
What classes does she take?
Where's her hang-out spot for break, lunch, and after-school?
What clubs/sports is she in?

Try finding a "similar ground" for the both of you, so that you have something to talk about, cause you need to say more after "Hi". Always look your best. You don't have to be a fashion diva, but look like a Goth hobo either (unless she's one herself but something tells me she isn't).
Try finding her alone, maybe before her friends get to her. One friend with her's fine, but groups are...harder on you.
Be courteous, and if you get rebuked, don't worry about it. As some guy above me said, you have nothing to lose! Maybe your pride for one day, but that's it. You don't have to ask her out the first day, but talking to her's a big milestone. And smile, crack a joke or two. If your insides flutter when she laughs, then you're onto something. ;)

Best of luck.
Garfield_ said:
thats a good idea if she thinks im good looking, but how do i know what she thinks about me :)

You don't. You have to take a chance.
Yeah, i just hope that ill get a chance to say Hi and i hope i dare too :D
Ooze confidence...

Make eye contact and smile sweetly at her (but not in a scary way) and carry on doing what you were doing...

The trick is to play it cool and make her wanna chase you; so do this a few times and be charming around her and you'll soon get chatting to her with confidence in no time! :thumbs:
Javert said:
Some things you have to figure out:
What's her name?
Is she in any of your classes?
What classes does she take?
Where's her hang-out spot for break, lunch, and after-school?
What clubs/sports is she in?

Try finding a "similar ground" for the both of you, so that you have something to talk about, cause you need to say more after "Hi". Always look your best. You don't have to be a fashion diva, but look like a Goth hobo either (unless she's one herself but something tells me she isn't).
Try finding her alone, maybe before her friends get to her. One friend with her's fine, but groups are...harder on you.
Be courteous, and if you get rebuked, don't worry about it. As some guy above me said, you have nothing to lose! Maybe your pride for one day, but that's it. You don't have to ask her out the first day, but talking to her's a big milestone. And smile, crack a joke or two. If your insides flutter when she laughs, then you're onto something. ;)

Best of luck.

Good idea. But i got these vampire teeth so kinda hard to laugh :(. I belive i could go sitting in the same lunch table as her and her friends sometime.
Devvo said:
Ooze confidence...

Make eye contact and smile sweetly at her (but not in a scary way) and carry on doing what you were doing...

The trick is to play it cool and make her wanna chase you; so do this a few times and be charming around her and you'll soon get chatting to her with confidence in no time! :thumbs:

I can only laugh the scary way because of my teeth :D
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