Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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Red bull makes my teeth feel like they're falling out.

It's the same feeling for me with Rockstar. I hate those energy drinks, they're way to sweet/sour but hey for about 10 bucks those things will get you destroyed. Better to buy 4 or 5 Rockstar Vodkas then a mickey cuz it tastes better and you dont have to worry about finding a chaser.
Kids and your alcoholism these days, back when we were young, if you wanted to feel drunk you'd put your head up against the microwave and set it for 15 minutes.

I'm hairy.
I have some nice candid photos of Dave in various states of undress.
*snore* zzk- wait, wait what? Are we talking about phobie's cakes?
Ooh, I just remembered this scrunchy face pic I've got!!! I know it was quite a while ago when Phobes posted who scrunchy face but never mind!!!

Also, before when I said about not posting a pic because of my spots, they hardly show so I'm going to post it after all!!

Ah, year, that's just one of my Ville Valo posters that I was standing in front of. I have a whole wall dedicated to him because he's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sexeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111
Thats me... errrr, so is there a prize up for grabs? I want prize for looking goofy with a smirk


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Ah, year, that's just one of my Ville Valo posters that I was standing in front of. I have a whole wall dedicated to him because he's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sexeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

Here is my proof of how much i love Ville:

Btw does anyone here mod? I need recruits... like seriously, ive posted an add, angolan border war mod??? anyone know of it?
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