Cute girl :D

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MaxiKana said:
Girls are ALWAYS with their friends ALWAYS.

Yeap, thats a problem if you arent some charmy guy from spain or something. I dont dare to go to her friends who hang out with "cool" guys or something.
Just do it, one thing I've noticed is that they don't really mind, unless you're generally thought of as an arrogant little asshole who just sucks. Which you atleast don't seem like from the posts I've read. Just go ahead, worst thing they can say is no.
The fact is, you don't know her, so if you mess up its no big deal. Looks are great, but honestly after a while of being with someone, they won't mean nearly as much.

Just go for it, stop staring at her and talk to her.
ye but i found it quite strange to walk to them just like that. even if i like her really alot, but maybe it feels better if we have good eye contact and smile to eachother, for few days etc say Hi when we walk past eachother, maybe then i could just walk to her and begin talking. I want to be sure that she likes me, or doesnt dislike atleast.
Farrowlesparrow said:
The fact is, you don't know her, so if you mess up its no big deal. Looks are great, but honestly after a while of being with someone, they won't mean nearly as much.

Just go for it, stop staring at her and talk to her.

Man thats difficult, because im shy and the corridor she uses to sit in is wide and there's alot of other people just sitting there and watching people that are walking.
Well don't care about them. That's all that I really can say :p
Hmm there is another problem, im allways walking with my friend trought that corridor, and i cant walk to her with him :(

And i dont want to be rude and say, go somewhere i must do a thing.
Screw your friend, ignore he's there. He probably wont say anything, but she might be abit intimidated.
No, i wont take my friend there. Maybe i tell him to "date" the other girls :D
Is it strange if i walk to them with some of my friends. ? if there are like 3-4 girls and two guys are coming to them. :)
ill just say


and get my sick (ill, not mentally... well probably kind of mentally sick...:devil:
but hey wtf?) ass to bed.

see ya :afro:
I thought your mate was trying to make you go and talk to the girl so tell him you are going to do it, let him watch since if you don't do it you will "be a wimp" or whatever therefore you will feel it is more urgent to do the deed
Just wink at her a lot...or just stare at her when you pass her in the hall...although everyone thinks I am a stalker so maybe my advice isn't that great.
Garfield no offense but you sound like a loser man, thinking her looking at you for a second is anything. She could be looking at you because you look stupid. But if you wan't anything from her just go and talk to her already its not so hard just play it cool and talk about something, anything. And if you wan't advice on this subject you should not go to a game forum, I bet some of these guys who are giving you advice never had any experience themselves. Now go out there stop acting like girls have cooties and talk to her. Be strong Garfield
I bet some of these guys who are giving you advice never had any experience themselves.

You are making a very large generalization there Potato.
He did say some, and hes probably right.

But still, he doesn't have to be such a pleb, and call him a loser.
PotatoX said:
Garfield no offense but you sound like a loser man, thinking her looking at you for a second is anything. She could be looking at you because you look stupid. But if you wan't anything from her just go and talk to her already its not so hard just play it cool and talk about something, anything. And if you wan't advice on this subject you should not go to a game forum, I bet some of these guys who are giving you advice never had any experience themselves. Now go out there stop acting like girls have cooties and talk to her. Be strong Garfield

pretty harsh but he's right I have to agree with him
Kebean PFC said:
You are making a very large generalization there Potato.
Well, for starters, the "I bet" part signifies that the statement is a guess. Then, the "some" part further clarifies that it's not a generalization (as a generalization is attributing characteristics from some, usually observed through experience, to the whole in order to save time).

Other than the bit about that guy being a loser and her looking at him because he looks stupid it's good advice. It just started off unnecessarily harsh.
I'm kinda getting tired of giving relationship advice out to people so heres a tip: Just suck it up and go for it.

As I told many people...fortune favors the brave.
Tr0n said:
I'm kinda getting tired of giving relationship advice out to people so heres a tip: Just suck it up and go for it.

As I told many people...fortune favors the brave.
And if you aren't brave? What kind of medication can I take to become brave? :bounce:
And if you aren't brave? What kind of medication can I take to become brave?

None that you'd ever want to take I think.

Probably best to try talking and meeting people at places where no1 knows you and it doesn't matter. That way, if you bomb out - no1 can give you a hard time about it. Then once you are sure you have a reasonable technique, you can try on the riskier subjects.

But I've said before - its all about getting on the scene......
Well i got a great idea, but i blew it today :), I saw her playing poker or some other card game with her friends on the lunchbrake, but i had to go to class. But then i realized i had to do something, maybe my chances are over, or if there were any. So i told the teatcher that i had to go to the nurse to get something because i was "so called" ill. But what i were going to do was to go to the girls and ask if i could join and play with them. Even if i dont know how to play any cardgame, i should just have asked if they could learn me. But they were gone already :(. Maybe better luck tomorrow. And im not a loser, im just shy and unsure, because of bad selfconfidence.
CREMATOR666 said:
How true, how true

No, it wasn't his fault. He tried to talk to her, even though he had a class at the time. Shame she already left.
Yeah it was a great oportunity, because just a few people were there. I should have thought about it earlier. I was in the class for about 10-20 mins then i found the idea. But if i got the idea just when i came to class it would have worked. But maybe when i came to them and asked if i could join the game, they'll say we are just about to go to class :(
I wouldnt just walk there if it was a bad moment, if it was id just walk past and go to see the nurse. But if the oportunity was right id do it.
Garfield, that kind of oppertunity would have been perfect, even with your little knowledge on card games, or whatever your next chance includes. The comedy of being taught would bring you together, help learn about each other *cheese*.

Props to you.
poker is teh easy, learn it. But pretend to not know how to play so you get a demonstration, then you make you move and jump on her eating her hair
Fat Tony! said:
poker is teh easy, learn it. But pretend to not know how to play so you get a demonstration, then you make you move and jump on her eating her hair

Personal experience?
Ride a chocobo up to her, offer her your Longsword +1 and ask her to accompany you to the prom.

Lol seriously though, just go ask her out, it isn't tough.
DreadLord1337 said:
Ride a chocobo up to her, offer her your Longsword +1 and ask her to accompany you to the prom.

Lol seriously though, just go ask her out, it isn't tough.
Maybe she's the type that prefers ogre slaying knives with +9 against ogres... did you ever think about that? Huh?
oh man this is great - its like a cute little love story. I hope you get your chance!
I don't feel like making another thread, so I am just going to post this here. There was this girl I had a class with last year, and looking back I am pretty sure she liked me (touched me a lot, looked at me a lot...). I don't have any classes with her anymore, but I do see her in the hall a lot. Any suggestions on what I should do? Should I try to talk to her in the hall? Or would she think I am an ass for being so stupid?
Foxtrot said:
I don't feel like making another thread, so I am just going to post this here. There was this girl I had a class with last year, and looking back I am pretty sure she liked me (touched me a lot, looked at me a lot...). I don't have any classes with her anymore, but I do see her in the hall a lot. Any suggestions on what I should do? Should I try to talk to her in the hall? Or would she think I am an ass for being so stupid?

same as garfield, just talk to her :thumbs:
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