Deus Ex: Invisible War Demo on the 20th

Just finished it. I am pleasantly surprised by the open-ended gameplay, and lots of hidden stuff around. Unhappy about having to play in the lowest resolution! But I'll have a new computer next year, so no worries.

Some nice touches in the game, for example: the holographic dancing-girl on top of the jukebox, which also plays some pretty cool tunes!
Spiderbots are too cool
really having a true Havok-based experience is fun! throwing stuff pissed a few npc's off, that was hilarious - tossed a basin lid at the stuck-up biatch in the bar, haha
o, that's a good idea, sorry! I'll get back in there and take a few, then post some here
I'm incredibly dissapointed. It feels like they've ripped apart the good old Deus Ex-style gameplay and replaced it with a Quake 3 variant. Runs like bollocks on my brand new PC, too.

I was expecting so much more :(

You are really scaring me there Abom

This is like one of my most anticipated games of ALL TIME.

It best not be as bad as that!!!

I think I am gona cry if it is.
There are no other games like deus ex and if they ruined the sequal.
I am gona go NUTS !!!!!!!

;( ;( ;( ;(

Its only 53% downloaded atm
I am gona give it a chance. Even if it is eating up bandwidth!

Sorry to dissapoint you, I really wanted this to be good as well, but no dice.

I can't actually find many good things to say about it, apart from the lighting system which is quite impressive... but honestly that's about it :/
Originally posted by Abom|nation
I'm incredibly dissapointed. It feels like they've ripped apart the good old Deus Ex-style gameplay and replaced it with a Quake 3 variant. Runs like bollocks on my brand new PC, too.

I was expecting so much more :(

I'm scared too now Marksman ;(

Scared indeed ....
20 secs and then i'm done

/me prays to god he'll get a framerate

F**K! The "copying to..." dialog came up just as i pressed enter to start a new line, it cancelled it! Now i'm stuck with the download box that says 1 sec to go @ 99%. Shit shit shit ;( ;(
Seriously, thats kinda the most dissapointing thing I have heard since The HL2 delay.

Infact before that because at least HL2 will be great (It beter be!!! :P)

damn it. I think I will cry myself to sleep tonight.

But before I do, does anyone else have any opinions on the demo?
Its now 59% downloaded.

EDIT: Oh man THAT SUCKS DONKEY BALLS. I seriously feel really really sorry for you man :(
i have had it for like 5 hours loL!

BUT guess what i can't play it cause my pc fux up
so you can't pick up food? basketballs?
Can you throw stuff still? is there good exploration or is it linear levels? Can you talk to anyone? IS there atleast a neutral level like a base...i love bases were you can collect stuff and set your guy up.

CMon i need some indepth descriptions cause i can't play this demo till i get new parts.

btw every preview has been extremely positive, so far i have only seen 3-4 users mad, and 3 of them were grafix whores. I hope that this game will be good even if several users hate this demo. I mean those preview sites couldn't have all been sucking-ass? could they?
It looks good, the models look nice and the lighting is amazing but apart from that the textures arent that hot and the overall look is washed out and boring.

The gameplay sucks, the movement sucks and it lacks direction, I didnt like the first one anyway, what a waste of an hour.
how does the gameplay suck? gimme examples.

...oh you hated the first one. i see lol. you dont count then

I am no longer worried.

I am absolutly friggin terrified!!!!!!!! :(

Seriously, I am starting to get depresed.............

Originally posted by Murray_H
20 secs and then i'm done

/me prays to god he'll get a framerate

F**K! The "copying to..." dialog came up just as i pressed enter to start a new line, it cancelled it! Now i'm stuck with the download box that says 1 sec to go @ 99%. Shit shit shit ;( ;(

/me remembers time on Simpsons when Homer is in the church and accidently gives $20 to the collection plate.
Homer: $#!@

Sorry to hear that Murry_H. A similar thing happened to me when I was downloading the E3 demo for Half-Life 2. It's very depressing.
Is there any way to resume downloads that were downloaded using the original windows downloader?
Copied in from a rant I gave on another forum:

"I am absolutely dissapointed by the demo. It couldn't possibly feel any more 'arcadey' if it tried... everything just feels wrong, wrong, wrong :/

Where to start. Hmm. Well, I can stand the irritating bugs like the controls resetting everytime you enter a new area, load a new game or start the game itself.

The movement is all wrong, it feels like Quake or UT (like so many other elements in the game), not to mention that walking or crouching make no real difference from running.

The combat is quite frankly, awful. Killing a mere guard takes at least 4 or 5 shots to the head with a pistol, and 2 or 3 shotgun blasts. This doesn't seem to change from difficulty to difficulty, so on realistic, while they're taking a barrage of shots, you're on the floor in only a couple.

Something went wrong down the line with the Havok 2 physics. Max Payne 2 is a great example of it, yet DX:IW seems to have simplified them totally and taken the technology back to the dark ages. Everything feels floaty, bodies will sink through the floor and if you shoot one with the shotgun and it goes crazy; spinning and flying everywhere.

Key mistakes have also been made to the gameplay- the unified ammo system couple with no reloading gives the impression that you should be running around abandoned warehouses and spaceships with your enemies in a grand old game of Unreal Tournament. This feels as far away as possible from Deus Ex, and to add insult to injury the accuracy crosshairs have been removed, so you can just run around shooting as you please.

I can't make a great deal of judgement on the graphics, as I'm sure (or at least, I sincerely hope) that the texture detail was toned down to keep the demo size low. The dynamic light system is excellent though, with maybe a few niggles- extinguishing a flaming barrel doesn't immediately kill the light source, it takes a few seconds after. I didn't see much evidence of bumpmapping, either. The interface is revolting, and really obscures the screen to the point of insanity. Sure, you can lower the opacity, but that means you can't see anything. Sigh.

I could go on, but I don't feel like writing another dozen paragraphs. This could have been so special, but it was not to be."
Sadly I have to report that I concur with aboms comments......

The game feels like it would be easier to play on a console than a PC by the way it handles and the movement 'floats'
Now I am seriously PETRIFIED

I think I am gona break down.....

My older brother hated games until he tried Deus Ex.
I hated most First Person Shooters Until i tried Deus Ex.

The orriginal was an engrossing masterpiece and if they have dumbed it down as much as I have heard. I will NOT be pleased. :(
Originally posted by Abom|nation
I'm incredibly dissapointed. It feels like they've ripped apart the good old Deus Ex-style gameplay and replaced it with a Quake 3 variant. Runs like bollocks on my brand new PC, too.

I was expecting so much more :(
yup my feelings exactly.....

anyway I wont waste my moolah on it ;)
oh the music was the only cool thing about the game..

I swear the music sounds just like kidney thieves... so I checked the credits, and damn IM good ;) it is them

I was really dissapointed, it truely is dumbed down..

for instance the biomods and weapon upgrades feel more like "powerups" in a traditional fps DM match, than real mods... Im am utterly disgusted that the biomod side of DX has died.... the reason I fell in love with the original is the mods reminded me a bit of syndicate (and I loved the idea then too) now its anything but impressive... or hell even entertaining :(
I mean come on.

the reason so many people loved Deus Ex was because it was an intelectual game that made you think.

If they have got rid of that along with all the other great things that go into a game besides graphics then what do they have.

Oh yess I remember. A console game!!!!

Christ What were they thinking!!!!
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
yup my feelings exactly.....

anyway I wont waste my moolah on it ;)
oh the music was the only cool thing about the game..

I swear the music sounds just like kidney thieves... so I checked the credits, and damn IM good ;) it is them

Yeah, they signed a contract for 5 songs in the game, plus the lead singer is the voice of 'NG Resonance'.
Agreed with a lot of what Abom said. I didn't play the first DX.

What I like:
The futuristic feel & look of the game; this is how I wished Neocron looked - dirtier, with the Havok stuff to kick around.
The idea that you wander around, choosing how to go about your tasks.
Flamethrower is pretty sick! People running, burning, screaming...boxes and stuff burst into flames too, pretty cool.
Stealing lifeforce of unconscious victims, whoa evil but cool.

What I dislike:
Combat totally sucks; bad guys pretty much stand there, shooting back. Side-stepping doesn't help at all, crouching does nothing, can't lean - so you have to just stand there pulling the trigger back.
Inventory/HUD: see Abom's note above.
My computer is no slouch but it ran terribly on my default screen res, had to go way down to get decent framerates.
No reloading? Interchangable ammo for shotguns to flamethrowers? Huh? This should go the way of New Coke, for Pete's sake.

Has a lot of potential, and I hope the full game will be a bit better. Think I'll try to find the original, since it sounds like I would really enjoy it.
any links to this demo? i'm gonna be mister optomistic and wait til i actually get to play the game
also... you must remember that the game isn't done yet! so how do u know that sum of this stuff will be fixed?
Fileplanet has it, I dont know anywhere else.

I too am TRYING to be optimistic.

I will tell you what I think when its done in exactly 10 mins and 4 secs

EDIT: Its out when exactly? It isnt that long is it?
Originally posted by thehunter1320
also... you must remember that the game isn't done yet! so how do u know that sum of this stuff will be fixed?

It is actually. It's been confirmed as 'gold'.
Hey, come on abomination, I think you're a little over reacting here.

The bug with the controls getting reset is indeed annoying, but that'll be sorted out, no doubt. The movement is kind of ackward at first, but I managed to get around pretty well after a while. Gunshots are a little inconsistent, with 3 shots to the head and still no kill, but I don't think it's to bad, since now, the enemy's have a chance(I really rox at FPS). It's not Counter-strike, or any other reality-shooter, and I wouldn't want it another way. Graphics look nice, and the objects react like they're supposed to. I spend a few minutes throwing barstools at a some thugs in the bar, and they were like "you do that again, we'll see what happens". Maybe in the year 3000, games will be better, but I think this game isn't as bad as some say it is. I loved the little spiders following me everywhere to protect me. If you look closely, you can see that the barrels at the beginning can be shot, so that they all roll onto the guard. I suggest you download it for yourself. I liked it, and give it a 8/10. It's no HL2 or doom3, but it's better than most games I've played. I eliminated a ganster and his entire crew, ripped of a booky, falcificated bets, killed monsters, barbequed guards, spawned spiders, and then some, all that in an hour. The story is not to linear I think, since you get to choose between killing a potential employer, or working for him. I killed him, of course. But there are some choices to be made.
Hope some got their answers out of this.

Greetz to all


I hate console games.

If this is a simple conversion crappy mother feckin shite job. Then I will swear one hell of alot more. (Sos mods, you know I don't usualy act like this)

I am trying to keep an open mind.
I actually signed up on the Eidos Forums just to say that if this doesent impress, then my money goes elsewhere because I for one dont have cash to spend on crappy games!
Originally posted by Abom|nation
It is actually. It's been confirmed as 'gold'.

oh... :o

and fileplanet doesn't allow getright downloads... so i'm fooked ;(
the worst thing is I (and I think most of you) have been waiting with baited breath for something (hell anything) new, and this was first up in line of games promising the "next Gen" gaming we were dying for.

the gfx are stale, with little to no evidence of bumpmapping low detail sillhouttes, weird anomolies etc.

I have a godlike rig (best money can buy basically) and it stutters sometimes...
ok given I play at 1280x1024 with 6AA, 16AF, and all gfx options on full it should not stutter... not the way it looks.

as I always said I didnt want deus ex2 for the gfx... lets be honest its ION storm, they dont make good gfx games :) the animations are sticky, the transition to ragdoll it atrocious, the damage system sucks.
THe partcle system is ABHORENT!!!! I cant stand it
UGH so disgusting.

as I said to Spitcodfry, Ima try it on PC (I did) if it sucks (it did) Im gonna leave it for xbox and get it on there (Deus EX2 looks more like a xbox port, and plays like it too)
ah well
heres to Far-cry eh?
Originally posted by thehunter1320
oh... :o

and fileplanet doesn't allow getright downloads... so i'm fooked ;(

Just turn off getright and you can download from fileplanet duder.
2 mins to either dissapointment or a great game!


I will give my verdict once I have played it through.
Also, I will tell you what it runs on my god like rig:

1024mb DDRram
128 9800 Radeon Pro

If it doesent run it on full settings then I deduct 2 out of 10 points because if that can't handle it then It is seriously haveing problems.

99% done 22 secs :D
Ah, well, like I usually say, fart fart fart.
You guys think what you want, it's not that bad. The screens they showed once I finished the demo weren't that awfull. It seems to promes vehicles, and all kinds of other goodies.
But whatever.

Femmes à lunnettes, femme à quequette.

Also: I got a 1.5 rig with only 128Mb RAM, and a Ti4200 with 128Mb ram too, and it ran very smoothly, even tho 256 ram is the minimum spec. The readme.txt says you need to put your virtual memory to 600mb at least. I set it to 700mb.