Deus Ex: Invisible War Demo on the 20th

Sweet. FILESHACK please FILESHACK. I guess I can wade through all the crappy fileplanet servers but darn it all.
god damn it. How on earth am I gona survive my AS levels through all this!!!

Christ this is a great time for gamers!!!!

But bad for student gamers :(

EDIT: Just out of interest does anyone have any max payne 2 demo cheats at all?

I would love just to run arround on full ammo and test the physics.
F*** God**** the Sh*t!!!! I hate Fileplanet! Please FIleshack use your l3t ha><0r skills to hack Fileplanet!
Fileplanet has made a business out of selling promotional material to people. I used to have a link to a back door Fileplanet ftp site, but I guess they figured it out and shut it down.
It's not confirmed as a fileplanet exclusive yet, so there's still hope.
It sure seems like it. I might try to get it at 3dGamers. I believe the line wait will be like 2000 minutes!
cant wait to play it, it will be gooood
then again, I might not be the most objective person around

I was gona say. When will "DeusEx2" post here :p

I think this game *should* rock!

But I am wondering. The first was a true clasic. I don't know if they could pull it off again :\
We will see :)
Yep, always hard to live up to the expectations. But from what I've seen, heard and read they really tried to even (and surpass) the storyline and general ambiance of the first. We'll see though.. :)
Game looks f*ckin' awesome. I'm sure there'll be lots of other places besides FilePlanet to download it from. *HOPEFULLY*
I don't care whether it is FilePlanet or not! I just am worried about the waiting times.
God...i'm gonna start bashing heads if its a gayplanet exclusive
It won't be. Remember when they tried to make the Call of Duty demo a FudgePlanet exclusive and there was a mass revolt from all the other game sites? At least I think it was CoD, might've been another game.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they are both owned by Microsoft.
I hate filewhore, but unfortunately it has me in it's evil grip, everyday I go there to check on the latest demos, movies etc. I know that probably after Christmas I'm going to cave and get a subscriber account..........damn them , damn them all (shakes fist!!)
*smacks forehead*

Dammit I haven't finished the first one, now i only have less then 24 hours to finish.

*runs around on floor, like curly in excitment*
Originally posted by Shakermaker
Does this game have physics á la HL2 and Max Payne II?

it's has a highly modify version of the Havok 2 physics (seen in hl2 and mp2)
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
it's has a highly modify version of the Havok 2 physics (seen in hl2 and mp2)

Cool! I've read a couple of interviews with the developers and if they're anything to go by, this game should be highly replayable. Looking forward to playing it tonight or tomorrow!

PS Playing the demo that is.
Originally posted by iamironsam
Fileplanet has made a business out of selling promotional material to people. I used to have a link to a back door Fileplanet ftp site, but I guess they figured it out and shut it down.

I wonder if you can spoof it? eh it doesn't matter just type the file name in filemirrors or some gnutella app.
Its the 20th. I havnt found the demo yet. Did you're artical say what time it was going to be ready for download?
If something sounds too good to be true then it proberly is... better be under 300mb.
did it mention deus ex 2 at all in that post? cause i think it was talking about terminator 3 war of the machines demo which was released today. just guessing

c yas
look on planetdeus ex and they have some stuff on the demo being out today. So I guess its correct....
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
look on planetdeus ex and they have some stuff on the demo being out today. So I guess its correct....

Yeah, I'm a regular forum user there... no specific time has been given for the demo release, but it definitely won't be exclusive to Gamespy/Fileplanet, thankfully.
Originally posted by Element Alpha

edit: I just read it's only fartplanet exclusive for the first 24 hours.
edit2:also looks like they're gonna use anti-mirror policies.

Hmm yeah, just found that out too. Other gaming sites are kicking up a big fuss though, so it may change... one can hope, sigh :/
*ponders whether to subscribe to get a 24hr jump (caves in and gets out credit card....shakes fist at filewhore!!)
Due to my extremely narrow cables (or something) I'll have to wait untill it appears on a magazine cover disc. Should be the first thing we'll get that even comes close to HL2's physics.
your forgetting about Max Payne two.
That has decent physics that are havok powered.
Its alot of fun too!! :)

Whens this damn DEIW demo out then!!
I need something to do! :p

Seriously can't wait for this game!