Did Alex make it out alive?

  • Thread starter HumanoidTyphoon
  • Start date


As you all know at the end time freezes and you talk to the G-man, the one thing that has been bugging me is if Alex made it out alive
No one knows.

Probably yes, because Alyx is an important character Valve would like to keep around.
Just look at how close she was to the explosion. While you're shooting the teleporter, Dr. Breen pleads with you "think about what would happen to all those people down there." When the teleporter in Nova Prospekt blows up, Dr. Kliener said "the effects were felt far and wide."
It'd be nice if she survived, but Valve would have to come up with a pretty complicated explaination to do it.
I think she should have survived. Clearly, the G-Man has the ability to save her if he wants too.
Yup, piece of cake for G-Man to save both..Eli would do bad things to Gordon if he let her die :p
I have a feeling she survives. Yes, it is a singularity going KABOOM, but watch the G-Man carefully when he pulls the lint off her sleeve, and the "Circumstances he would not normally consider'.

I think she lives.
G-man dident teleport her so she's dead

Here's my guess for HL3 from another post i made "Kill the combine master in the past and save Alyx and her father from the explosion this way" we know the G-man can control time now!

And i would say that because Eli and Mossman were in the building they would have died also
My personal guess is that it isn't really an explosion at all but a teleporting-type field that's gone out of control. She'll probably be teleported somewhere.

At least... I hope so. I really like Alyx!
Sure she survives, but is horribly scarred. However she still has feelings for Gordon. This will make Half-Life 3 a very uncomfortable game, as you will spend the entire game making up excuses as to why you just can't battle the combine with her tonight.
zoidberg said:
Yeah, and her brain has been transplanted into the body of Lamarr...
'Gordon.... Kiss me!'

zoidberg said:
Yeah, and her brain has been transplanted into the body of Lamarr...

'The worst she might do is attempt to couple with your head. Fruitlessly!'
Maybe that explosion was the first of many. Perhaps, it wasn't just one huge explosion. I think it goes: boom boom boom, then BOOOM. So I think there might have been some time to escape.
Dumb Dude said:
Maybe that explosion was the first of many. Perhaps, it wasn't just one huge explosion. I think it goes: boom boom boom, then BOOOM. So I think there might have been some time to escape.

Alyx = screwed.

Well, yeah, but in more ways than one. :LOL:
MiccyNarc said:

Alyx = screwed.

Well, yeah, but in more ways than one. :LOL:

I really wanted to see Alyxx and Mossman go at it like two cats....ReeeeeaaaaaawwW! :bonce:
Chances are, they died. They're not of the G-Man's concern. Gordan had a contract and completed his contract. Regardless of exterior help.

However, one must also remember that the Resistance hired Gordan... So the G-Man may be inclined to protect his employee's temporary employer.

Also, it was an explosion via the teleporter. It's possible the explosion triggered the warp and the explosion itself was pulled into the warp.
InnerDemon said:
Chances are, they died. They're not of the G-Man's concern. Gordan had a contract and completed his contract. Regardless of exterior help.

However, one must also remember that the Resistance hired Gordan... So the G-Man may be inclined to protect his employee's temporary employer.

Also, it was an explosion via the teleporter. It's possible the explosion triggered the warp and the explosion itself was pulled into the warp.
This could have been a very evil trick by the Gman to eliminate the people he owed Gordon to...

Just a thought.
She survived!!!I read somwere that she might is going to be a playable charecter in the 3!!!!!!!!!
This all makes me laugh some people say she is dead some people say she is alive, and yet we all have the same ending to the game.

We will only know for sure when word from valve about HL3 starts to roll out or we may have to wait to play HL3 to find out.

An answer yes or no can not be given at this time because we do not know how HL3 is going to pick up the story from HL2.
Skyjack said:
I really wanted to see Alyxx and Mossman go at it like two cats....ReeeeeaaaaaawwW! :bonce:
I wanna see alyx and mossman go at it like two lesbiens... that would be mad hot. btw- alyx cannot be dead becayse gabe is not that fuucking stupid...
Perhaps she died... it would give gordo a more sad, desperate, and lonely feeling in Hl3... i mean it is supposed to be the end... and think abou it... you'd be playing as someone who's lost everything... his picture of a baby, alyx, his laidlaw books, his own free will, etc.
It's a damn annoying ending, but I cant help marveling at how good it is. Really leaves me wanting more.

I fear the worst for Alyx, she was already being thrown back by the shockwave. But I can still hope...

"You could bring down this entire citidel! Think man, think of the people below!" - That really put me off my stride when breen said that. Got me killed in fact. I didnt want to be responsible for a load of deaths, just shows how attached you can get to the characters.
i think that if Alyx dies, her father might have a grudge against freeman for not saving her.
But if Alyx did indeed die, then her father would surely be dead also.
Alyx will NOT be playable in HL3.

She will be playable in an expansion that will provide BACKSTORY.

Anyway, why does everyone want her to survive?
I really don't get the obsession...
I clearly remember VALVe saying she was going to be a bigger part in the next "game." Now just to find it...

I dear hope she lived. And I hope hl3 isnt 50 years later so she isn't some 70 year old hag when you still look 27.
i really hope they don't try and end this with a 1 2 3 kapow saga over. half-life1 was an amazingly beutiful start to a story, i feel hl2 was only a chapter in-between the start of the story and the middle, that introduced many sub-plots as all amazing stories do.. if this is teh case, in my opinion we would need to see atleast 4 more half-lifes to fullly illustrate the story..

the gman brushing off the lint on her shoulder is a massive sign that he is going out of his way - maybe for little reason to save her. I believe nothing he says can be over looked and is important

therefor my vote is that she is alive most deffinitely without question.
the g-man had to save her so they can make little baby gordons incase the real gordon somehow dies.
Remember the Gman in OpFor:

"I have rather a fascination with people who have the ability to adapt and survive against all the odds."

He tells Shepard that for this reason alone he is keeping him alive. Maybe he would do the same with Alyx? Then again, I wouldnt expect him to lose any sleep over her getting blasted to smithereens.

Alyx seems a bit too opinionated and stubborn to be a good worker for the gman, but who knows what use he could find for her?
Ever notice that Barney or Isaac called Lamarr, "Hedy"

Hedy Lamarr...Why does that sound familiar?
dude, she better have. I wanted me/gordon to get it on with her.
HumanoidTyphoon said:
As you all know at the end time freezes and you talk to the G-man, the one thing that has been bugging me is if Alex made it out alive

The way they froze it before the explosion enveloped Alyx makes me think G-man yanked her out of there too.

After all, it's in G-man's best interests to keep his tool Gordon motivated the next time he pulls him out of stasis, and what better motivator is there than having Alyx around in need of protecting?
gcomeau said:
The way they froze it before the explosion enveloped Alyx makes me think G-man yanked her out of there too.

After all, it's in G-man's best interests to keep his tool Gordon motivated the next time he pulls him out of stasis, and what better motivator is there than having Alyx around in need of protecting?
haha! so true... I smell a love story, despite Gabe's quote, "Then they start saying 'And then he falls in love...' and I run away"
MrWhite said:
Perhaps she died... it would give gordo a more sad, desperate, and lonely feeling in Hl3... i mean it is supposed to be the end... and think abou it... you'd be playing as someone who's lost everything... his picture of a baby, alyx, his laidlaw books, his own free will, etc.

Nah... put most people in that situation and you're left with one of two possibilities. Either they become revenge driven looking to get back at whoever they perceive caused their loss, or they go apathetic, nothing left to fight for so why bother, screw everyone else it's every man for himself.

They'd never go the second route for Gordon, and I find it unlikely they'd go with the first either.