Did you like Goldeneye Facility? I liked Goldeneye Facility...

another little issue i found is when you spawn in the bathroom, you spawn inside the door if the toilet is still attatched to the wall. this makes it imposible to move and you cant open the door, however you can still be shot at, but you cant see whose shooting you, nor can you fight back.

amazing map though. i would like to see framerates increased, its beating up my machine pretty well
Ya Im not sure why it is a low fps in certain areas... In testing FPS was great. But then somewhere along the line I added something or another that dramtically decreased the fps...

Im looking into it.
It was perfect, idk about the vent issues, b/c i couldn't figure out how to get it them. But neway, better than expected, and it ran silky smooth.

EDIT: this just in, idk about the rest of you, but nade and mine explosions dont show up, just the sound and crater appears....might wanna look into that
The map is great, just played it on the HL2.net server. Had no probs with it. 9.5/10. Great job Jonny!!

p.s. how do you get into the vents? They seem too far and out of reach.
I believe you spawn in there Harryz :)
Ah, cheers. I might of spawned many times in the vent and might not noticed it.

ALOT will be fixed with II...

Now that a week has passed this has been like a big beta test :\

Anyways, more info coming soon on the next version.

Ive been busy hacking away at another map that Im not sure if I can unviel just yet :)
Jonny Phive said:
hehe not quite. :)

Something orginal.

Facing Worlds, unreal tournament? :D

Give us a tiny clue........please?:)

Edit - Just played a bit more of the map and I finally spawned in the vent. For any future updates, I suggest to expand the vent idea. :)
Jonny you seem to be the glorious map maker of Facility...and it seems to be out. Is it beta testing? Invite only? Or is it open to anyone. Would love to DL and at least walk around. Any links you could give me? Maybe your webpage or something, or the dl link for the newest version. Thanks and keep up the good work.

Oh, and also, are you planning on a SP Goldeneye? Or anything to do with Perfect Dark? I had heard rumors about porting some of the levels (if not the entire SP game) over to Source...you know anything about that (or does anyone?)
Great to hear that you are going strong Jonny, keep up the good work. I played version 1.3 a few nights ago and it was not that bad. I dont remember which server it was on but was that your work Jonny? It was a little bigger and the textures were different. I can't wait untill a BIG facility map is released.

:) :) :)
I think that was someone else's map :p

But I just re did my site and I am posting small sections on ALL my maps I am working on right now... There is ALOT... but I am determined to get them all done...


There is a map section there.. I am working to get individual pages for each of my maps and keep updated .plan's, etc...

Still in the works...

Also, just wanting to thank everyone from this board for the support on the first version of this map. :)

The second version beta will be coming out soon.

I will post an update soon.

Just downloaded the map there.

Just played around with it by myself. Very nice. I am dying to play against people on it though.

Have any big servers added it to their map rotation yet? I really want to play it. :(
I just got my server back up.

I have facility running with no timelimit. Help me test this new box out.

-[pHenyl's House]- www.phenylshouse.com

The server is on a 10mb connection in Dallas Tx.
Funky Munky said:
Just downloaded the map there.

Just played around with it by myself. Very nice. I am dying to play against people on it though.

Have any big servers added it to their map rotation yet? I really want to play it. :(
b33f.co.uk - halflife2.net Public (03)

It's on the rotation there, straight after dm_steamlab

That server is in London so you'll probably ping quite well there.
the rocket launcher doesnt need to be on the map, Its way too easy to camp with it. I played the most annoying game on this map the other day, I still love it, but that weapon placement in particular needs changing, you can just sit there and wait for someone to spawn, and pop them one. you can do it without getting caught out either which is worse.

other than that, its as frantically fun as usual.
Great site....Falluja and your house are looking cool, I'd love to try em' both. Is falluja for Insurgency....b/c i'm sure they'd eat that right up......
Madhotch said:
Great site....Falluja and your house are looking cool, I'd love to try em' both. Is falluja for Insurgency....b/c i'm sure they'd eat that right up......

We will see. That is the map im working the most on (alongside facility of course)...

And I will just say I would kill to be on Insurgency. :sniper:

I am trying to update the site to have individual pages for each amp giving a desciprtion on each and bigger screenies... That will probably be up on Saturday. :)
definatley contact them, they would take you in a second if they had a thought in thier heads
Hey, I'd just like to say I love your Facility map, but I'm shocked nobody is playing it. There isnt a single server on the network playing your map. Dont let this put you down, obviously you've spent a large amount of time and effort making it, and it certainly deserves to be up there with maybe even the official maps.

The HalfLife2.net server regularly plays the map. There was a server full of people playing it yesterday. Great stuff.