Dile's words

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Originally posted by Shuzer
ph34r t3h cute is a she :)

I could have sworn that he/she refered to her/himself as a HIM.

Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
Ahhh right, I see how, like on DOD alt aim, looking down the sight *rolls his eyes* Yea.. bad idea in hl2, wrong kind of weapons
lol, ah. I read ph34r's post, and when he originally posted it said *rolls her eyes*, so I had assumed, but then there's this edit:

edit: My gender got messed up, thats frightening..

Last edited by ph34r t3h cute on 06-11-2003 at 11:18 PM

Anyhow, I edited my post and removed the statement
Originally posted by Shuzer
lol, ah. I read ph34r's post, and when he originally posted it said *rolls her eyes*, so I had assumed, but then there's this edit:

Anyhow, I edited my post and removed the statement

gotchya, sorry didnt mean to correct you, I was merely curious myself... a girl?!!?! lols lols tere gurls here?!!?

as for the arguement at hand I have this to add:

Cant get along we friendlies all? (edit: forgot these)
Friendlies, I anticipate that moderation assistants will rule the discussion of HL2 board! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
I could have sworn that he/she refered to her/himself as a HIM.

I freaking hope Im not a she O.o

edit: Yea It was a typo on one of my posts, no harm done! :cheers:
I love it when people argue. I also love it when they get along.

I am weird.

Let's all be, to use supertrooper's unique term, freindlies.

And I reckon all the upcoming games have something going for them, but ultimately, we'll have to wait until they come out to see how they perform. I can't for the life of me stand any more WWII shooters, though.

HL2's still going to rule them all, though.:E
All of those games deserve a purchase, but you are all forgetting about one game that is going to rock as well.

Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault...

It has alot of revolutionary features to it.

check out GameTrailers to get the tech demo vids
Originally posted by southparksam
All of those games deserve a purchase, but you are all forgetting about one game that is going to rock as well.

Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault...

It has alot of revolutionary features to it.

check out GameTrailers to get the tech demo vids

I got $45 that says this thread gets locked and the mod request you don't kick up old threads
Originally posted by Dile
FORGET THE GRAPHICS, MORONS, its not the graphics that will make HL2 a milestone!

He's so right. It's not about the graphics....

It's about the physics! :cheers:
Are you guys crazy?! The HL-2 graphics are amazing, they are extremely cinematic! The character animation is beautiful, and as oppose to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. which is all lighting without any umph behind the game, HL-2 has both a good physics engine & graphics engine.

id software and Carmack think they can make a good game by simply overloading it with polygons, and the price to pay for that is they've had to cut down massivily on openess in the game just to make it a sensibile size and runable on peoples PC's. DooM3 has hardly any Open areas and the story is extremely linear with only set ways of doing things. Half-Life 2 has beautiful graphics and is really open, you people are just angry that you haven't got HL-2 yet so you are trying to find anything to complain about, crying because it's being delayed 6 months, making out because of the delay it wont compare?

Out of all the FPS out there HL-2 looks the best.
Originally posted by mortiz
Are you guys crazy?! The HL-2 graphics are amazing, they are extremely cinematic! The character animation is beautiful, and as oppose to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. which is all lighting without any umph behind the game, HL-2 has both a good physics engine & graphics engine.

id software and Carmack think they can make a good game by simply overloading it with polygons, and the price to pay for that is they've had to cut down massivily on openess in the game just to make it a sensibile size and runable on peoples PC's. DooM3 has hardly any Open areas and the story is extremely linear with only set ways of doing things. Half-Life 2 has beautiful graphics and is really open, you people are just angry that you haven't got HL-2 yet so you are trying to find anything to complain about, crying because it's being delayed 6 months, making out because of the delay it wont compare?

Out of all the FPS out there HL-2 looks the best.

I tend to agree, however, STALKER does look a little more visual appealing (from what we've seen of HL2 vs STALKER).. oh well, HL2 does have the best player models IMO :)

I'd hardly call HL2, STALKER or even Doom 3 cinematic, though
I am Gabe Newell. Half-Life 2 is releasing tomorrow.

(I wish ... for the second part only :cheese: )
Originally posted by mortiz
Out of all the FPS out there HL-2 looks the best.
I don't know what future you're from, but this is the year 2003 and HL2 is not out yet.

Off-topic: the thread received only a 2 week bump. IMO, that's acceptable. But I let the mods decide.
Originally posted by Arno
I don't know what future you're from, but this is the year 2003 and HL2 is not out yet.

Off-topic: the thread received only a 2 week bump. IMO, that's acceptable. But I let the mods decide.

He was basing his assumption on what he's seen, obviously. Either that or the stolen build.. ;)

Anyhow, yeah, this topic actually makes for some good conversational pieces
I can't understand what some people are saying about HL2's graphics. I just don't see how it is inferior to any other game. I especially don't get it when people post up screenshots of other games as proof of how great those graphics are...
Like this:

uh... wow. The characters have higher detail textures than the backgrounds. The colour is dull and uninteresting (read: ugly). The character model looks stiff. The colours of the sky have no effect on the objects in the world. There is no visual consistency in lighting, polygon detail, texture detail or composition. That's great.

I'm not attacking Stalker, that's just the way I see it. Those who say that HL2 is inferior to anything might have their own reasons why. I just hate it when they have to constantly talk/argue about as if it were fact.
No one, in this thread, said "STALKER PWNS HL2!", but, anyhow. If you're referring to my statement, I'm all for believing HL2 will look just as good as STALKER in the final product. However, what VALVe has shown us isn't QUITE as impressive as STALKER, environment wise.
Originally posted by Shuzer
No one, in this thread, said "STALKER PWNS HL2!", but, anyhow. If you're referring to my statement, I'm all for believing HL2 will look just as good as STALKER in the final product. However, what VALVe has shown us isn't QUITE as impressive as STALKER, environment wise.

.. :angel: I wasn't attacking anybody here, the discussion was about others (and there are others) who say HL2 graphics are inferior. I guess I just sounded argumentative the way I posted.
Originally posted by Styloid
.. :angel: I wasn't attacking anybody here, the discussion was about others (and there are others) who say HL2 graphics are inferior. I guess I just sounded argumentative the way I posted.

ahh.. kay, just checking :) I still think HL2 > Far Cry > STALKER > D3

In order of my anticipation! Graphics wise, I think they're all on par with eachother in different respects

Ive played Call Of Duty, and finished it, and i think it's a pretty awesome game compared to the Meda Of Honor series. I would like it if they competed with MOHRS both graphics/ai wise to give us the ultimate War-Like experience. I played MOHAA and didnt think it was really that great, especially with all the bugs it had, but COD offers an immersive experience. I remember when i was in a building being fired upon by german tanks and german infantry were storming up the stairs in droves... unforgettable.

As for anyone comparing it graphics wise to games like DEx2, HL2 and D3, you have to remember that they didnt create the game to compete with these other titles, they created it to compete with the MOH series, and in my opinnion, i think they succeeded.

Im looking forward to Doom 3, Half Life 2 and Stalker this year, however, im not looking forward to that costly computer upgrade... :S

I think ill get a Radeon 9600 XT before it's too late and my Nvidia Geforce 4 Ti 4200 kicks the bucket performance wise.

Originally posted by Shuzer
I don't own GTA. I have no want or need to play GTA. Thank you for trying to make yourself look smart, but in turn, you made yourself look like an ignorant asshole.

If you read my post below the one I made, I said I'm basing it on that latest trailer, it looks slow, that's all I said. I also stated that I'm basing that on WHAT I'VE SEEN, I will probably buy it, and enjoy it.

Thanks for the idiotic stereotype, it really added to your post.

Edit: And what the hell is wrong with people? Americans are no better or worse than you *insert country here* people.. get off your high horse, and stop forming stereotypes from the lesser intelligent in the US.

Thanks, that's exactly what I aimed at. :)
What's with the far cry craze? I don't get it. It just looks pretty bland to me. Wasn't that engine a geforce benchmark ages ago? Personally it's not all graphics. Operation Flashpoint e.g. wasn't that purdy but it was one intense game! Call of Duty was just a lame quake3engine'd ruboff..
Operation Flashpoint

I have to disagree, i think operation flashpoint aint the best game either, i played it with a Geforce 4 Ti 4200 and the graphics absolutely sucked, you could see a russian soldier a mile away because of the huge cube-like polygons.

What was the major AI in Operation Flashpoint? Duck and cover. You walked around the edge of a building, the crummy soldier would take about 3 seconds to get his fat ass on the ground and then decide to fire, except by that time i had put a bullet in his head.

Not to mention the fact that the gameplay was bland as all hell... walk this way, shoot soldier, drive car to end of level and then shoot a bunch of soldiers all over again... ive seen duke nukem run offs that had better gameplay. Alot of people say that graphics dont mean anything in a game but i have to disagree again, i think better, more realistic graphics make for a much more intense, beleiveable experience and add to the overall greatness of a game.

If COD was a lame quake 3 runoff then Operation Flashpoint was a lame game altogether, At least COD had the graphics and the intensity, not fat ass russian ploygons throwing themselves on the ground every chance they could get. Alot of people say that graphics dont mean anything in a game but i have to disagree again, i think better, more realistic graphics make for a much more intense, beleiveable experience and add to the overall greatness of a game.

Im not a huge fan of COD, im just giving credit where credit is due.

Was it just me or did anyway else not like Call of Duty. It's almost the exact same game as MOH, only you are in different missions, on different teams.

Yep, I didn't like CoD either.
Please don't kick up threads that are two months old.

It's not on the front page anymore for a reason. That reason being the discussion has stopped and fizzled out.
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