Cute girl :D

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I looked in the school cataloge, and i think shes in some nurse school or care school what ever its called in english. But everytime ive seen her ive seen her with another girl that i recognize, but she wasnt on any of the pictures. But it says that 4 girls were absent from that picture so lest hope shes someone of them. =D
Fat Tony! said:
Pervy Garfield likes teh nurses :P

Haha no thats not pervy, i think its quite good, then she might have a good personality :)
Mr-Fusion said:
Yell "HEY LUNA CHECK IT" . Unzip, flop it out and swing it around. Then follow kristafons advice of asking 4 teh skehks.
lmfao hahahahhahaha

Farrowlesparrow said:
I'm sorry to say, it can mean too many things to speculate on. It could even mean you had something on your nose...

Ahaha :D Made me laugh ;)
so she looks like yuna?

there is one that looks like rikku?
LOL this thread is comedy, but on topic:
GL Garf, this kind of crap never worked for me. I had 7 close friends who were girls, asked one out, now i have 4 close friends:(

All i can say is if you want to meet her outside her class, make sure that is looks like a coincidence. And DON'T BE EARLY! If she sees you standing in the hall looking for her (she'll know too) it will ruin everything. You will probably get called a stalker and will never again have a chance at this girl. Don't sneak up on her either, don't walk directly behind her, becuase again, you will get called a stalker. Happened to me a couple times becuase i am almost silent when i walk, even on stone floors.

If you get to meet her there, ask her if you could walk/talk with her at lunch/break. Don't bring any friends and if you get to walk with her, don't walk to close, but not to far, about one step to the side ought to be good. If you eat with her, remember you manners and don't eat anything with a really strong smell (Garlic, Salami etc). Dont use breathmints in her sight until she knows you really well, also on this tack, don't chew gum the first few times either.

Keep your cool and talk about stuff you know about(HINT: Games are generally not a good thing to talk about). If you don't know about what she is talking about, keep your mouth shut. Don't talk just to talk, and let her speak to. Don't make any comments on her body other than "Your hair/whatever is looking really nice/good/whatever today..." Keep eye contact, but if that is getting difficult, or you feel that you are starting to stare, look ahead/around. Be aware of your surroundings so you don't walk into things. This can be difficult... :dork:

Hell i should write a book...

or not
Kebean PFC said:
LOL this thread is comedy, but on topic:
GL Garf, this kind of crap never worked for me. I had 7 close friends who were girls, asked one out, now i have 4 close friends:(

Yeah, I know how that goes.
(HINT: Games are generally not a good thing to talk about)

That's right - its best to come over wearing a Darth Vader mask saying 'Luke, I am your father!' and offer to take her to the next Star Wars convention. Only a bit further down the track should you mention gaming.
Theres no formula. Use your finely honed evolutionary mammal instincts, club her over the head with a rock, take her back to your cave, begin mating with her v-chip, and youre golden.

Actually....... I havent liked, as in wanted to date, a girl for a really long time. I'm kind of burned out becuase my last girlfriend sucked. I have a couple female friends from work, all are over 20 years old (I am 17), and I enjoy talking to them. Nervousness isnt a good sign because it generally screams of incompatibility. All you need to do is crack some joke during class (to HER not in front of everybody), and this always starts conversation. Strangly I can never remember how any of my relationships happen so I cant really help you.

Look, were all strangers. You randomly made a thread which you would be nervous to tell any other group of 30 thousand people about, and were discussing it with you. It should be no different for you and Yuna.

Oh yeah. If she actually is Yuna you better get teh secks pix.
MaxiKana said:
Yeah get the pics.
Dirty pervert. Gh0st has a point, its hard to give advice on how your own relationships get together, it sort of all fits into place though... like the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle and you cant remember putting all the other pieces in.
all I have to do is smile :D , seriously.. some of you guys sound like you think hitting it off is to do with cunningly planning what move to make, just dont think too much, remember your talking to a human being and not some sex object, and just talk about stuff.. naturally.. if your a nice person and not too revolting :p you'll get along just fine, and intially thats what its all about, No^ 1 error walking upto a girl in your class/school with sex on the brain.. it will, I repeat it will turn you into a slurring moron.
Hi, now im home from school. Hehe i saw her today going past our class, to buy some candy or something in the small store at my school. She looked at me again, but not for very long. I didnt dare to look back so much. But is it possible that she is looking at me just because the skin under my eyes are pretty dark, because of late nights and too much computer. Not that sickly dark but its visible.
I had the same marks, somehow girls mistaken me for a punk goth or something because I look kinda scary. -_-
Maybe they think im a drug dealer or something like that. But if she looks at me few days in a row it cant be because of that. Next time ill smile, i promise. Else it will just make her uncomfortiable (spellings) So smile and laugh next time, if the situations isnt too bad =), then if she looks at me, good eye contact and smiles back, on a good way. And not giving that smile like " no dude, you dont have a chance ". If our eye contact is good, and she smiles back ill move on to the next level.
Garfield_ said:
Maybe they think im a drug dealer or something like that. But if she looks at me few days in a row it cant be because of that. Next time ill smile, i promise. Else it will just make her uncomfortiable (spellings) So smile and laugh next time, if the situations isnt too bad =), then if she looks at me, good eye contact and smiles back, on a good way. And not giving that smile like " no dude, you dont have a chance ". If our eye contact is good, and she smiles back ill move on to the next level.

You definitely play RTS games :O
I'm in somewhat the same situation as you, except I've kinda known the girl for like 5-6 years.
Well... no.. there's the whole knowing her for 5 years bit.

Well just go up to her and say Hi, and then just start talking. Atleast I don't know a better way.
Talking about what, thats the problem. Hi my name is garfield, whats your name. Maybe she'll say, What are you doing idiot ? get lost
Just say Hi I'm bob, can I sit here, then if she says sure, just ask something random, like if she's got a though term or something. Or if you know something she likes or something ask about it.
Garfield_ said:
Then its easier, but if i wanna talk with her, what to say ?
Like I said, go for the commiseration about a boring class angle. This is assuming of course you're in a class together.
We're not in a class together, which sucks, so going to her, and saying "hi my name is bob, could i sit here. ( even if there are a hundred seats free? ). And " what class ur in, ohh likei t etc ?
Garfield_ said:
We're not in a class together, which sucks, so going to her, and saying "hi my name is bob, could i sit here. ( even if there are a hundred seats free? ). And " what class ur in, ohh likei t etc ?

That's how I would do it if I had the courage.
Hmm, i cant do this if shes friends are there too. And what if i never see her alone, what could i then do ? :(
Have some balls, chat up her And her friends... and have a huge sex orgy!!!!!1111 :eek:
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