Did Alex make it out alive?

  • Thread starter HumanoidTyphoon
  • Start date
I reckon Eli, Alyx and Mossman all got teleported to wherever Breen was going in that explosion. Im pretty sure Valve aren't dumb enough to create such cool characters and then kill them off just as we've come to like them. Plus, that theory allows for expansion in HL3 :D
DesertChicken said:
Just look at how close she was to the explosion. While you're shooting the teleporter, Dr. Breen pleads with you "think about what would happen to all those people down there." When the teleporter in Nova Prospekt blows up, Dr. Kliener said "the effects were felt far and wide."
It'd be nice if she survived, but Valve would have to come up with a pretty complicated explaination to do it.
He wasn't talking about the explosion having a global impact, he meant that the explosion showed the civilians that the combine could be defeated, and there was a global rebellion.
L337_Assasain said:
He wasn't talking about the explosion having a global impact, he meant that the explosion showed the civilians that the combine could be defeated, and there was a global rebellion.

He wasn't talking about it having a global impact, but I don't think he was talking about the social and psychological effects either. I'm fairly sure I remember him saying that you could "bring the whole citadel down" just before he pleaded with you about the people below. As in... blow up that teleport and you deal with the possibility of crushing the citizens below with bits and peices of falling citadel... timberrrrr!
I have a feeling alyx might too become "employed"

that or dead

I sure as crap hope that citidel didn't flatten the city below cause that would be the first disaster Gordon actually IS responsible for out of his own will. Instead of just carrying out his instructions in the BM test chamber and being blamed for the disaster.
PHxHav0c said:
I reckon Eli, Alyx and Mossman all got teleported to wherever Breen was going in that explosion. Im pretty sure Valve aren't dumb enough to create such cool characters and then kill them off just as we've come to like them. Plus, that theory allows for expansion in HL3 :D

Yes, and they became heavily modified combine soldiers who gordon has to fight against in HL3. Barney is still working undercover, but in the combine universe.
The climatic ending of HL3 is when you have to chose whether to kill the now hideous half-human half-wormy alyx, or to take pity, let her live and bear her horrible wormy child.
The G-man intervenes once again, and reveals himself to be none other than... Otis from opposing force, who incidently is not part of the HL storyline, as it is gearbox's creation.

Should I have put that in a spoiler tag?

Hows that for a conspiracy theory.
Nah... put most people in that situation and you're left with one of two possibilities. Either they become revenge driven looking to get back at whoever they perceive caused their loss, or they go apathetic, nothing left to fight for so why bother, screw everyone else it's every man for himself.

They'd never go the second route for Gordon, and I find it unlikely they'd go with the first either

You're right..if they chose the second one there would be no HL3 to make. And to go with the first option, they would have to give Gordon a voice / mind inside the game, which isn't happening.
I figure that she is also hired by the gman and that one of the future half-lives will feature her...
The way they froze it before the explosion enveloped Alyx makes me think G-man yanked her out of there too.
In case you didn't notice, you are standing next to Alyx. If he stopped it after Alyx got pwnt...well...she wouldn't be the only one.

Sort of an anti-climax, especially after all Gordon has been through.
I'd like to go with the headcrab idea some made earlier...

Alyx's brain is transferred into a headcrab, Gordon than wants to be Her and lets the Headcrab devour him. pretty soo the zombie gets pregnant and has Zombie babies with glasses. Doctor Eli goes into a depression and eventually kills himself, while Barny betrays everyone, and squeels to the combine. and Lamar falls in love with one of the zombie babies
HumanoidTyphoon said:
I'd like to go with the headcrab idea some made earlier...

Alyx's brain is transferred into a headcrab, Gordon than wants to be Her and lets the Headcrab devour him. pretty soo the zombie gets pregnant and has Zombie babies with glasses. Doctor Eli goes into a depression and eventually kills himself, while Barny betrays everyone, and squeels to the combine. and Lamar falls in love with one of the zombie babies
Probably won't be in HL3, but:
"You can mod it"
gcomeau said:
He wasn't talking about it having a global impact, but I don't think he was talking about the social and psychological effects either. I'm fairly sure I remember him saying that you could "bring the whole citadel down" just before he pleaded with you about the people below. As in... blow up that teleport and you deal with the possibility of crushing the citizens below with bits and peices of falling citadel... timberrrrr!
I was reffering to when Kleiner tells you what has happened when you finally arrive through the teleporter in Nova Prospekt...
TST_Devgru Seal said:
Ever notice that Barney or Isaac called Lamarr, "Hedy"

Hedy Lamarr...Why does that sound familiar?

Hedy Lamarr was an actress in the 30's or so...I'm not sure.

do a google search, you'll find her
MiccyNarc said:
In case you didn't notice, you are standing next to Alyx. If he stopped it after Alyx got pwnt...well...she wouldn't be the only one.

I didn't notice... because I wasn't standing next to Alyx. I was standing well behind Alex, saw her catch the leading edge of the shockwave and start to get thrown back towards me, then it froze. Just before the explosion goes off they have Alex run in and then stand well in towards the portal, making it far more likely that wherever you're standing when the explosion hits you're further away than Alex.

And it's obvious that no matter what they intended to have that explosion stop before reaching Alyx, not just you, because G-man interacts with her during his speech, brushing the lint off her sleeve. She has to still be there for him to do that... and why would G-Man bother fussing over her clothes when they along with the rest of her are going to be vaporized in another fraction of a second.
[spoiler junk maybe]

IMO, I don't believe the lint thing made any difference. Ever passively pick some dirt off furniture? Or seen a snotty person wipe dust off something and stare at it on their finger cause it's so outragious? Dr. Breen touched Alyx's face, does that mean he considered her more important than Eli, Mossman, or Freeman?
If you ask me, G-man's mind was on his speech and he subconsiously noticed Alyx. IMO, the lint proved G-man cared less for Alyx. He wasn't picking lint off you, was he?
Talking about it in past tense is all wrong.

Its not a matter of if she did die. The question is if she will die. Time is frozen, and at the moment the game ends, she is still alive.
f|uke said:
Talking about it in past tense is all wrong.

Its not a matter of if she did die. The question is if she will die. Time is frozen, and at the moment the game ends, she is still alive.
Ahh...so the question we REALLY should be asking is...WILL she HAVE died when Half-Life 3 BEGINS?
Spot on. The G-Man has the ability to step in and out of the Universe and pluck any character to safety before the explosion shreds them into poor mans compost :) Now, Alyx is vital to his aims as she is the daughter of Eli and Gordon is attached to her ( or not, and has the hots for Judith ) . Eli is vital as his work is vital to the G-Man accomplishing his goals..Dr Mossman and Eli are cosy so she will be spared . But, we now have a peek at what may occur. G-Man has Alyx and Judith at his mercy so Eli & Gordon are forced to comply with his plans :(
I didn't notice... because I wasn't standing next to Alyx. I was standing well behind Alex, saw her catch the leading edge of the shockwave and start to get thrown back towards me, then it froze. Just before the explosion goes off they have Alex run in and then stand well in towards the portal, making it far more likely that wherever you're standing when the explosion hits you're further away than Alex.
Alright, she was 2 feet in front of you, big whoop de do..
And it's obvious that no matter what they intended to have that explosion stop before reaching Alyx, not just you, because G-man interacts with her during his speech, brushing the lint off her sleeve. She has to still be there for him to do that... and why would G-Man bother fussing over her clothes when they along with the rest of her are going to be vaporized in another fraction of a second.
Because he was bored?
Now, Alyx is vital to his aims
How? Where does it say this in the game?
How are Eli and Mossman and Kleiner and Barney vital to his aims?
I doubt the G-man really even needs Gordon to fulfill his plan, he's just using him.

I really don't see the obsession people have with wanting Alyx to survive. They seem to be creating the most insane situations just to have 1 character survive. Why? I really don't get it.

By the way:
The G-man != Jesus.
He doesn't just save people because he cares about them. He uses people to suit his purpose, and if they don't help him, screw 'em, he doesn't need them.
A very selfish person :p
HumanoidTyphoon said:
As you all know at the end time freezes and you talk to the G-man, the one thing that has been bugging me is if Alex made it out alive

Who's Alex?
HumanoidTyphoon said:
As you all know at the end time freezes and you talk to the G-man, the one thing that has been bugging me is if Alex made it out alive
I wouldn't have thought so, would you? What with the big explosiony thing.

HL3 will probably drop Freeman elsewhere and leave him wondering whatever happened to all his old pals, keep you from having links in the world and freeman is more likely to do what the gman says. Notice how he completely blanks her like she means nothing.

*attempts to claw his way back to the real world*

But then, she's just a collection of polygons and textures and does mean nothing.

.. meh screw it, gonna go play HL2 some more.
Well, I'd like not just Alyx, but Eli and Mossman to survive, simply because I'd really like to see how their character would progress in HL3. Did any survive, though? Well, if the G-Man doesn't intervene, then Alyx is pretty much screwed. And Eli and Mossman are actually right next to the teleporter as well, so they'd get taken out as well. And if the citidal does indeed collapse, then as Breen suggests, those below are in pretty big trouble.

So, it does present an interesting problem. Judging by the falling citidal you can see through the portal (where I imagine Breen was heading for), then the explosion would likely take down the City 17 citidal was well. Which equals bad for Barney and co. And unless the G-Man interfers, that equals bad for Alyx, Eli and Mossman as well...

So, the question is, would Valve kill off almost all the main characters, pretty much leaving you in HL3 with a whole lot of new faces (well, apart from the G-Man and likely Kliener, who was put in a 'safe place', after all). Possible, but providing they find a good explanation for it (saved by the G-Man one of the only likely ones), I do hope they bring at least some back, just to help provide some more connections to the previous games. That, and I've gotten attached, damnit!

Aaaand... Silly rant over.
I don't think they survive. Not all of them atleast. In HL1 you were pretty much nobody, in HL2 you are a celebrated hero and a true icon and a beacon of hope for those fighting with the resistance.
My guess is that in HL3 you start off from where you left in HL2, without anything or anybody left. On top of that you won't be much celebrated, the last time they saw you, you exploded a whole god damn city and left off in a trail of smoke, no they won't be liking you at all. It's very logical when you think of it :)

BTW, G-man doesn't control time, he controls dimensions. Time is relative, dependant on the observer. In the end of the game G-man pulled you back to the same dimension in which you spent the time in between HL1 and HL2, a dimension in which time progresses in a very different pace compared to that on earth. In the end of the game these two dimension coexist for a short period of time, you are already in that dimension but you can still see what's happening in the other dimension.
Basically, taking in consideration the different time progressions of these two dimensions, G-man has more than enough time to go back and pull out Alyx if he wants to. Time will tell whether he did it or not :p

Besides, I don't think Alyx would be a good character for a HL game anyway, the protagonists of this universe really aren't the talkative type. Unless then she becomes mute in the explosion :)
i think eli and mossman may survive too because of all the tellaports, they probbably left
You are all so WRONG!

Alyxx is alive but horribly maimed. Her face now sports that "post headcrab" look... :bonce:
So far we got Alyx being turned into a headcrab, as well as alot of other insane predictions...what about Gordon?

Gordon spends way too much time in that slow-glidy walking cinematic mode, and eventually learns how to moonwalk. He becomes world-famous as a new pop idol, achieving a Michael Jackson-like status, even without the ability to vocalize. The combine plan their next full-on portal assault, and time their invasion so as to coincide with a global Freeman concert. With all of Earth's human population in one place, caught unaware, the Combine forces easily wipe out/assimilate the remaining Human population. In a cinematic you see a huge mothership descend out of the sky, where, tragically, only Gordon himself notices. Once again, with the inability to vocalize, he is unable to call the attention of the crowd to the impending armageddon. The entire Earth's population gets vaporized, Gordon Freeman remains, because thankfully he is wearing that hazard suit. At the end of the cinematic, the camera zooms way in to the bridge of the mothership, where you see a sarcastically grinning G-Man at the controls, because, you know, that'll make everyone say "what the f**k". Then Batman swoops down and kicks the G-Man in teh face, and after a large battle Batman impales him with a wooden stake. This kills all the Combine population because the G-Man is the lead vampire, naturally, and then Gordon and Batman enjoy a beer together. This is an uneasy coexistence, since eventually they know that they are going to have to fight to the death ... because, you know, there can be only one.
I'm StarScream. *whines about how unfairly Megaton treats him and how HE should be in power and why does it burn when he changes his oil..*
I'm going to turn into a pistol. Now shut up and aim me before I whup ya. And I see you eyeing that chasm...don't even think about chucking me down there.
I hated Alyx. When she went like "we have known each other for so small amount of time.." I was about to shoot her, but I didn't have any real weapons :(
Dammit, I should have used my Mutoid Man alias when creating this hl2.net account, because Transformers discussions happen on forums in my wake wherever I go. :frown:
And for the record, while good might prevail in the end, evil (i.e. Megatron) is just plain cooler. It's just like smoking :p
*with a mighty heave drags thread back to topic*

A good point about the Gman. If he doesnt need someone, screw em. He sees Gordon as potentially useful, but not irreplacable. He saved Shepard on a whim then left him to rot in another dimension. Why should he save Alyx? The Gman obviously pulled Gordon out because another second and he would've been dead.

It depends on his motives. Maybe Alyx will be employed aswell, and Gordon could have someone to sympathise with. But I cant really see it.

In HL1, Gordon was completely alone. In HL2 he was some sort of heroic figure, even though he had no idea why. I wonder if he will still be seen as heroic if he brought down the citidel and killed all his friends, and hundreds of innocent people. Wouldnt that be fun?
HumanoidTyphoon said:
As you all know at the end time freezes and you talk to the G-man, the one thing that has been bugging me is if Alex made it out alive

They intentionally don't want us to know that. That's why they didn't TELL YOU. It's called writing a cliff-hanger. It means you'll play HL3 to find out. Anyway, personally I doubt she did. The explosion was probably incredibly large and she was right there at ground-zero.
Actually, she probably makes it. Not because she's a "main character or anything", but with her reflexes, I doubt she's one to just stand there and watch a tower fall on her head. So yeah, with her skills, she most likely makes it out.