Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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Other people had much, much worse challenges than me.
One guy had to build a raft out of various stuff from around the office and the skip outside and had to make it across the (very wide) canal outside the office. Suffice to say he didn't make it across and this was in Docklands (in case you know London) so the water was really, really nasty and he probably caught scabies or leprosy or something.
so the water was really, really nasty and he probably caught scabies or leprosy or something.

It's not that bad there. I mean, people only piss in it. He's probably more likely to have got HIV or something.

By cyberpitz, shot with Canon PowerShot A630 at 2007-11-09
We were all ripped off. We asked for cock pictures, we got envelope cock. Not into that.
Be thankful you got that! I was actually tempted to post the real thing, and you guys just can't handle it.
I think it was worth it just to hear Pitz on the mic telling his roommate to include the balls in the shot.

Lawl cheap rip of another thread

Lemme get the actual picture, it's here somewhere...

EDIT: There we go.


That one's bit less than a year old, only thing that changed is that I now have a... How do you call the thing when you shave your chin and then let it grow for a day or two so it just looks like black dots?


Someone post The Brick's D: pic!!! Doo eet!
You look a little bit like the Sniper there Angry :P


Want to borrow the hat?


  • hat.JPG
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Had a haircut today. Thus I shall not post a mug. As it would be too mugly.

I'm in the middle. Late-night hookah in the cold.
Me and my friends . Can you guess witch one is me lol. The second pic we had no idea we were in front of a Cleaners till we saw the pics on our computers the day after hahaha.

Requesting an un-photoshopped version so you don't look like a hooker.

That's right, I went there.

You went there? Went to her house and actually found out she was a real live hooker?


I'm actually a vocalist, but I don't have any (good) photos of me with a microphone.

-Angry Lawyer
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