Demon's Souls


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score

"Demon's Souls takes place in the kingdom of Boletaria, currently enshrouded in a deep fog thanks to its king inadvertently unleashing an ancient monster from his slumber. You, a nameless hero who you're free to customize Elder Scrolls-style, must penetrate into Boletaria and save the kingdom -- but like many US RPGs these days, the game is slated to be extremely open-ended. "You get only the barest minimum of a goal, and there's nothing forcing you to do anything in the game," Kajii said. "People say to you 'Save the world,' but you can ignore them and keep going if you like."









I like the weight to the combat - armoured knights clashing and knocking each other around - and the size of some of those huge ****ing monsters! Could this be Oblivion with good combat and cool shit?
Looks nice. PS3 only? =/

/hugs PS3

It's being developed by From Software (Armored Core and Tenchu series). It seems project director Hidetaka Miyazaki only has two games under his belt. Those being the two most recent Armored Core games, one of which is not yet finished. I wouldn't get too hyped about it, but it could prove fun.
From those gameplay movies it looks like something I wouldn't play.
SCE Japan producer Takeshi Kajii described the game to Famitsu as a spiritual successor to King's Field.

I like the sound of that. Plus the game has gotten so much more fluid since the choppy TGS demo (see bad^hat's post above).

It also sounds like the Asian version will be entirely in English if you guys can't wait for the proper release. ;)
"People say to you 'Save the world,' but you can ignore them and keep going if you like."
That's the kind of shit that completely undermines the plot. OH MY GOD IF YOU DON'T FIND THE MAGIC CRYSTAL THE WORLD WILL END. Then you go off and do nothing for a year and a half of game time and oh my god, the world fails to end!
"People say to you 'Save the world,' but you can ignore them and keep going if you like."
That's the kind of shit that completely undermines the plot. OH MY GOD IF YOU DON'T FIND THE MAGIC CRYSTAL THE WORLD WILL END. Then you go off and do nothing for a year and a half of game time and oh my god, the world fails to end!
Yeah, Mass Effect and Oblivion are 2 great games that suffered from this very affliction. Plot can certainly make side-quests problematic and vice versa.
I ordered this on


Notice the English and Chinese version are included on the disk.

Total cost was $68 but it'll be a while before I get it because its out of stock and the shipping will be 5-10 days
Damnit, now i'm tempted. The gameplay vids put me off some, but every user report i've read says there's a great deal to the game if you're prepared to invest the time. An epic sprawling adventure/rpg would be nice.


'But it's not grinding. It's not about slaughtering things mindlessly until you've built your stats up enough to progress, though repetition is a part of it - instead it's training, learning, figuring out new strategies, experimenting with different techniques.'

'Skill is what determines your strength in Demon's Souls, not numbers. Technique will always make up for thousands of souls spent on attribute points. Every time you die, you learn that little bit more, get that little bit further; it's addictive, masochistically so.'

They're speaking my language :)
Damnit, now i'm tempted. The gameplay vids put me off some, but every user report i've read says there's a great deal to the game if you're prepared to invest the time. An epic sprawling adventure/rpg would be nice.

the only people who don't seem to like it are girls because the girl reviewers on the 1up review of the game gave it 6/10s but then I realized girls suck at gaming and then I LOL
Goddamnit Warbie, why'd you post that? I was going to go 'meh', and now I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't even own a PS3 and now this looks good.

Thanks a lot, you stinkin' moogle. Kupo!
I've been waiting for my copy forever. Ordered from play-asia, waited over a month and canceled. Now I'm waiting for a copy I ordered off ebay.
Hm, the gameplay videos aren't really convincing me..
I loved oblivion though, so I'm debating whether to get this.
Looks and sounds very generic.
No real loss if it never comes to the states.
Is it third person perspective? Seems that way from the vids. I've been looking for an RPG to play, but if it's third person I'll have to keep looking.
Goddamnit Warbie, why'd you post that? I was going to go 'meh', and now I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't even own a PS3 and now this looks good.

:thumbs: Give in to it.

Is it third person perspective? Seems that way from the vids. I've been looking for an RPG to play, but if it's third person I'll have to keep looking.

Looks like you'll have to keep looking. You really don't like 3rd person games?
Looks like you'll have to keep looking. You really don't like 3rd person games?

Yeah I'm a big time hater. I suppose it's pretty irrational. N64 Mario, no problem. Shooters and the like, I just can't stand it. Odd, I know.
I've been waiting for my copy forever. Ordered from play-asia, waited over a month and canceled. Now I'm waiting for a copy I ordered off ebay.

damn, wish you would have told me this a few days ago
Woot!! my copy from has been shipped!!
The visuals are superb. and the concept is also very interesting.

and the scale is JAW DROPPING.

but the fighting looks kinda of Dynasty Warriors janky. . . :l
Finally got it. The combat is extremely satisfying, and it's very easy to get lost, which is how dungeon crawling should be imo. Having a blast so far!
Finally got it. The combat is extremely satisfying, and it's very easy to get lost, which is how dungeon crawling should be imo. Having a blast so far!
Ha! AWESOME!! Let me know when you want to co-op and we can try to arrange where we put our blue soul markers. :-) I can usually only play weeknights after 8PM EST or so. Glad you are liking it so much!!
Screenshots look sweet. Is this a game that you get bored of playing after a couple of weeks or what?
I just got it in the mail but I'm heading out to see Wolverine right now with some friends. Will be on later of course. its 1-4 player so we should link up. I know of 2 other persons that have this, but just long of a game is it?? WoW is starting to bore me again
I can't put this game down. I've been playing most of the time that I haven't been working/sleeping this week, and have only completely finished one of the areas. I also have yet to step into one of them. This is exactly how non-linearity should be done. The only aspect that annoys me is the whole world tendency system. I've never seen any of the areas go completely white or black, which is needed for a bunch of events to occur. I also can't wait to try a different class, as I've been playing as pure melee.
The only aspect that annoys me is the whole world tendency system. I've never seen any of the areas go completely white or black, which is needed for a bunch of events to occur.
Believe me, it is worth the effort to get the worlds to go white (I have not done any fully black yet but I am sure that is great too). The easiest way I have found to get one all white is to co-op an entire level (i.e. 2-1, 2-2, 2-3) without dying and beat a few black phantoms while you are at it. I use world 2 as a good example because there are 2 black phantoms at the bottom of the big shaft that leads to the gecko nest iirc and if you kill them and all of the bosses in one playthrough the world should be white enough to grab the Keel Smasher to the left of the Dragon God when you get there. Anyway, yeah, best PS3 game so far imho. Glad you and everybody else is loving it as much as I have been! :thumbs:
Hoping to get it for my birthday. Did the patch add shadows(finally)?

Just at Boletaria Palace now. I've come across my first blue-eyed and red-eyed knights. I killed the blue-eyed one but the red one kills me in two hits. Should i just avoid him for the time being? Is he guarding something important?

also how does the tendency system work?
i had to stop this game, it was too frustrating for me. i know everyone says its da bomb but really i can't get into it now. i'm hoping they patch it with some difficulty adjusters because i've died about 30 times now and it feels like an oldschool nintendo game
i had to stop this game, it was too frustrating for me. i know everyone says its da bomb but really i can't get into it now. i'm hoping they patch it with some difficulty adjusters because i've died about 30 times now and it feels like an oldschool nintendo game

NO NO NO! This game is fine as it is. Difficulty makes it awesome.

Just at Boletaria Palace now. I've come across my first blue-eyed and red-eyed knights. I killed the blue-eyed one but the red one kills me in two hits. Should i just avoid him for the time being? Is he guarding something important?
He is guarding another kick-ass enemy--one of the toughest in the game: Old King Doran, but you will need a special key before you can even enter his enclave. But the Red Knight can be dealt with by
luring him to his death if you get him to follow you to either the tower stairs and getting him to charge off or the swirly blue pit of death and getting him to charge over--whichever gets him first. Anyway, nets a ton of souls for the new player.

also how does the tendency system work?
Essentially, die a lot to go Black. Kill a lot to go White. Lots of subtleties here too of course. Go to the Wiki to get all the details on world/character tendencies.
Goddomnit! The dragon who was slumbering, his tail hit me and I died in one hit. Was trying to collect the items around him. the other one wasn't back yet. Honestly where is the next checkpoint(if there is one) so I can get to it. I'm sick or respawning back at the start. The palace is huge. Don't tell me you haveto complete it all in one life or you get booted back to the start?

Goddomnit! The dragon who was slumbering, his tail hit me and I died in one hit. Was trying to collect the items around him. the other one wasn't back yet. Honestly where is the next checkpoint(if there is one) so I can get to it. I'm sick or respawning back at the start. The palace is huge. Don't tell me you haveto complete it all in one life or you get booted back to the start?

Aw man. That blows, but iirc you always start back at the beginning of the level. It wont be a problem once you open the other paths.-->The best thing to do is skip going left to the dragon hillside for now and go straight across the parapet. Wait for the dragon to strafe it and kill everyone, then time your sprint across to avoid his fire. When you get to the other side, you essentially just have to go down to the bottom of that tower and open the door and you will have easy access to all areas of 1-1. Don't forget to use the lever at the top of the tower--it
opens the huge castle gate
When you get to the bottom, it will drop you off just to the right of the giant castle gate where the first boss is. Enjoy that fight. Its easy, just takes a while...unless you have some
firebombs :E
Yeah I finished that part y/day. Was cool. Then I met the Monumental. I gota say the art design is really nice in this game. Love the loading screens and the game's cut-scenes. Also the English VA is really good.

Btw is there no way to sell equipment? I have alot of broken swords and don't see there use. I just store them with the guy in the Nexus.

Also I found a Knight's shield but apparently it was too heavy for me to wield. I selected it anyway and found I was able to move/run around like normal with it equipped in my left hand. On the HUD over the left hand icon it said 'ability shortage'. Does that mean wielding the shield reduces my stats?

edit 1:

just go to the Tower Knight. He killed me but I learned if you quit the game immediately after dieing and then restart the game you will respawn close your last place of death. Beats moving through the whole level again.

Also I saw some sparkling creature just before I fought the boss, he was in an upstairs room above the archway leading to the boss. He disappeared as soon as I saw him. Wut.
I'll just post to myself then :E

I just got 13,000+ souls. Lured Miralda to her death. in the soul pit. I lol'd. But now I have so many souls I don't wanna lose them. What should I upgrade?

I have no magic capabilities yet. Playing as a Knight. I have a Knight's Shield +2, Long Sword+3 and Schmitar+4. They are the items I mainly use. As I killed Miralda I also was able to get the sweet armour(sumit beginning with B) she guards. But it makes me slow as ass atm. I'm guessing it is worth upgrading my strength for yes?