Dark Messiah Media Update


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
IGN.com has recently released some screenshots from the upcoming source game entitled Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, slated for release in September.

[br]Take a look at the Dark Messiah website as well as IGN.com for a full listing of media.
Looks good, the thumbnails only goto thumbnails by the way. :p
Looking great as thumbnails :p Wonder what the full images look like ;)
The links at the bottom of the post just direct back to this thread. :p
Lawl, I just recommend making a new post (Delete this one of course) instead of having our images redirect people to IGN.com - Make sure you save the whole image and not thumbnail. ;)
well, everything works actually, had a mild panick attack but got it up and running
Looks better than Obvlivion. :| Graphics-wise. And the gameplay sounds novel. Mission based-fantast FPS sounds good to me. Shame I don't like the M&M franchise in general.
Reginald said:
Looks better than Obvlivion. :| Graphics-wise. And the gameplay sounds novel. Mission based-fantast FPS sounds good to me. Shame I don't like the M&M franchise in general.

BS. Unless you mean oblivion on your PC, in which case that would probably look just as bad. Oblivion on my 360 looks a lot better than this ... and thanks to the limitations of Source, is probably much bigger than this game ever will be.
lePobz said:
BS. Unless you mean oblivion on your PC, in which case that would probably look just as bad. Oblivion on my 360 looks a lot better than this ... and thanks to the limitations of Source, is probably much bigger than this game ever will be.
Now, was that really needed?

The game looks incredibly fun... nothing denying that.
xlucidx said:
Now, was that really needed?

In fairness, I did say graphics. But in my opinion, the graphics do look better. Oblivion does look awefully fake in some places.
Reginald said:
In fairness, I did say graphics. But in my opinion, the graphics do look better. Oblivion does look awefully fake in some places.

True... I can't really say anything on the subject of Oblivion's graphics at all... as I played the game on low... with some medium.
But looking at user-made movies and stuff, the game does have a plastic-look to it sometimes.
lePobz said:
BS. Unless you mean oblivion on your PC, in which case that would probably look just as bad. Oblivion on my 360 looks a lot better than this ... and thanks to the limitations of Source, is probably much bigger than this game ever will be.

Well, atleast the women don't look like men wearing lipstick. 360 or pc, you have to admit Oblivion women look quite mannish in the face.
lePobz said:
BS. Unless you mean oblivion on your PC, in which case that would probably look just as bad. Oblivion on my 360 looks a lot better than this ... and thanks to the limitations of Source, is probably much bigger than this game ever will be.

Pity the AI in Oblivion blows and all of the characters are dull as ditchwater compared to those you find in HL2 or VTM:B. :dozey:
Looks, cool, but - and bear in mind I'm usually the first one to defend posting non-HL2 titles - is it our responsibility to report on this? To me, the threshold is: if it's sold on Steam, it's valid; if not, it's not really our area of expertise. Ah well.
Tyguy said:
well, everything works actually, had a mild panick attack but got it up and running
just a note - in the news script, upload the full non-thumbnail image, and select thumbnail in the drop down menu

also that girl in the middle is lookin' sexy.
Looking nice. The source engine really is a nice engine. Doubt i'll get this though, not my type of thing.
Sulkdodds said:
Looks, cool, but - and bear in mind I'm usually the first one to defend posting non-HL2 titles - is it our responsibility to report on this? To me, the threshold is: if it's sold on Steam, it's valid; if not, it's not really our area of expertise. Ah well.

well, I get what your saying....I just assumed any news of a source game crediting valve was worth mentioning
Ah, well, don't ask me. I don't make policy. That's my excuse whenever someone I hate wants to buy a hotdog, anyway.
I think it's looking great, the model's definetly look much better than oblivion but besides that they look very much alike. This should be a fun game, and about the limitations of the source engine as in how wide open it can be...that's only a limitation of the current version as it is made to be upgradable and expandable im sure they will end up working our large open areas in the future.
If youve watched any of the videos, you should know that the combat in this looks one of its best features. The swords in first person view actually seem to make contact now! It looks awesome, I'm bad at discribing things, so I recommend you all go watch the videos :eek:
This looks like its coming along great. Im pretty interested in the game. Although I'm not sure if I will buy it or not. I'll be keeping my eye on it as it gets closer to Sept.
This game looks so much better than Oblivion. :p
I've never seen anything like this, looks even better than Crysis :O
Simply looks like a living person if you take a look on the face, shit :O

I think it looks pretty good the artwork and models look really nice, hopefully the source engine runs it pretty well too.
Sulkdodds said:
Looks, cool, but - and bear in mind I'm usually the first one to defend posting non-HL2 titles - is it our responsibility to report on this? To me, the threshold is: if it's sold on Steam, it's valid; if not, it's not really our area of expertise. Ah well.

I thought DM was getting a steam distribution as well as retail?

I didn't apply for the beta, but I heard that it required steam in some way.
Garfield_ said:
I've never seen anything like this, looks even better than Crysis :O
Simply looks like a living person if you take a look on the face, shit :O

Ha. THIS looks like a living person.
Holy shit! Source Engine falling behind MYASS! Ill be getting this.
rofl this looks so much better than SiNEp D:
Ha. THIS looks like a living person.

What do the Crysis models have going for it except extreme resolutions?

lePobz said:
BS. Unless you mean oblivion on your PC, in which case that would probably look just as bad. Oblivion on my 360 looks a lot better than this ... and thanks to the limitations of Source, is probably much bigger than this game ever will be.

Is he for real? Graphics on Xbox better than on PC? :LOL:
And Oblivion graphics were great, but a bit too shiny.
lePobz said:
BS. Unless you mean oblivion on your PC, in which case that would probably look just as bad. Oblivion on my 360 looks a lot better than this ... and thanks to the limitations of Source, is probably much bigger than this game ever will be.

I have Oblivion on pc running the game on MAX settings. Iv compared both on 360 and on my pc. And the PC looks better. Not only that but this game looks A LOT better then oblivion.

Ha. THIS looks like a living person.

Indeed. Crysis looks much better.

Nonetheless, I still believe Crysis is overhyped and overrated; I have serious doubts the Crysis that ships in a bajillion years is going to look like this.
wow, didnt even know that wasnt real until i scrolled down......jebus....
The models look absolutely stunning! They're fabulous!

I wonder how many of 'em on screen at once it will take to bog my machine down :p

I bet some of those screens were touched up with photoshop though :hmph:
It looks great and the videos do have the source feeling(gameplay and physics!). But...oblivion had S.M.3.0 and parallax mapping, right? Has source implemented these? I believe these are the last piece of additions source needs to close the dx9 cycle. :)
I play oblivion at 1920*1200 with all settings up (for someone from the first page, that's a considerably higher res than 360 can do, though oblivion does have trouble with AA and HDR together on PC) and it looks...pretty good
FEAR looks better I'd say...

I might give the edge to dark messiah for graphics, but remember that DMoMM is a linear, single player action game, while oblivion is a very large and wide open world
I skipped the second page altogher, so I'm not sure how Crysis came up, but I don't think it's fair to compare almost anything with a game which is a few years away and will run on DX10
BS. Unless you mean oblivion on your PC, in which case that would probably look just as bad. Oblivion on my 360 looks a lot better than this ... and thanks to the limitations of Source, is probably much bigger than this game ever will be.

Uh. I have Oblivion on my 360 running on a 52" Sony Grand Vega TV. This game looks considerably better.

Then again, HL2 Episode One looks considerably better. Oblivion is a pretty ugly game, IMHO. Source could probably get those draw distances with a little engine optimization, but I guess Valve doesn't want to turn textures into mud at 10 ft and have whole castles popping in at 100ft...

Plus, like someone said, all the women look like men and the high elves look like they just got out of the garbage masher from Star Wars.