Demo Screenshots and experiences.

I, uh, forgot to take any screenshots.

It's ****ing awesome whenever you start the level... and there are no zombies to be seen of heard anywhere. You start getting all jittery, you KNOW there's gonna be a big rush from somewhere, probably with a couple of bosses helping out. Shiiiiiiiit!
Just had an AWESOME experience on an Expert server.

We had a really good group, all good players and all communicated very well.We got to the very last room (with the minigun), and beat the horde fairly easily. No-one was even knocked down, and we still had two medkits. Basking in our victory, one of the guys on the mic says "Man, we had it REALLY REALLY REALLY easy this time through. Normally I die at least once on Expert."


The Tank took down the two guys by the door within three seconds. I ran back and jumped on the mini-gun. I had a solid 3-4 seconds of continuous fire on the tank when it picked up a cement chunk and hurled it at me, taking me out.The last guy danced around the generator room with a shotgun for what seemed like an eternity dueling the Tank.

He finally brought it down, revived me, and we hobbled to the safe house.


LMAO, we were all laughing so hard after the tank had died. Never have I played a game with so many twists and turns. We felt like we were champions and then were almost utterly crushed in 8-10 seconds.
How are you guys managing to play together without being bundled in with randoms?
How are you guys managing to play together without being bundled in with randoms?

Usually the search for a dedicated server fails and I opt to run a LAN server, its worked out fairly lag free so far.
How are you guys managing to play together without being bundled in with randoms?

Either direct connecting to IP at the same time or joining friends' games.
The first game I played that worked. Burton (valve employee) was evil and tried to get us killed.






And I have to state that the zombies are incredibly well animated. The new animation system is really awesome.
Heh Pesh went ramboing a few times in my games. Until we put the difficulty up anyway.
Lol, Samon kept being all Mr. Lone Wolf, got us killed a few times >=( But at the same time, it helped because he'd be able to rescue anyone who fell behind.
I posted a screenshot, no idea where it went. Maybe I forgot to actually submit after preview? :P

When teammates ignore you being attacked by a smoker:

I guess I can't really complain. I had a moment when I lived up to my name by running and attacking a Witch and a Tank. At once, with 2 people alive. D:
I posted a screenshot, no idea where it went. Maybe I forgot to actually submit after preview? :P

When teammates ignore you being attacked by a smoker:


awesome screenshot man
can't wait to play this tonight@!!
Pretty awesome screeny I took earlier


Came out of a doorway and saw that rush round the corner. Scary stuff :D
I am rarely scared in the game tbh, which is unfortunate. It's all just to comical.

Probably the only times I get scared is when there are little to no zombies, or when I see the hulking mass of a Tank coming at me.
I'm never scared in the game but that's not a bad thing... the whole thing is fun as hell and the only reason I'm not playing it right now is because everyone is already in full games ;(
I've noticed a few times a boomer trying to hit a witch repeatedly, can they wake them up or something?
I've noticed a few times a boomer trying to hit a witch repeatedly, can they wake them up or something?

would be cheap for versus mode...however witches would provide a sort of "safe-zone" for boss infected players as if the survivors open fire on them they're going to wake her up:devil:
Anyone else distinctly notice-

Louise: "Grabbin' Peeels"
While I was in Pamplona Spain, I lost my camera. This is the last picture I took:
While I was in the Subway, I got killed. This is the last picture I took:
She must have gone black at some point, and now that her options are narrowed...
Last night I was playing with Acid and I saved our butts. We were at the bottom of the staircase and it was quiet. Then all of a sudden you can hear the huge horde coming and then they were just pouring out. Luckily we were at the bottom, and I had a molotv. We all freaked out, I threw the molotv in the nick of time then everybody was looking around like "wtf! Where did you get that hool?!". Really nice watching the horde run into through the flames and burn. :devil:
Just got to try the game for a few rounds. Yea it's pretty good. Only thing I wish is that the players should have lower HP, althou I've only tried at normal.

I was just in a huge fight in that boiler room thingy. Tank attacked me and killed me straight away, other players were able to kill him while he was on me. After that one of the dudes got over run by the zombies and the other one got pulled aside by that tongue thingy. The only survivor left standing seemed like a friggin turkey, just aimed around like a chicken. Eventhou him being slow as hell he was still able to save both the players. Make the zombies do like 2x dmg and the game would punish you more for being dumb :/
Just got to try the game for a few rounds. Yea it's pretty good. Only thing I wish is that the players should have lower HP, althou I've only tried at normal.

There's your problem.

Try expert then come back to us.
Tried one game on expert. Players seemed to go down alot faster but still they could take like a million hits so the players had more than enough time to ress them. But still a lot better than normal!

I'm loving the director AI. Every game really has been different. At the expert game I was expecting the zombies to come up the stairs, like last time, so everyone started aiming down the stairs when suddenly a horde of zombies came to us from the side :D

And the tanks are awsome. Once you hear one coming everyones like "shit shit shit!"

Only thing breaking the immersion are the dumb players! I hear the witch cry and tell everyone to shut off their flashlights. Two of the three shut them of and then the third is just crouch humping and jumping all around and everyone is wishing please let him die, please...
On expert, you really go down fast imo. A few seconds of beating by regular horde. Hunters and Smokers kill you in seconds, too. And it's not even the most difficult setting. I spent more than an hour with some random internet dudes until I could pass the second map on Expert. I can imagine a full, 5-map campaign is gonna be hellish on Expert, let alone on Impossible :)
On expert, you really go down fast imo. A few seconds of beating by regular horde. Hunters and Smokers kill you in seconds, too. And it's not even the most difficult setting. I spent more than an hour with some random internet dudes until I could pass the second map on Expert. I can imagine a full, 5-map campaign is gonna be hellish on Expert, let alone on Impossible :)

Expert and Impossible are the same thing.
I found it meh on the Xbox 360 version, but I was playing singleplayer.

I'll have a go at playing online after.
Am I the only one getting lots of crashes? The game only crashes at the begining, if at all. I've gotten like 5-8 crashes so far.
The only time it crashed for me was when my PSU had a power lapse. But, none that were caused by the game.
i was playing a game on expert with 3/4 of our group knocked down, then i realized how silly it looks when we're all laying on the ground and unable to get up on our own even without zombies around.
I had a great round with some Dev's from Project Reality.




Katarn and db holding the train.


Im the only one still standing.


Dual 1911 wtf :P




He is now very dead. You will get 10 points if you can spot a bug in this screen. ;)


The Tank doesn't like being on fire and makes sure to tell Katarn about that.

Black guy has no gun in the bug screen.
But he's aiming it.
Why do your animations look better then mine? I can't remember any team members making any facial expressions or lowering their gun for whatever reason.
Also, I love your first screen shot!
Me and Druckles and toaster and some other guy just completed it on Expert. After about an hour and a half trying to complete the second half of the level, we finally made it, Druckles and I just hobbling over the finish line. The reason it was just Druckles and I? We all had no health and Druckles decided to shoot toaster and the other guy and nearly shoot me when the swarm came.

But the official reason put on the documentation was that they were slowing us down and had to be shot.

I actually started giggling uncontrollably when I heard Druckles say down the mic "OH ****! I JUST SHOT EVERYONE" then he kept shooting anyway and I was being strangled by a Smoker.

Love this game. :E

I'm some other guy. Hello.
One day I'll be more than just an extra.