Deus Ex: Source Officially Announced. No, it's not a joke :-)


Apr 27, 2005
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Currently, the Deus Ex: Source team is made up of two people, my friend Andrew and myself. That’s why we need any and all help we can get. The goal of this mod is to recreate the game Deus Ex in the Half-Life 2/Source engine.

Now, I know this sounds like a huge undertaking, and you all are skeptical to our commitment to this mod. I can understand your skepticism, so let me clarify right now, we are going to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to release this mod. We love Deus Ex, in fact it is easily both of our favorite games… well, ever. Even if we don’t get any help, it is entirely possible (though Half-Life 2 will have run its course by the time it’s done) that we would do this ourselves. However, we don’t have the resources (or the talent) to do it on our own. This brings us to:

We NEED people to help us with this mod. We need coders, modelers, texture artists, mappers, and testers (eventually). Anything and anything you can do to help would be GREATLY appreciated. You don’t have to become a permanent member either; you can just help with a few things (even answering help questions when we need it is appreciated), a gun here, a texture there, a map there, whatever. We would love it if you wanted to be hired (I use the term “hired” loosely, we can’t pay you of course, that would break copyright laws) for a full-time position. So, to reiterate, WE NEED HELP IN ANY AND ALL FORMS! If you are willing to do and/or know how to do any of the things listed below, we need your help!

Regrettably, many mods are shut down for use of copyrighted licenses (ie. Lord of the Rings, Farscape, etc.). HOWEVER! We have obtained, well… Okay, I’ll be perfectly honest: we don’t have explicit permission from Eidos. But, we have it covered! You see, it’s all a bit complicated, but, I’ll attempt to explain it. You see, Ion Storm is the original developer of the game. However, after Deus Ex: Invisible War, they went under. So, the license is in a sort of limbo. Meaning, no one’s going to give a flying **** that this mod is being made. Plus, we’ve sent many, many emails (about a half-dozen, I believe we’re up to now) to various sources in Eidos asking about rights and permissions, and have gotten no response. So, we have plausible deniability ;-). Anyway, now that that’s squared away, onto the meat of the project.

The single, most important facet of this mod is to recreate the original PC game Deus Ex in its entirety, but better, and in the source engine. That means: physics, incredible graphics, and better gameplay. However, that also means this: A hell of a lot of work for us. Honestly, we actually have as much work, if not more than, the original developers of Deus Ex. What we plan, is to recreate Deus Ex, but with a certain few things changed, rebalanced. For example, more weapons to the melee and pistol skill classes. We feel that they were unbalanced, and not “worthwhile” to the average player. So, we’re putting a few… “incentives” into those classes, like say an Uzi-type weapon for the pistol class, or stealth kills for the melee class. If Deus Ex was a super-ninja, then Deus Ex: Source will be a super-ninja with wings, optic-camouflage, and padded boots, not to mention a VERY shiny katana. So, without further ado, I will present a feature list of the upcoming mod. Oh, and for the record, if you have any questions, these make sense if you play the original Deus Ex, or you can ask questions here.

• Models for all characters, weapons, statics, etc.
• Tile-based inventory system.
• Skill system.
• Augmentation system.
• True-to-the-game maps.
• Stealth system (still trying to figure out how to do that)
• Speech for all characters. (Already present on original disk. We will rip the original voices if at all possible)
• Same storyline as original game.

• New skill sets:
o Martial Arts, with learning new moves at each level:
1. Kick with a press of the button, no matter what you have equipped (think SMod for Half-Life 2).
2. Learn to use your fists as a weapon, become more refined, do more damage, move quicker.
3. Learn to disarm your opponents.
4. Become one with your body, learning to hone your reflexes, almost as if you could slow down time… (Think Bullet-Time, again in SMod as a proof-of-concept)
o Possibly Stealth, wherein you can move faster at the same silence level with each skill level upgraded.
o Psychic Abilities, with the following abilities learned:
1. Stun your enemies with your mind.
2. Pyrokinesis, the ability to manipulate fire to your whim. Burn objects or foes…
3. Mind Trick, make enemies believe you’re not there. Sneak past with deadly efficiency.
4. (Possibly) Mind Control, turn enemies to your will.
• New Augmentations:
o Telekinesis mod: Move objects with your mind (Probably a re-skinned gravity gun made to look like a hand). Each level you can pick up larger and larger objects.
• New Weapons:
o An Uzi for the pistol skill, just so they have a little more firepower.
o A Katana for the melee class. Faster than the ordinary sword, but slightly less powerful.
o New Master Skill weapons: weapons you can only use once you get the highest level in that skill. Here are the proposed weapons:
 Explosives: Mini-Nuke, decimates people in a wide radius, but get behind cover quick!
 Melee: Will likely make the Dragon’s Tooth the Master weapon, but possibly a new, stronger, faster sword will be crafted…
 Rifles: A large AWP-like sniper rifle, amazing power and accuracy, but heavy and hard to handle.
 Heavy Weapons: Tri-Rocket launcher, launch three GEP rounds at once, absolutely slaughtering your foes!
 Pistol: We don’t know yet, likely some kind of plasma gun, powerful, but unwieldy.
• New “physics-enhanced” routes through a map.
o Normally, there’s the “Stealth” route through a map and a “Blow-the-crap-out-of-everything” route through a map (sometimes more than one each, with some in-between). With the source engine, we can add new ways through/puzzles based on physics.
• Some “artistic liberties” with the old game:
o Just off the top of my head… SPOILERS FOR ORIGINAL DEUS EX!!! At the end, when you’re fighting Paige, his only defenses are 4 turrets if you want to do the Illuminati ending. Well, what if you went in, went to blow him up and… suddenly the room falls away and Paige is housed in a large mech? NOW it’s a worthy fight.
o Areas will be expanded/revised to accommodate the move to the Source engine.

This is all I can think of for the moment, I know there are more, but… Anyway, if you have an idea, please feel free to share it!

Thanks for your time, I know this was a long post, but it’s a big undertaking, and requires a bit of explanation. If I just said “We’re working on Deus Ex: Source” with no ideas behind it, would you be at all inclined to believe us? I thought not…

One final piece of information (I’m almost done, I promise), we’re working on a test map using what free things we can gather, pre-made HL2 content, and our own wits. This will be to show our dedication, and to maybe pique someone’s interest with actual screens. We’re just now starting the mod, so there won’t be any screenshots for a while, just a head’s up.

P.S Sorry for the shoddy editing, this is a VERY long post and is being posted in several forums.
If I had any talent in the modding world, I would be all for helping you guys do this, however, I am no good, I do give my support for this mod because I agree that Deus Ex is quite possiably one of the best games ever to grace the earth. I wish you luck in accomplishing this task that lies ahead of you.
Regrettably, many mods are shut down for use of copyrighted licenses (ie. Lord of the Rings, Farscape, etc.). HOWEVER! We have obtained, well… Okay, I’ll be perfectly honest: we don’t have explicit permission from Eidos. But, we have it covered! You see, it’s all a bit complicated, but, I’ll attempt to explain it. You see, Ion Storm is the original developer of the game. However, after Deus Ex: Invisible War, they went under. So, the license is in a sort of limbo. Meaning, no one’s going to give a flying **** that this mod is being made. Plus, we’ve sent many, many emails (about a half-dozen, I believe we’re up to now) to various sources in Eidos asking about rights and permissions, and have gotten no response. So, we have plausible deniability ;-). Anyway, now that that’s squared away, onto the meat of the project.
So, what do you guys do, besides post threads.
Well, considering it's just been announced today and HALF OF THE THREAD IS ASKING FOR HELP, we don't have anything quite done yet.
Doomsayer said:
we don't have anything quite done yet.

I think your future holds lots of this.
Doomsayer said:
Well, considering it's just been announced today and HALF OF THE THREAD IS ASKING FOR HELP, we don't have anything quite done yet.

I didn't ask what you had done. I asked what you do, as in what your role is on the team.

I could post tomorrow about a mod that I came up with asking for help, that's nothing special. If I actually were able to contribute to the team in a meaningful, non-mapping way, then it would be something to take note of.

EDIT: Include concept art along with mapping on the list of useless mod member skills.
My apologies. Right now, I am merely trying to get people to join while working hard on our test map (Maggie Chow's Apartment from the first game). It's really quite hard to find help here, since, unfortunately, most of the great, good, and even mediocre modders have been taken for other mods. But, I'm trying to keep my spirits up *smiles weakly*.

Anyway, to answer your question, I am one of two team leaders, I help with whatever needs to be done. Jack of All Trades, Master of None, if you will.
I've said before and will again that the best mod leaders are the ones that can contribute content because a) they know what it takes to make a game and b) they aren't all high and mighty ordering people around.

That said, I loved Deus Ex, and if I had any time whatsoever, I would gladly donate it. Your path is going to be difficult. I wish you luck.
Well, if you could move all of the Deus Ex levels over to Source, that would be a worthy accomplishment in itself.
Psychic powers, mini-nukes, AWPs and the bad guy resurrects as a giant robot?

I'm not sure if six email letters would qualify as "many many". Best of luck nonetheless - no modding talent here (tester, maybe). I've never played Deus Ex. Maybe I'll get it. Which should I get first? Are there more than one?
Get the first one, it's brilliant. The second is complete dogshit.
Eidos are very much alive and kicking. Lack of replies to your mails doesn't constitute "plausible deniability" or anything other than "Eidos didn't reply."
Also, the fact that you intend to rip the audio from the original game (and admitted such in this post) puts you on the fast train to Shutdownville.
When will people learn, if you want to make mods that violate copyright you are going to have to work in secret and not release downloads using any standard centralized means.
Ion Storm probably still has the Intellectual Proporty over DE. And sending eMails about something this serious dosent cut it. Snail mail for these matters is best.
Great. I'm gonna go and make Doom 3 for the source engine, and when that's done I'll make Half-Life 2 for the Doom 3 engine.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Eidos are very much alive and kicking. Lack of replies to your mails doesn't constitute "plausible deniability" or anything other than "Eidos didn't reply."
Also, the fact that you intend to rip the audio from the original game (and admitted such in this post) puts you on the fast train to Shutdownville.

Pi Mu Rho - making Angry Lawyer redundant since 1975(ish). D:

-Angry Lawyer
I think what lets this Mod down most is that you're essentially going to copy the setting (maps) and the storyline, which are the core of any good single player game. Then you're going to try and improve the gameplay.

It would be much more achieveable if you just got a team of mappers together to beautify the maps. Which couldn't be done at the time on the Unreal engine, although it still surprises me just how well they capture the spirit of a location when they're so basic in terms of brushwork. This is probably due to their amazingly entropic layout.

On the one hand you could call this an homage, on the other the words 'blasphemy', 'vandalism' and 'sacrilege' spring to mind. I think my mind would be made up when/if I saw the Design Document. Once this is done, I also only think it's sensible to send a copy of this with your request to Eidos to make this Mod.
Why is it no-one gets these concepts?

Add the copyright infringement to the absolutely awful secondary objectives, and I'm starting to think the title of this thread is false advertising.
actually the publisher will care about the mod being made =) so gl
Whats the point? If I wanted to play DeusEx. I would buy the orgional. I can't see how Source would improve it and seeing your taken everything from the orgional, nothing new just a "re-release" with a different engine.
If this is done right with copyright and everything it would be insane. No extras like the guy wants.

Plus Warren is working with Valve on something and he has said before if given the opportunity for something insane to be made with Deus Ex he would buy the ip.
You should pack up your plans and give up before you fall on your face, evidence is clear from the lack of positive comments in this thread. Copywrite will be unbreakable + you probably won't be able to make the mod with only an idea.
Angry Lawyer said:
Pi Mu Rho - making Angry Lawyer redundant since 1975(ish). D:

-Angry Lawyer

which is why the people in this guy's mod team should join one of those teams already with good idea some some work done... the work might actually see the light of day.
why not just create your own game? Why copy Deus Ex? Then you could add all your ideas without messing Deus Ex up. No copyright problems. No pissed off fans from the changes. Problem solved.
I am aware of any and all legal ramifications that this mod may entail. I just believe so wholeheartedly in this that all I can do is hope it won't get shut down.

Oh, and I am one of the head programmers for the mod, that's my main skill.
Doomsayer said:
Stun your enemies with your mind
Why would I want a below-par simulation of an attribute I already have?

change deus ex???
that would be blasphemy
Doomsayer said:
Regrettably, many mods are shut down for use of copyrighted licenses (ie. Lord of the Rings, Farscape, etc.). HOWEVER! We have obtained, well… Okay, I’ll be perfectly honest: we don’t have explicit permission from Eidos. But, we have it covered! You see, it’s all a bit complicated, but, I’ll attempt to explain it. You see, Ion Storm is the original developer of the game. However, after Deus Ex: Invisible War, they went under. So, the license is in a sort of limbo. Meaning, no one’s going to give a flying **** that this mod is being made. Plus, we’ve sent many, many emails (about a half-dozen, I believe we’re up to now) to various sources in Eidos asking about rights and permissions, and have gotten no response. So, we have plausible deniability ;-). Anyway, now that that’s squared away, onto the meat of the project.
"plausible deniability" dosen't equal "copyright permission". If your mod ever gets close to being released, expect to hear from Eidos then.

And then it's ankle grabbing time.
Pajari said:
Get the first one, it's brilliant. The second is complete dogshit.

Yes I love deus ex 1..its up there with Half Life 1 (and 2)...the game was just freaking brilliant...AI (for its time) , gameplay (non linearity), and RPG conversation system, also amazing range of was so good *sniff*

What the gaming industry needs is another game of Deus Ex 1's quality
Too right you are Zeus. This project seems very interesting indeed. Deus-Ex was one of my favorite games, hope you can pull it off. By the way, with the copyright issues, it'll probally start to hit when you release a playable demo, then they'll know you guys are serious. Also, I may be interested in doing some prop models. My MSN is [email protected].
Why do I get the strong feeling this mod is destined to fail...?
ArchitectX said:
Why do I get the strong feeling this mod is destined to fail...?

Yes I do too just seems too ambitious. A HL1 recreation I can see because a lot of the models can be reused (headcrab, vortigaunt, zombies, ect) and others.. but a game like deus ex would take forever (redoing ALL those conversations and different diolouges, have to make new models, and lots other stuff) not to mention the inevitable copyright issues. Sorry, but if you guys somehow manage to pull this off and make it amazing I will eat my words. Good luck with it though
What possessed you guys to try this again?

It's not only an unbelievably huge undertaking that you obviously don't understand and cannot handle, but it's got major intellectual property issues.
Ennui said:
What possessed you guys to try this again?

It's not only an unbelievably huge undertaking that you obviously don't understand and cannot handle, but it's got major intellectual property issues.
I thought the big part of making a mod is to have fun.
If this guy wants to try getting this started, then, he should. You never know, he might succeed.
First, I think everyone's being a bit hard on these guys. They haven't even started properly and you're already kicking them to the ground. They've been very polite and friendly so let's give them a chance please.

Deus Ex with Source/HRD visuals would be fantastic. I loved that game. Would very much prefer it if the gameplay is kept the same and if the developers don't try to improve genius as it's very, very hard.

Well good luck with your project and I hope you get more people interested and more importantly, don't get shut down by EIDOS.
If it's not broken don't fix it...

and for the love of god, don't give it psychic powers...
why making funny clowns here in the forum, instead of just DEVELOPING a Deus Ex based Mod ?

You wouldnt be the first .... as the today "return" to mana update just showed. So stop posting and just start it, use another name and no 1:1 copys (and OF COURSE no original content) and there you go.
This thread is just ridiculous.