Cyber Nations

sabre0001 said:
i have gold and sugar over here! And an army force that shall be grown day by day :p

I shall rule the whole of Preston before Pi Mu Rho gets to :p
Your lands can overlap with no affects to the game. The map is useless, really.
It says on the wiki that many players take the map overlapping thing as a reason to decare war D:
2 days before we are allowed to attack, I, Adrie C, sugest to have all allies pass to DefCon 3. If more than 3 people agree, this new law will pass.

Edit: By the way. There is a part in the forums where you must present your alience. I say we present with pride The Republic. Couple of things first. We must have however a couple of representatives :

-War Commander :Aparently, when time for war comes, he must decide the best approach and coordinate an attack with the Republics millitray forces availeble.

- 2 Republic Embasadors: Theywill inform fellows alliences, neutral and enemmys about our intentions and consequences. (he will be the one informing our republic, of course we will tell them we come for peace, nobody will ever know our ultimate domination plans)

-Bank: Someone responsable of storin the Republic's money, he will keep track of wich member gave money. When a member is in need of money, he will then ask the bankers, and president for autorisation.

Republis president : Who ever you guys want to vote for. The president will have a big role in the decicions of the republic itself. Who ever wants to be elected must write the promises and plans they have for the republic.

When all that shit is done, we can then pronounce the Republic.

So please start applying for those roles, remember that you must give a little speach if you want to be voted for. And we also need to make a full list of who is in.

Who ever wants to be, you must how ever make a list of things that you will offer and do, if elected.
My proposition to be Presidente

If i, Evo The Sheep were to be elected your President, i would be the best damn President you could ever have. I will rule with an Iron Fist, the Fist of Communism and War!

I will encourage the use of Nuclear Weapons and large scale armies. Strong border controls are necessary, we can't allow any non Republic persons into our borders! Any people who show a lack of faith in our mighty Republic will be taken to the minefields for clearing duties.

I am the man to be your President!
I will be one of the republic ambassadors. Since I come from a peaceful nation I can keep our republics interestests of peace and growth in mind so that our people may prosper(and join the military as is mandatory at age 12-death).
Land of Hammocks is a small and new nation at 0 days old with citizens primarily of Caucasian ethnicity whose religion is Voodoo. It is a backwards nation when it comes to technology and many refer to it unkindly as a 'Third World Nation'. Its citizens enjoy freedom from high taxation and as a result tend to earn more money. The citizens of Land of Hammocks work diligently to produce Rubber and Lead as tradable resources for their nation. It is an aggressive country that some say has an itch for war. It believes nuclear weapons are necessary for the security of its people. The military of Land of Hammocks has been positioned at all border crossings and is arresting all drug traffickers. Land of Hammocks does not allow any form of government protests. Its armed police forces work quickly at "dissolving" any and all government protests. It's borders are closed to all forms of immigration. Land of Hammocks detains individuals who participated in the slanderous comments about the government. The government of Land of Hammocks has no compassion for other people of the world and does not contribute to foreign aid. Land of Hammocks will not make deals with another country that has a poor history of inhuman treatment of its citizens.

Come here for a land where women flows free and water are cheap. We practice Voodoo from the comfort of our very own hammock houses. A Member of the Federation of


I can't join the Blue team for 5 days because I voted for purple team leaders :(
Glirk Dient said:
I will be one of the republic ambassadors. Since I come from a peaceful nation I can keep our republics interestests of peace and growth in mind so that our people may prosper(and join the military as is mandatory at age 12-death).

If you want to be Embassador for 2 terms (2 weeks) you will have to inform the other nation on the forums about the republic, the wars, the advances, the peace etc etc. Evrything you post must be reviewed by the board depending the matter. You will also have the 5th freedom (you may post in case of emergency)

Do you agree?

We have 2 propositions for president. we must how ever have banker and War Commander. The war commander will then apoint 3 Generals.
Could we uhh possibly get a more neutral president. Evo's cool and all, but I know Numbers would be pissed :p.

My theories are...wild to say the least

/glares at Numbers

Adrien C said:
War Commander.

We should make Redneck war commander but then our army would end up fighting with broom sticks and m80s. :laugh: Sorry I just had to make a crack about him.
Ok I made one. Republic of Munrofl ruled by King Henry.

All you cool cats trade with me. I think I've added everyone to my saved list so far..
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Land of Hammocks[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Darth Sidious Land[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]CyberIrl[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Shenstopia[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Glirkland[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Roflskittles[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Kulakron[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]JellyWorld[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Digi Mania[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Waterock[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Daniland[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Turkbekistan[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Adriens Republic[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]New Roman Empire[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Neotopia[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Numberslands[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Ideana[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Freemintown[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Did I miss anyone?
Thanks for making the list. Still more positions to fill in.
What would be involved in being banker? I think it would be a good job for me.

DreadLord1337 said:
What would be involved in being banker? I think it would be a good job for me.


Every day, each member will pay you a minimum amount of money. You must keep track of that money of who pays. Members will also be able to ask for loans, wich you must discuss with a president first. (you need also to keep track of that).

As you are the bank, you will get paid each week. You will also get special protection from the republic, a sleceted amount of security force in case you get invaded with out notice. You want the gig ?
Yeah sure sounds good. Just let me know what's going on and I'll start up tomorrow.
Adrien C said:
If you want to be Embassador for 2 terms (2 weeks) you will have to inform the other nation on the forums about the republic, the wars, the advances, the peace etc etc. Evrything you post must be reviewed by the board depending the matter. You will also have the 5th freedom (you may post in case of emergency)

Do you agree?

We have 2 propositions for president. we must how ever have banker and War Commander. The war commander will then apoint 3 Generals.

Agreed, where will we post propositions and what not? A move for a sub forum might help ease the spam in off-topic.

Here is where you will be working, and of course you must also notify here so the Republic members know what is going on.

Ok, so here is the list of the Republic Members :

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Land of Hammocks [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]CyberIrl[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Shenstopia[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Glirkland[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Roflskittles[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Kulakron[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]JellyWorld[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Digi Mania[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Waterock[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Daniland[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Turkbekistan[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Adriens Republic[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]New Roman Empire[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Neotopia[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Numberslands[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Ideana[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Freemintown[/FONT]

About the bank: Starting tomorow, evry member will send in aid to the bank the minimum fee availible ( around 30 $ ). Dreadord will keep in track who is paying and who is not. Then if any member requires monitary asistances, he just needs to ask for it.

Staff :

Embasador : Glirk Dient [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Glirkland[/FONT] (. For 2 terms (2 weeks) Ends: May 29

Bank: Dreadlord -- [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Land of Hammocks [/FONT] --. 2 terms (2 weeks) Ends: May 29
Adrien C said:
Whats new with the republic?

What we should so, is menace other countries, if they don't pay up, we will invade. Of course, we need an exuse, like, perhaps saying they have weapons of mass destruction and its againts are moral and it endengers our nations.
Who is the the republic btw?

Read my plan.

Basically, we all "aid" Numbers with 5 or 10 soldiers, a number we can all easilly spare.

Then, we use him as our attack dummy. He sends out a warning invasion consisting of the soldiers we sent him. We then tell the little country that he's just ONE of the 12 behind our regime.

Little country pays up thinking that we've all got as many men as Numbers, little country is broke and defenseless, after a few paychecks, we destroy little country.


Okay, so have we all agreed to pay 8% of each days tax income to the "bank" account?

Hmm, you know what, that's actually gonna be really hard, considering that you can only give 4 aids per 10 days.

How about 16% every ten days?

EDIT: :O Game's down.

NVM, it's back.

And thanks a bunch Kirov!

My natural land growth is skyrocketing.

My plan is comming together nicely :D
Sinkoman for president I say !

Well, we need to find a way to pay the bank then. Btw, read the forums, we cant just demand ranson to a nation. In the forums one nation was attacked for no reason, so he asked help to his Allience, the guy got gang raped by 20 nations :laughs:

We can pick a fight to a small nation, and if war starts we all invade, but before we destroy him, we'll ask for ranson.

I like how it has actual land to claim on google maps. So far I'm the only nation in Arizona and soon I will dominate the tri-state area and rival the Los Angeles nation.
Adrien C said:
Sinkoman for president I say !

Well, we need to find a way to pay the bank then. Btw, read the forums, we cant just demand ranson to a nation. In the forums one nation was attacked for no reason, so he asked help to his Allience, the guy got gang raped by 20 nations :laughs:

We can pick a fight to a small nation, and if war starts we all invade, but before we destroy him, we'll ask for ranson.

I'd like to be advisor of the war cabinet :D

And I figured you couldn't bully around your underlings like that.

Well, we'll need to fabricate a reason to invade.

I say our first "justification" will be "strategic natural resources".

After they see our attack dummy take a warning shot (not knowing that we have nowhere near as many as him, since we're just buffing him), we tell them that we want to begin trade relations for "strategic embelishment of our a nation within the republic, regarding the guided expansion of said nation".

We start a trade agreement with a country that "looks" like it has no trades (another dummy nation, who temporarily drops all trade relations within the republic). After a few days of this blank trade agreement, we say another a nation needs more land, and present forward our nation with the least land/our newest nation.

THAT will be the "justifications" behind our main front. Instead of forcing the nation to fork over some cash, we just all invade at once, taking a random 1-10 percent cut of the defending nations cash per each succesful battle.

Every HL2.netter involved in the battle tallies his random percentage cash addition to their daily income, and must give that ammount back to the bank within a week, so we can tally all the spoils and equally divide it.

Back to the attack.

After taking some land, we have one of our nations put himself as deep into debt as possible, without damaging his economy. We tell the attacked nation that the debted nation needs embezzlments. We tell the attacked nation that if he agrees to this, then we call off all attacks and break the front.

Nation agrees, majority pull out their remaining troops, and whoever wants to, can take a swing at the nation. We tell him that their actions are "beyond our control", fabricating justifications as needed by whiny moderaters saying that we are extorting this poor bastard.

I believe that's the best way to get as much cash and land as possible from the sap, while adequately covering up the half blatant extortion.

What do you think :D

OH OH OH! If we go through with this plan, and it works, can I be named one of the generals of the war cabinet?
Sinko, are you advisor for G.W.Bush by any chance ?

Great plan, you need to work closly with the Embasador as he will be given tu excuses behind our attacks. Start piking up a nation to attack ;)
Meanwhile, evry go to DefCon 4 and start mobilizing your troops.
Adrien C said:
Sinko, are you advisor for G.W.Bush by any chance ?

Great plan, you need to work closly with the Embasador as he will be given tu excuses behind our attacks. Start piking up a nation to attack ;)
Meanwhile, evry go to DefCon 4 and start mobilizing your troops.

Oh no no no no no, i'm not the head of the cabinet, I don't decide who we attack.

And i'll go to DefCon 4 when we're ready to attack. I purchased my soldiers for today at DefCon 5, so theirs no point in going to 4 'till we attack.


I say we pick up somebody who has a nice cash surplus. Right now, i'm assuming we're invading for land, and not money, right?

If so, then lotsa cash, high income tax (we'll have go force this outa him), low bills (force'd info again), and low land and infra.

Lower infra will make our defensive less of a battle, and more of a push. Low land means he has a low enviroment, and thus, unhappy population.

As soon as we stop dropping his soldier count, those two factors should start riots in his country, which will again, cripple his happiness.

Unhappy people make less money, which means he gets less from his taxes to spend on soldiers.

After the first two attacks, he probably won't have any money to give to us just yet. That's when we tell him that we invaded for land. We'll let the fight last for maybe 3 days, and then tell him that we want money for a peaceful release.

He cashes out for maybe two days, which is when we pull out major forces, and let the smaller nations finish him off.

A LARGE factor in who we attack will be thier resources. We have to pick something that's really rare, to justify our initial trade agreement.

I say Uranium, Silver, Spices, Water, and Wine are all good candidates. Wine in particular, as i've only seen one nation with Wine so far.
Man. if you guys want to make a quick buck, just donate 5 dollars, that automaticly gives you 30 thoudans in nations money.
Adrien C said:
Sinkoman for president I say !

Well, we need to find a way to pay the bank then. Btw, read the forums, we cant just demand ranson to a nation. In the forums one nation was attacked for no reason, so he asked help to his Allience, the guy got gang raped by 20 nations :laughs:

We can pick a fight to a small nation, and if war starts we all invade, but before we destroy him, we'll ask for ranson.

That is what my job is...I use rhetoric to convince them it is pointless to start a fight and blah blah.

We need someone else by my side who isn't too shabby with rhetoric who can collaborate with me to persuade the rest of the nations that we are peaceful and really mean no harm and/or were provoked/attacked in a defensive manner because of an aggresive nation.
Glirk Dient said:
That is what my job is...I use rhetoric to convince them it is pointless to start a fight and blah blah.

We need someone else by my side who isn't too shabby with rhetoric who can collaborate with me to persuade the rest of the nations that we are peaceful and really mean no harm and/or were provoked/attacked in a defensive manner because of an aggresive nation.

Good luck with that.

Our basic plan was to fabricate a reason to attack.

Unless you're going to insult some countries momma and get them to attack us, I don't think that we're going to get that provoked option very far.

We could probably get bye with "we really mean no harm" for maybe 5 attacks, but after people start to notice our paterns, we're going to have to just deal with negative media.

That is, if we even GET past five attacks :laugh:
Wow, you guys have been busy while Ive been at school...
Can anyone give me a brief summary, I dont have time to read all of that stuff.
YAY! Im trading with the infamous King Henry :) So i send aid to Land of Hammocks then...very good - my tax rate isnt very high though...will send that $30 and the 16% every 10 days...thats the agreement right?

Is the banking system illegal or not?

EDIT: I like this: "The armed forces of CyberIrl are very strong. This is making your population a bit uncomfortable. You have 33 soldiers deployed overseas and 33 soldiers defending your nation."
Does anyone know what the best tax rate is? What's everyone's tax rate?
My tax is at 15%...Prob going to bump it up a little though...they must finance my armed force (which will then keep them under control when they get unhappy)
JellyWorld said:
Does anyone know what the best tax rate is? What's everyone's tax rate?

Sixteen is the highest you can go before it starts effecting happiness.

The higher you go, the less happy your people are, the less money they make, the less money you get.

I'd advise to stay under twenty for now. 20+ is really just for some quick wartime bucks.


We've elected Glirk Dient as embassador to the Republic of

Dreadlord is our official bank. Any money you want to donate to the cause, you donate to him.

Yes, that's technically breaking the TOS, but who cares?

I believe I am our first (of many) generals :D

We are beggining to nominate for President, allong with many other positions.



As of now, the nominees are Evo and me, and there's no way in fecking hell i'm doing it.


We plan to invade a nation in the comming weeks. We will be invading as a whole.

Our battle plan as of now:

Even the poor and sucktastic nations can help out, by possing as our poorest nation, in dire need of service.

Glirk Dient will handle the fabricating of the lies, and will also be our direct communication with this attacked nation (basically, our representative, our embassador, as he is).

That's basically what you've missed.
Ive got 50 soldiers so far, ill be able to help out with soldiers, I dont have much money though (Only 80 bucks), so if I donate soldiers I probably wont be able to pay towards the cause that day as well.