Dead Rising Superthread

Just got it today in the mail and it's great. I gotta figure out the save system, because as all the reviews have said, it is ****ed.
You bugger :)

This is where I stop reading this thread and come back in a month.

Bah humbug!
Just got it today in the mail and it's great. I gotta figure out the save system, because as all the reviews have said, it is ****ed.

You only have one save file so if you miss something, you have to start over.
Yeah, but if you start over, you have all your skills intact. So it isn't all bad.

Which tells me that the one save file was a gameplay decision and not something that was just simply overlooked.
I want this game, but I don't want to shuck up money for a console I would only use once or twice. Do you think this would come out for PC eventually?
Man, I want this game so much it hurts. When does everyone think the next 360 price drop will be? I saw one preowned for £250 the other day. Am thinking of getting it, but if their going to go cheaper by say... Christmas, then I may aswell wait.
Man, I want this game so much it hurts. When does everyone think the next 360 price drop will be? I saw one preowned for £250 the other day. Am thinking of getting it, but if their going to go cheaper by say... Christmas, then I may aswell wait.

I feel bad for you guys.. They're so expensive over there.. Mine brand new on release day was far less than that.
Well you guys definitely get screwed by the conversion of money. $400 certainly is not £400.
Yeah its more like £200 with the falling strength of the dollar. Or is it the pound getting stronger? I don't know enough about international finances.

Still it's pretty sweet getting like 2x your money when you go over to the states. Especially cause stuff is so cheap there anyway, compared to here. Either that or its basically the same number just in dollars, so like 50% off most stuff.
Yeah its more like £200 with the falling strength of the dollar. Or is it the pound getting stronger? I don't know enough about international finances.

Still it's pretty sweet getting like 2x your money when you go over to the states. Especially cause stuff is so cheap there anyway, compared to here. Either that or its basically the same number just in dollars, so like 50% off most stuff.

Really? I found when I went to England most everything cost its equivalent. For instance, video games here are $50, which is almost exactly equivalent to what you guys pay. However some things, like the 360, seem to cost WAY more over there, than here.
i just played this for the first two hours at work, holy god. i like it, but i hate the save system. i died, and lost about an hours progress.
i just played this for the first two hours at work, holy god. i like it, but i hate the save system. i died, and lost about an hours progress.

But when you die and restart, you carry over all of your skills, which should make it much easier on your next run.
yeah, it's not too bad. i had a lot of fun, i played 3 more hours after i typed that.
They respawn eventually though, atleast according to what I've heard from several people on the GS forums.. Kinda odd that they respawn..
They respawn eventually though, atleast according to what I've heard from several people on the GS forums.. Kinda odd that they respawn..

Just found that out a minute ago. Pisses me off that they do that. Anyway, I'm having a blast with this game and it has pretty much made my 360 purchase worth while.
Are the convicts the guys driving around in the jeep in one of the videos? I presume so from the orange jumpsuits they are wearing. Can you shoot them in the leg and stand back and watch them get eaten? One of the main reasons I'm looking forward to this game is to push people into zombies and stuff. :D
Man, this game was great. I just beat it today and I'm going to go back through it to beat it again. Def a must buy.
It had co-op/MP originally but they got sewer framerate problems from it or w/e, so they had it removed, sadly.:<
Man, this game was great. I just beat it today and I'm going to go back through it to beat it again. Def a must buy.
Did you get the Overtime unlock? You've gotta get the A ending for that, then you can play all the way up to 7 days. Beating that, you also unlock the survival.

Edit: Sigh, I know everything about this game, yet I haven't even played it.
Did you get the Overtime unlock? You've gotta get the A ending for that, then you can play all the way up to 7 days. Beating that, you also unlock the survival.

Edit: Sigh, I know everything about this game, yet I haven't even played it.

Overtime mode was actually one of the most fun parts of the game. There are a variety of different endings too, which makes another playthough worthwhile.
Overtime mode was actually one of the most fun parts of the game. There are a variety of different endings too, which makes another playthough worthwhile.
Excellent, sounds great. Have you tried the survival mode yet?
Nope, no mention of it whatsoever, I wouldn't hold my breath tbh.. Capcom hasn't even been able to get the PC vers of RE4 out of the door yet, it has suffered countless delays.. Besides, Dead Rising is one of the main selling points for the 360 right now tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if MS gave'em some secret 'bonus' if they keep it XB360 exclusive tbh..
Any word on a PC version eventually?

As of now I haven't heard any plans.

Though with the tools that Microsoft provides, it wouldn't be extremely hard for them to port over Dead Rising to the PC. Though by the time it ultimately gets released, Microsoft would probably try to push Capcom into making it a Vista launch title.
Though by the time it ultimately gets released, Microsoft would probably try to push Capcom into making it a Vista launch title.

And everyone else will be playing Dead Rising 2.
Bah the first great zombie game, and it's only available on one platform. It wouldn't hurt them to release it on PC after six months.
Hopefully this is high priority with Ubisoft's PC port deal with Capcom.
This game justified my 360 purchase, and there are many more exclusive titles to look foreward to.
Tell me this.. When you die, are you supposed to do the save/quit option or the load saved game one?

Tell me this.. When you die, are you supposed to do the save/quit option or the load saved game one?

There is only one saved game, and you go back to it when you die. But you can overwrite this save whenever you reach a save point, which are quite abundant. The save system isn't as messed as I thought, and actually adds a bit of tension to the game.