Day of Defeat: Source Review

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
It's been a hell of a day. I've been at this computer since about 10am this morning. Admittedly yes, a lot of it did involve playing Day of Defeat: Source, but also it's been a big challenge getting all the content together and setting up the new BitTorrent download system. One thing's for sure though, when I go to sleep in about 5 minutes, I'll probably dream about Day of Defeat: Source.[br]However, it was a struggle but myself and Suicide42 (couldn't do it without you man!) pulled it together and we've at last got a fantastic review online. Here's a snippet:
Every gunshot, explosion, scream or shout echoes through the map on which you play. Unlike other games, there is no background ambience that plays on a loop; everything you hear is going on somewhere. Rather than it just sounding like you’re in a war zone, you actually are in a war zone.
Well, now you're all ready. You've seen it, heard it and now you've read a review on it. It's time for you to make up your own minds. Was it worth the extended wait while they added the new bells and whistles? Is it the same Day of Defeat you all know and love? We certainly think so... have fun tomorrow![br]Click here for the full review.[br]
"Saying it’s like the original means nothing if you’ve never played it!"

Amen :cheers: I can't even count the number of times I've said that...

/EDIT: Great review
Uh.. *cough*.. well this is awesome and all, but it's not very objective wouldn't you think? I mean.. are you sure you guys are looking at this games in terms of multiplayer FPS games as a genre, or just another game from Valve? Are you sure you guys aren't embellishing the game a tad because you've been playing a game all day you've wanted to play for over year? You played the original, just to pump yourselves up for this one. Seems more like an advertisement than a "review"

either way, I'm still: OMFG I WANT TO PLAY.
bgesley426 said:
Uh.. *cough*.. well this is awesome and all, but it's not very objective wouldn't you think? I mean.. are you sure you guys are looking at this games in terms of multiplayer FPS games as a genre, or just another game from Valve? Are you sure you guys aren't embellishing the game a tad because you've been playing a game all day you've wanted to play for over year? You played the original, just to pump yourselves up for this one. Seems more like an advertisement than a "review".

Actually, I wasn't even that bothered about DoD:S until I heard that I might be able to play it early a week ago. Scince then I've been playing the origonal mainly just because I wanted to get a good knowledge of the game for when I wrote the review. RIGHT up until I actually started playing DoD:S, I have to admit, I wasn't expecting much. Then it just hits you in the face like a grenade- the game is STUNNING. It really is amazing.

Bah, it's 1 am and I still have History homework. Bugger.
The truth is, we don't care if people like the game or not so there's no reason for us to unnecessarily hype it.

Also, you have to bear this in mind... this is a fan site. So it's a site by the fans, for the fans etc. We are fans of Valve games so there is a certain level of bias in it, but that's how we feel... it's absolutely nothing to do with advertising. This is a fan review, for a more objective review, I recommend you wait for IGN's and Gamepot's attempt.

Then again, even a fan can be objective if they want. I'm sitting here trying to be objective, thinking of an actual negative and I can't really think of one. I personally enjoyed it more than CS:Source.
Chris_D said:
Then again, even a fan can be objective if they want. I'm sitting here trying to be objective, thinking of an actual negative and I can't really think of one.

Needs more rain and mud!!!!
Good writing. I know you guys will probably be more positive then other review sites but they seem to want to find small flaws and mark harshly (some review sites are known for their low markings). Can't wait for tomorrow you just made me want it more!
By the way, I made the banner as well as the review :E

Well usually I wouldn't have said anything, it's just that you embellished the game so much in the review. So much so that it almost seems like you'd use the game as some sort of masturbatory aid.
I was at my dads gfs house yesterday to dl CSS and I wanted to preload DoDS but they said the Servers where busy :/
The Valve has you.

You are all puppets of the Valve. Steam will come and shrowd us, and the day of defeat to end with your puny half-life shall consume you all.
I want to play NOW! Pleeeeease! And Sprafa, no cookies for you.
I have to agree with bgesley, the review was pretty over the top but it may be because the game just owns or Suicide42 really, really, really, really likes it. I'm certainly betting on the latter, it's not hard for one chap to get very passionate about a game. Although it was a good idea to play the original DoD before Source did you play any other newer games (maybe bf2) before also. Because it wouldn't be hard to see the improvements for a 4 year old game on a very aging engine, over the direct competition. It was a pretty good review though
Excellent review, Sui.

So, what numerical rating would you give it?
The review should have at least poked fun at it's 6pm release which I think is the most idiotic thing ever..
Chris_D said:
It's been a hell of a day. I've been at this computer since about 10am this morning. Admittedly yes, a lot of it did involve playing Day of Defeat: Source, but also it's been a big challenge getting all the content together and setting up the new BitTorrent download system.
What BitTorrent system?
Great dying with anticipation.

The only fault in the review is that god awful banner, lol
Chris_D said:
I recommend you wait for IGN's and Gamepot's attempt.

Cs:S hasn't yet a review on Gamespot... it's impossible to make a review of a incomplete and bugged game.

the same for dod:s
Note to Chris_D

That was a beautiful review. I bloody saw myself in your writing :) I hope they release charlie... wont that be a shitter.

Im gonna orgasm when I play this game 2morrow...

No sleeping for me...
good review. i hope its as good as you claim it is, i expect to be sucker punched in the trachea after school tomorrow.

out of curiosity, did valve somehow enable both of your steam accounts or did you get a cd or what? how did you get dod:s?
Does anyone find it funny and ironic that we PC users are gushing over the graphic advancements of DOD:S and Lost Coast while people involved with the current console war keep protesting that "it's not how the game looks, it's how it plays!" Well, if that's true... then why are we poor suckers gushing over DOD:S and Lost Coast!?

DOD:S vs DOD classic
realism, euh what

The review is nicely written, but in the end the author disqualifies himself as being someone who knows his business about FPS.
Being positive about the stunning environment is one thing, calling dod a REALISTIC game is guite another thing. It is not and judging the gameplay videos it will never be. Maybe he is trying to say that the scenery is looking realistic, but that's exactly where realism ends with dod. Not that the many fans will mind, but for a reviewer it's a painfull mistake.

Sure hope you all have fun the coming weeks/months with dod, I'm a bit disappointed tho ;)

IMO I think DoD:S is realistic, especially in the context of bieng compared to CS:S and HL2DM.
I'll wait till I test my baby, the MG-42...If it does circles while I have it pointed on one spot, I'll be pissed.
I'm just disappointed that they reward Steam buyers, and shit all over retail buyers.

Oh well, Time to persuade my parents to get it for meee. :burp:
It's pretty early, Time to go to school.

Second's are Minute's, Minute's are Hour's, Hour's are Day's. :O

Cya Later on the Battlefield. :cheers:
great, another 2 weeks of nothing but dod source news. wheres all the mod news ?
polyguns said:
great, another 2 weeks of nothing but dod source news. wheres all the mod news ?

Grow up, this is great news

CYA ALL in game! :borg: