Cute girl :D

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FoxyTrotty baby... she's already your friend if she's been touching you!! Just chat to her like a regular one of your mates that she is :)
Foxtrot said:
I don't feel like making another thread, so I am just going to post this here. There was this girl I had a class with last year, and looking back I am pretty sure she liked me (touched me a lot, looked at me a lot...). I don't have any classes with her anymore, but I do see her in the hall a lot. Any suggestions on what I should do? Should I try to talk to her in the hall? Or would she think I am an ass for being so stupid?

Why would she think you were stupid?

Talk to her, buddy
Firstly, I'd steer clear of the using chat up lines, I wouldn't use any of the the ones on that other thread, sober anyway.
Secondly, most of these guys are right you have to talk to her before it's too late. I live by that it's better to regret doing something than to regret not doing something, at least you know how it turns out rather than forever wondering what could have been!
jondyfun said:
Why would she think you were stupid?

Talk to her, buddy
I didn't get the idea that she liked me, I haven't talked to her in a year :( I even had a class with her...
Foxtrot said:
I didn't get the idea that she liked me, I haven't talked to her in a year :( I even had a class with her...
hmm have you talked to her much?in your post you just said she looked at you alot and touched you,touched you?how do you mean?just playful or wat?i hope its not'omfg she sat beside and brushed up off me!!!!!'

believe me,there are some people like that :dozey:
jimbo118 said:
hmm have you talked to her much?in your post you just said she looked at you alot and touched you,touched you?how do you mean?just playful or wat?i hope its not'omfg she sat beside and brushed up off me!!!!!'

believe me,there are some people like that :dozey:
Lol no, she would poke me a lot, it was kind of wierd actually. She would also just stare at me, this all happened last year though.
Foxtrot said:
Lol no, she would poke me a lot, it was kind of wierd actually. She would also just stare at me, this all happened last year though.
poke you lol,she prolly does fancy you,give it a go mate ;)
Actually, not knowing how to play a card game gives them a chance to teach you, aka talk to you. ;)
Yah, looking back I was so dumb to have not noticed at all...I think I even liked her then too I just didn't think she would like me...for some reason.
Foxtrot said:
Yah, looking back I was so dumb to have not noticed at all...I think I even liked her then too I just didn't think she would like me...for some reason.
dont look down on yourself like that :)
Its funny this thread should come up now. A couple of days ago I came into contact with a girl I hadn't seen or talk to in two years. I used to work with her, and to make a long story short her parents didn't want her dating in high school, and she essentially dropped off the face of the planet for me when she quit. Now to put things in to prespective, I have never, not before and not since, felt about anyone like what I felt for her. She is still single, but I'm not really sure what to do now, concidering it has been two years and she goes to a different college..
Well I think I am going to say somthing to this girl today...somthing like "Hi" or maybe I could even use her name...
Hehe today i could have walked to them and asked to play twice but i didnt, too much people around :(. Tomorrow is the last day before the weekend, and if i dont do anything my weekend will just be sitting here and thinking about her. So ill do something tomorrow or i really must, Today i just looked at her with a small smile and she looked back for few seconds. I realize that looks doesnt matter, its just about how you are and act as a person. Good looks is only a key or a hint to the girl, if you look good she wants to get to know who you are, if you dont look good but are great as a person she doesnt dare to getting knowing you.
Garfield_ said:
Hehe today i could have walked to them and asked to play twice but i didnt, too much people around :(. Tomorrow is the last day before the weekend, and if i dont do anything my weekend will just be sitting here and thinking about her. So ill do something tomorrow or i really must, Today i just looked at her with a small smile and she looked back for few seconds. I realize that looks doesnt matter, its just about how you are and act as a person. Good looks is only a key or a hint to the girl, if you look good she wants to get to know who you are, if you dont look good but are great as a person she doesnt dare to getting knowing you.

stupid pussy it dont matter if there people around just join them
poker is teh easy, learn it. But pretend to not know how to play so you get a demonstration, then you make you move and jump on her eating her hair

You have to let chicks win at pool and card games, but not look like you are letting them win. Beating them gets them upset so they get cranky and dont want to play anymore. As does when they find out you have been tanking the game. Difficult balance.....
You're lucky to even have this opportunity. Think about the future, you are so going to regret not having talked to her when you won't be able to anymore. If she looks at you it means she finds some interest in you, wether positive or negative - but that means that if you go up to her and talk, she shouldn't take it badly. Also, when theres eye contact, try to stay the longest possible, see if she looks somewhere else, does she look down? or to the sides? it makes a big difference.

Everything is relative, mate: this story compared to your whole life is insignificant, wether it goes good or bad it won't really matter in the end, it will give you an experience - and you'll feel much better having done something. As a plus, it might even work out.

Yeah thats really true. I want to go to her, but something makes me not :(
Garfield_ said:
Yeah thats really true. I want to go to her, but something makes me not :(

Kill the urge that does not want to.
Fear of being shot down in flames. Your self esteem is on the line. You have to go for it, I know it's hard but you'll never know if you don't.
Garfield_ said:
Yeah thats really true. I want to go to her, but something makes me not :(
Give up now. Your fear is already dominating you. You will never overcome certain obstacles in your life (such as approaching girls). Your brain has already forged the way you will react to many future events.

You are now a slave of fear your captor.
I agree, give up. I mean in the end all you know about her is that she is attractive, she could be crazeh. Just give it up and try making new friends, that should be a higher priority. From new friends you get: 1) more friends :thumbs:
2) friends who could know girls :O
Basically your situation does sound simular to situations ive been in and the thing ive learnt it: 1) most likely you will be trying to go up to her for ages and not achieve it, therefore wasting your time, 2) You got to get the balance right you got to stop being so serious and relax and kind of not care if you get the girl but also be motivated at the same time. This brings two benefits:
1) You don't come off desperate, since your not
2) You feel more comfortable and generally happier
So i should not go and talk to her ? maybe i feel like ill do it sometime. Or if i really decide to go there, i should'nt ?
I mean i have nothing to lose by going there, worst thing that'll happen is that she avoids me or something. She cant say anything stupid because i act normally. She might not wanna be my gf but atleast friend. And its weekend tomorrow, if i go there and everyone is watching, they'll forget it at monday ;D
Just talk to her, atleast you can say that you tried.
Yeap true ;D. If i try my self-confidence will be better for next time =D
No what I meant is that If you get the chance and you feel willing go for it but if you can't forget about it. Concentrate on something else
What kept you from talking to her? Fear? If it was fear, then fear of what?
Fear of rejection man! I know I was in that. I always for some odd reason had this thought in my head that I'd ask her out or say hi, and she'd go tell her friends and they would all get their b/f's to beat the shit outta me.....I hate having little to no self esteem.
cyberpitz said:
Fear of rejection man! I know I was in that. I always for some odd reason had this thought in my head that I'd ask her out or say hi, and she'd go tell her friends and they would all get their b/f's to beat the shit outta me.....I hate having little to no self esteem.

Something like that for me too because ive seen them with boys that are about one year older than i am. :P
heh, I'm a weak guy, so anything pretty much used to skare teh shit out of me :(
Haha, im not big/strong myself. But big guys doesnt scare me at all.
Low self esteem is a problem - however remember this:

If they say 'no' then what the **** do they know? They're missing out - not you.

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