Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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Me when I was younger.
I'm the 2nd one to the left. :P
haha, worst school uniform ever. I thought you were at space camp or something.
Every one knows space is an hoax. Does anyone want a photograph of a photograph of me at age, like, really small?
Oh lawdy what a beautiful mawnin'!



Going down stairs holy crap


Mmm garden flavour


Bawww mini-me!

13, hmm? Killing one so young would be a horrendous crime. Maybe I was premature in my desires to kill you. Abuse and captivity would be much more suitable.
So true. I don't want our relationship to end so quickly! <3

But Farrow is a horrible man! I know it... he has captured me before... I still have memories... oh the memories ;(
I barely managed to escape alive.
I am on the left.

...hang on, Imageshack sucks.

Let me work out wtf is going on.

I'm not a terrorist, it was just fsking cold. ;___;
Psh, the little kid is able to handle the weather but you can't?!
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