Did Alex make it out alive?

  • Thread starter HumanoidTyphoon
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didnt valve keep saying that she doesnt die at the end? and if so she lives on
i doubt very much her reflexes will allow her to outmanouver an explosion (of the conventional sort), those bits of metal n shit r travelling at 1000's of meters a second... unless gman stops time allowing her to, which i doubt very much since he doesnt give a **** (i interpret the picking off arm as tho shes just an insignificant object while hes making his speech to gordon)


even if she did SOMEHOW manage to survive and get away, hasnt gordon already been taken away by the gman and put in stasis ? So when he is brought out again it could be like another 50 years later, when shes already dead even if she survived

the only way i see this working is maybe like others have said, the explosion causing another slow timewarp like what happened going back to kleiners or some other wierd shit, but, what blew up wasnt a teleporter was it ?, wasnt it just a massive power generator ?

BUT of course, i dont know sfa really this is all just speculation...

one more thing, one of the reasons i think hl2 is so awesome was because of character interaction, so i doubt in hl3 that u will be totally alone, it would be going a step backwards in terms of gameplay i think and introducing all new characters would be silly

so i think at least some of them will survive...hope alyx does too
DesertChicken said:
Just look at how close she was to the explosion. While you're shooting the teleporter, Dr. Breen pleads with you "think about what would happen to all those people down there." When the teleporter in Nova Prospekt blows up, Dr. Kliener said "the effects were felt far and wide."
It'd be nice if she survived, but Valve would have to come up with a pretty complicated explaination to do it.

That brings me back to what happened in the initial teleportation failure with hedy lamarr. Hedy was transported to what looked like a beach or desert with car close by and a strange tower/bridge in the background. But no road or ocean were seen as if everything else had disappeared or desintergrated. Was this the repurcussions of what happened when the citadel came down (were you transported to the future for a brief few seconds)
That brings me back to what happened in the initial teleportation failure with hedy lamarr. Hedy was transported to what looked like a beach or desert with car close by and a strange tower/bridge in the background. But no road or ocean were seen as if everything else had disappeared or desintergrated. Was this the repurcussions of what happened when the citadel came down (were you transported to the future for a brief few seconds)

I think that it was just somewhere else in the world where the citadel wasn't visible from. All of the other random teleports in this particular sequence don't travel in time. Can't you just let lil' Lamarr chase his crows in peace?

Also, Alyx was probably "bathed in particles that human science has yet to name" so either she has "been destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed and some that are impossible" or she is some sort of radioactive mutant. Meh.
G-Man choosing to pluck you out at that moment leads me to believe the explosion was going to kill Gordon. So, my guess would be she was killed, and the Citadel was probably destroyed, killing everyone/everything inside and in the vicinity.

Of course, if Valve wants her alive in a sequel, they could come up with some explanation (portal storm, resonance cascade, whatever side-effects of blowing up a teleporter there are).
I don't know why everyone assumes that it was an explosion. Breen was headed there to get teleported... isn't it possible that what you're seeing isn't really an explosion per se but maybe a telportation field (or whatever) breaking out of containment?
notmydesk said:
G-Man choosing to pluck you out at that moment leads me to believe the explosion was going to kill Gordon. So, my guess would be she was killed, and the Citadel was probably destroyed, killing everyone/everything inside and in the vicinity.

Of course, if Valve wants her alive in a sequel, they could come up with some explanation (portal storm, resonance cascade, whatever side-effects of blowing up a teleporter there are).

Or pulled him out at that moment because whatever his job was, was completed
Can't we just leave it at "it will all make sense in the course of ... well, I'm not really at liberty to say"?

/This is where I get off
Most likely she survived the explosion. I would agree that it is a teleporter gone haywire.
I think analysing that fact that he removes some lint from her shoulder to get any more info is futile.

Its a cinematic effect. Its an illustration of the current situation of things, and it brings the players attention to the fact that its not only the explotion and debrees that are frozen but also the rest of the world. And as we have seen before, g-man isn't shy when it comes to theatricals or poetic terms, so it could be the g-man just being dramatic, and illutrating the point of him and you not being frozen while the rest of the world is.
I'm with Dipso on this one. I think the lint thing is far more an example of G-man's non-chalant attitude to the current situation than anything else. He's powerful for whatever reason... and completely not concerned with how serious that situation might be in the minds of Alyx and Gordo.
I think that how the G-Man flicks the lint off Alyx's arm indicates to us that he prefers snappy suits to "I'm doing my laundry" sweats. He's got style, baby.
heh alyx's clothes are a bit of a mess, i guess designer clothes arent that easy to get a hold of at that time, but she has done pretty well with what she got. I love the detail with the duckt taped togetjher shoulder on her jacket. Thumbs up to the artist that came up with that idea. :D
Megatron42 said:
I think that how the G-Man flicks the lint off Alyx's arm indicates to us that he prefers snappy suits to "I'm doing my laundry" sweats. He's got style, baby.

Puhlese, in that off-the-rack K-mart suit?
lord dubu said:
I'm with Dipso on this one. I think the lint thing is far more an example of G-man's non-chalant attitude to the current situation than anything else. He's powerful for whatever reason... and completely not concerned with how serious that situation might be in the minds of Alyx and Gordo.

Spot on, you explained it far better then i did. The whole point of that action is the irony. Here you are standing on top of an exploding building with time frozen, and hes completely relaxed and chatting with you as normal. (Well, as normal as g-mans chatter gets ;) )

G-man kinda reminds me of that Q character from star trek for some reason, but less mischiveous, and more mysterious.
i think she does make it out alive

mainly because she woud make a great character in hl3, and as said b4 valve rnt stupid enough to throw away a character so many players like

i dont care bout mossman as she betreys you anyway but it would be goos if eli survives

so yeah she survies and have u been sayin theere r plannes for an add on game staring her

ROLL ON HL3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also think she made it out alive, simply because it would be strange if they didn't contiue the trend of bringing back characters from the previous game.

Remeber how they stressed the fact that they where surpised of the emotional bonds people expressed, and that they wanted to realy bring this further in this game.

Also, as many have pointed out how they have thiese great interesting charackters and it realy would be ashame not to get to know more about them.

I guess in the end we will just have to wait and see. But i have a feeling we will be seeing alyx again, but maby not right off the bat, but somwhere into the game, as a "surprise", i know thats how i would have done it.
I wonder if valve will use this to explain the story of Alyx. You know, a kind of flashback that actually only takes a second, but seems like the length of an entire game. This way, they can also explain the story of the combine watch and how they came to power (while Gordon was away). Then when the game ends, you end up right where HL2 ended, but Gordon is missing. My 2 cents.
Now that i think of it they could have made a far cooler ending.. here it goes:

You defeat Dr.Breen and everything goes BUM, time freezes slowly (niiiice effect by the way) and the G-man comes in:

Is it really that time...again? blah blah blah blah, but instead of saying "rather than giving you the ilusion of free choice" he says, "yet again you are faced with the problem of choice Mr.Freeman, *touches his tie* you have proven to be very efficient, therefore my employers have allowed me to offer you another......possibility *makes strange breating noise* You and miss Alyx (or her last name, can't remember it now) seem to co-operate very well, so well indeed that my employers feel you two could work better toghether than you alone.... Wich brings us to your chice.... If you choose to accept my offer, she will live and you will both be hired, if not...well....*another strange speeck noise* you are too valuable to dispose (as he did in HL1 when you refused to go into the portal) but miss Alyx would be left here to burn in the explosion. *he lifts his hand in your direction as waiting for a handshake* Well Mr.Freeman what is your choice? (and now u have to "use" him to shake hands and stay still to not accept) if you accept he says: Good to see that you have made the right choice Mr.Freeman, and the rest of his normal speech, just lightly changed to include her, (you wil both realize in the course of well i am really not at liberty to say) blah blah blah, if you don't accept: Inresting, Mr.Freeman, you seem not to care about her and belive you work better alone, well if that is your choice so be it. and the rest of his normal speech

So what do you ppl think?
First: That sounds nothing like the G-Man :p . And second: That ending wouldn't have gotten people ravenous for HL3 like the current one did.
i agree wid digital_junkie, i fink that the fact ure not sure what happens to alyx is an idea used by valve to keep interest in the games alive whilst the 3rd is being made. im still sure she returns in 3 but again, not at the begining but somewhere....
Dude, i don't tink valve is gonna turn half life into somesort of love story, its too gay for the less affectionate dude. Besides dude, the gman has no reason to save alyx or "employ" her, but we won't know until half life 3 comes out dude.

In fact dude, i believe theres gonna be much travelling into the alien world in hl3, probably into the combine planet and swipe them out somehow. And i don't tink valve is gonna make alyx tag along with gordon throughout his journey.

Dude, i know some of you out there have developed a strange liking to alyx, like me, and hence you want alyx to live so you can see her again.
But face reality, there is no logical reason why gman should save alyx. And theres no way alyx could get out of the explosion unless she possess kung-fu to fly her way out of there.

bottomline is, accpet reality dude, i tink shes dead and if she "alive", valve would have to come out with some explanation that would make the story sound so cheesy. "oh ooh and...er..the massive explosion caused a time portal and teleports alyx to..er..city 11!..yea yea ..city 11 and and...gordon meets alyx when the gman brings him to city 11 in hl3" etc. (i know valve may come out with an explanation better than that)

p.s: all i've said is just pure speculation, dun go too hard on me ok..
hmm ure entitled to ure opinion of course, but personally i still fink that valve r clever enough to realise that Alyx is one of the best npc for a while, and although removing her from hl3 wouldnt really change anything, adding her certainly would make the game better and more interesting.

does nybody else fink that the possiblity of making gordon speak via text promts would also highten the game, as this guy aint said nythin for a long, long time lol
DesertChicken said:
Just look at how close she was to the explosion. While you're shooting the teleporter, Dr. Breen pleads with you "think about what would happen to all those people down there." When the teleporter in Nova Prospekt blows up, Dr. Kliener said "the effects were felt far and wide."
It'd be nice if she survived, but Valve would have to come up with a pretty complicated explaination to do it.

meaning the after effects
Does Alex Die? The answer is easy

Remember that they are into time manipulation. Nuff said.
Interesting point made somwhere else:

When the games freezes you and the gman are outside of the citidel as he walks through it to get to you, but if he picks the 'lint' of alyx's shoulder then she must also be outside da citidel world, and therefore cannot be killed by da explosion.