Day of Defeat: Source is Released

agreed. the kar is definitely underpowered for its low rof. and the lack of class restrictions gets annoying when you face 10 snipers in avalanche for example.

was SO impressed though. loved the grendade on the rifles for riflemen. and the disorientation makes you FEEL like a grenade has gone off near you. it makes you fire widly as you cant make anything out for a few seconds, making nades more tactical in room clearing for example. its like a flashbang that kills.

the plumes of dust etc from rounds are a little too large for my liking but it makes the atmosphere slightly more intense i guess.

9800pro running HDR is definitely playable. only have a loading spike on long sections and the odd explosion, but putting on bloom instead just makes it perfect.

9.5/10 Valve, good job :E
DjBourgeoisie said:
The good:
For the most part I am really happy with it, but they REALLY need to un-nerf the kar and sniper rifles, they should be one shot kill weapons like before. Sine the fire rate on them is so slow, in closed quarters fighting they are useless because any n00b with a thompson can rush you after taking a round to the chest and kill you even after you got off the first shot.

The classes are there for a reason.
Indoor you'r being killed by assault classes, that's exactly how it's meant to be. Don't go alone indoors. Use your kar outdoors to pick them off at distances.

IMO the kar is not a superweapon any more like in the old days: a very refreshing experience. Shooting someone in the legs or arms shouldn't be lethal, not even for a kar ;)
It's great, from the 5 mins I have played it seems much much better than the original, just little things like weapon sounds and even iron sights! Wow I am impressed.

Gonna give it a better longer go later on.
Monkwarrior said:
The classes are there for a reason.
Indoor you'r being killed by assault classes, that's exactly how it's meant to be. Don't go alone indoors. Use your kar outdoors to pick them off at distances.

IMO the kar is not a superweapon any more like in the old days: a very refreshing experience. Shooting someone in the legs or arms shouldn't be lethal, not even for a kar ;)

I was talking about torso shots actually, it is not always a one hit kill now which it should be. I dont mind when they make changes but this was a bad decision on their part. The fire rate is so slow on the kar now that if you dont get a headshot you are left open to an easy kill vs any enemy. If it aint broke dont fix it is the philosophy I have for almost everything. The balance in dod was fine, they should have left damage ratios untouched imo. I run a 32 player server, and hardly anyone was using the kar for this reason, instead we had a ton of smg's and snipers, wheres the weapon restrictions... :dozey:
Well I'm an old fart and for some reason I got plenty of chest kills this morning with the kar. Didn't see any glitches yet, but if a chestshot with the kar doesn't kill then something is wrong indeed.
Class limits would be nice, tried to make map-based cfg-files already ?
Avalanche server if anyone's interested right now...
Monkwarrior said:
Well I'm an old fart and for some reason I got plenty of chest kills this morning with the kar. Didn't see any glitches yet, but if a chestshot with the kar doesn't kill then something is wrong indeed.
Class limits would be nice, tried to make map-based cfg-files already ?

Ya I hope it is in fact just a hitbox issue or something else, why they would purposely nerf a weapon like that doesnt make any sense. A plugin could certainly make restrictions, but if I remember correctly it was hard coded into dod that would restrict player ratios to a certain number of snipers/mgs etc. I was just surprised to see 5 snipers or so on my team yesterday, it had a negative effect on gameplay, the restrictions have always kept the gameplay really good, which is what I have always enjoyed the most about dod.
Has no one learned anything?

Having owned HL since it was first released and played it almost nonstop until cs, then dod, as well as a smattering of other mods there's one thing that you can count on, problems that truely are problems get dealt with:hmph: . It may take a little while to get the patches out but they always come. That being said, if it's just a tweak to the gameplay you may just have to get used to it. Changes of these kinds keep the game from completely stagnating over time. You see, it's called evolution, some times you just have to overcome. :sniper: My biggest problem with the update is the fact that the pistols are so innaccurate as to be a joke. :flame: Whip that sucker out, crouch down and try to shoot a target more than 5 feet away. You'll be lucky to hit your target, unless it's a whole wall or something. This is very weak because I know with my 45cal pistol I can hit targets at least 50 feet away, why should a video pistol be more inaccurate than me in RL? Also with the kar, if your target turns to the side you hit his arm instead of his chest, and that means he'll live long enough to put some rounds in your head while you cycle the bolt action, not very cool seeing as how the bullit should go straight through his arm and through his chest and into the guy behind him. :flame: Other than that I love dod: s, but NEED SOME NEW MAPS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! We as a community have played them to death! :eek:
russ_uk said:
not impressed at all , cs:source is better ;)

cs = n00b friendly
dod = requires teamwork and some practice to actually become good

dont get me started on the lack of content in css either, how long has it been now since they were supposed to add new player models etc? Sorry but I used to enjoy cs back when it was in beta, but it got worse and worse the more they tried to improve it. Css was a big letdown, the only thing I will play in it is the vip mod which is being developed for it. ;)
does it have bots? and also do all source games have HDR now?
unfortunatly no bots :p .. not sure why, probably not easy to have realistic prone bots. it would be great with a proper bot system. and now that hdr is out many of us are forced to upgrade or pc's in order to play the hl2 games that up until hdr release were working fine. not so easy when i have to buy a new cpu, new gfx and new motherboard. :(
who said:
and now that hdr is out many of us are forced to upgrade or pc's in order to play the hl2 games that up until hdr release were working fine. not so easy when i have to buy a new cpu, new gfx and new motherboard. :(
Pfft, I'm happy with my 30 fps :p
Very nice game! But I can't play! Steam Error "This game is currently unavailable"

WTF :angry:
FMJ said:
Very nice game! But I can't play! Steam Error "This game is currently unavailable"

WTF :angry:
Restart steam, keeps happening to me , I just gotta close and reload steam and it works fine.
Monkwarrior said:
The classes are there for a reason.
Indoor you'r being killed by assault classes, that's exactly how it's meant to be. Don't go alone indoors. Use your kar outdoors to pick them off at distances.

IMO the kar is not a superweapon any more like in the old days: a very refreshing experience. Shooting someone in the legs or arms shouldn't be lethal, not even for a kar ;)

even if a k98 didnt kill some one from a leg shot they would be taken out of action, that bullet would rip your leg off, trust me ive fired one and seen the damage on shit to know
Mine keeps stopping at the title screen, it loads, and then it just keeps looping a noise. I can't alt + tab or ctrl + alt + del. I really want to play.

I've tried deleting local dod:s content, and reinstalling, but it didn't fix it.
Xhawk>>GT<< said:
Mine keeps stopping at the title screen, it loads, and then it just keeps looping a noise. I can't alt + tab or ctrl + alt + del. I really want to play.

I've tried deleting local dod:s content, and reinstalling, but it didn't fix it.

I had the same problem, turned out to me my firewall strangely enough.

Make sure its not being blocked like mine was. :)
Hobbes said:
Yea the game is awesome... those it needs some touch ups:

1. Lag problem. All I hear now is flaming of Steam even though it really is DoD:S's problems. It is short of patching, hopefully we'll get some(patches) soon.
2. At the end of a match both teams should cease to use their weapons, not just the winning side. (This way the winning team won't get the extra kills by killing the inmobile and defenseless losing team.)
3. We need them Brits.
4. Gernades- acouple of things here... 1. Get rid of the smoke trail 2. Make them work... there have been so many problems.

And for all of you highpingers out there, stay the hell away from DoD:S or you will be sorry. Not only will you be flamed to high hell, but you probably won't be able to move an inch.

2. The winning team should be awarded a bonus (extra kills) and the losing team should be penalized (extra deaths).
3. Brits and their 4 cruddy weapons. Pfft.
4. I believe you can turn off smoke trails.
playing DoD: Source is like looking into the eyes of God, and hearing him say "you, are my greatest creation", also you have a Thompson gun in hand :thumbs:
awesome with a few bugs

As with all new releases there are bound to be a few bugs. Valve will have these issues fixed before long, give them a tiny bit of time. I love this game! I can't wait for charlie to be re-released in Source form. That's always been my favorite map. I like the HDR, but I don't have a good enough computer to truly appreciate it on the highest settings. All in all, great release!
:smoking: :smoking:
SillyHalfMexican said:
If you didn't pay for Half Life 2 or any package actually, can you pay just the $20 to get DoDS?

DoD:source is brilliant....

and then they released that cod:2 demo (and to be honest Im no DOD/COD/ww2 genre fan) but wow, COD2 pretty much floored me.
Mr. Redundant said:
DoD:source is brilliant....

and then they released that cod:2 demo (and to be honest Im no DOD/COD/ww2 genre fan) but wow, COD2 pretty much floored me.

First thing I noticed immediately was how much better COD2's iron sights are compared to DoD's. DoD's iron sights seem like they were put in just to obscure your view.
Yes, indeed, cod has excellent sights. I can't wait for cod 2 to come out and devoutly hope that my computer will be able to run it. I can't wait for dod_charlie to be redone as source, though, then it will really kick some ass. That was always my favorite map. I love the skill required for DOD. COD is fun for sniping and building running, but for team strategy, DOD kicks some! It's all in what you are playing the game for.
ok My only pro0blem is this:

I bought the retail collector version under the understanding i would get DoD:S when it was availiable.

obviously it never happened, and i had to pay $20 for it.

ok Valve, wtf was worth buying the collectors HL2? for a friken T-SHIRT?
have you lost your minds??

You battled the evil publishers and thier greed to win your ability to send out gaming material, what you didnt mention was THAT YOU WERE GOING TO BE JUST AS GREEDY.

All i will say at this time is f.U. and your collectors edition. what a crock of crap that was, and i doubt very much if i will ever support steam based games ever again, never mind VALVE products.
I got far more with the GotY edition of HL than with this one... nice way to price yourselves..NOT you bunch of leech sucking vampires.
LONG LIVE MOD MAKERS, dont be so fast to sell out to the major Corps, cause they arent anything better than the publishers.

talk about time well... wasted.
Vivendi, Mr. Evil Publisher Guy, decided what was in the Collector's Edition, not Valve.
What the Hell? said:
ok My only pro0blem is this:

I bought the retail collector version under the understanding i would get DoD:S when it was availiable.

obviously it never happened, and i had to pay $20 for it.

ok Valve, wtf was worth buying the collectors HL2? for a friken T-SHIRT?
have you lost your minds??

You battled the evil publishers and thier greed to win your ability to send out gaming material, what you didnt mention was THAT YOU WERE GOING TO BE JUST AS GREEDY.

All i will say at this time is f.U. and your collectors edition. what a crock of crap that was, and i doubt very much if i will ever support steam based games ever again, never mind VALVE products.

LONG LIVE MOD MAKERS, dont be so fast to sell out to the major Corps, cause they arent anything better than the publishers.

talk about time well... wasted.
With all due respect (none), it isn't Valve's fault you didn't read the box properly. That isn't anyone's fault but your own.