Deus Ex: Invisible War Demo on the 20th

It'll probably out at 12 midnight when we are all asleep.
Some people with a FudgePlanet subscription should make a torrent for it.
What the ****?! Is everything getting delayed?
For all of you who have been eagerly pressing F5 in a near frenzy to be the first to get the demo,i might have some bad news :

It's been delayed

According to Computer-and-videogames, the demo is postponed till tuesday at most.

Waiting with baited breath for the appearance of the demo of the PC version of Deus Ex: Invisible War, expected today, a round of exasperated sighs have been emitted following Eidos's revelation that the snapshot from Ion Storm's sequel is going to be delayed.
Talking to a spokesperson from the publisher earlier today, we were informed that a "problem" has been discovered with the demo. While further details weren't forthcoming, Eidos has confirmed with us that the discovery will have a knock on effect on the demo's release.

Worst-case scenario, according to Eidos, is that we'll now see the Deus Ex: Invisible War demo made available on Monday or Tuesday of next week, but remaining positive in the face of this small disaster the publisher also commented that it's entirely possible that the problem will be rectified quickly allowing a release tomorrow.


There was also some talk about the demo being a GaySpy (no typo ) exclusive,but i guess that's out of the way as well.
Update: Worthplaying comes home with the prize for discovering what has happened. Official word is that the Ez Pad (or similar) software has caused the technical problem described in the C&VG story. Ez Pad is used to make sure that other sites can't mirror their version of a demo as an account is needed with FilePlanet to activate and unlock the demo. So, everyone can now blame FilePlanet and their policy, for delaying this eagerly anticipated demo.
An Ion Storm Dev, 'Krypt' has posted on the official forums that he's unaware of any delays whatsoever... hmm.
I want it too, maybe if I really like it, I'll force myself to play DX (I hear it's fun once you get into it), that way I can anticipate DX2!

..btw, marksman, how many kills does that kitten have? :)
heheh, funnily enough that pic came from the Deus Ex 2 offical forums! :)

And its a representation of my name/me so it has an awefull lot of kills. But also its probably lost its nine lives a million times over :P
LOL it is volley ball.
Please. I'm the lead programmer, I know exactly what the problem is, I know exactly how it got fixed.

The problem was with the demo itself. Not Eidos, NOT FILEPLANET. So we fixed the problem today, and if all goes well in testing, I think it'll still go out today.

followed by:

Krypt originally wrote:
I don't know exactly what the issue was, but from what I heard it was with the thing fileplanet uses to prevent mirroring. Maybe it wasn't. I'm not involved with the whole demo process, so I'm getting my info secondhand. Sorry if that is misinformation.

Either way, the demo is still on track to be released today.
Well, I have stayed up 2 hours longer than usual just for this demo

I think its time to call it a night.

bye bye all :)
LOL nice art. Well I will take a shower and when I come back hopefully some good new will be here.
i wanna!!!!!!!! mommy! get me the dxiw demo form the mean fagplanet man......
So... is it out? I'm too lazy to google it. ah well. I'll find it on kazaa, because I can't go more than an hour before my line disconnects and getright and other packages don't seem to like it when the isp dies, not my line.
God damn it.

I really really can't wait much longer. I want it for the weekend !!!

pleeeeeeeeeease god soon. Tell me its soon!
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Hour for download, can't wait :D

Ya I just happened to refresh the exact moment they posted it. I got on a dedicated download server with no wait. Feel like I won a door prize or something! Here's to having no life! :cheers:
Haha, hell yah, I just refreshed and two whole new servers went up without any wait, 3% and climbing!
Is it any good ?! Is it any good ?! Is it any good ?!
Sweet, the weekend starts here!! (marvels at subscriber account)
Originally posted by simmo
Is it any good ?! Is it any good ?! Is it any good ?!

I guess the longer it takes for people to answer your query, the better it is. I've got it downloaded and burned, but I've gotta wait till I get home from work to play, 3 hours and counting...
90% here. I was one of the lucky no-liners too. I'm curious. I heard about Deusex, but never got around to it. Was the first game any good? Any short opinion will do.
[edit] so, kadayi, you subscibed after all?
The first game was great. It was a combination FPS/RPG with a completely non-linear open-ended style of play. The only thing that it lacked was pretty graphics. Short enough?
Originally posted by Element Alpha
90% here. I was one of the lucky no-liners too. I'm curious. I heard about Deusex, but never got around to it. Was the first game any good? Any short opinion will do.
[edit] so, kadayi, you subscibed after all?

Yeah I caved, but only on a monthly basis. I'll see how it runs for a few months and if it pays off then I might go annual.

DX the original was unique in that the progress in the game was fairly open ended. There is always more than one way to skin a cat in DX, also certain key actions that you performed impacted upon the way the story went. This approach to the gameplay made DX stand out from the rest of the market place. Although the graphics are quite dated now, and the storyline does drag towards the end (HL did also tbh) it is well worth a visit if nothing so you can get to grips with the back story to DX2.