Diablo 3 announced

I really hope that Battle.net 2.0's net code is solid enough to prevent the mass duping that we see so often in Diablo 2. Ruststorm was only a temporary fix, and it's not like it prevented duping altogether. If you think about it, it kind of screwed the legit people over, because they had no way of knowing whether the items they received in a trade would disappear or not.
I hope bnet 2.0 fixes the horrible lag spikes that happens all the damned time ><
From what I've read, much of the duping on Battle.net was the result of only a few people using an exploit that allowed items on open Battle.net characters to be transferred to closed characters; they made thousands of dollars selling the items on eBay before they dropped into the regular trade circulation. This was eventually patched and actually placed a limit on the duped items available. Whether or not new ways to do it were found, I'm not sure, but at least the first wave was caused largely by only a couple of people.

There have actually been a good handful of duping methods over the years. Many of which make use of Battle.net's instability. There are some pages around that detail these methods.
^ One of the Blizz dev's said that preventing cheats/hacks/etc is one of the major ground-up design aims of battle.net 2. Hopefully they will succeed leaving SC2 and D3 (along with whatever future games use B.net2) mostly cheat free.

That's not true, the greatly improved from Warcraft 2 to 3.

True, they went from cookie cutter races to completely balancing it all out. I say that's a large change in game mechanics for the game.

I'll agree that Warcraft 2 -> 3 had some major changes, but with the exception of heroes I'd argue that the underlying game mechanics were the same. Contrast it to some people hoping/expecting Diablo 3 to be in third person, rather than isometric, view.
Yep, it really wouldn't work any other way. Unless Too Human comes along and proves us wrong... which, if the previews are any indication, it won't.
I don't really see the point of having multiple viewpoints for this game. The close up cam is nice but anything else is worthless.

One thing I was thinking about, since everything we've seen is dev phase, maybe they just left out the war fog so they can catch bugs and graphical anomalies? I don't know what you call it, the blackness surrounding your lit circle in D2 dungeons. There doesn't seem to be much light sourcing going on at all and I bet once the implement the proper lights everything will look "like it's supposed to".

One thing is for sure though, I've had my fill of running around in dank prisons and caves. A forest, a ruined city, some kind of warmly lit meadow would be nice. It doesn't have to be docile or safe, just pleasing or different.
One thing I was thinking about, since everything we've seen is dev phase, maybe they just left out the war fog so they can catch bugs and graphical anomalies? I don't know what you call it, the blackness surrounding your lit circle in D2 dungeons. There doesn't seem to be much light sourcing going on at all and I bet once the implement the proper lights everything will look "like it's supposed to".

I hope this is the case. The outside environments do look stunning. It's just the green tinge and lack of shadows in the dungeon that really bother me.
Really, I was under the impression that people were sick to death of gritty, shades-of-grey-and-brown "next gen" colour palettes. No? Hey, maybe they should make it first person, totally pitch black corridors, and you have to switch to a torch to find your way around! Okay, exaggerating, but I played the first two games to death and it looks great to me.

I find it quite amusing to note the convergence of opinions here and elsewhere - "It's too similar!" "It's not similar enough!" You can see why they'd have trouble. :|
Who are you talking to? Not once did I say to make the game grey and brown. You can easily bring back the shadows without removing any of the color. Is it really too much for a long time fan to want the atmosphere from the previous games preserved?


That's all I'm really hoping for. The models and textures they can keep, they look fine although a little blurry.
I just want to go on record here and say that the following fan suggestion looks like shit:

I like it as well except for the lack of color. The statue in the back looks fantastic. The lower one is too bright. Looks like dynamic lighting is turned off. Reminds me of Chrono Cross for some reason.

Then again, when I watch this it has an epic feel despite the brightness, and the outdoor area actually looks a bit gritty to me, at least for a wooded area.

Wow that was supposed to be a hyperlink. So we can't not embed everything or am I doing it wrong?
I just want to go on record here and say that the following fan suggestion looks like shit:

Why? I say it's about as perfect as we'll get if Blizzard decide to do a u-turn, which they won't. Just the right amount of colour, and the stone surfaces actually look like stone, especially the back wall.

Wow that was supposed to be a hyperlink. So we can't not embed everything or am I doing it wrong?
No. See here - http://halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=2681061&postcount=20

Ban Munro.
Why? I say it's about as perfect as we'll get if Blizzard decide to do a u-turn, which they won't. Just the right amount of colour, and the stone surfaces actually look like stone, especially the back wall.

It has the grit, sure, but I don't want a game devoid of all color either.
People need to stop posting all the "I edited this image to look like the D3 I want" shots. Seriously.
People need to stop posting all the "I edited this image to look like the D3 I want" shots. Seriously.

No, people need to stop trying to silence our opinions. If you don't like it, simply avoid the thread.
This thread was about Diablo 3, not "Diablo 3 is too bright for my expectations".

Don't like my post, then avoid it.
This thread was about Diablo 3, not "Diablo 3 is too bright for my expectations".

Don't like my post, then avoid it.

No, this thread is about Diablo 3 being announced and anything that goes along with it. Last I checked this is the internet, a place where we can discuss whatever we feel like (within the context of specific forum rules). Put me on ignore if it bothers you so much.
Heh, that petition has gotten a lot of online media attention surprisingly. Last time I saw it, it was only at around 4000. I think some people also made a counter petition. I admit, it's a little crazy how far some people are taking it.
The thing is, Im fine with the people who want maybe just a tinge of more shadow, or whatever. Lighting can be fixed or hell it would be as easy as adding a Bloom or No Bloom option. But people ****ing out over the entire game and its art direction piss me off. You've seen 20 cherry picked minutes of gameplay that was shown to the public to demonstrate the versatility of the engine. You also conveniently ignore all of the "big gay warcraft-looking" things from the previous games. Just dont buy the game if you're so offended.

Plus I wonder how many of those signatures are valid :P
It was about 14000 or something when I signed it yesterday. 25000 now, or ?750k ($1.5 million) worth of sales. Not bad.
Like I said, how many of those are valid. I can easily just sit there all day putting in fake email adresses if I wanted too. And besides every single one of those supposed 25000 is going to buy the game either way
Here's a big one. A Blizzard poster said this one the WoW forums during a D3 discussion about PKing and such:

Bashiok said:
We're - in general - not big fans of griefing for any game. It's really only "fun" for one person, and that definition of fun isn't generally something we're going to want to encourage. It's far more positive to encourage and support meaningful and skillful options and systems within a game, than a mechanic for people to instantly turn against one another for no meaningful gameplay reasons.

I definitely remember running with my friends, and someone toggles it, and bam everyone is dead and your one friend is laughing. Ok, ok, good joke I guess, and then you run back and *bam*, you've toggled it to get them back. After a while everyone usually agrees to a truce because it's just a waste of time. But I also remember running with random players and losing extremely nice items because of it, not cool. I'm sure that it was a feature that was right up some people's alleys, I won't deny there are some that would enjoy nothing more than to see others frustrated, but is that truly something that should be encouraged through design - if not directly opposed?

We have a large focus on cooperative play for Diablo III, and the mechanics and design decisions related to multiplayer are likely going to be based on supporting and encouraging it as much as possible, and not breaking it down.

That doesn't mean that PvP won't have its own focus, but those are details and features we aren't yet discussing.

Looks like you won't be able to attack people unless you both toggle it, rather than just one person toggling it in town. I was not all that big into PKing unless it was on hardcore, but it seem like it may take away a lot of the tension that made playing hardcore with random people fun. It's one of the risks that you're willing to take when you play hardcore. Perhaps they can keep the feature for hardcore and remove it for normal?
Some people are thinking they're just going to introduce some pvp-specific things for players that want it, like something similar to WoW's arena that would have its own ladder and what have you.
I think the more disturbing thing is that some people want an item binding system, like BoPs and BoEs in some MMO. Seriously... where do these people come from? That is not Diablo at all, nor should it ever be implemented in the game. The economy will be fine as long as Blizzard is able to prevent the mass duping.
Yeah, that wouldnt work. Seeing as people are going to have their own loot tables online you pretty much need to be able to let people trade without all this BoP and BoE nonsense.
For the last time: most people who want Diablo 3 to look more like the first two do not want it to look darker. Diablo's visuals have always been about contrast: dark lighting mixed with bright spells, fire, and blood. Diablo 3 doesn't have the same level of grit to it, but by "grit" people don't mean "grey", they mean roughness. Diablo 3 looks very pastel and very soft as a whole, and part of it comes out of the texture design, which lacks a lot of the grimy, bumpy, dirty qualities that the previous games have in spades. There need to be mutilated corpses, there need to be crumbling walls and floors, there needs to be mold and mud and grime and dust and blood caked everywhere. Having a wide colour palette only adds to the effect. Saturation is fine, but the dungeon especially in Diablo 3 just does not look the part. Compared to the horrible places you visit in the first two games, the dungeon from the third looks like a lovely place to live.


The WoW comparisons are extreme and ridiculous IMO. But as excited as I was while watching the gameplay video, I felt it was lacking a lot of the "gloom" that the previous entries had. I've always appreciated Diablo as being the more more morose franchise of Blizzard's big three, and something about D3's visual style seems somewhat off from that. It won't kill the game for me, and it's not like I hate it. But as sea said, it's not so much the colors so much as the texture of the environments they showed.

Everybody else here with your "**** off and play another game" and "LOL NEXT-GEN BROWN" comments should really just cram it already. It's not like you're the ****ing dictators of what D3 should be moreso than anybody else.
Everybody else here with your "**** off and play another game" and "LOL NEXT-GEN BROWN" comments should really just cram it already. It's not like you're the ****ing dictators of what D3 should be moreso than anybody else.

This comment just blew my hypocrisy meter...

Though, I agree with most of what you're saying. I just think their is no point in shitting your pants when we don't even know what the final game will look like, how far along they are on the whole thing, what their PLANS are for the looks, etc etc etc.
For what it's worth I signed that petition anyways.
Looks like a slightly darker version of WoW as it currently stands.

I'm sure with the massive outcry, Blizzard will do their best change the look.
Thing is the people that care are crying like little girls whilst the rest of us have kept quiet. I'm not one to dictate art direction.
It's hilarious when people can't take their own advice.

I was just mimicking his advise, though I'd love to know how I can avoid looking at a picture that takes up half the page.

I mean, seriously, we get it. You don't like the art style. Move on.

I mean, FFS, the gameplay is what interest me, not how brown the game is. What use is photoshopping images unless you're sending them to Blizzard?
Sounds like it was written by nerds.
No one could troll that long but nerds.
I hope they go the other direction with the graphics. I want super bright colors and wizards that shoot rainbows and big anime eyes and chibi heads.

I want Diablo done by Fischer Price, basically. My First Diablo!
I hope they go the other direction with the graphics. I want super bright colors and wizards that shoot rainbows and big anime eyes and chibi heads.

I want Diablo done by Fischer Price, basically. My First Diablo!


Why not? Maybe you're not artistically inclined, but you certainly have preferences and know what you like and what you don't like.

Can you even ****ing read? The last page of posts has shown that people do not want the game to look brown and grey, yet you continue to brush off anything we say. Gee, arguing sure does work well when you ignore everything the other side says, doesn't it? The art style is an incredibly important aspect of the game, as has been iterated many, many times before by myself and others, and we are currently unsatisfied with what we have seen. Editing images allows us to better demonstrate the visual direction the developers should pursue, although I admit I am still unsatisfied with most of the edits I've seen. Maybe if you want people to stop talking about the art direction, you should stop purposely misinterpreting their statements and arguments in order to add more fuel to the fire.

1) No need for personal insults. If you need to resort to personal attacks over something as silly as this, then you lose automatically.

2) The point that you don't like the art style has been made a hundred times in this thread, and some of us get tired of people posting images that are ridiculously large just so they can "show the world their personal vision for Diablo 3".

Guess what: Blizzard is a game developer. They make what they want, how they want it. Whether they cater to you or their own taste doesn't matter, if you don't like it don't buy it. I like the art style because it's not a dark mess like some of you seem to want. I like actually SEEING my high end graphics, not having them hidden by 90% shadows. You may disagree, and that's fine, but you are accomplishing nothing by reiterating that over and over in this thread.

Email Blizzard and send them your altered screenshots. Ultimately though, Blizzard has yet to disappoint me with ANY of their games. I trust them far more than any arm chair developers we may have on these boards, and if you cannot accept my personal opinion, then that's too bad, because it's not going anywhere.
I hope they go the other direction with the graphics. I want super bright colors and wizards that shoot rainbows and big anime eyes and chibi heads.

I want Diablo done by Fischer Price, basically. My First Diablo!

Imagine all the kids with a Fischer Price My First Computer, they'll love it. This game is being released on Mac right?
Counter petition:


This is the best thing ever.

Haha, I needed a laugh like that.

But yeah, really my ONLY peeve is the game should look a tad bit darker and 'older'... atm everything looks like it was just newly bought and place in the dungeons and stuff.

It won't kill me if they don't change it as the game looks ****ing awesome and I'll buy it regardless.
But it'd be cool if they did change it.