DayHard Mod is out


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
DayHard mod is now available for download. It's a single player adventure set before Half-Life 2 and before the Revolution. You're Morgan Freeman. That's right. Gordon's brother. One day you hear the footsteps of the Combine on your trail and the booming of their fists on your door - and thus begins an epic battle for survival armed with a katana and sardonic quips. With hilarious results!
You can download the full mod, a trailer or even the game's themetune from the download page on the DayHard website. It's certainly an interesting alternative to the more serious demeanor of most HL2 mods.
"Write the theme tune, sing the them tune" Sorry had to be done. :D

Anyone played it yet? Sounds good except Gordons brother? CHEESE on a stick.
I'm scared. But i'm downloading it for a try, rebel models are the same even in a hazy warm climate it seems, don't understand that, but if you say its funny Sulk then i'll give it a go.
omg morgan freeman is a chav! :p this looks hilarious, cant wait to play it when I get home.
LOL. This sounds like a right blast. And what a breath of fresh air - a Source mod that isn't a Counter Strike clone & doesn't have a WW2 theme!
I downloaded hte installer, and open it up, and when I go to install, nothing installs.

Sounds fantabulous. I'll try it when I get home. :D
Did anyone else scream when the saw the colour of their web page? Fluro orange whoa.
I can safely say that was the shittest game iv'e ever played. On my 100th attempt of trying to ascape unarmed from the introducing level, with combine beating my as off with their sticks pistols and machine guns and blocking all my exits. I gave up. This was an intro level dammit, and i'm a very impatient person. I won't be playing that again. :)

No offence - Goeoy
This is actually pretty fun. Too bad the first 5-10 minutes are the worst of the game. I really think there was supposed to be a melee weapon in your room or something. Now you have to throw a chair through the window, then pick that chair (or some other object) up again, jump outside onto the ledge, jump to the neighbouring ledge, slam in a window with the object you're still holding, and hop in.

Could've been a far more painless sequence if you had something to bash windows in with. Then there's the invisible NPC with a semi borked cutscene that only just let's you continue.

After that it's all fairly smooth. Not bugless by a stretch, but I was able to play through it fine. I'm now a couple of levels in. There's some decent simple fun to be had. Highlight is one of the developer commentaries inside a church, which parodies the Lost Coast stuff.

Overall it's a pretty good effort. Just don't go in expecting an AAA-level professional mod.
****Spoiler Warning****

Anyone played redrum(part 3 I believe) yet? My god...I just got finished with it and it scared the crap out of me. It was on par with doom3, silent hill type stuff o_O. But it was cool though :D
Glenn said:
but if you say its funny Sulk then i'll give it a go.

I didn't say it was funny. I said it's supposed to be funny.

So, any good?
This is awful. The keybindings don't work, the HUD doesn't work, you can't reload or change weapon, you can't raise the console to play about and the scripting goes mental. Nice weapons and sounds, but these other bugs make it unplayable.
I'm interrupting my own playsession to inform you of how to do the beginning of the game as I'm sure it was intended. And it also makes things alot easier. What you do after waking up, is jump through your window(you don't need to use a chair, just crouchjump through and it'll break). Then, jump over to the apartment windows to the left of yours, and enter. This triggers an amusing cutscene, after which you'll have a henchman of your very own. Now, go into this apartment's bedroom, and take up the katana from the wall there, and you'll be ready to go.

That's about it.
The trailer was GREAT! Downloading!
Did half of you actually get the patch aswell ??? might fix most of the problems your having, this does look pretty good though, a mod as to be extremely shite for me to hate it, 10% done woot !!!
It's a bit difficult but hilarious.
Am I the only with a huge framerate drop when exiting the building through a window in the first level?
This sounds hilarious, gotta download this.
I just jumped past the Combine (taking a nice bit of damage) and ran to the roof and grabbed an RPG and then just picked up Deagles and SMGs they dropped after killing them.

This mod takes ages to load on my PC compared to HL2 and HL2 Substance.

Also I keep getting no free edicts errors everytime I try to run the game now even though the patch is supposed to fix it, it still crashes for me. :(
Wait.. DayHARD, I just got & played those SP maps via Vapour, some of the funnest I've ever played. Gimme, gimme, gimme more. Well, assuming this mod is related, all the orange looks familiar.
its very funny, totally weird, and totally buggy, it crashes everytime I try to load a saved point, shame really I was having fun.
its very funny, totally weird, and totally buggy, it crashes everytime I try to load a saved point, shame really I was having fun.
I'll check this out. :) I'm a sucker for SP mods. :D

HAHA! The trailer is hullarious! Looks like something out of Gary's Mod.
If I could play Source games on this laptop... I wouldn't play Day Hard. I'd actually play Half-Life 2. Actually, come to think of it, I wouldn't... because the lptop would probably overheat and melt on my lap.

Hell, if I could install things, I'd probably play fallout. but NOOOOO, "you must log in as the admin to install this program". BLOODY ADMIN. iT TAKES UP 1MB!!! AArrrghh!

OK, I'll get back to playing Final Fantasy 8.
Suicide42 said:
If I could play Source games on this laptop... I wouldn't play Day Hard. I'd actually play Half-Life 2. Actually, come to think of it, I wouldn't... because the lptop would probably overheat and melt on my lap.

Hell, if I could install things, I'd probably play fallout. but NOOOOO, "you must log in as the admin to install this program". BLOODY ADMIN. iT TAKES UP 1MB!!! AArrrghh!

OK, I'll get back to playing Final Fantasy 8.

You don't know how to give yourself admin rights? Tsk.
Heh, I just hit a hard crash bug in the castle level. The Jack guy says "That was cl... cl... cl..." *insert suttering as a memory error pops up*.

Loading a save and trying again doesn't help. Sucks. I want to finish it :(
Sulkdodds said:
Make more news posts. I'm too damn lazy.

If you phoned me up and told me to write a news post, I'd do it happily, but I can't really browse for news as I'm rarely on the internet on this thing... and whenever I DO look for news, it's either way too old or someone's already posted it!

oh and Pi- HOW???

My mum would probably be killed, but meh.
Christ that's useful. I'd try it if my mum's school weren't threatening to make us pay for the laptop if the slightest thing goes wrong with it.
it's not going to go wrong, you're just going to change a password :)
Pi Mu Rho said:
it's not going to go wrong, you're just going to change a password :)

Yeah but then what happens when we have to give the laptop back, and the technician can't logon :eek:

well, I suppose he could just use his magic haxxor / reformatting skills, but before then he'd probbly think he's going mad. Muhahah.

On topic: Day hard is a silly name.