Desktops -- December Edition!


Aug 18, 2007
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It's that time again. Post your wallpaper or desktop image now, and when you change it for the rest of this month. Tell us a bit about it and why you chose it.


This is mine; it is an Albion Next Generation line Regent. I chose it because of myArmoury's wallpapers, it was one of the most striking. It replaced a custom job by Christen Fletcher.
Found the image on some chan posting music related anime images. Thought it was awesome so I put it as my desktop. I later found out that the girl is from a really abstract cyberpunk-ish anime, Serial Experiments Lain. I watched it and it was great. So I'm keeping this for a while.

My desktop wallpaper is lame as hell at the moment. I can't be arsed to change it.

I'm not allowed to post until I've tidied my desktop up :(
Did you take "wallpaper" too seriously...?
That room looks sexeh. The "telly" more so :D
Heh, looking at the top of that pic, I thought it was a photo at first :p. Awesome pic. Glad to see you have Launchy, best little program in the world :D. Also noticed you have America's Army. Used to play that... years ago. Do people still actually play it?
Heh, looking at the top of that pic, I thought it was a photo at first :p. Awesome pic. Glad to see you have Launchy, best little program in the world :D. Also noticed you have America's Army. Used to play that... years ago. Do people still actually play it?

i never turn down an oportunity to plug launchy ;) . As for AA a lot of people still play it, i usually just stick to the bridge crossing maps cant be arsed to learn all that SF stuff.

look i got a wickle cristmas twee, and I cant be bothered changing my openSuSE one
I am d/l-ing Vista Transformation pack. I'll Have a new'un soon
EDIT: nearly F**ked my pc. Ill stick with royale noir.
mindless_moder, where did you get that awesome wallpaper?

Wallpaper is subject to change, but it is still ****ing awesome. So maybe not.
bowsniper said:
how are you taking such perfect pictures?

How are you able to use the internet?

Also, lol @ willies folders. But possibly not.
My desktop background is now that tiny galaxy.

Great picture! I'm a huge fan of decaying cities art. Would you mind posting your desktop as a jpeg, or telling me where you got it, please? I would greatly appreciate it.

I'd love to have your desktop background too moder!
my camera sucks,some cheap crap nikon digital bought on Ebay,sorry I'm not a computer tech person