Cute girl :D

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oh ok your 17,i thought you were like 13 or sumit,nevermind,anyway if i was you i'd try to do a few small things subtlely,are you in any of her classes?if so maybe sit closer to her and try and draw her attention and give her a smile,just a friendly smile,dont gawk at her or anything,

i dont know if you get lunch in the canteen or wateva but if you do you could try the above also,

try to make yourself a familiar face to her,you dont have to go rushing in or anything,take it as fast or slow as you like,i dont know what kind of peeps you hang out with or wats her group of friends like but dont let that worry you,im in my first year at college and hang out with loadsa different sorts of peeps with varying interests but your in highschool so its a bit different i guess.

anyway see if you can find out her interests etc,and tbh girlfriends can be more trouble than they're worth alot of the time
Garfield_ said:
Damn, there is a girl at my school that looks exactly like Luna in Final Fantasy.
But shes even more hot, I first saw her sitting somewhere with her friends and i looked at her for a short moment, she looked back. Damn shes cute, i thought. Second time i saw her she was outside the school. And i looked at her again, but i dont know if she noticed me. the third and last time was on the school lunch. I think i really like her, but ive never heard her speak or anything. But my friends tell me i must speak with her, if i really like her. But who is brave enought to walk to a girl you dont know, and when shes there with her friends. Not me for sure, i hope ill see her tomorrow, and i really hope ill see her walk past me alone some time.
Any tips of what i could do to get her attention, get her interested in me ?.

You don't really like her. Sorry for being blunt, but if you've only seen her three times, its purely infatuation - not a good thing to soley build a relationship off of. I'm not saying its impossible, its just not likely. If you really like her you would know it for certain... there is no denying it, thats just how powerful the feeling is.
staticprimer said:
You don't really like her. Sorry for being blunt, but if you've only seen her three times, its purely infatuation - not a good thing to soley build a relationship off of. I'm not saying its impossible, its just not likely. If you really like her you would know it for certain... there is no denying it, thats just how powerful the feeling is.

What are you on about? It won't work because he finds her attactive? What's supposed to happen? He hates her and then suddenly they get together and it's perfect?
Infatuation is what kicks the whole ball rolling dude. so please. he's not after a wife... he wants a girlfriend.
staticprimer said:
You don't really like her. Sorry for being blunt, but if you've only seen her three times, its purely infatuation - not a good thing to soley build a relationship off of. I'm not saying its impossible, its just not likely. If you really like her you would know it for certain... there is no denying it, thats just how powerful the feeling is.
Maybe he does know for certain.
I agree it's rare that you can fall that hard for someone without even talking to them, but it does happen. The girl I've been with for 2 and a half years now, the first time I saw her I knew I wanted her... it took almost a year to get the nerve to ask her out, and my nervousness made that go horribly. Half a year later we got together again and have been together since.
IonizeMyAtoms said:
Maybe he does know for certain.
I agree it's rare that you can fall that hard for someone without even talking to them, but it does happen. The girl I've been with for 2 and a half years now, the first time I saw her I knew I wanted her... it took almost a year to get the nerve to ask her out, and my nervousness made that go horribly. Half a year later we got together again and have been together since.
Thats a kool story, prooves life isnt like the movies, and niether are girls and relationships.... just go with the flow i guess.
Look at it this way. If you don't do something then your just going to regret it. Take action, if it doesn't work out then at least your not kicking yourself in the butt all the time thinking, "what if."

Ok, so your attracted to her in some way. Thats good. Now, your not going to get anywhere if you never say hi. You need to figure out some way to talk to her or at least get her attention. I don't know your whole situation so you'll have to figure out how to do that yourself. Once you do have a chance to talk to her, don't blow it. Be calm, confident, and funny. A girl doesn't want to be around you if you don't make her happy in some way, you need a little bit of confidence but don't go over board and for heavens sake be calm. Don't stutter. Figure out something you guys can talk about and once you establish that basis of being comfortable strangers (ie. she hasn't given told you off yet) then ask her questions about herself. Innocent ones like what junior high school she went to, etc. This will make her feel important and appreciated. Either way, YOU need to make the first move I know plenty of girls are still old fashioned and still expect the man to make the first move.

A word of warning if your sincere about this girl, don't stare anywhere but at her eyes. If she is a smart girl she'll notice your eyes wandering around and chances are she won't like it. Be a gentleman, prove to her that your more mature then any of the other boys and that you are ready for a relationship and not just some necking in the back of a car.

Look, a lot of this is just common sense stuff. If you want a decent girl then you have to be a decent guy. And if your a total jerk chances are the only women your going to date will be the ones that every guy in the school has already dated.

Good luck.
Even though she looks nice, she could be bossy, evil, etc. Thus, be careful.
Qwert93 said:
Even though she looks nice, she could be bossy, evil, etc. Thus, be careful.
Qwert, you always give the best advice. :cheers:
sorry dude, not much to say, i kinda was in the same situation
although its no doubt that my situation isnt going to work out (since were goin to different highschools next year)
its kinda sad for me
just be glad that you havnt had a crush on her for about 2 years and never said anything
oh wait...i actually did

i was talking to her on aim one time and i said that i really liked her
she basically said in a indirect way that she didnt like me and she didnt really want to be friends either
but i got over it really fast
you might just have to bite the bullet on this one and ask her out, or just say that you really like her
if she doesnt say she likes you back, you can still like her, maybe wait a little while, see if she likes you later on, try again, lather, rinse well, repeat if desired
ok...i stole that last part from the shampoo bottle...i admit it
To grab the really good-uns, you need to be part of their scene. What do I mean by this? You have to be part of their crowd and respected, mix with them mostly. You can't just appear on a 'scene' and expect to start dating the best looking girl in the 'scene'. Not unless you are a famous footballer or something.

So if you get to be part of the scene - then you have to try and get to be the most popular in the scene. If you are the most popular, the best girls want to date you. Even better is to date some of the near the top girls and leave a good impression, then the other girls may say - hey they like him I want him for me.

When I was in university, there was a particularly evil woman, (who still hates me btw) that did everything she could to sabotage my relationships friendships spread rumours etc. I am sure she still does so today. In any event, she was trying to go after one of the guys in my year at uni, who was known to be a bit of a stud. I noticed this at the bar we were at one night. Another friend of mine, a girl, who was a real stunner - said, hmm like that guy, but hes talking to another girl.....

No problemo Sophie - so I wheeled Sophie the stunner over to my arch enemy and the guy she was trying to pick up, and said, hey X - have u met Sophie? 'We are having a private conversation' says arch enemy. 'Oh c'mon - don't be mean - we're all friends here.'

I whispered to Sophie - do u really like this guy huh?

'No - but I am better than her. And she wants him. So I WANT HIM!'

In any event I let the happy trio to their fun. I believe the score was Arch Enemy 0, Sophie 1.

So don't underestimate how the 'in-demand' factor works. A man seen about town with a hotgirl, suddenly gets offers from many hotgirls who ignored him before. That is, if someone else says this is valuable, then hell it must be and I want it too!

Aren't people strange?

P.S. Yes I'm ebil.......
There are no rules...

Remember that everything everyone is saying here, is simply a guideline based of their experience. Everyone must learn their own war.[/morpheus]
Calanen said:
So if you get to be part of the scene - then you have to try and get to be the most popular in the scene. If you are the most popular, the best girls want to date you. Even better is to date some of the near the top girls and leave a good impression, then the other girls may say - hey they like him I want him for me.
I couldn't disagree with this part more.
But I agree he should try to at least meet her and her friends.
xLostx said:
Just catch her when she's not with her friends, and in regards to getting her attention just wear a cowboy hat or a t-shirt that says I have a 9 inch **** that'll not only get her attention but everyone else in the schools attention ahahaha im a genius

Well, it's monday. He's either busy havin the hot sekz, or has no development of interest. ...or still in school.
I can't help but say this...

"Elmo knows where you live!"

Haha. After looking at that avatar, I just had to blurt it out.

Another simpsons quote. Damn, i'm ****ing overflowing with quotes from family guy, futurama, and simpsons. I'm like one of those losers that throws a quote into every damn topic I can.
I'm fighting of my desire to bash. If you're enfatuated with her simply because she looks like a video game character, not good. Same if she looked like a celebrity. From my miniscule knowledge, it seems that people don't like it when they're compared to celebrities, and if she's a normal person, she surely won't like being compared to a character from an RPG. Talk to her, sure. Ask her out. More power to ya. But she's just a person like anyone.

To use a cliché response, "This thread is useless without pics!"
Hehe, i was hoping that id see her today, and i did. But just for a short time. She was sitting there with some of her friends i suppose. And she looked at me, not just for 1 second but for a several. Idont know if it was me who began with the eye contact or what ever its called, but she really saw me i think. I looked back of course, but i got nerverse and couldnt smile. Ill try again tomorrow, or ill really smile next time, if we have good eye contact.
What i belive is that you dont really need to be the most popular guy or something similar. Just if you two have good eye contact, well thats the key. And then you must develop it from there, on your own way.
Heh...the smallest things seem so amazing when you feel like that :)

You're right least for the most part. Eye contact is key, but its the confidence to keep that eye contact that will really get you places.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh...the smallest things seem so amazing when you feel like that :)

You're right least for the most part. Eye contact is key, but its the confidence to keep that eye contact that will really get you places.

What do you mean ?, that i should keep my eyes on her eyes and not let them jump to something else ?
Garfield_ said:
Ill try again tomorrow, or ill really smile next time, if we have good eye contact.
No, no, no. Eye contact achieved. Move forward. Don't ask me how, but find a reason to talk to her. If she's in a class of yours, pretend you don't understand something from the day's lecture. Or if she looks bored during class, commiserate about how boring the lecture was, who knows, you might start a conversation. Chances are, she'll see right through it, but it means you'll get your point across in a subtle way. Sure you'll be nervous, I still get jittery like I've had three red bulls when I approach someone new, but no matter how it goes you'll feel like you accomplished something when the conversation's over.

Final note back to the importance of eye contact: FORCE yourself to look into her eyes. Don't glance off to the side or at the floor, and PLEASE GOD not at her body. The former is a sign of weakness, and the latter should be obvious.
No what I meant is that having the confidence to get that eye contact and hold it, is what should carry you onto the next step, whatever that may be...

Don't get too comfortable with whatever "level" you're on, because the more comfortable you are, the less likely you are to try to advance things.
I'm sorry to say, it can mean too many things to speculate on. It could even mean you had something on your nose... Your best bet is to just try to move forward. You had that eye contact, and it was good. Now try it again only longer or like Mutoid says, try sparking up a conversation. But only when it seems natural. You'l always be nervous, but it won't always be awkward...

Its hard for me to explain when that will be though.
To get her attention, throw rocks at her.
Aha so thats where ive been going wrong!
/me tries new method

Actually a good method would be to chuck some random object at her then you have to go and collect it :O, try chucking a spade at her she can't avoid noticing you then
If you try talking to a girl with the intention of talking, i.e you are not actually interested in finding out whatever but are just doing it to make contact then its always really gay.......feels uncomfortable.

I have never believed in "hunting" a girl, like employing some sort of strategy to it.......

its unbelievable the amount of people from both sexes that just think "nah it would never happen, but it would be sweet if it did" and the other person is thinking the same thing, so talk to her when in class.......eye contact is important when the person is naturally if you walk past them, or hold a door open for know, smile then eye contact.........if you try and achieve it any other time you look like a wierdo, smiling is quite important.
If a girl smiles and looks at me i know its good, if they look at me for a long time with a blank or odd expression i know there is something odd about how i seem to them.

Act natural, don't try to hard and don't predate or stalk and you will do just fine.......
Hehe, yeah ill act like i allways do, i must smile and keep the eye contact. Ill say Hi and smile at the right moment, What ill do tomorrow if i see her and she sees me, ill smile and "eye-contact" here. wish me luck again.

EDIT: and yeah i think i know what class shes into. and shes in the same age as me, if my eyes doesnt lie, when looking on the school cataloge.
It's hard to act natural when your trying to "get the girl", it just doesn't work. Even a smile can be difficult, just find some clever way of going around it, I mean even if you like someone you don't normally smile at the person when you see them across the room. It's a complex game but in the end trickery isn't going to work just concentrate your efforts on walking up to her and talking, don't think of a plan, just try it, it's hard I know but if you have you mind focused it will work eventually
Garfield_ said:
Hehe, yeah ill act like i allways do, i must smile and keep the eye contact. Ill say Hi and smile at the right moment, What ill do tomorrow if i see her and she sees me, ill smile and "eye-contact" here. wish me luck again.

EDIT: and yeah i think i know what class shes into. and shes in the same age as me, if my eyes doesnt lie, when looking on the school cataloge.
Yeah, good luck.
Smiling is so important, i always have a stern monotone face and it dosn't help me one bit.
i always get comments from girls like "cheer up" or "smile" ......cos i literally look like i'm suicidally depressed even i i've had a great day.
I know smilling is important, i just find it wierd doing it.
I belive deciding to do something randomly like, now ill go directly to class and instead you end up infront of this girl. I think thats a really great moment, im bad at english but what im trying to say is that, when you do something like this, you havent become nervous yet, because it went so fast ( hope you understand ). But its a dangerous situation, when you are walking to her and few meters from her, you just stop, because you got nervous or you didnt know what you are doing..
short recoil said:
Yeah, good luck.
Smiling is so important, i always have a stern monotone face and it dosn't help me one bit.
i always get comments from girls like "cheer up" or "smile" ......cos i literally look like i'm suicidally depressed even i i've had a great day.
I know smilling is important, i just find it wierd doing it.

Hehe thats a big problem for me too, but my friends never tells me to smile or anything just my mother. She thinks im unhappy because i dont smile.

Lets just try to smile not like a horse :D
short recoil said:
Yeah, good luck.
Smiling is so important, i always have a stern monotone face and it dosn't help me one bit.
i always get comments from girls like "cheer up" or "smile" ......cos i literally look like i'm suicidally depressed even i i've had a great day.
I know smilling is important, i just find it wierd doing it.
Wear a shirt that says "See back for my happy face". On the back get a picture of your face, pulling the cheesyest grin imaginable.

Most people will think it's weird, but to the right girl with the right sense of humor you'll be off to a very good start. :thumbs:

Plus if someone says "smile" to you you could just turn around rather than contorting your face. :cheese:
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