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Oct 13, 2007
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Here is a rather depressing story, I don't know what to do about anything anymore with this... Any ideas for the Tibbs?

I have my own problems, yes. But I try to put others ahead of myself. I'd sacrifice anything for somebody to truly happy with something they have that's non-material. Such as their brains, or their attitude. Or maybe... the love that they have for another person.

This happened a few months ago, but I just keep thinking ad thinking about it, I thought I was over it, but it came back. I can't stop thinking about it! It's just always sitting there, looming in my head, taunting me by waving the thing that I lost in front of my face, and laughing, always laughing at my pain. It's just out of reach and I try to get closer, but I can't move my legs! I can't get closer for anything! God, I'm on the verge of tears...

Here's a little story for you guys who take the time to read it. I've known this girl since... 7th grade when I met her on the school bus. She was in 6th grade. We just kinda started talking, and she became one of my best and closest friends. I developed a kind of crush on her within a few days, and asked her out, somewhat sheepishly. I wasn't very good with people back then. She refused, saying that her dad wouldn't allow such a thing.
So, I said sure, thats o.k. And we went on our merry way. Well, she moved to the other town thats about 30 miles away. But we were still best friends. 2 years later, we started talking almost every night. EVERY night, until about 12:00 at night. Somehow, we got into the conversation of love, and how we were both single. Then she just randomly said, "You're not single." I was naturally like, WTF is this wierd and enigmatic shit? So I'm an idiot and I ask. She asks me who I'm on the phone with. Then it dawns upon my dense skull that she wants to go out with me. How could I refuse? I'd had a crush on her since we first met!

So, we went out, even though I could only see her on weekends, because I visit my grandparents who live in her town, and When I stayed at home every other weekend. She lives in the other town with her dad, stepmom, and sister. Every other weekend she visits her mom who lives in my town. Eventually, we went past like, and into full blown love. Not that silly puppy love that some adult is bound to say, but true love, if you believe in such a thing. Which I obviously do.

My mom really liked her, and so did my stepdad. Actually all my family liked her, because I generally have friends that they really like. Except grandma, who doesn't like anybody and has a disdain for everyone, so she doesn't count. Her dad thought I was cooler than the other side of the pillow, and her stepmom did, too. Sorry, I'm kind of deteriorating in my writing. I'm not very good at this sort of thing.

But anywho. Six months after we started going out, and some rough spots along the way that I'm not going into right now, (but what relationship doesn't, ya know?) she called up and was acting really strange, and not in the normal strange that she has (I can't go out with anybody normal). She asked if it was o.k. if somebody could love two people. I said that I didn't think so (this changed, bear with me here) and asked what she was getting at. She said that she might love another guy. Here's my... errrr.... mistake.

I told her to go with whoever she thought could make her happier. She said Jeremy, the other guy.

I hung up the phone, curled up in a little ball on the bed, and cryed my eyes out (I'm a rather emotional guy, I just don't look it). She didn't try calling back. Not that I would have answered. I'd never felt so betrayed in my life. She had apparently liked this guy before me, and she knew he liked her. But she'd asked me first, even though she liked him him better than me. Once I found this out, I was even more devastated. I'm not blaming anything on her. I don't put blames on anybody, not since I changed. You can ask me what my 'change' was if you like.

The next day I was terrible at work, I could hardly move. I started cying and stuff, making everyone worry about me. I'm not getting into this story.

After work, I went to the LAN cafe where she and Jeremy were playing games to say my goodbyes, and make sure that this guy could be trusted. I can tell a lot about a person just by meeting them once. I had to make sure that this guy was going to keep her clean of drugs and that he wouldn't hurt her. He seemed pretty decent. Then I went nuts. I found out that when I suffer amazingly painful emotions, I get more strange behaviors than usual. I was walking down the street, singing to a McDonalds cup, and telling it that it was my best and only friend. I yelled the song out in the middle of my neighborhood and was surprisingly not yelled at or arrested. She called me while I was wandering and singing, and I picked up. She asked if I was o.k. I said no, then I hung up. She called back and asked if I'd hung up. I said yes and she said that she ought to slug me. I told her that she should, I probably deserve it. Then I hung up again. She didn't call back.

The next day, she wanted to go back out with me. I accepted and that lasted maybe 2 days, because she still really liked this guy. I then told her that night that I shouldn't be with her if she really did like this guy, and perhaps she should try something new.

I never deserved her to begin with. I she could have done better than a dense and chivilrous shmuck like me. I get bad grades. I drink. I'm impulsive. I'm considered by many far and wide (including my family) to be a crazy nutjob who could snap at any moment. What kind of guy am I for her? She needed more stability.

We're still friends, but It's hard to talk with her over the phone. I haven't seen her since we split up. It's just so terribly awkward! I'm like a starving man, smelling a delicious cuisine, but not being able to eat. Just smell, just wish, just be tortured... these thoughts and the longing I have to have what I once had, they are beasts. Beasts that I cannot hide from, and cannot fight. I tried hiding, by drinking. I was an idiot to think it would help. I tried going out with somebody else, but when I said that I loved her, I was fooling myself, and I ended up causing her pain, which I hated to hurt her. I can't fight this, I can't think this through... this is the one emotional problem that I can't stand up to or fix. Normally I can handle anything! The only refuge I have is video games and books. They help me forget.

I help others, even though they never helped me through this. People think that I don't have a care in the world. They're wrong... I do care. I care more than almost everybody. Thats why I help. I need to. In order to let people wake up in the morning, and think " Hey, its good that I was wrong about nobody caring. Obviously, I was lucky enough to find one of the few." not "Another day that I'm alive, to experience pain in my mind and heart. I hate living."

I will help, just give me a chance.....

Help me...
Hang in there man. Try and realize that being nice and kind to a girl isn't exactly fulfilling her life. You might make her smile or be happy for a few hours, but to truly fulfill a person's life, you have to be their friend.

You want to fulfill a person, not make them briefly happy. Happiness is a luxury and it's not something we can just maintain forever- and it's certainly not a goal. It's something that we feel with same amounts as pain as well as simply comfort.

tl;dr go out and learn what it is to live.
Dude. Holy...

Wow :(

I think you need to stop sacrificing things just too make people happy, i mean, sure once in awhile, but just not so often. Believe me, I used to do that.
You're letting her control you. Look, this whole time she's been playing you like a guitar. Your depression stems from self-blame. Blame her, not yourself. I've had a similar experience.

Besides, why would you want a girl who doesn't care about you enough to stay faithful?

Just pick up the pieces, move on, and find a new girl. There are plenty of fish in the sea, and with enough fishing, you'll find the right one for you.
Buh, Tibbs. Only thing I can say is that eventually you might move on and love someone else. Or you could get over your insistence to help others and be greedy with your girl.

But what do I know. I just hope someone can give you better advice.

EDIT: theotherguy's advice is good. I knew a friend of mine who went out with a mutual friend on a rebound from being turned down by a girl he'd liked for ages. It didn't last long and took a while for everything to return to normal. At the end of the day you should do what's right. If this girl went out with you, while having feelings for someone else, then that's her problem, and you shouldn't get affected by it, just move on. Eventually you'll be able to be her friend when you find someone more suited to you.
Plenty of fish in the sea...such and such...

She seems like a bitch, you can do better.
It sounds like you did everything right. The only thing I can see that I think you are doing wrong is to stop putting yourself down, and stop putting her up. One thing that some guys do is NEVER EVER compliment a girl. While that is a bit extreme, you could try to stop making her seem too good for you, because you might be convincing her that she is.

Also, while it is maybe cute to some girls, putting yourself down is similar to bragging in that it might bother her. Why say you drink, etc. Come on, **** that, a lot of people drink.

I'm not sure, but I think the only thing you can do is try not to be mean or anything to her out of your pain, because you are both really young, and she may realize this guy isn't right for her after-all.

Because people can only put on an act for so long, the real him may be not what she wants.

The pain won't go away if you don't let it.

You are lucky to have had her, but it sounds like she was lucky to have you as well

so I say that you just have to deal with it. In time you will feel better and better.

the best thing you can do right now is to do the things in life that you loved before, and while you were with her. If you like artwork, then mess with that. Think of it like a mission to leave a mark in the world. That's what I did, and my mind was so focused on what I was doing once I got started that I completely forgot everything. If not art, it could be anything you like. Photography, improving your grades, doing pushups, eating better. Anything to improve yourself. It might not get her back but it will make you feel a lot better, and that will heal you and make you more desirable to the other girls out there.

One day at a time. Don't self destruct - self improve.

The worst thing you can do is think about her all the time. She has left you. Whether she comes back is possible, but unfortunately, it is not likely to ever be the same. Therefore, thinking of ways to get her back will only set you up for MORE pain.

Think about how she looked when you first met her, and use that to compare to other girls. Don't see her through love and compare her.

Like when I start getting crazy about a girl and think about how good she looks, it's only because I was used to the way she looked that made her better and better looking. Don't do that.

Well, I'm going to say try and move on, but I know how hard that is. But it's the truth. It doesn't sound like a good idea to try and get back with her, because it will probably just end up the same way it has.

It's something we all have to go through.
What I said in AIM, turn the fact that you were incredibly selfless there into self-confidence that you're a guy who deserves a girl who is faithful and truly loves you, and that you can get through this with as little pain as you can, and in as little time as you can.

This would be easier advice for me to take because I don't have much problem being confident and optimistic, and I also don't know how good I am at advice in this area.
The same thing happened to me, especially about her liking this guy way before me.

I'm like a starving man, smelling a delicious cuisine, but not being able to eat. Just smell, just wish, just be tortured... these thoughts and the longing I have to have what I once had, they are beasts. Beasts that I cannot hide from, and cannot fight. I tried hiding, by drinking. I was an idiot to think it would help. I tried going out with somebody else, but when I said that I loved her, I was fooling myself, and I ended up causing her pain, which I hated to hurt her. I can't fight this, I can't think this through... this is the one emotional problem that I can't stand up to or fix. Normally I can handle anything! The only refuge I have is video games and books. They help me forget.

This is exactly where I'm at dude, and it can be excruciating, but just go for it. Show her that you don't need her to be happy. Learn from this and move on, a la what Pes said.

I am really truly sorry for what happened, but moving on is your best bet.
Learn from this and move on. Like Q said, it's something we all go through, it's sort've a learning experience. A rather rough one on that.
If she was trying to play with me, I would have know right off. It annoys people that I can whack them right off their game. I may be too trusting, but that had nothing to do with it.

Dekstar, I'm unable not to help. not since I changed. I have to, in order to show the world that there's more to people than what you see. I'm normally whacky and crazy, but I help when its needed. I can deal with anything, except this.

Mastag, I woulgn't have went out with her if she was a bitch. Please note that I've known her for 3-4 years. I would know.

theotherguy, Nobody controls me. I am my own person, not some mindless Zergling.

Highlander, I sacrifice for the good of others. If I end up piss poor, but I've made many people happy, I'll die a happy man.

Willie, I think you're my age, and alot of people my age have little if any sympathy for anybody. Even the sad face is appreciated.
I'm over 30 now, and I can't count how many times I thought I was going to die from losing a girlfriend, but here I am, and I feel fine. It just takes time.

make sure you get lots of sleep. Trust me on this.
I know I won't die, Virus. And suicide is something I try to prevent others from. Why would I do something that I so seriously fight against.

I'll never die.
So sad.. it happens, just don't let it get to you.

Like otherguy said, if you two were meant to be, this wouldn't have happened.
I know I won't die, Virus. And suicide is something I try to prevent others from. Why would I do something that I so seriously fight against.

I'll never die.

No. You will die.

It's fun to imagine I am immortal. Sometimes I say, "I'll never die." but I will die, and not many people will give a shit when I do, but I accept that. With life comes death, and with happiness, there is pain.

I'm just going to keep doing what my instincts tell me to, try to live bravely, try to die without fear, and turn back into carbon when it's over.
theotherguy, Nobody controls me. I am my own person, not some mindless Zergling.

Are you so sure about that? She coerced you into the relationship at first with an offer you couldn't refuse. She coerced you into telling her what she wanted to hear when she told you about the other guy; to make it look like it was your idea. She may have her justifications, you may have yours, but when it all comes down to it, she wanted everything to herself. She was selfish and non-compassionate. Can't you see that she's still controlling you, even now? Her memory, the possibility of the relationship, haunts you. And you know what? She doesn't care. She has her "Jeremy" or whoever that guy is, and you're left in the dumps with nothing.

If someone really loves someone else, they simply don't give in to the temptation to have another person. The temptation is always there, of course, but one must learn to fight it. If you love someone, you have gone past the point of no return, where the investment you've made in another person surpasses the joy you could get out of having someone else.

If she really liked this guy more than you, enough to end a committed relationship (of unspecified length), you can be sure that you were not "really" in love. Your relationship may have felt like it, especially to you... but it wasn't real. Real love is mutual.

Look, I know how it is. There was a time when I thought I loved a girl. We talked for hours. She used to call me every night and talk until the early morning. We used to hang out everywhere, see each other all the time, share secrets, fool around with the idea of being in love. She said she loved me, I thought I loved her. Then she found someone else. She asked me if we could still be together while she dated...him. I fought with the idea for a while, but then she just left me behind.

But it doesn't matter. I found someone new. We've been dating for almost three years now. I know I thought I was in love before, but I wasn't. This is what love is really like; when you can't even dream of anything that would come between you... not even a cross-country separation in college... when she does absolutely everything with you, even the most mundane, boring, unromantic things. When she's a part of your family. When she goes to your family reunions, inherits from your dead grandmother, goes on trips with your family members -- without you-- when she's at nearly every dinner, every stupid little thing with no romantic overtones, no reasoned intent. When things are more compassionate than passionate and more familiar than heart-racing. When you get up in the morning and take seeing her for granted, like the rising of the sun. That's love.
I'll. Never. Die.

I don't think I did say how long, did I? 6 months. My bad.
Ok now you're being weird and no one likes a weirdo k.
I'll. Never. Die.

That's a really naive, retarded thing to think. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow. You could trip and fall as you get up from reading this very sentence, hit your head on something sharp, crack your fragile little skull and die instantly. Life is fragile, fleeting, nasty, brutish and short. To live arrogantly like you shall never die is to live with blinders on.
Just get on with your life.

/slaps you
You're very pessimistic... like a state farm insuarance commercial.

I didn't give every little detail, guy. That would have taken hours on end. And I barely had the patience to write what I did.

Have you really, reaally read and comprehended what I have written? It seems that either:

a)you don't give a shit
b) you read between the lines, if so, turn around and march out of this thread.
c)your an idiot.

This thread quickly got shit on.

We cared. We did.


If we didn't there wouldn't numerous posts spanning more than just a couple paragraphs. So wtf.
I've been hit by moving vehicles, I've fallen down stairs, I've been threatened by ravenous black men, I've done stupid, youtube hitworthy bike tricks

I'm not dead yet.
My stance? Get jacked, wax your body, get a new haircut, and make the bitch feel stupid.
Nobody cares anymore. thats the trouble... I'm going to surf the internet elsewhere and be back later. theotherguy is pissing me off.

Don't insult my friends. Ever.
In all honesty, I wanted to ask for noods of your ex first.
I do care. What I told you to do is what I did. I never felt better in my life.
No, I'm just out of patience with people like you, who think that just because their stupid little girlfriend left them, they're so important.
"Oh my god! My girl left me for some other douchebag, I'm going to turn to an internet forum for help!"
Whoop-de-freakin do. You need to get a few things straight-
1. There are more important things in life than a girl.
2. You obviously weren't meant for each other.

I'm not really that pessimistic.. I care, I really do, but what you need is a real hit from card, hard reality. You aren't always going to get the girl. You need to make a living, support yourself, because if you give everything to everyone, and you don't have anything left to give, suddenly you aren't giving anymore, are you? I know you're depressed, and I can sympathize, but at some point you're going to snap out of it- and you won't ever forget her, I know that, but there are other people, with other lives, and really, what is this life? Nothing. Insignificant. But if you can help other people, why not help yourself? If helping people makes you happy, go donate some money, or do community services. Since she left, you need something to close up that void that just appeared. Don't make what you filled it with regret, depression, and laziness.
You even told her to go to that other guy.

I mean, comon.

Nobody cares anymore. thats the trouble... I'm going to surf the internet elsewhere and be back later. theotherguy is pissing me off.

Don't insult my friends. Ever.


Judging from everyone of your posts, I'd say there is a REALLy strong chance you have bi-polar disorder

1) feelings of power (you speak of immortality)
2) incredible depression (depression thread)
3) difficulty socially (arguing with everyone who is trying to help you)
4) irritability (nuff said)
5) difficulty sleeping or requiring little sleep (just a guess.. .am I right?)
6) spending sprees (unknown)
7) usually in a very good mood, almost manic happines (unknown)

I'd highly suggest you take a look into bi-polar disorder online, at least look over the full list of symptoms, and if you think you have them, then speak with your parents about it.

BTW Omega-3 (fish oil) pills seem to help me deal with depression.

Judging from everyone of your posts, I'd say there is a REALLy strong chance you have bi-polar disorder

1) feelings of power (immortality)
2) incredible depression (depression thread)
3) difficulty socially (arguing with everyone who is trying to help you)
4) irritability (nuff said)
5) difficulty sleeping or requiring little sleep (just a guess.. .am I right?)
6) spending sprees (unknown)

I'd highly suggest you take a look into bi-polar disorder online, at least look over the full list of symptoms, and if you think you have them, then speak with your parents about it.

BTW Omega-3 (fish oil) pills seem to help me deal with depression.

Don't make it worse...
Virus, he's just having a rough time with this situation. It's not bipolar disorder if there's an obvious cause for the way he's acting. He's mentioned that this is like the first time something this bad has happened to him, or rather, the first time he's been put through so much pain. Lashing out at people is a common thing in a situation like that.
Virus, he's just have a rough time with this situation. It's not bipolar disorder if there's an obvious cause for the way he's acting. He's mentioned that this is like the first time something this bad has happened to him, or rather, the first time he's been put through so much pain. Lashing out at people is a common thing in a situation like that.

good point.
A:Virus your pissing me off now to
B:Tibbs you're a bad ass mother ****er
You're not afraid of much
you could kick a Garg in the balls and send him cryin home to his momma
Suck up move on and just go about your life as before
This SURELY sounds a lot like what I was going through when I was 18. First girlfriend *go figure, eh?*. We started dating, everything was GREAT. About 6 months in, she confessed that she was debating how to break up with me a few months back, but 'some voice came out of the darkness and told me not to, that you were the one for me'. Dear god, thinking back now, that's just hilarious, as she's a Christian. Well, that made me think..."Holy shit, she's thought that..!?" Then about that same time, one of her guy friends from church starts to hang around a lot. I get suspicious, as I know his true intent. I just wasn't sure of hers. They start to hang out A LOT, and go out and do shit. I confront her subtly, and she just states they are just hanging, as he's going through some hard times in his life. Apparently the waste of semen decides he's going to kill himself every other week, in order to get maximum attention. Well, it works apparently!

Anyway, she breaks up with me. I take it hard. I never felt so alone in a pack of people before. My childhood bear *looks like snuggles off those Downy commercials..* was my new best friend. We had conversations together, played video games, and...sadly....had a tea party. God, I was messed up. Then, out of nowhere, a couple weeks later, she's back! She says she missed me, blah blah blah. Couple weeks later, she dumps me again, but this time I was a little more emotionally prepared. I guess once you create a scar, the nerves are already shot out of it, so it doesn't hurt near as bad...

The next few months were hell, but I never truly got over her. Then again, you'll never get over your first love. You're mind will heal, you'll start to get your shit back together, and it will probably take a long while, but you'll be back to normal, but a better person, because you know you did nothing wrong, and any girl would but god damned lucky to have you.

*edit* Holy shit, my awesome story is useless, since the OP took some crazy pills.
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