Discuss new movie here

Originally posted by |MaTT|
One thing i noticed about thie vid.... Some people in the past have mentioned that the grenade gordon throws explodes with too much force and throws the combine soldier too far and that the guy playing the game cant aim for some reason (low fps or bad aim or whatever). Now we have the direct feed of the sequence we can see why!

When gordon first runs across the street you can see a bunch of red barrels behind the combine just to the right. Now in your typical FPS game a red barrel usually explodes when shot. Notice as gordon runs across the street he isnt firing directly at the combine but at the barrels behind him??? Then when gordon throws the grenade he throws it behind the combine in the hope of exploding those barrels. When gordon runs back to the left again you notice no more barrels? Exploded?

Im just posting this in the hope of disproving 2 points mentioned before, one of them in this thread.

I jsut checked. I didnt see any barrels.

care to screencap?
The thing where the end of the street looks weird, maybe it's the sea there(!)
That would make sense, don't you think?
Just a thought :-P

I just watched the movie again, and there are no red barrels, how ever, there are a brown table the Combines have flipped over for use as cover. It looks kinda red, but it's brown or similair.

And another thing, why does everyone keep complaining about clipping issues?! Oki the shadow thing is a bug they need to fix, but like in a small second when Barneys gun is a inch into his body, that's not a big issue, and it doesn't affect gameplay.
Yeah a busy city street goes to rubble and then a sea... right :/

Good guess though
Originally posted by tewmten
The thing where the end of the street looks weird, maybe it's the sea there(!)
That would make sense, don't you think?
Just a thought :-P

It's just an incomplete map. The Player obviously wasn't meant to look down there. Plenty of time to fix it before Release.
Originally posted by smilez
Yeah a busy city street goes to rubble and then a sea... right :/

Good guess though

City 17 is a coastal town.

And ya know, it could just be a hill.
I've just watched it again to look for the barrels, but I'm quite sure you mean the tipped table that the combine use for cover.

I've noticed something new: open the vid and just watch the gunmodel the player has in his hands. When he sits in the building and the 2 resistance fighters come in crouchewalking, he turns his view and you can see the gun model twitching, as if you have low fps. I checked with the Bink player, I had 27fps average, slowest fps was 23.8. So it couldn't be my end. Just watch the player model throughout the whole video (i know, hard to take your eyes off of the action) and you'll notice for sure.

Allright I'm nitpicking but I just feel like discussing it, hope you guys bother to watch it again :)
The "EEEEEEE" sound you hear after throwing the grenade and blowing those two guys away is a flatline sound coming from their suits i think. They must be carrying some kind of HEV suit. You can hear it when gordon shoots the other guys in the end of the video.

With "guys" i mean "combine" i think.

Remember in HL1 when you died you heard that flatline sound?

Cool! :)

First post BTW. Hello everyone!
Originally posted by FatCombine
Ooo, wait, I think I found something. Anyone notice the EEEEE sound after Gordon tosses a grenade at the 2 Combine? I think its his ears ringing.

Has been discussed, the combine soldiers wear hev suits.
Originally posted by G-Man
Has been discussed, the combine soldiers wear hev suits.

Uh.. this certainly hasn't been confirmed. If they wore HEV suits, it'd be a lot more obvious. I think it's just some kind of life support taken from the HEV suit technology.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Uh.. this certainly hasn't been confirmed. If they wore HEV suits, it'd be a lot more obvious. I think it's just some kind of life support taken from the HEV suit technology.

ok im just assuming but in hl1 when you got killed yr suit made the same noise, and seeing how the combine soldiers make use of technology im guessing they would also be using a hev suit?
I'm starting to beleive this too, the more I watch it the more apparent it becomes. But I'm going more along the lines of what Abom said. If they WERE wearing an HEV suit, it would be far more obvious.
Dunno if its already been said but I just had a look at the video again and noticed sumthing......barney is wearing the same cloths as the combine soldiers just minus the mask, everything from what i can see is the same. What does this mean?
i disslike the AI movment ive seen better moving in AI in orther games. but im sure it will look good in final like your all going to say it was filmed one year ago. :D
yea... yea... lol you get the point... just tried to advoid a flame war over AI :D
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Uh.. this certainly hasn't been confirmed. If they wore HEV suits, it'd be a lot more obvious. I think it's just some kind of life support taken from the HEV suit technology.

I agree completely
This is in reply to what qckbeam said way back on one of the first pages of this thread (I read the whole thing).

I hope that in the final version, when you nade a guy into the air, or he falls from a great height, that you'll hear him crunch or at least thud. Also, why didn't the Flying Combine effect the car when he landed on it, even subtly?? Maybe that was something that hadn't developed yet, but I don't know how that would explain it because all the other physics effects seemed to in place in this build. Hopefully for the sake of being consistent and more realistic, this will be fixed/implemented.
Maybe not HEV but probably PCV which in turn links into my whole Adrian Shepard is part of the Combine theory.
Originally posted by dis
This is in reply to what qckbeam said way back on one of the first pages of this thread (I read the whole thing).

I hope that in the final version, when you nade a guy into the air, or he falls from a great height, that you'll hear him crunch or at least thud. Also, why didn't the Flying Combine effect the car when he landed on it, even subtly?? Maybe that was something that hadn't developed yet, but I don't know how that would explain it because all the other physics effects seemed to in place in this build. Hopefully for the sake of being consistent and more realistic, this will be fixed/implemented.

The cars flat on the floor, its suspension is screwed up and the tires are flat, that car isnt gonna move much.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Maybe not HEV but probably PCV which in turn links into my whole Adrian Shepard is part of the Combine theory.

I think Adrian Shepard is still locked up somewhere. Maybe in a Prison. And maybe you have to rescue him. With some help from some Ant Lions. Maybe.

Just speculation.
Nah, Adrian Shepard could bust his way out of prison with jsut his toothbrush.

Plus GMan wouldnt waste his skills like that if he had control over him.
G Man wanted to have control of him but his employers wouldn't let him.

His employers wanted to get rid of Shephard but G-man argued to perserve him... For a time.
surly they can't leave him out, all the character who escaped black mesa are in city-17 - G-man, the two scientists, barney and gordon.
Originally posted by Feath
I think Adrian Shepard is still locked up somewhere. Maybe in a Prison. And maybe you have to rescue him. With some help from some Ant Lions. Maybe.

Just speculation.
I honestly don't think we'll meet Shepard - not yet at least. As an expansion pack maybe, but we don't know what he looks like so other than being told that this anonymous person is Shepard I don't quite see how it'd work. Plus, he wouldn't be able to talk as we never heard him before and it should be left that way.
Originally posted by El_Chi
I honestly don't think we'll meet Shepard - not yet at least. As an expansion pack maybe, but we don't know what he looks like so other than being told that this anonymous person is Shepard I don't quite see how it'd work. Plus, he wouldn't be able to talk as we never heard him before and it should be left that way.

Alyx or some other character could talk about him.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Maybe not HEV but probably PCV which in turn links into my whole Adrian Shepard is part of the Combine theory.

Now that makes a lot more sense. The PCV technology doesn't stand out that much and you wouldn't even notice it. So wouldn't Adrian be with the combine? I mean if they're using the same technology.
Its not as if Adrian was the ONLY guy with a PCV suit... I mean ever US Marine apparently was equipped with them. Adrian was a lowly grunt guys, I dont think him being with the combine would be the reason they have human-esque guns.
Originally posted by SilentKilla
I hate to say it but who the hell is Adrian Shepard.. :dozey:

The guy you play in Half-Life: Opposing Force.
i dunno if this has been posted or not, but i recall talks about what kind of gun gordon had in the tunnels vid. some people said flare and so fourth, much like the one in barricades. well now we can see that the guy who shoots the flare off uses some sort of pistol and not what gordon had. so there could be other types of flare guns but i thought i would point it out.

also on the lod side when gordon walks through the inside of the building the right side lods and the left you can see the inconsistant texture on the wall. it looks like there is a model in place of a brush.

from looking at the walls i see alot of texture repeating, did they say anything about random texture placement being used?

i think that this video in particular is not apart of the game. just by the end of the world on the right and i didn't notice an overpowering combine tower.

you couldnt tell what he was useing from that hieght. it was most likly the same thing.....its an incidinary(sp) grenade launcher. It lights ppl on fire.
also on the lod side when gordon walks through the inside of the building the right side lods and the left you can see the inconsistant texture on the wall. it looks like there is a model in place of a brush.
For the last time, you people need to stop concentrating on these 'minor' flaws. Enjoy the video for the love of doughnuts.
its an incidinary(sp) grenade launcher. It lights ppl on fire.
How would you know? If it really is some kind of 'GL' then shouldn't the grenade itself exlode on impact? I didn't see that. The first shot missed and the second one hit the Combine dead center and he caught on fire. I think they are just flares put into a 'modified' gun to launch them as a weapon.
Originally posted by G-Man
surly they can't leave him out, all the character who escaped black mesa are in city-17 - G-man, the two scientists, barney and gordon.

I just realised that the 2 scientists they were talking about were the ones in the jeep at the end of Blue Shift right? Thats pretty cool. What ever happened to Rosenburg then?
The way the Combine fell and landed on the street is just priceless. My only complaint is that there "wasn't enough cow bell".
You do all realise that the "Combine" is the fortress taking over city17 not the soldiers. So the "men" you fight are the Combine's soldiers but they are not the combine.

And the sky to the right on barricade is just the coast. :)
Oh wow i hadn't thought of that, the combine is actually harvesting the city, so that would fit.

I think you guys have forgot about the PVC technology, i'm sure alyx will be wearing that at some stage...:cheese:
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
I just realised that the 2 scientists they were talking about were the ones in the jeep at the end of Blue Shift right? Thats pretty cool. What ever happened to Rosenburg then?

Well, the 3 scientists to escape in Blue Shift were Walter, Simmons and Rosenberg.

Walter could be the same as "Dr Kliener". But Simmons is a completely different name to Eli Vance, and his leg is intact.

I think more scientists escaped.
you couldnt tell what he was useing from that hieght. it was most likly the same thing.....its an incidinary(sp) grenade launcher. It lights ppl on fire.

actually i could. i doubt that he would be holding up the grenade gun in one hand like this, and the pistol like size. (picture attached) plus when he falls the pistol falls too.

For the last time, you people need to stop concentrating on these 'minor' flaws. Enjoy the video for the love of doughnuts.

please don't respond if you just want to make a smartass comment. the title of this thread is discuss new movie here, not stick your tubby butt in the way. :afro: