Dark Messiah Game Trailer

Oh, and just for the record, HL2.net is a private site and we can do what the hell we want.

Yeah exactly, you can't demand stuff when it's given to you for free :x
I like how people can complaing about wasting their precious time when they take the time to post here and complain about it which most certainly takes longer than reading all the short and hilarious comics.

Precious time my ass...
Uhm is it okay if I comment on the Dark Messiah trailer?
Reminds me of Oblivion, just with less avanced graphics, thank you, try again.
Oh and the ninja stuff bugged me a bit, but Im okay with it, just dont let it go to your heads. \o/
Uhm is it okay if I comment on the Dark Messiah trailer?
Reminds me of Oblivion, just with less avanced graphics, thank you, try again.
Oh and the ninja stuff bugged me a bit, but Im okay with it, just dont let it go to your heads. \o/

Yeah, that's the only reason the comics tend to piss me off.

The only responses the news posts incite nowadays, are either "WOW, these are GREAAATTTTTTTE SUI!" or, "omg you guys waste my time no cancer cure for me!"

I'm betting though, that if these comics become the norm on HL2.net, everybody will shift their post content away from the comics, and more to the news.
Yeah exactly, you can't demand stuff when it's given to you for free :x

Your right. I just dint want to see this site go in that direction, because i liked coming here for HL2/steam related news. But there is nothing anyone can do about it now. I'm going over to hlFallout.com
You know if the comics were HL2 related (IE Gordon, Barney etc) I doubt there would be any complaints. Perhaps an avenue to explore Sui? I quite like the idea of a Cartoon Alyx or or G-man delivering a skit in relation to a news event.
Your right. I just dint want to see this site go in that direction, because i liked coming here for HL2/steam related news. But there is nothing anyone can do about it now. I'm going over to hlFallout.com
You're so dramatic.
Yeah...no offense to the artist, but these comics are really annoying, and only mildly funny. I come here alot less now to check HL2 news.

Maybe if they were just one frame, but my god, it takes up two pages worth of space sometimes, and its not like the artwork makes it worth it. I've always liked halflife2.net because its so polished and professional looking. This distracts from that attraction with crude jokes and pointless cartoons.

When I started seeing theses I seriously thought you got hacked lol.

Anyway, I dont want to offend the artist b/c hes doing his thing and thats cool, youve got your style, but I just dont see it meshing well with a website like this.
AGENTXEN your avatar is very distasteful - I can't make you change it but I would ask that you please do
AGENTXEN your avatar is very distasteful - I can't make you change it but I would ask that you please do

That's what America is becoming. The American government is imaging pre WWII Germany. That stupid un-elected de facto U.S. President Bush (dictator) was a first class deserter during the Vietnam War. Those who might fall under this Commander and Chief's chain of command might want to ask themselves what would happen to them if right now during this so-called War on Terror they just stopped showing up for duty.
Because Dubya abolished free elections and set up a one-party state as soon as he got in power.
Because he had his supporters beat up people from other parties in the run-up to the elections.
Because the leaders of the state gave him power because they thought they could control him.
Because since his election America has been following a systematic program of racial discrimination.
Because George Bush personally authorised the execution of thousand upon thousand of disabled people in a so called 'euthenasia action'.
Because George Bush also personally authorised the forced sterilization of many other people who had mental or physical defects somewhere in their genetic makeup.
Because there are special government grants offered to people who marry and have kids.
Because inter-racial marriage is forbidden.
And so on.
Also because Hitler was a political disaster and a terrible orator!

By the way, as far as I know, Hitler fought quite bravely in WW1...which just goes to show. Bush being a 'first class deserter' also has little bearing on his suitability for president.

What does it go to show? I don't know...something or other!
I was talking about pre WWII germany being compared to what the US goverment under bush's rule now.

* lack of real political opposition (weak Weimar government--weak Democratic Party)
* consolidation of massive amounts of power without a clear mandate from the people (1932 election - 2000 election)
* usurpation of leftist terminology to further a RW agenda (national socialism - compassionate conservatism)
* the use of propaganda (Goebbels - Rove, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, FoxNews, CNN)
* hatred of the French
* an appeasing British Prime Minister (Chamberlain - Blair)
* contempt for the international community (Hitler ignores the Treaty of Versailles - Bush ignores the ABM treaty and U.N. treaties on global warming, the international criminal court, landmines, chemical and biological weapons)
* hatred directed at leftists and other groups in opposition to the government (communists - war protesters)
* hatred directed at minority groups (Jews - Arabs)
* weapons of mass destruction cited as a reason to invade other countries (Hitler claims that Poland could use poison gas against Germany - Bush claims Saddam Hussein could use poison gas against the U.S.)
* a terrorist attack on the country as the final catalyst for fascism (Reichstag fire - 9/11 attacks)
* the merging of big business with government (Krupps - Halliburton)
* extreme nationalism (Nazi flags everywhere - American flags everywhere)
* a culture that emphasizes the physical over the intellectual (Aryan *supermen* - American redneckism)
* leader worship (Hitler as Der Fuhrer - Bush as God's child)
* the creation of an internal security department (Gestapo - Department of Homeland Security)
* massive build-up of military and police forces (paramilitary SS dressed in black - paramilitary cops dressed in black)
* the use *lightning* warfare (blitzkrieg - shock and awe)
* easy military victories setting the stage for other conquests (Sudentenland - Poland and France, Iraq - Syria and Iran)
* eventual disastrous conflict with the Russians (WWII - Armageddon?)
I was talking about pre WWII germany being compared to what the US goverment under bush's rule now.

* lack of real political opposition (weak Weimar government--weak Democratic Party)
* consolidation of massive amounts of power without a clear mandate from the people (1932 election - 2000 election)
* usurpation of leftist terminology to further a RW agenda (national socialism - compassionate conservatism)
* the use of propaganda (Goebbels - Rove, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, FoxNews, CNN)
* hatred of the French
* an appeasing British Prime Minister (Chamberlain - Blair)
* contempt for the international community (Hitler ignores the Treaty of Versailles - Bush ignores the ABM treaty and U.N. treaties on global warming,the international criminal court, landmines, chemical and biological weapons)
* hatred directed at leftists and other groups in opposition to the government (communists - war protesters)
* hatred directed at minority groups (Jews - Arabs)
* weapons of mass destruction cited as a reason to invade other countries (Hitler claims that Poland could use poison gas against Germany - Bush claims Saddam Hussein could use poison gas against the U.S.)
* a terrorist attack on the country as the final catalyst for fascism (Reichstag fire - 9/11 attacks)
* the merging of big business with government (Krupps - Halliburton)
* extreme nationalism (Nazi flags everywhere - American flags everywhere)
* a culture that emphasizes the physical over the intellectual (Aryan *supermen* - American redneckism)
* leader worship (Hitler as Der Fuhrer - Bush as God's child)
* the creation of an internal security department (Gestapo - Department of Homeland Security)
* massive build-up of military and police forces (paramilitary SS dressed in black - paramilitary cops dressed in black)
* the use *lightning* warfare (blitzkrieg - shock and awe)
* easy military victories setting the stage for other conquests (Sudentenland - Poland and France, Iraq - Syria and Iran)
* eventual disastrous conflict with the Russians (WWII - Armageddon?)

Wow, nice copy and paste from whatever crap chain letter foward that is. Most of that is just absurd, the rest is just stupid.

Your argument holds no water because you broke Godwins Law.

reductio ad Hitlerum.

Some of them are true and good points, but the majority fall into one of three categories:

1. Arguable/arguably not.
2. Yes, but not nearly to the extent that it was happening in Nazi Germany.
3. Not true.

Example of number 1:

* lack of real political opposition (weak Weimar government--weak Democratic Party)
* hatred directed at minority groups (Jews [what?]- Arabs)
* the use of propaganda (Goebbels - Rove, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, FoxNews, CNN) [In Nazi Germany all newspapers were government controlled, as were all film, theatre and radio productions. So while it's debatable whether America has a totally free press, I'd call bullshit on most of this point]

Example of number 2:
* extreme nationalism (Nazi flags everywhere - American flags everywhere)
* a culture that emphasizes the physical over the intellectual (Aryan *supermen* - American redneckism)

Example of number 3:

* an appeasing British Prime Minister (Chamberlain - Blair)

Also, no controlled economy.
Lots of people in the united states , or people i come in contact with were i live anyway, are racist. The goverment wont let a black American man become president, WHY? If he is qualified and could do a better job than bush i see no reason he could not become president, same goes for all other ethnicities in America. These damn racist goverment.