Discuss new movie here

Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
yea the e3 vids, and the steam vids were made a year ago. So unless your here to complain about the AI, physics, or gameplay STFU. Cause the graphics will be fixed. Dont complain about the graphics.

We can discuss the graphics in the video if we want. Theres no harm in discussing them, people can choose not to take part.

When the 2 men following gordon go through the first doorway the second mans shadow appears on the wrong side of the wall.

From another topic ages ago, someone wanted to know if the combines soldiers dropped their weapons when they died. See attchd.


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Why do people get so bent out of shape over criticism? If anything, people complaining over little things is a good sign; it means that their are no huge flaws within the game. And if we all just stood around and said the video was perfect would valve have any incentive to fix the small glitches? I think most people here found the video to be great, but it was not without it's flaws.
Originally posted by qckbeam
Why do people get so bent out of shape over criticism? If anything, people complaining over little things is a good sign; it means that their are no huge flaws within the game. And if we all just stood around and said the video was perfect would valve have any incentive to fix the small glitches? I think most people here found the video to be great, but it was not without it's flaws.

It is good to criticize some one elses work, but these people are watching these videos (sometimes frame by frame) looking for bugs and glitches (which may or may not have even been apparent when in motion) so that is kind of overkill don't you think
lol, i didnt say dont talk about the graphics. I said dont complain about them.
IIRC detail and LOD levels are set dynamically to achieve a target FPS. Correct? We may well be able to set LOD to a further distance by the time HL2 is out since the machines they were running on were 2 GHz IIRC.
I think it's funny how the combine soldiers stop shooting now and then just to point in astonishment at the people shooting at them.
Im pretty sure i read in the valve info thread that you could turn off lod but i may be wrong
The bugs people are talking about are small ones, but if left alone they can break the suspension of disbelief. The LOD bug is very obvious to me, as is the shadow on the wrong side of the wall bug. So was the flare. I don't think anyone has done anything that could be called overkill.
Originally posted by -*Mi6*-Mr_Matt
I think it's funny how the combine soldiers stop shooting now and then just to point in astonishment at the people shooting at them.

Did you notice all of them point, kinda fuxxored.
Originally posted by qckbeam
The bugs people are talking about are small ones, but if left alone they can break the suspension of disbelief. The LOD bug is very obvious to me, as is the shadow on the wrong side of the wall bug. So was the flare. I don't think anyone has done anything that could be called overkill.

That supposed car bug becuase the wheel went thru the ground.
whats LOD? Im not good with abreviations, or how ever you spell that word
Originally posted by qckbeam
The bugs people are talking about are small ones, but if left alone they can break the suspension of disbelief. The LOD bug is very obvious to me, as is the shadow on the wrong side of the wall bug. So was the flare. I don't think anyone has done anything that could be called overkill.
I didn't mean in these instances necessarily but come on, noticing the little white dots on the gmans neck, wtf i didn't see em' until some said something about it, and even then i had to stop the video and look for them
Originally posted by -*Mi6*-Mr_Matt
I think it's funny how the combine soldiers stop shooting now and then just to point in astonishment at the people shooting at them.

They are very big fans of star wars. They are trying todo a jedi mind trick on gordon or take his weapon. But it doesnt work and they have a very short memory, 10 secs later they try it again.

LOD = Level of Detail

I noticed the gmans neck straight away. It was very obvious. Things like that wont hinder game play but they are still errors/glitches/problems.
LOD= level of detail, meaning that high poly models will be high up close but will change to an identical lower poly (cpu friendly) model as they get further away and out of normal viewing distance
I don't even see a bug in this pic, wtf is it?

Originally posted by Innervision961
I didn't mean in these instances necessarily but come on, noticing the little white dots on the gmans neck, wtf i didn't see em' until some said something about it, and even then i had to stop the video and look for them
Come on...it's no big deal. What else are we gonna talk about until HL2 hits the shelves?

Originally posted by nw909
I don't even see a bug in this pic, wtf is it?

The car's wheels appear to be clipping through the ground. Not a big deal really.
Originally posted by nw909
I don't even see a bug in this pic, wtf is it?


Look at the wheels. The back one looks ok it just looks like a flat tire, but the one on the pavement looks a bit bad.
I have to say that the white dots seemed to jump out at me when I saw the video, but it didn't bother me as much becuse it's an easy fix and you will never get that close to the g-man in the game (I think). I'm sure that has been fixed though.
Originally posted by qckbeam
I have to say that the white dots seemed to jump out at me when I saw the video, but it didn't bother me as much becuse it's an easy fix and you will never get that close to the g-man in the game (I think). I'm sure that has been fixed though.

You do know 6 vids have came out since then.

and that comment came out of nowhere.
What do you mean that comment came out of nowhere, Innervision961 brought up the white dots on the g-mans neck, I responded to it.
well by the time I typed in my response others had posted here. Is there some rule against posting responses to posts that are farther up the page or something?
Ok, well anyway,

I found a nitpicky shit that you all must notice!!!111

When gordon throws the grenade, the recycle bin dissapears omg valve you sux fix this or I won't buy hl2.
The car was put in the gound by the person who maped it. If it was above the ground and fell onto it then there would not be cliping. It was just set into the ground during mapping im pretty sure. All they need to do is just open up the map with an editor and lift the car.

Not a bug but a mistake.

If I remember correct you can change the LOD manually. Even turn it off. If you have a nice vid card you may be able to do just that.

That picture of the LOD is not a bug it is how LOD works it lowered the polly count on that object to increase framerate. It looks fine in both pictures anyways.
Originally posted by Anwar
The car was put in the gound by the person who maped it. If it was above the ground and fell onto it then there would not be cliping. It was just set into the ground during mapping im pretty sure. All they need to do is just open up the map with an editor and lift the car.

But the car is moveable, that means it would have dropped onto the map.

Im sorry, Im a huge fan of HL2, but the LOD in this vid...was not very good. When Gordon's across the street, the building walls look like trash...It makes me sad ;( I have to keep watching it so I can find something that actually looks good in this video.

Yes the fog looks good, It actually looks friggin tight, its just the walls and the color and stuff, they just arent eye catching, looks bland.

Originally posted by SerialCarpens
Im sorry, Im a huge fan of HL2, but the LOD in this vid...was not very good. When Gordon's across the street, the building walls look like trash...It makes me sad ;( I have to keep watching it so I can find something that actually looks good in this video.

Yes the fog looks good, It actually looks friggin tight, its just the walls and the color and stuff, they just arent eye catching, looks bland.

ok.. lets see you make HL2 buddy
Im used to lod, i'll never be bothered by it, so HL2 will still be awesome for me in every aspect.
Originally posted by adio2001
And when the guy gets killed by the turret he falls differently than the e3 gamespy vid.

No one seemed to see this post, but it seems quite important. I looked at the way all the dead bodies fell and they all did it differently.

This proves that what we are seeing is not exactly the same stuff as in E3. The different ways of falling is an example of the half life 2 chaos mechanism, but that means the movie must have been 'made' again, otherwise they would have fallen the same way again. So a guy with a mouse could not have made all the same movements so exact.

It seems that there is not a guy with a mouse making a recording, but every movement, every look, every shot, is programmed. This tells us reams about the flexibility of the source and of the way modders will be able to utilize it to program a player so perfectly.
Re: Re: HL2 GOING DOWN HILL!??!??!

Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
ok.. lets see you make HL2 buddy

Dude, im not bitching, im just a little dissapointed. What do you think?
Level of Detail, how things look farther away, as you get closer the models become more detailed, far away they are like blocks.
It seems that there is not a guy with a mouse making a recording, but every movement, every look, every shot, is programmed. This tells us reams about the flexibility of the source and of the way modders will be able to utilize it to program a player so perfectly.

No, these are the same demos that were recorded long ago: it's when they are played through the engine that minor things are different, both because of different interpolation and a bit of chaos in the physics. The other major difference is in the tunnels vid: the guy on fire just falls over, not falling down into the pit.

This is the same now outdated build of the engine as they used in e3, and the same demo sequences that they recorded almost a year ago.

As for new vids... didn't Gabe say that there would be no new footage at ECTS? That's at the end of the month. That means that this entire month will just be barricade, buggy, and strider. Unless he was being snarky and hinting that new footage would come out BEFORE ECTS, and so the footage there wouldn't be new. But that's not likely. :(
Why do you people care about the LoD? I hardly noticed it (My eyes were going everywhere). Don't concentrate on the little 'details' for crying out loud.

Enjoy it.
Originally posted by Apos
No, these are the same demos that were recorded long ago: it's when they are played through the engine that minor things are different, both because of different interpolation and a bit of chaos in the physics. The other major difference is in the tunnels vid: the guy on fire just falls over, not falling down into the pit.

That just proves my point. All the actions have been coded so that they can be run through the engine again so the chaos generation can come into play and produce different results. This shows that actions can be recorded and played back through the engine, which is good news for modders.

I don't know where that 'no' comes from, it's almost as if you're disagreeing with me...
Ooo, wait, I think I found something. Anyone notice the EEEEE sound after Gordon tosses a grenade at the 2 Combine? I think its his ears ringing.
I don't know where that 'no' comes from, it's almost as if you're disagreeing with me...

You seemed to be implying that the PC was actually scripted and planned out, as opposed to just being captured gameplay.
Originally posted by FatCombine
Why do you people care about the LoD? I hardly noticed it (My eyes were going everywhere). Don't concentrate on the little 'details' for crying out loud.

Enjoy it.

Exactly, enjoy the vid, don't complain about all teh shit

and about the EEEE sound we think is the combine dieing sound or something, it happens whenever you see a combine die.