Demo Screenshots and experiences.

Just FYI because Farrow should never be 'some other guy', Farrow is a veteran and was previously a long time super moderator and spamming over a good 10,000 posts before he went away for a long time (and returned...thankfully). You are by no means an extra!

Black guy has no gun in the bug screen.
But he's aiming it.
Which one ace? One shot he reloading a shotgun, another he's wielding dual pistols.
Just FYI because Farrow should never be 'some other guy', Farrow is a veteran and was previously a long time super moderator and spamming over a good 10,000 posts before he went away for a long time (and returned...thankfully). You are by no means an extra!

I am an awful person. His Steam name is different from his forum name so I had no idea. ;(
Once three friends and I were playing through on expert and only one of us was left. He was running through the final train before the finale and could see us standing in the closet a little way off.

A horde challenged him in the train and he came out victorious. As he was about to exit the train a smoker got him. The smoker had been standing on top of the train and shot his tongue, intestines or whatever the hell they are, through the crack in the two cars and choked him like it was a noose.

The AI director can be pretty cheap.. =|
Whoa wait, that one screen shot of the corpse with the blanket over it, where was that? Was it random?
By the one train car that has ammo on a table outside of it.

Edit: Its there every time as far as I'm aware.
Its like the female corpse on the bed in the apartment building, the one with the really cool socks. You probably haven't seen it because you were too busy fighting the tank that is there quite often.
I've never seen a corpse there, let alone a Tank. I think I've seen one there once before.
Just from the demo, this is one of the most enjoyable games I have ever played and the only one that is convincing me to buy a mic. Advanced is a reasonable difficulty to play with a decent team. Expert is great, very challenging even with a pretty good team. I cannot wait until the full game is available (I anticipate versus mode being quite enjoyable).

I find myself using the pistol mostly (especially doubles when available), and resorting to whichever auto I have when things get crazy.

Even with my crappy ISP's constantly high latency, I have little problems with lag. No problems at all playing on 1680 x 1050 with every graphics setting maxed out, although my 8GB RAM, 2.8 quad-core, and 1GB 9800gt probably help in that regard :P
By the one train car that has ammo on a table outside of it.

Edit: Its there every time as far as I'm aware.
It's an incredibly odd placement choice made by the designers.

It would obviously fit better in a bedroom, a home, or someplace isolated, where you know, someone's buddy died so they took the time to put a blanket over them, which would not be in the middle of a broken down subway track lol.

I've never seen a corpse there, let alone a Tank. I think I've seen one there once before.

Tanks come there a lot, especially on expert.
These are all pics from my 3 first rounds.


Let the chick go first and if she survives we follow ;)


The witch.


Me and some friends are going to play some more tonight so I will make sure to take a lot of screens and maybe even write a litte AAR ;)
Really starting to like this game alot! Only thing making the experience poor are the players, 90% of the time it's just facepalm after another, some sherlock is exploring places everyone already looked, aiming like a blind duck, and let's not forget the I has downz players who just stand still aiming around.

I'm suprised how almost no one uses single fire with the M16. It's one-shot-one-kill in the head and the weapon is damn accurate. At the subways I could easilly push off a swarm with one clip.

Just had the most anoying and yet best experience (on expert). I was at the last part, where you need to wait for the door to open. I had been saving my pipe bomb for that event, so I hit the switch and swarm of zombies pour towards me, I switch to the pipe bomb and just as I'm going to throw it a smoker grabs me and I'm going towards the horde. Was pretty neat.
I almost never get a chance to get headshots because of all the chaos happening, so I basically just spray and pray.
If I have a shotgun, headshots are easy :P

Also, the M4 is VERY good at headshots, just crouch and single shot. Works so well.

Also, screenshots are at home, I'll have to post some up on lunch or something.
Just FYI because Farrow should never be 'some other guy', Farrow is a veteran and was previously a long time super moderator and spamming over a good 10,000 posts before he went away for a long time (and returned...thankfully). You are by no means an extra!

Which one ace? One shot he reloading a shotgun, another he's wielding dual pistols.

The one where in the subtitle he said 'Person who finds the bug gets 10 points.'.
It's an incredibly odd placement choice made by the designers.

It would obviously fit better in a bedroom, a home, or someplace isolated, where you know, someone's buddy died so they took the time to put a blanket over them, which would not be in the middle of a broken down subway track lol.

That's where I'd want my friends to put me if I died in the middle of a zombie apocalypse... =D
Funny, I'd want them in my bed....if you're going to die, might as well make the best of it! want your friends in your bed or you want them to put you there?
Hey, when I'm dead and getting porked, I'd want to be in a familiar place.
Understandable. You just worded it weird.

I'm sorry that the subways aren't familiar to you folk that can afford a fancy contraption called a house.
We don't have subways where we are, so I use something called the Trolly.

Yes, you heard me right, we have a fkn Trolly instead of a bus or anything else.
I live in a land without these "Trollies", buses and trains.

Amish country...

/me shudders
My favourite screenshot I've taken so far.

I give you, "Infected Blood in Beige Staircase by Operational".

Ahh I feel all at home now.
Played for about an hour or so and I really like it. To use a cliche: it's a real visceral experience. Getting knocked to the ground surrounded by zombies, shooting away while a teammate is fighting his way towards you is .... well ... pure wtfpwnage. The graphics are splendid, sound is great and there is so much attention to detail. Hitboxes are kinda big (like others mentioned) so it's easy to shoot teammates, especially when they clip through you. Which happens a lot with big attacks when everyone wants to get into the action in a confined space. I also had some purple artifacts during my last game and after that a crash, but besides that it ran quite smoothly on just about everything on high. All in all good first experience but I am not entirely sold. This is not the kinda game you play hours on end. It seems more suited for short bouts of an hour max.
I play it hours on end...

Each time I've played the demo I've played it for about five hours straight.
Played another expert run through today with some friends, seemed harder than usual, but the funniest moment, was when Louis went to startle the witch in the generator room, and his limp body floated through the air like he had been sucker punched by popeye.
Hmm, the game crashed on me again after about an hour playing. It does grow on me though. I like the fact that every game plays out differently. Even the pacing. The last game I played started off eerily calm. Not one zombie in the first couple of rooms. But then all hell broke loose with a horde, a hunter and a smoker. Mayhem.
Matchmaking is a pile of horse crap.
Went straight to expert and had fun while getting my ass handed to me over and over. We finally got to the subway and the boss infected seemed to come out in packs. I got smoke choked like 5 times in a single attempt. After like a half a dozen tries I was like, "lol, where are the tanks?" and a tank jumped me as soon as I got out of spawn. Then I joined a game with Tav, Insano, and Shammy on a reasonable difficulty and had an awesome time. I didn't think Shamrock's voice could've gotten funnier until today:laugh:. And the Hunter sounds really unnerve me.

*takes a breath*

Time for another round.
Never seen someone so hell bent on self preservation and disregard for the team!
Hey, you never **** around with a tank. If you can live and get to the safehouse ledge, there is always plenty of time to save them again!
Sweet vids Pitzy...loved seeing you piss-bolt off at the last second, had me in stiches for a while :D
Sweet vids Pitzy...loved seeing you piss-bolt off at the last second, had me in stiches for a while :D

Hey, there has been at least 3 times that I've killed the tank and saved everybody else on my 1 HP....better than dying! :P
Just finished a round on expert, all 4 of us limped through the door after we had to take out the witch because our noob on the team pissed her off. Good thing we all had the M16, or we would have been toast.

Anyway, we all hobbled through the door on a black & white screen at 1 health, and the same4 noob kept accidentally locking me out of the room, so after about a minute of trying to open the ****ing door, one of my other team mates had to kill him to let me through... Damn noobs, we would have gotten all clear if he wasn't so silly...

Also, today i got tackled by a hunter 5 times in 5 different teams, and the one person that was still with me just sat there while he ripped my face off, just asking "What do I do?" Let me give a little advice to any newbies that don't know what to do when a boss pins your team mates... SHOOT THE MOTHER****ING ZOMBIE! It's that simple. The first 3 times it was funny, but the last 2, when we're all on expert, pushing through the train, about to rescue a trapped team mate, it pissed me off. Really, when you're bleeding to death on this game, it is very hard not to get real into it, trying not to die, so try to keep your team mates alive so they can try to keep you alive.

Thats what I gather, anyway.