Dile's words

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Originally posted by ZoSo
Which exit do you take to get home?
Cause I wana know Where you get off.
You stole that from the Daily Show!
And CoD is like MOH...its the next evolution of that type of game. Its the same style, just taken to the nth degree. Playing through it just is an incredible experience.

I don't think its that graphics don't matter at all. I prefer to think that they aren't totally necessary. A good game is a good game regardless of what it looks like.
Originally posted by Dile
So what made Call of Duty cool?
Was it Graphics? No.
Was it AI? No.
Was it physics? No.
Was it the story? No.
What was it then?

Well, the graphics, story and AI all kick major ass, but yeah, it's the effort they put in to make the game polished to perfection that makes it so damn good.
Originally posted by Shuzer
Thank you very much, Mr. Redundant :)
anytime sir

(lol ignore this, but for some reason when I read that "a thank you very much Mr. Roboto" flashed into mind) do do do... erhm ...
I enjoyed the CoD demos (played them through several times), but I bought Hidden and Dangerous 2 last week and frankly that pisses all over the straight shooter feel of CoD. Compared to MoHaa, CoD seemed refreshingly real, but it pales compared to H&D2. Also judging from the reviews CoD sounds like it can easily be completed in a weekend doesn't inspire me to shelf out £30 quid for it either (same with Max Payne 2). You get more bang for your buck with H&D2.

As regards Halflife 2, the things that really impressed me the most regarding what it brings to the collective gaming table are the material Physics (wood acting like wood, etc) and the realism of the characters due to the eye, facial and vocal expresssion technology. Those aspects are what lifts HL2 above Doom 3 for me in the anticipation stakes, because they are so much more than just visual enhancements.
H&D2 is due in New Zealand soon (maybe today actually) but I'm undecided if I will get it, it sounds like an awesome game but I've heard there are a few bugs and the AI sucks the fat one.
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
anytime sir

(lol ignore this, but for some reason when I read that "a thank you very much Mr. Roboto" flashed into mind) do do do... erhm ...

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto :)
CoD looks awesome.. I wanna get it, but my internet here sucks so much that I can't play online...so I don't think it'll be worth it just for singleplayer.

I'm looking forward to HL2 for basically every aspect of it. Graphics - Gameplay - AI - Story - The Engine

I just wish it'd come out :(
Originally posted by iamaelephant
H&D2 is due in New Zealand soon (maybe today actually) but I'm undecided if I will get it, it sounds like an awesome game but I've heard there are a few bugs and the AI sucks the fat one.

Illusion have already rolled out one patch to address the bugs, as regards the AI, the team AI can get flaky occasionally, but nothing dramatically bad. The enemy AI seems dandy enough though.
I really do not like what developers have been doing lately, releasing a game then having to patch it only days after release. I remember the days when games were shipped complete, and patches were released only to improve the already polished game.

The good ol' days. *sigh*
Originally posted by iamaelephant
I really do not like what developers have been doing lately, releasing a game then having to patch it only days after release. I remember the days when games were shipped complete, and patches were released only to improve the already polished game.

The good ol' days. *sigh*

/shameless jab
at least they are releasing games HAH!
/shameless jab

naw jus kiddin' valve we luv choo
I read in russian magazine that stalker is gona be pretty dull and wont last long even though graphics look cool.
...That doesn't exactly sound credible dude.
With the patch situation, all I have to say is that at least they're patching them. Many games (online ones in particular) are becoming so complex that it can be extraordinarily tough to prevent bugs/snags.
I dunno. Watching that latest STALKER trailer made me think it looked kind of dull.. but that's just me

However, after watching the Far Cry trailer that.. uhm, spitcod (I think) linked to, I was sold
Originally posted by Lavrik
I read in russian magazine that stalker is gona be pretty dull and wont last long even though graphics look cool.

The subject and source are quite obscure, it's based on a very strange russian Sci fi film from the 70's, which clocks in at a bum numming 3 hours plus (my ass still has nightmares about it).

However it provides the developers with a good opportunity to promote their game engine, which will no doubt be somewhat cheaper than either Doom 3 or Valves revised Source Engine.
Lemme clarify my above post (if anyone even cares), by dull, I meant the way the game flowed/played, wasn't referring to the graphics, or anything

Edit: Obviously, the game's not done, but, just drawing conclusions from what's been shown
Originally posted by Shuzer
I dunno. Watching that latest STALKER trailer made me think it looked kind of dull.. but that's just me

However, after watching the Far Cry trailer that.. uhm, spitcod (I think) linked to, I was sold

If anyone else is interested, here's the link: http://www.farcryhq.com/downloads.php?ordner_id=2

Look for video titled "Far Cry - PC Action Video (HIGH)."
Originally posted by iamaelephant
So if graphics dont matter at all, it wouldnt bother you if HL2 looked like Wolfenstein 3d then?

Get real. Graphics are a major part of any game, and as far as I'm concerned, from what we've seen, HL2 has nothing on Stalker or Doom3. Sure it will still be a good game, but the graphics are not up to scratch.

I agree, doom 3 and Stalker both have nicer gfx, but I think hl2 game will blow it away

Its nice to see someone who is not so fanboyish they cant say something good about another game
Originally posted by Shuzer
I dunno. Watching that latest STALKER trailer made me think it looked kind of dull.. but that's just me

However, after watching the Far Cry trailer that.. uhm, spitcod (I think) linked to, I was sold

That's because you're american, you americans just like GTAs and such with loads of fireworks, sex, drugs and illegal stuff + of course the normal FPS deathmatch games. :D

The trailer was just a tech show, I do like the idea of the game + the freedom and all, so I'm waiting for it with high anticipation.

Guys you need to think that in the end of the day all of ya are going to buy Stalker, Far, D3,HL2....ETC.

you see no need to make GAME vs GAME thread.
Originally posted by G0rgon

Guys you need to think that in the end of the day all of ya are going to buy Stalker, Far, D3,HL2....ETC.

you see no need to make GAME vs GAME thread.

Myself I want Stalker, HL2, X2 The Threat... Hmm... Can't think of any more of them. :P
I will "buy" doom 3, buy hl2, buy farcry, and might "buy" stalker...

Some of us are not coated in cash to buy everything GOrgon
What i don't get is how people keep saying half-life 2 doesn't have very good graphics.....what the hell...it has better graphics than any game out there right now, and when it comes out in april, i'm sure the graphics will still be better (or at the very least on par with) most games that are out then. I mean, really, that's like me saying "oh Doom III has stupid graphics cause Doom IV will have better looking effects thatn it." if you are playing a game right now that you think has better graphics than half-life 2 then i'd like to know what it is, cause apparenlty i'm missing out. And don't say Max Payne 2, or Call of Duty, cause i've played Call of Duty, and finished Max Payne 2, and i know for a fact from the HL2 screenies i've seen, that it just plain isn't true. (had an argument about that with my friend already, so don't push me....lol).
I dont think anyone is saying hl2 has bad gfx.. well maybe afew but there morons, people are saying they not that good compaired to other things comeing out soon, thats all, geez...
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
I will "buy" doom 3, buy hl2, buy farcry, and might "buy" stalker...

Some of us are not coated in cash to buy everything GOrgon

I know exactly what you mean.

Any game that releases in the market will cost £35 or $50. Within 4-6 months the same game will be priced at £15 or $25. Interesting.

What I meant is I can buy only the most popular and mind blowing game such as HL2 and D3 when they come out, while other games such as Stalker, Far, Max payne2 (Which they are also excellent games but they cannot compared to the formal ones) .....so on I can wait for them to drop in price. This way I can buy whatever I want.
It may be abit of a cheap way to do it (Im poor so what) But heres what I think..

Bullshit to all this "If its worth it, I'll buy it" crap for a start :)

I will buy it if its
- Multiplayer
- Alot of fanmade (mod) go onto it
- Likely going to be "the" game (e.g hl2 will last YEARS)
I wont buy it if its
- Single player only
- Hardly any fanmade thing
- Sucks big time ass.


For example

I wont buy Doom 3 cus
- Multiplayer is going to suck
- Not replayable (Theres only so many times I can see the same thing come from the same place and do the same things, like the monster comeing out of the wall, it will allways happan)

But I will buy Hl2 cus
- Mutliplayer will rock
- Valve do bring out alot of patches, they seem to care for there games
- Mods and lots of them
- I want to use the SDK

It seems rather silly (eventhough logical in some way) to me how people judge only things like graphics and usually forget about all the rest.
Originally posted by Faravid
That's because you're american, you americans just like GTAs and such with loads of fireworks, sex, drugs and illegal stuff + of course the normal FPS deathmatch games. :D

The trailer was just a tech show, I do like the idea of the game + the freedom and all, so I'm waiting for it with high anticipation.

I'm American. I'm looking forward to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
...For example

I wont buy Doom 3 cus
- Multiplayer is going to suck
- Not replayable (Theres only so many times I can see the same thing come from the same place and do the same things, like the monster comeing out of the wall, it will allways happan)

But I will buy Hl2 cus
- Mutliplayer will rock
- Valve do bring out alot of patches, they seem to care for there games
- Mods and lots of them
- I want to use the SDK


Oh look, some one's a freakin' psychic. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by CheapAssStrat
I'm American. I'm looking forward to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Oh look, some ones a freakin' psychic. :rolleyes:

No "someone" knows, along with everyone else in world apart from you, that D3 uses scripts, all the prettys when people bash down doors, jump out from under a grateing, comeing out of the wall, that will happan every time you play the game

and we allready know MP will be small (afew people.. under a 2 digit number) as they have said it themselves, and that kind of mp does not interest me

:dozey: So shut up as im not going to reply too a "But ___" point you might feel like saying.. bleh
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
No "someone" knows, along with everyone else in world apart from you, that D3 uses scripts, all the prettys when people bash down doors, jump out from under a grateing, comeing out of the wall, that will happan every time you play the game

and we allready know MP will be small (afew people.. under a 2 digit number) as they have said it themselves, and that kind of mp does not interest me

:dozey: So shut up as im not going to reply too a "But ___" point you might feel like saying.. bleh

Riiiiight... so despite the fact that there are tons of previews from journalists who have actually played Doom 3 single player and multi-player and would disagree with what you think it will be like, you know that it will suck.

Okay, oh wise one. :rolleyes:

There you have it ladies and gentlemen, fanboyism at its worst.
Originally posted by CheapAssStrat
Riiiiight... so despite the fact that there are tons of previews from journalists who have actually played Doom 3 single player and multi-player and whould dissagree with what you think it will be like, you know that it will suck.

Okay, oh wise one. :rolleyes:

Oh oh, hang on a second! Ah ha, I knew I heard, that OPINION has been around here again, well there you have it, my OPINION says doom 3 will SUCK. ASS. your opinoion, or one of a review, can go do whatever they want, I would not give a shit if you complain about my post if I said "It will suck and everyone who thinks different is wrong, cus it sucks"

Infact, come to think about it, I never even said it WILL suck, naw did I say SP will suck, It will good the 1st few times I guess, my god your putting words in my mouth, I only stated I think Multiplayer will suck, DUE TO MY OPINION as its not going to be very big, e.g not many people, so I would not like it.

But I guess you forgot to read that bit
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
...I wont buy Doom 3 cus
- Multiplayer is going to suck
- Not replayable (Theres only so many times I can see the same thing come from the same place and do the same things, like the monster comeing out of the wall, it will allways happan)

Yes, as we can see, you clearly stated this as your opinion. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by CheapAssStrat
Yes, as we can see, you clearly stated this as your opinion. :rolleyes:

Guess what ****tard, I could also say

"Where in my post did I say it was NOT my opinion"

See why this is not going to end? Fool.

*goes to bed now*
Now name calling?

If you struggle it will only make it harder!!! :E

Sweet dreams princess.
Originally posted by Faravid
That's because you're american, you americans just like GTAs and such with loads of fireworks, sex, drugs and illegal stuff + of course the normal FPS deathmatch games. :D

The trailer was just a tech show, I do like the idea of the game + the freedom and all, so I'm waiting for it with high anticipation.

I don't own GTA. I have no want or need to play GTA. Thank you for trying to make yourself look smart, but in turn, you made yourself look like an ignorant asshole.

If you read my post below the one I made, I said I'm basing it on that latest trailer, it looks slow, that's all I said. I also stated that I'm basing that on WHAT I'VE SEEN, I will probably buy it, and enjoy it.

Thanks for the idiotic stereotype, it really added to your post.

Edit: And what the hell is wrong with people? Americans are no better or worse than you *insert country here* people.. get off your high horse, and stop forming stereotypes from the lesser intelligent in the US.
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